NXT TV RESULTS (7/2): Hazelwood’s live report on Heatwave go-home with Parker vs. Michin street fight, New Catch Republic vs. Hank & Tank, Dame vs. Reece, Choo vs. Bright, more



JULY 2, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Kelly Kincaid, Sarah Schreiber



Join the self-proclaimed “gang of idiots” live on YouTube for PWT Talks NXT!

-The show began with Jaida Parker making her entrance with a metal baseball bat for the show-opening street fight. Michin entered next, dragging out a trash can full of weapons.

(1) JAIDA PARKER vs. MICHIN – Street fight

Parker went to meet her outside the ring and Michin threw the lid at her. She then threw Parker into the steps and grabbed a chair and steel pipe. She went under the ring and grabbed a kendo stick, then more chairs and a toolbox that she placed on the apron. She went back to her trash can and grabbed a chain and loaded sock, well, put the chain in the sock to make it loaded. No, she wrapped the chain around the sock, but missed as she swung and hit the steps. Parker was sent inside after as Michin grabbed more and more weapons from under the ring. Back in the ring, Parker used the trash can lid to wail away on Michin and then hit some short-arm gut knees and a release Samoan drop. The crowd was stupidly chanting for tables. Parker swung with the kendo stick, but missed and ate a German. Michin undid her belt (she was wearing Black and Gold merch by the way) and beat Parker with the belt several times. Michin set a trash can in the bottom turnbuckle, dodged an attack, but then Parker set her up in the corner for her rope-assisted hip check into the trash can for a two-count. Michin dodged a baseball slide and threw a bottle at Parker, then hit her with a chair and threw her hard into the post. Michin set a chair up a few feet from the apron, then two more, but Parker used that distraction to hit Michin with a chair. Michin was able to hit a kick and then sat Parker on one of the set up chairs. Michin looked for a tope, but Parker moved and Michin hit head-first into the chair. She was able to dodge Parker rushing at her with a hip check, crashing through the barricade. [c]

Parker had a hammer in Michin’s mouth as they returned, but Michin fought out. Michin grabbed a loaded bag and hit Parker, then poured the contents, a bunch of nuts and bolts. She went for the cradle piledriver on the chairs and equipment, but Parker countered and Michin landed hard on the pile for a two-count. Michin responded with kendo stick shots to Parker, not holding back at all. Michin grabbed the trash can she was flattened on earlier and put it on Parker, seated in a corner. Michin cleared the way and hit a running cannonball into the trash can-donned Parker for a two-count. Parker rolled outside of the ring and Michin followed with a pipe, but Parker sprayed her with an extinguisher and the hit a running hip attack that sent both women through the bottom of the elevated concourse. Vic Joseph as said Hypnotiq (I’m guessing like the drink) when she did that both times, so I guess it’s that? Back in the ring, Parker hit another one after two rope runs that sent Michin toward the corner even though she was in the middle of the ring.

WINNER: Jaida Parker at 12:34 (Hypnotiq)

-They showed Karmen Petrovic tending to her sword’s hilt with Arianna Grace visibly and purposefully sighing in the back. Petrovic asked and Grace said she may as well get it off her chest and asked Petrovic to sit. She said “Sol snatched my soul last week” and blamed her for not going to Heatwave. She was devastated for not being able to represent as a native of Toronto. When Petrovic said she’s from Toronto, Grace said Petrovic is not as Canadian as her. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx appeared and mocked Petrovic, “No Nattie, no friends.”

-They played a vignette for “Young O.G.” Je’Von Evans and highlights of him winning the battle royale He said he’s never left the country and that he’s not tripping he won a battle royal. He said he’s not scared of Trick Williams and he’s going to come back over the border as the new champion. Joseph hyped the four-way contract signing for later.

-New Catch Republic made their entrance for their match with Hank & Tank. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: It took just a little bit for them to ramp up and find their groove, but I thought it ended up being a fun match. Both women didn’t hold back and laid into each other. Parker was put over strong here, but this was one of those matches where Michin’s loss won’t hurt her too much. Parker’s ascension has been fairly quick, but she has delivered every single time. I’m looking forward to the plans for her after Heatwave.)

-They returned with a vignette for Kelani Jordan, showing her winning the Women’s North American Championship. They showed some of her Rob Van Dam inspirations and then she went over gymnastics accolades, which were many. She said pressure comes with being a champion, especially being the first, but “no one is going to defend this title like ‘Lani.” She said the title can be taken away from her unlike her gymnastics accolades. She quoted Michael Jordan and then said she’s going to make it happen at Heatwave. Joseph hyped her title defense against Sol Ruca on Sunday.

