WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (6/28) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony, Money in the Bank Qualifiers

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


JUNE 28. 2024

Announcers: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett



-They showed downtown New York City as Corey Graves introduced the show.

-L.A. Knight was shown arriving in the arena. Logan Paul was then shown. Graves promoted their Money in the Bank Qualifying Match for later in the show. Jade Cargill was shown arriving to the arena, Graves promoted her Money in the Bank Qualifier as well.

-The camera panned the crowd and Graves threw to a video on last week’s developments in the Bloodline story. The video started with Solo Sikoa letting Paul Heyman know that Roman Reigns isn’t coming back. After that, the video showed highlights of the match between Cody Rhodes and Sikoa with the Bloodline interference. The video then showed the debut of Jacob Fatu and his beatdown on Cody Rhodes. The video ended with the Bloodline standing tall in the ring.

-A black SUV pulled into the parking lot. Paul Heyman stood in the parking lot and watched the SUV arrive. Sikoa, Tama Tonga, and Tonga Loa emerged. Heyman asked where Fatu was. Sikoa patted Heyman on the shoulder and walked past him towards the arena. Heyman followed behind Sikoa, Tama, and Loa. The Bloodline then made their entrance into the arena.

-A second black SUV pulled into the parking lot. This one carried Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, and Randy Orton. They came through the curtain and stood opposite the Bloodline. The two sides brawled on the entryway. Owens paired off with Loa on the stage. Tama and Orton battled at ringside. Owens climbed to the top of a structure and jumped off a guardrail with a Swanton Bomb onto Loa onto a table. Orton and Rhodes tossed Sikoa to the outside and stood tall in the ring. Nick Aldis emerged from the back with security guards. Owens joined Orton and Rhodes in the ring as security held the Bloodline back on the ramp. [c]

(McDonald’s Analysis: What a way to start a show. Really good chaotic scene. The babyfaces didn’t want to waste time and they didn’t want the Bloodline to have their time. Yet again, the babyfaces got the upper hand and Sikoa retreated with the Tongans. I don’t super care for it, but it is what it is at this point. I just don’t know what you’re supposed to get behind if you like the babyfaces. They kick their ass every time and it’s not like they’re ever in real jeopardy for extended periods of time. As of right now, isn’t it a foregone conclusion that their six man tag team match will be a babyface win, no problem? Well, there also could be a non-finish. I just think the story works better when the heel group is hard to overcome. Not easily matched once the sides are even. It’s even worse when said heel group is portrayed as being uncontrollable and savage.)

-Back from break, Rhodes, Orton, and Owens were still in the ring. Security surrounded the ring and Aldis was on the ring apron. Rhodes yelled at Aldis. A security guard entered the ring and tried to reason with Orton. Orton took him down with an RKO. The other security guards hit the ring. Rhodes, Orton, and Owens beat them down and tossed them out of the ring. The final two security guards took a Stunner, RKO, and a Cross Rhodes. Wade Barrett said this is what is waiting for the Bloodline at Money in the Bank.

-Owens had a mic. He said if the Bloodline thought they were going to wait for Money in the Bank then they’re dumber than they look. Orton said the Bloodline has been up his ass for two years and at Money in the Bank, they’re going to put them down for good. Rhodes said the Bloodline looks at them and sees three victims. Rhodes said he sees a former Wrestlemania main eventer and his friend, Kevin Owens. Rhodes said he sees a fourteen time World Champion and the reason he’s in WWE, Randy Orton. Rhodes said he sees a sold out Madison Square Garden. Rhodes said he should be defending his title against a worthy, credible opponent. Rhodes said instead of that, he’s fighting the Bloodline and he thought he already finished that story. Aldis emerged with police officers. Rhodes said he doesn’t know why they’re calling it the Bloodline. Rhodes said he doesn’t see a Tribal Chief, he sees a seat filler. Rhodes, Orton, and Owens finally left the ring and walked past the police officers. The police ushered the babyfaces up the aisle and to the back.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Who is this credible, worthy, WWE title challenger that Rhodes speaks about? All those guys work on the other show. Rhodes’ two challengers so far have been an old, defined down A.J. Styles and a part-time social media star in Logan Paul. Who is he talking about that would make his title feel in jeopardy? If he likes Orton and Owens so much and wants to defend the title so bad, why doesn’t he defend against one of them? Or both? Just a stupid choice of words on his part and he spent time harping on something the crowd isn’t going to get to see. That was a miscalculation on his part. Again, the heels are the savages, but the babyfaces are the ones corralled by police. Yeah, those guys are in big trouble at the PLE.)

