NXT HITS & MISSES (6/25): Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears, Chase U, Oro Mensa, D’Angelo vs. Frazer, Tag Team Turmoil, Roxanne Perez, more

By Jason Goodspeed, PWTorch contributor


Tag Team Turmoil Match: Hit (with just a touch of a Miss)

Let’s start by saying Blade and Enofe need a heel turn…soon. The whole “positivity” vibe has run it’s course. The only problem with a heel turn is that much of their offense has to be toned down. Fans love high risk, big moments and will cheer them every time, which can hurt any team attempting that turn. I loved the overall match and was pulling for the New Catch Republic to win the whole thing. The partial Miss in all of this is Chase U. More on that later…

Tony D’Angelo vs. Nathan Frazer for The Heritage Cup: Hit

This was one of the best Heritage Cup matches on (American) NXT. If you want to see where the bar was set, watch older Heritage Cup matches on NXT: UK and you’ll see what I mean. There wasn’t any of the comedy of Noam Dar’s reign, but more along the lines of what this Cup is supposed to represent. It’s an interesting story they’re telling with Frazer being preoccupied with everything, BUT the NXT tag team titles.

Roxanne Perez vs. Karmen Petrovic: Minor Hit

Petrovic continues to improve in the ring, but the lack of any drama regarding the outcome of the outcome hurt the match a bit. I’m not sure a heel vs. heel match between Perez and Lola Vice will set the world on fire, but as much as I’ve railed against it: if Vice is going to continue to swing her hips to a favorable crowd response, you may as well pull the switch and turn her babyface.

Oro Mensa: Hit

This is the most I’ve cared about Oro in a long time. Meta Four seems to be leaning into babyface mode…


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Sol Ruca vs. Arianna Grace: Minor Hit

Not the cleanest of matches I’ve seen from Ruca, but both developmental talent worked hard to make the most of it. It seemed almost like Ruca was off her game based on Grace, but I could’ve been wrong. Ruca continues to be a likeable baby face and it’ll be interesting to see how she pairs off with Kelani Jordan.

Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears: Hit

A big win for Spears who seemed to have faded out after in initial debut. As much as I like one on one match ups for championships, this Fatal Four Way has a lot of potential, with Trick not having to be pinned to lose. I think it’s too early for Evans, but I wouldn’t mind either a short run for Spears or an extended run for Page coming out of this. Trick might be ready for a call up…

Damon Kemp vs. Tavion Heights: Miss

Too short to amount to anything, as I feel they could’ve easily given them at least 5 more minutes to tell the story. Is Kemp on his way out of the No Quarter Catch Crew in favor of Heights?

Chase U: Miss

As one of the biggest fans of the group, this whole Ridge Holland story does nothing for me. I know wrestling storylines can be convoluted, but I struggle with this one…a lot! One week Riley Osbourne is threatening to quit the group because of Ridge Holland, shortly after he’s celebrating a victory caused by Ridge and now Duke Hudson is staring down Holland…my brain hurts. I’m hoping for a massive payoff to this very hard to follow (for me anyway) narrative.

Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffee: Miss

The match was okay, but I grow weary of seeing the talented Joe Coffey/Gallus trio losing so much. I like Wes Lee and I don’t mind him challenging for the North American title again, but for him to beat Joe Coffey is just over 3 minutes seemed like a slap in the face to Joe and the group.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: NXT TV RESULTS (6/25): Wells’s live report on Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears, Tag Team Turmoil, Tony D’Angelo vs. Nathan Frazer, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: NXT Champion Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears in a non-title match, Tag Team Turmoil for a shot at the NXT Tag Titles, Tony D’Angelo vs. Nathan Frazer for the NXT Heritage Cup

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