-Hank & Tank made their entrance. Tank Ledger was a bundle of energy of course.

(2) NEW CATCH REPUBLIC (Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne) vs. HANK & TANK (Hank Walker & Tank Ledger) – Tag team match

Hank Walker began the match with Bate as a small “Hank & Tank” chant rung out. They shook hands and Walker called for a test of strength, Bate obliging. Walker gained the early advantage, but Bate bridged out of the cover and didn’t budge when Walker tried putting his weight on him. Bate fought out and was able to hit a head scissors to break out. He tagged in Pete Dunne, who summarily slapped Walker in the face. He then went to work on the digits, but Walker powered out and then made a sneaky tag to Ledger, who hit a big running tackle. They hit a double team sandwich to Dunne, but he came back against Ledger and stomped on his fingers. Bate tagged in and after another finger stomp from Dunne, he hit an assisted splash. Ledger responded with a second rope splash counter after an Irish whip. Bate then hit a deadlift vertical suplex, causing Ledger to tag in Walker. Bate hit Bop and Bang, then an airplane spin into a cradle shock. Bate kipped up and posed. [c]

A walking shot from the entrance greeted viewers as they returned with Dunne in control of Ledger, stomping on both hands. He kicked Ledger in the face a few times and then once more before a big forearm floored Ledger. Ledger dodged the next one and hit a full nelson bomb. Walker tagged in and hit a furious flurry on Dunne, including a big pump kick. He then wheelbarrowed an incoming Bate onto his partner. He removed his jersey and set Dunne on his shoulders, but Dunne countered into an armbar. Walker lifted Dunne to his corner, allowing Ledger to tag in, climb the top rope, and hit a flying clothesline, the pin broken up by Bate. They went for a double team, but Bate countered and then went for a rolling senton through the ropes, but they caught him and slammed him on Dunne, who was on the apron. Walker and Ledger then hit running bulldozers basically as Bate and Dunne were seated on the apron like DIY. However, back in the ring, Dunner fought back with kicks, but was pounced by Ledger into a back suplex by Walker, Dunne kicking out. Walker climbed a neutral corner, but dove right into a rising knee. Both men made tags, and Bate used Ledger’s eagerness to his advantage, hitting a rebound lariat as Dunne took out Walker outside. Bate hit a spiral tap and that’s that. The two teams shook hands after the match.

WINNER: New Catch Republic at 11:29 (spiral tap)

-Another vignette, this one of Shawn Spears who said he came back to lead a young yet inexperienced group of talent. He said he wanted to share his wealth of knowledge, but it’s been met with reluctance (Josh Briggs, Evans, etc.). He said he will lead by example by reaching the pinnacle on Sunday in his home country. He said he will win the championship. Joseph hyped the four-way once more.

-Brinley Reece made her entrance for her match with Izzi Dame. She was accompanied by Edris Enofe and Malik Blade. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: A really solid tag match and it’s evident that Hank & Tank didn’t just dilly dally during their time off of television. They had a great showing and even though the outcome was predictable, they had good moments and near falls, and we got a clean finish.)

-They returned with an earlier today video of Robert Stone and Stevie Turner competing over congratulating Oro Mensah on telling his story last week. Stone said Mensah is back in action against Myles Borne and then they argued over who would give him bad news before Mensah yelled at them to be quiet. The bad news is that he can’t go to Heatwave because of his repeated altercations with Ethan Page. Mensah took it in stride.

-Dame made her entrance.

(3) BRINLEY REECE (w/Edris Enofe & Malik Blade) vs. IZZI DAME – Singles match

Dame easily shrugged off Reece on a few tie up attempts and then just bodyslammed her once, then hit a big swinging side slam. She gave no quarter to Reece and stayed on her with kicks to the gut. A Canadian backbreaker sub followed, but Reece slid out and hit an elbow and some forearms that need work. She hit a running attack and then forced Dame’s face into the turnbuckle before hitting a front handspring clothesline. Dame rolled outside and brought Reece out, then drove Reece into the apron. The ref was at a four-count when Tatum Paxley crawled out from the crowd near them. Dame and Reece didn’t notice and went back in the ring. Paxley made her presence known, confusing Dame, allowing Reece to land two near-falls. Dame then hit a big boot that Reece bumped too early for, then hit basically a falcon arrow drive for the pin. She quickly retreated from a slithering Paxley.