-The camera panned the crowd again as Graves touted the sold out crowd and the attendance numbers.

-They showed a graphic for the Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier. Barrett promoted the match for after the break. [c]

-Graves threw to a video recap of the previous segment and the brawl between the Bloodline and the team of Rhodes, Orton, and Owens.

-Police ushered Rhodes, Orton, and Owens through the back and to their SUV. Kayla Braxton tried to get a word with Aldis and Aldis blew her off. The SUV drove away.

-Tiffany Stratton made her entrance. Graves mentioned that many are predicting that Stratton will win tonight and go on to win Money in the Bank.

-Candice LeRae made her entrance.

-Jade Cargill made her entrance.

(1) TIFFANY STRATTON vs. JADE CARGILL vs. CANDICE LeRAE – Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

The bell rang twenty-seven minutes into the hour. Cargill fought off Stratton and LeRae. Stratton took advantage and took down Cargill. Stratton and LeRae hit a double suplex on Cargill. They stomped away at Cargill. Stratton and LeRae went for another double suplex but Cargill landed on her feet and took both women down with a clothesline. Cargill took down LeRae with a slam and then landed a superkick on Stratton. Stratton rolled to the outside. Cargill lifted LeRae with a military press. Cargill tossed LeRae over the top rope and onto Stratton at ringside. Nia Jax made her way down the ramp. Bianca Belair appeared and cut Jax off. They argued on the ramp as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Stratton choked Cargill with the middle rope. Stratton backed off and charged but LeRae took her down. Jax and Belair looked on from ringside. LeRae hit a tornado DDT on Stratton. LeRae kicked Cargill on the way. LeRae made the cover but Cargill broke the count. Stratton fought away from Cargill and then took LeRae to the corner. Stratton flipped into a back elbow on Cargill. She tried to do the same to LeRae but LeRae moved. LeRae took Cargill down and then Stratton went on the attack and made the cover on Cargill for a two count. LeRae beat on Cargill. Cargill got to her feet and tossed LeRae into the corner. Stratton went after Cargill but Cargill lifted Stratton into the corner and beat on her. Stratton dumped Cargill over the top rope and to the floor. Jax moved toward Cargill and Belair stopped her. The ref dropped to the outside and got between Jax and Belair. Indi Hartwell appeared and tossed Cargill into the ring post. Belair chased Hartwell up the ramp. LeRae rolled up Stratton for a two count. LeRae went for a moonsault but Stratton moved. Stratton hit the Prettiest Moonsault Ever and got the win.

WINNER: Tiffany Stratton in 10:00 to qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

-Jax celebrated with Stratton on the outside.

-Naomi was shown in the back warming up. Bayley appeared. She asked if Naomi saw the match. Bayley called Stratton annoying. Naomi said Stratton will be more annoying if she wins. Naomi said if she wins she would have to cash in on Bayley. Bayley said they would talk about that later. Blair Davenport appeared and said their interaction was cute. Davenport said Bayley’s days as champion are numbered and walked off. Bayley said something about taking out Davenport and Naomi held her back. [c]

(McDonald’s Analysis: That was beyond cringeworthy. Davenport was the best one in that segment and that’s not a ringing endorsement. Bayley was way too over the top and Naomi is the complete opposite to where she feels dead inside and going through the motions. Just not good. Bayley is better than that and I really wish they would get away with the catty stuff with the women. Why would they talk about how annoying Stratton is when she just won an opportunity at one of the most prized possessions in their company?)

-Michin asked Aldis for a match. Aldis said he would see what he could do. Michin walked off. The Street Profits and B-Fabb entered. They asked for a match with the Bloodline. Aldis said no and said maybe next week. Pretty Deadly appeared. Elton Prince pitched a Pretty Deadly musical. Angelo Dawkins said no one cares. Montez Ford pitched a match between the two teams. Dawkins cheered behind Ford.

-Barrett and Graves were shown ringside. He said Pretty Deadly should pitch their musical to Lin Manuel Miranda, who is in the front row. Graves promoted the upcoming Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier. He threw to a video package on the feud between L.A. Knight and Logan Paul.

