Tony Khan updates status of one-time top AEW women’s wrestler Britt Baker

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Britt Baker


Britt Baker has been out of action since last September, but Tony Khan says she’s nearing a return after recovering from an injury. On today’s media Q&A, he said he is happy that she will be cleared to return soon.

Baker’s last match in AEW was last September, losing on Collision to Kris Statlander. She was a centerpiece star in AEW’s Women’s Division in AEW’s early years, with a personality that stood amongst a lot of upstarts and inexperienced wrestlers in her division. She’s 33 years old.

Her reputation in the locker room was that she was aggressively protective of the division and her place atop it, so with new additions and rising stars deepening the talent pool, a lot of eyes on are how she’ll adjust. Matches with Toni Storm and Mercedes Moné are at the top of any list of anticipated opponents for her once she returns.

Next, check out last night’s AEW Dynamite post-show on YouTube hosted by PWTorch editor Wade Keller. Or stream the podcast (or search “wade keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any iOS or Android podcast app to subscribe for free.)

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OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW media call report: Tony Khan speaks with the pro wrestling media ahead of Sunday’s AEW Forbidden Door pay-per-view

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