WINNER: Izzi Dame at 2:38 (falcon arrow driver)

-Chase U. Andre Chase went over the history of NXT in Toronto. Duke Hudson and Ridge Holland were having their own conversation. Chase asked if Hudson wants to share with the class. Hudson said when they won, they didn’t win clean. He yelled about Holland giving the assist and then gave the proof – in a manilla folder – to Chase. Chase pulled out the pic of Holland assisting the pin. Riley Osborne basically said told you so. Holland said he just wanted to be part of the family and he wanted to help. Chase said no one is free of mistakes and asked Holland to stay back as the four of them go to Heatwave. Holland was crestfallen (I think?), but said he understood.

-Lola Vice made her way, as did Roxanne Perez, flanked by security. [c]


Vice had a mic as they returned and called out Perez. She asked why the champ needs all that security and she must have shook her bad. Perez said no, it was because Vice viciously attacked her last week. Perez entered the ring with her security and said the intimidation isn’t going to work. Perez said she can see right through Vice. She said it’s Vice’s biggest match of her career and that she built a bigger name for herself in a few months in NXT than she did in Bellator. Perez then sarcastically thanked Vice for cashing in her contract when she did. The crowd started chanting for Vice. After letting them die down, Vice said Perez is the champion, but that she is a fighter. Something happened here as Perez interrupted here randomly and said Perez watched her Underground match and honestly couldn’t last two minutes in that kind of match, but this isn’t Bellator, Underground, or MMA; it’s a wrestling match and “you’re in MY world, a world I’m clearly already a master of.” She said styles make fights, but she’s going to make Vice wrestler Perez’s style.


Vice said we all know Perez’s story and that she respects her story of sacrifice, but no one knows hers. She said her mother was pregnant when her mother tested for her black belt. She was getting emotional as she discussed her training for the Olympics when her mother got sick, so she went into MMA to provide for her family and was fighting at Madison Square Garden at 20-years-old. She said a heartfelt message to her mother in Spanish as she visualized calling her as the new Women’s NXT Champion. Perez said she didn’t know all of that and she can look at Vice and see that she believes every word she says, but the reality is that every woman in that locker room wants to make that phone call. She said the reality is that when they step into the ring with her, that call is never made. She said she’s already building a legacy at 22-years-old as a two-time Women’s NXT Champion. Perez said she is giving that title to no one and Vice said she’ll take it instead. She said Perez hit her with her best shot and she smiled while Perez woke up without her title. Vice said she will become the first Cuban-American Women’s NXT Champion. Her music played as she was still a bit emotional. She turned her back to Perez, no fear, then turned and looked a her. Security stepped in front and one of them ate a spinning backfist from Vice. She said after she knocks out Perez, Perez won’t know world she’s in.

-Page vignette. He said he rocked the foundation of NXT when he took out Mensah and Noam Dar, cracking it when he debuted by taking out Williams. He said he’s right where he needs to be after competing around the world. He said he respects fellow Canadian Spears, but there’s only room for one of them to be the guy in NXT, and “that’s ‘All Ego,’ baby.” Joseph hyped the contract signing once more, I presume for the final segment of the show.

-Charlie Dempsey was hyping up Borne with Tavion Heights. Damon Kemp came in with some brass knuckles and Dempsey told Borne not to listen to Kemp. Borne asked if he said something and Dempsey said never mind. The three left without a perplexed Kemp. [c]

-They returned with a vignette for Eddy Thorpe, this time with him DJing and then it shifted to a video from last Tuesday where some women including Dani Jordan I think was her name congratulated him for his show. Lexis King came up and ridiculed Thorpe for being a DJ, saying it’s all about rock, classic rock, etc. Thorpe said his stuff is EDM, and King called it “bebop bobop music.” They basically challenged each other to a match…or a DJ battle?

-No Quarter Catch Crew were in the ring. Mensah entered next with Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.