-Santos Escobar made his entrance with Legado del Fantasma. Escobar left Legado behind and made his way to the ring.

-L.A. Knight made his entrance. [c]

-Michin asked Aldis for a match. Aldis said he would see what he could do. Michin walked off. The Street Profits and B-Fabb entered. They asked for a match with the Bloodline. Aldis said no and said maybe next week. Pretty Deadly appeared. Elton Prince pitched a Pretty Deadly musical. Angelo Dawkins said no one cares. Montez Ford pitched a match between the two teams. Dawkins cheered behind Ford.

-Barrett and Graves were shown ringside. He said Pretty Deadly should pitch their musical to Lin Manuel Miranda, who is in the front row. Graves promoted the upcoming Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier. He threw to a video package on the feud between L.A. Knight and Logan Paul.

-Santos Escobar made his entrance with Legado del Fantasma. Escobar left Legado behind and made his way to the ring.

-L.A. Knight made his entrance. [c]

-Solo Sikoa was in the back with Paul Heyman. Heyman said that Rhodes, Orton, and Owens are gone. He said it only leaves Sikoa. Heyman asked Sikoa to let him serve as the Wise Man. Heyman asked what they’re doing tonight and where Jacob Fatu is. Sikoa said he listened to Heyman and Fatu is too dangerous, so he isn’t there and he won’t be. He said Heyman is Sikoa’s Wise Man. Sikoa said they’re going to make it official tonight.

-Escobar and Knight were in the ring.

-Logan Paul made his entrance. Paul had a mic in hand and stopped on the ramp. He said Madison Square Garden is where heroes are made and legends are born. He said that tonight he gets to perform in this historic arena. Paul said he had someone in his corner. He said it’s someone who understands what it means to win in Madison Square Garden. He welcomed Indiana Pacers star Tyrese Haliburton. The crowd booed as Haliburton accompanied Paul to the ring. Haliburton stopped and stared down Jalen Brunson. Haliburton continued on his way.

(2) SANTOS ESCOBAR vs. L.A. KNIGHT vs. LOGAN PAUL – Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

The bell rang two minutes before the hour. Knight went after Paul and drove shoulders into his gut in the corner. Knight took down Escobar and then punched away at Paul. Escobar tackled Knight and he and Paul stomped away at him. Escobar and Paul stared each other down then continued to kick at Knight. Paul hit an uppercut to Knight. Escobar landed a punch and then came off the ropes with a hurricanrana. Paul went after Escobar and tossed him over the top rope to the outside. Paul slammed Knight and made the cover for a two count. Haliburton cheered Paul on from ringside.Knight landed a shot to the gut of Paul but Paul cut Knight off. Knight came off the ropes and landed a dropkick to Escobar through the ropes. Knight went to the apron and hit a slingshot shoulder block to Paul in the ring. Knight mounted Paul and beat on him. Knight shot Paul off the ropes but Paul landed a kick. Paul lifted Knight with a powerbomb and fell backward into a facebuster. Paul stood tall in the ring as the crowd booed. Paul came over the top rope and took Knight down with a splash. Escobar dove through the ropes and took down Paul. [c]


Knight slammed Paul into the announce table headfirst. Escobar took down Knight and tossed him into the ring. Escobar followed Knight in and took him to the corner. Escobar charged and Knight landed an elbow. Knight put Escobar on his shoulders and climbed to the second rope. Escobar got free and stood on the top rope. Escobar landed a hurricanrana and made the cover on Knight. Paul broke the count at two. Paul lifted Escobar into a powerbomb and went backward so Escobar landed on Knight. Escobar made the cover but Paul broke the count. Paul beat on Escobar and covered him for a two count. Knight landed a big right to Paul but Paul answered. Knight landed a kick and then beat on Paul. Knight hit a side Russian Leg Sweep. Knight hit a DDT on Escobar and made the cover. Paul broke the count and then covered Escobar himself. Knight pulled Paul off and then slammed him with the Meltdown. Knight set up for the elbow drop but Escobar landed a knee. Escobar came off the ropes and Knight countered with a powerslam. Knight hit the elbow drop on Escobar. Knight stomped away on Paul in the corner. Knight backed off and charged with a knee to Paul. Escobar entered the picture and hit double knees on Knight. Escobar delivered the Phantom Driver and made the cover but Paul broke the count. Paul landed a shot on Escobar in the corner. Escobar reversed and beat on Paul in the corner. Escobar put Paul on the top rope and followed him up. Paul fought Escobar off but Escobar kept coming. Escobar kicked Knight back. Knight leapt up to the top rope and hit a back suplex on Escobar. Paul came off the top rope with a Swanton Bomb on Knight. Paul made the cover but Knight kicked out at two and a half. Paul called for Haliburton. Haliburton went to the front row and got the brass knuckles. Brunson didn’t like this and came off the barricade. Officials appeared and broke them up. Haliburton and Brunson stared each other down. Paul looked to Haliburton for the knuckles. Escobar landed double knees to Paul. Knight hit the BFT on Escobar. Paul rolled up Knight but Knight reversed and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: L.A. Knight in 13:00 to qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

