TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (7/11): Lilly’s report on Grace Open Challenge, Dempsey vs. Wentz

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


JULY 11, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Clips of last week’s show.

-We picked up from the end of last week’s show, where it was revealed that Ryan Nemeth was the one who was recording Frankie Kazarian. Nic Nemeth showed up and beat up Frankie before security finally pulled him off.

-Jordynne Grace came out for her open challenge. Izzi Dame from NXT answered the challenge.

(1) JORDYNNE GRACE (c) vs. IZZI DAME — TNA Wrestling Knockouts Title match

The Concierge came out and insulted the crowd and talked about Ash By Elegance being on vacation. He said she would be watching via satellite from a resort. The crowd booed. A video of Ash from the Bahamas was shown in the corner of the screen.

They had a test of strength early. Grace blocked a suplex and hit a suplex on Dame. Grace followed with another suplex and clotheslined Dame over the top rope. They battled on the floor. Grace went after the Concierge. He backed up into Rosemary, who chased him up the ramp.

Back in the ring, Dame had the advantage and rammed Grace into the corner. Dame got a two count after a suplex. Grace made a comeback and pummeled Dame. Dame dropped Grace with a kick to get out of a Juggernaut Driver attempt.

They traded punches. Grace gave Dame a Death Valley Driver followed by a Juggernaut Driver for the pin.

WINNER: Jordynne Grace in 9:00.

(D.L.’s Take: There wasn’t much to the match, but it was a way to keep the TNA/NXT relationship going.)

-Santino Marella was shown looking at his watch and waiting. [c]

-Santino picked names for tonight’s wild card main event. It turned out to be Josh Alexander & Joe Hendry vs. Steve Maclin & Moose.


A clip was shown of the Rascalz reunion from NXT on Tuesday. Fans chanted “NXT!” when Dempsey entered the ring. Wentz took Dempsey to the mat early. Dempsey chopped and suplexed Wentz. Dempsey worked on Wentz’s arm. Fans chanted “TNA” to rally Wentz. .Wentz made a comeback and got a two count. Myles Borne attacked Wentz at ringside. Dempsey used the distraction to get the pin.

WINNER: Charlie Dempsey in 4:00.

Dempsey and Borne attacked Wentz.

-The System cut a promo and said they would face the Hardys next week. Moose told JDC that he impressed him. Moose talked about facing Alexander and Hendry tonight. [c]

-Dempsey and Borne cut a promo calling themselves the most dominant faction in wrestling. They were joined by Tavion Heights. Santino approached and said they would face the Rascalz and a partner next week. He said the partner would be someone who knows both worlds.


This match determined the number one contender for the X Division Title shot at Slammiversary. All three wrestlers traded pin attempts at the start. Bailey gave Gresham a series of kicks. Bailey gave Kushida a moonsault on the outside. Bailey dropkicked Gresham and got a two count. Bailey followed with a splash for a two count. [c]

All three wrestlers took turns on offense. Kushida and Bailey had a fun exchange. Gresham tried to go for the ink, but Kushida blocked it. Kushida spit mist in Gresham’s face, then put him in the Hoverboard Lock. Bailey hit Ultima Weapon on them and got the pin on Gresham.

WINNER: Mike Bailey in 8:00.

After the match, Mustafa Ali, Campaign Singh, and his secret service guards attacked Bailey. Trent Seven tried to make the save, but got beaten up. Ali hit Seven’s leg with a chair. Ali put Seven in a sharpshooter as Bailey was held back. Security finally came in to break it up.

-Steph De Lander was on a beach. She said that she never thought she would find true love, but she found PCO. Clips were shown from their angles. She said sometimes the best things in life are right in front of you; you just have to open your eyes to see it. She said she would have to go back to Australia to tie up some loose ends. She asked if he would wait for her. She drew “SDL” and “PCO” inside of a heart in the sand. [c]

(4) AJ FRANCIS (c) vs. RHINO — TNA Digital Media Title match

Rhino had the advantage, but Rich Swann interfered shortly into the match to cause a DQ.