(4) MYLES BORNE (w/No Quarter Catch Crew) vs. “MAIN MAN” ORO MENSAH (w/Meta-Four) – Singles match

They locked up to begin and Borne gained the early advantage. He looked shredded in the ring, best shape I think I’ve ever seen him. They traded some arm wrenches before Borne slapped Mensah and told him to come on, so Mensah responded with repeated chops and a side head lock takedown. He held on, but Borne worked to his feet, causing a break against the ropes. Borne shot on Mensah and took back control, but Mensah broke out and kicked the knee. He then hit the apron for a springboard side kick. He then hit a rolling forearm to the back of the neck of Borne for a two-count. Borne blocked a powerbomb and hit a neckbreaker for a two-count. [c]

Mensah was trying to fight out of a hold and successfully did so, leading to a trading of strikes that Mensah got the better of, even hitting a front leg sweep and PK to the chest. He went for a T-bone suplex, but Borne blocked only to get hit with a springboard moonsault and a release back suplex. Mensah hitting a rolling capoeira kick, but then ate a be-autiful dropkick from Borne. Kemp tried to get Borne’s attention to use the brass knuckles, but the distraction allowed Mensah to hit his running capoeira kick in the corner. Dempsey was furious at Kemp. Mensah yelled into the camera he isn’t done with Page.

WINNER: Oro Mensah at 8:21 (running capoeira kick)

-Joseph and Booker T hyped this weekend with Money in the Bank (wait, seriously?!) and Heatwave. Joseph then shifted to a Wes Lee vignette. It went over his records as Men’s North American Championship, and Lee said he literally broke his back doing all of that. As Lee was talking, a looming shadow was behind him, that of Oba Femi. The shadow slowly started getting bigger and overshadowed Lee. It then shifted to Femi, who said he is the ruler, the destroyer, the bringer of war, the mountain no one can climb. His nameplate in the vignette even said “Ruler.” He said he’s the epitome of dominance and every NXT wrestler that has stepped to him has failed (he said superstar, but yeah). He said Sunday will be no different. He said he will crush not only Lee’s body, but his final dream. As Joseph was hyping the match, a brawl was going backstage between Gallus and Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont. I guess they won’t be having their scheduled match tonight then. [c]

-They returned with Enofe and Blade trying to cheer up Reece. Enofe said positivity doesn’t breed success. She said if they don’t want her around, just tell her since it’s clearly not working out. She said she was going to work out. They walked away and suddenly The Good Brothers ran up to the camera and called out O.T.M.

-Carlee Bright entered with Kendal Grey. Wendy Choo was next.

(5) WENDY CHOO vs. CARLEE BRIGHT (w/Kendal Grey) – Singles match

Joseph said the participants in the brawl backstage are in the medical room. Bright went after Choo, but Choo quickly turned it on Bright. Choo then scared Bright and was able to grab a side head lock. Choo blocked a hip toss, but so did Bright and then she hit Choo with a big right. However, Choo countered and hit a quick running flatliner. She then choked Bright against the middle rope, using the full count. After a snap mare, she twisted the neck with her feet and then kicked Bright in the back. A cultish “Wendy” chant was going for a bit. Bright tried to fight back, but to no avail. Choo hit a running attack in the corner, then put Bright in the tree of woe. Choo creepily went at Bright and hit a running dropkick to the gut. Bright was able to hit a comeback sequence, but got no reaction from the crowd. She hit a handstand kick in the corner, but hit Choo’s knees on a standing moonsault attempt. Choo then hit Bright with a hammerlock lariat before locking in her modified cobra clutch thing.

WINNER: Wendy Choo at 4:05 (modified cobra clutch)

-Williams vignette that I wasn’t able to really recap because my laptop was doing something funny.

-Nyx made her entrance with Jayne. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: Bright received absolutely no reaction from the crowd. While the crowd was chanting for Choo a bit, I don’t think this character will get over in-ring and, surprisingly, her narcoleptic character might have been better off than this nightmare character. It just seems too plodding and treading the no-selling territory.)

-They returned with an ad for Fanatics Fest in New York because as we all know, Fanatics just makes great clothes…

-Joseph and Booker T then shifted to Senior President of NXT & Talent Relations Shawn Michaels to discuss the altercations at ringside from Brooks Jensen. A video played with somber music of Michaels discussing the situation and playing some of his videos from Twitter. Michaels said Jensen spiraled and was asked to take a leave. They said that failed as he kept coming to live events and NXT, but he believes in second chance. He invited Jensen to have a sit-down next week.

-Petrovic made her entrance.