-Haliburton and Paul were in the ring with Knight. Brunson entered the ring with a chair to stand with Knight. Brunson flexed his hand to show it was fine. Paul and Haliburton backed off to the apron. Knight chased them off the apron. Brunson and Knight stood tall in the ring.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Sign me up for that tag match. I’d love to see Jalen Brunson wrestle a match, especially against a guy like Haliburton. Good three way match and these guys all worked well together. I can’t stand Paul the person, but he’s developed into a solid wrestler who doesn’t just do wow spots anymore. Really good action here and Knight is a good addition to the Money in the Bank match. I really hope he doesn’t win and cash in on Paul.)

-Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews were in the back. They talked about what just happened. Crews cracked on Corbin for failing to cash in Money in the Bank. Carmelo Hayes appeared. He mentioned that Melo is in the Garden. Corbin asked where Carmelo Anthony was. Hayes said he was thinking about getting a shirt that said Melo in the Bank. Crews said that Hayes is in over his head. Hayes said he pinned Orton last week. Hayes said that people have their money on Yeet and Yeah, but they should have their money on him. Hayes walked off. Corbin said that he bets and Hayes doesn’t have a shot. Crews agreed.

-Graves threw to a video package on Sika Anoa’i who passed away earlier this week. [c]

-Andrade had a video package. He said Money in the Bank is his destiny. He said he’s here to take over. Andrade said he isn’t just taking the briefcase, he’s taking everything.

-Blair Davenport made her entrance.

-Indi Hartwell was in the ring.

-Naomi made her entrance.

(3) BLAIR DAVENPORT vs. INDI HARTWELL vs. NAOMI – Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Naomi landed a dropkick to both women. Davenport and Hartwell tried a double team on Naomi but Naomi reversed and took them down. Davenport rolled up Hartwell for a two count. Naomi landed a kick to Davenport and then tried a hurricanrana to Hartwell. Hartwell caught Naomi and used Naomi to knock down Davenport. Hartwell powerbombed Naomi. They battled to the outside. Davenport came off the steps with a double stomp on Hartwell. [c]

All three women hit the mat hard and they were all down. Naomi climbed to the top rope and came off with a crossbody that took down Davenport and Hartwell. Naomi came off the ropes with a kick to Hartwell. Hartwell fell next to Davenport and Naomi hit a double leg drop. Hartwell and Davenport retreated to opposite corners. Naomi charged and hit Hartwell with an elbow. Naomi went to Davenport but Hartwell got involved. Hartwell slammed Naomi onto Davenport and made the cover for a two count. Davenport went after Naomi but Naomi countered. Naomi took both women down and hit a split-legged moonsault to Hartwell. Davenport grabbed Naomi and hit a Falcon Arrow. Davenport made the cover but Hartwell broke the count. All three women got to their feet. Naomi landed shots to both and then the three traded shots. Davenport took down Naomi with a kick and Hartwell took Davenport down. Naomi went after Hartwell and hit her with a facebuster. Naomi landed a kick to Davenport. Naomi went for another moonsault but Davenport moved. Hartwell pulled Davenport to the outside and threw her into the ring steps. Naomi went to the outside and Hartwell tossed her into the barricade. Cargill appeared and attacked Hartwell. Cargill tossed Hartwell into the ring post and then threw her in the ring to Naomi. Naomi landed a kick and then slammed Hartwell and rolled into a cover for the win.

WINNER: Naomi in 10:00 to qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

-They showed a graphic for the Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony. Graves promoted the segment for after the break. [c]

-Barrett and Graves announced three tag team matches for next week. The first will see Belair and Cargill against Hartwell and LeRae. The second will be the Street Profits against Pretty Deadly and the third is for the WWE Tag Team titles with DIY against Austin Theory and Grayson Waller.