WINNER: Rhino in 1:00 by DQ.

AJ and Swann continued to attack Rhino. Santino came out. He said they are in Philadelphia, the home of hardcore and extreme. He said the match would continue as a Philadelphia Street Fight, which got a roar and an “ECW” chant from the fans.

(4.5) AJ FRANCIS vs. RHINO — Philadelphia Street Fight match

The action quickly spilled to the floor. Rhino threw a chair at AJ. Rhino brought a table into the ring. AJ gave Rhino a low blow and got the pin.

WINNER: AJ Francis in 2:00.

AJ and Swann continued to attack Rhino. The lights went out. PCO appeared when they came back on. He went after AJ and Swann. PCO missed a dive to the outside. AJ chokeslammed PCO on the ramp. AJ stood over PCO and held up his belts. [c]


Steelz attacked Shaw during her entrance. The action finally got in the ring and the match started. Steelz put Shaw in a chinlock. Shaw rolled up Steelz for a a few two counts. Steelz countered with a superkick for a two count. Steelz dropped elbows on Shaw. Shaw made a comeback and got a two count after a Shock and Awe. Shaw gave Steelz a running knee and got the pin.

WINNER: Gisele Shaw in 5:00.

(D.L.’s Take: This was too short to really get going, but Shaw’s offense looked good. Both of these wrestlers are valuable members of the Knockouts division, but they badly need some direction.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Xia Brookside backstage. Xia said she was going for revenge against Alisha Edwards. Gia asked if she’s talked to Steph De Lander. Xia said Steph was one of the strongest women she knows and true love conquers all. [c]

(6) CHRIS BEY (w/Ace Austin) vs. JDC

Bey had the early advantage and did a spectacular dive over the top rope to the floor on JDC. JDC knocked Bey off the top rope and to the floor. Back in the ring, JDC had the advantage. Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, and Alisha Edwards walked down the ramp. Bey made a comeback with a series of moves. Ace and Myers brawled. Bey did a dive on Eddie. Eddie grabbed Bey’s foot, allowing JDC to get a flying legdrop on Bey to get the pin.

WINNER: JDC in 5:00.

The System attacked ABC after the match and left them laying. [c]

(D.L.’s Take: The revamped JDC character continues to grow on me. They kept this one short, but it was a decent way to set up the tag team title match at Slammiversary.)

Promoted for next week:

*Matt & Jeff Hardy return.


Hendry came to the ring to an enthusiastic reaction with everyone singing his song. A clip of his win on NXT TV from Tuesday was shown. Hendry did mic work before the match. He talked about Maclin’s “Baggin’ and Taggin'” catchphrase and said that Maclin would be bagging his groceries after this match. Frankie Kazarian’s music played and he walked to the ring. [c]

Moose and Maclin tagged in and out to keep the advantage. Maclin gave Alexander the Caught in the Crosshairs for a two count. Alexander gave Moose a rana. Hendry made the hot tag. Hendry gave Maclin and Moose fallaway slams. Hendry gave Maclin a cutter and powerbombed Moose. Maclin gave Hendry a running knee. Alexander gave Maclin a series of suplexes to a great reaction from the crowd.

All four wrestlers fought in the ring. Moose and Alexander traded strikes. Alexander clotheslined Moose. Hendry went for the Standing Ovation on Maclin, but Frankie got on the ring apron. Moose knocked Alexander into Hendry, knocking Hendry out of the ring. Moose gave Alexander a spear. Maclin gave Alexander the KIA for the pin.

WINNERS: Moose & Steve Maclin in 10:00.

Maclin and Moose argued after the match.

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was not one of my favorite episodes of the show. There were two TNA/NXT matches but neither of them were very notable. The rest of the evening was short matches that ranged from good to lackluster. The main event was good and helped to set up the main event for Slammiversary.

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