(6) JAZMYN NYX (w/Jacy Jayne) vs. KARMEN PETROVIC – Singles match

Nyx and Petrovic both dodged kicks from each other, the two having actual training. Petrovic took the early advantage with a side head lock and then maintained with a hammerlock after Nyx tried to break out. Petrovic was thrown to the mat by Nyx, but dodged a kick and rolled up Nyx for a two-count. Nyx then dropped away from a kick as Petrovic held it up to mock her. She then hit a leaping back kick from the corner to Nyx. Jacy “Rip” Jayne hit the apron to distract Petrovic and then Nyx was able to land a huge gut kick to Petrovic. She kicked away in the corner and then hit a neckbreaker in the middle of the ring, kipping up after and hitting a running PK to the chest for a two-count. Nyx then cinched in a figure four head lock as they showed Fallon Henley watching from the back, facing the monitor. Petrovic was able to stack Nyx for a close pin as Nyx tried to roll her over. Petrovic then hit a comeback sequence followed by two gut kicks and an arm wrench leg sweep. Petrovic saw Jayne coming and dodged a leg trip, but turned right into an overhead kick/Pele kick.

WINNER: Jazmyn Nyx at 3:50 (overhead kick)

-They showed Axiom and Nathan Frazer in the back discussing strategy. Axiom mentioned tagging in and Frazer was confused since he was talking about Speed. Axiom was apoplectic that Frazer seemed to be overlooking Chase U and Frazer assured him that he’s not overlooking Chase U. Frazer said “I’m fully focused when the time comes.”

-Joseph hyped the contract signing, next. [c]

-They returned with Ava’s first appearance of the night. Petrovic stormed in and demanded both Jayne and Nyx. Ava said her friend came in and already made a tag match for them. Petrovic pleaded for Natty, but it was Grace! Grace said as fellow Canadians, they have to do this together and Petrovic looked horrified.

-Ruc vignette. She said she taught herself almost everything she knows with her own beam and bars and mats. They showed some of her gymnastics accolades from University of Oregon before shifting to her time in NXT. She said she came up short to Jordan and she quoted LeBron James instead of Jordan. She said she would win on Sunday. Joseph then went over Sunday’s card.


The three challengers were already in the ring, each receiving a solo shot and lower third before Mike Rome introduced Williams. Joseph did some WWE math and said there is a 75 percent chance of Williams losing. The crowd gave Williams the biggest pop of the night.


Williams said in Toronto, the people are going to be chanting one thing as the crowd obliged. Page said he loved this about Williams, that he doesn’t care and will bring the same energy no matter what. The crowd was booing Page for a good 30 seconds while he talked. The crowd chanted “you got whooped” at Page. Page said this Sunday is a four-way and he doesn’t have to beat Williams to win the title, but he can beat him, “ohhhh Trick, I can beat you, I just don’t have to.” He tried to intimidate Williams and Williams responded by saying he knows his back is against the wall and he comes back every time. He said he probably has less experience than anyone whose held that title, but he wears it well. Spears clapped and said Williams loves the sound of his own voice. The crowd also booed Spears while he spoke. Spears said he loved the emotion from Williams and said it’s that emotion that would bring him the title on Sunday, the same emotion that got Williams pinned by Spears last week. Spears signed as he mocked Evans. Spears said Evans reminds him of the team who makes it to the championship game, but has no shot and is just happy for the experience. Evans said everyone wants to use his age against him like he’s no threat or he’s a punk. Evans said that the “Young O.G.” is a bit nervous for Sunday, but he’s also excited because when he walks into Heatwave, everyone is going to know that he is bouncy. Evans said since Spears wants to talk about experience, he asked about his experience holding the title. That drew big oohs from the crowd and Williams and Page. He said he’s going to show Spears what a real champion looks like on Sunday. Spears turned it to Williams and Page took the contract to sign, saying he and Spears have both beaten Evans, but can Williams? He said he doesn’t like Williams’ odds too much and Williams responded with “Well I don’t like you.” Williams put over Evans, but said none of them can take the title from him on Sunday, then the two heels argued over pinning the others. Spears mocked Evans for his age again and Evans said “I’m about to whoop your dumbass if you keep talking.” As Evans was talking, Spears hit a cheap shot and it broke down. Williams hit a flapjack to Page through their table and Evans I think hit a spinebuster on Spears through their table. The two faces squared off and talked smack to each other to end the show.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I guess you have to save most of the exciting stuff for Sunday with this being a go-home show. That first hour was a steady pattern of match-vignette-match-vignette. In fact, I think a vignette played after every match/segment. Just thinking back without checking, I don’t think there was a single backstage interview tonight although there were backstage segments. The action overall was good, and there was a concerted effort to advance a plethora of women’s division stories tonight, both championship and non-championship. It’s a testament to their depth that they can have so many segments and stories told outside of the title (though you can quibble with if some of the women are ready for TV).



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