-DIY was in the back. Tommaso Ciampa said they have a lot of history in Toronto. Austin Theory appeared and said he’s been thinking about what DIY did to him a couple of weeks ago. He said Grayson Waller is his best friend and they’re going to beat DIY next week. Johnny Gargano said that  they were trying to attack Waller and not Theory. He also said that Waller isn’t Theory’s friend and everyone sees it but Theory. Waller attacked Gargano and Ciampa with a pipe. Theory pulled him away as Gargano and Ciampa were down.

-Solo Sikoa made his entrance with Paul Heyman, Tama Tonga, and Tonga Loa. Graves referred to Sikoa as the new Head of the Table.

-Sikoa stood in the center of the ring with Heyman to his left and the Tongans behind him. Heyman said that tonight in Madison Square Garden. Sikoa held out his hand and Heyman stopped talking. The crowd chanted “we want Roman”. Heyman handed the mic to Sikoa. Heyman sulked against the ropes. Sikoa said he wanted to introduce the newest member of the Bloodline. The Samoan Werewolf, his enforcer, Jacob Fatu.

-Jacob Fatu made his entrance. Graves said that Fatu has all the gifts of the family but has no morality. Fatu posed on the apron as the lights shone red in the arena. Graves said that the Samoan Werewolf has arrived. [c]

-Sikoa addressed the crowd and asked Madison Square Garden to acknowledge him. The crowd booed. The Bloodline posed behind Sikoa with their fingers in the sky. Sikoa asked for Tama to step up. He handed him the mic and asked Tama to acknowledge him. Tama did. Sikoa asked for Loa. Sikoa asked for Loa to acknowledge him. Loa did. Sikoa asked for Fatu next. Sikoa asked Fatu to acknowledge him. Fatu said he loves Sikoa and acknowledges him. Sikoa turned to Heyman. Heyman was white as a sheet and looked like he hadn’t slept in a week. Sikoa asked Heyman to acknowledge him. Loa pulled out a bag. Loa dumped the red tribal lei out of the bag. Sikoa gave the lei to Heyman and asked Heyman to acknowledge him as the Tribal Chief. Sikoa held his arms out and put his head down. The crowd booed. Sikoa motioned for the crowd to quiet down. Heyman held the lei. He said he loved Sikoa and he acknowledged that Sikoa is not his Tribal Chief. Heyman threw down the lei and the mic. Sikoa hit Heyman with the Samoan Spike. Sikoa yelled at Heyman. Sikoa said he tried. He said he loved Heyman. Loa positioned Heyman as Fatu climbed to the top rope. Fatu came off with a splash onto Heyman. Fatu ripped apart the announce table as the Tongans dragged Heyman to ringside. The Tongans and Fatu gave Heyman a powerbomb through the announce table. Officials appeared and checked on Heyman. Sikoa stretched his arms out and lowered his head as Fatu placed the lei on him. The Bloodline posed with their ones in the sky as Heyman was attended to by officials.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Wow, I did not see that coming. I thought for sure that Heyman would at least play along for a little while longer. It appears that Sikoa lying and bringing in Fatu after Sikoa told him he wouldn’t was the tipping point. That or the physical lei and being forced to say he acknowledged Sikoa publicly instead of just alluding to it. I won’t lie, I half expected to jump out of my seat and knock my laptop to the floor for a Roman Reigns appearance, but that’s not what they had in store. I don’t know how they play that at this point. Does Reigns show up as soon as possible to deal with this? Or does Heyman go away and come back with Reigns when Reigns finally appears sometime later this year or maybe, sigh, sometime in early 2025. I would say at this point, we can probably guess there’s no way Reigns comes back as anything but a face to avenge and protect Heyman. I’m excited to see where this goes and I love the addition of Fatu. The way Sikoa is forming his own version of the original Bloodline is really cool to see and fun to watch. Sikoa is Reigns, the Tongans are the Usos, and now Fatu is taking the place that Sikoa was in formally. Really interesting turn and I like how Sikoa is introducing each member and forming the group in his own image. There’s a lot more to come with this story and if they could tie up some things and make this group more effective against the superhero babyfaces, things would be even better. With that said, there’s reasons to be optimistic that the sequel will be a good addition and not a forgotten chapter.)


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