AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (6/26): Keller’s report on Jay White vs. Rey Fenix, Ospreay & Swerve vs. Gates of Agony, plus MJF, Mercedes, Garcia, Forbidden Door hype

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


JUNE 26, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 3,855 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 4,519.



PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Gregg Kanner to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.


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-The show opened with MJF’s ring entrance. When he entered the ring and said hello to Buffalo, New York, Danny Garcia interrupted. He entered the ring in a leather jacket of his own and eyed MJF. Tony Schiavone said he liked this timing by Garcia. MJF told Garcia he’s glad the people love him, “but tread lightly, okay?” Garcia said MJF got involved in his business and helped him last week, and when he’s in Buffalo, everything is his business. He told MJF that he thinks maybe he was going to say something bad about Buffalo and perhaps about his family. He pointed out his mom in the front row. He got in MJF’s face and said he’s going to do something no one in the back has ever done. He stepped away and the said, “I’m going to say nice things about MJF!” MJF said with enthusiasm, “Go on!”

Garcia talked about MJF’s long AEW World Title reign and said he made history. He said MJF told him that he saw him as more than a sidekick or background player and that he could be a pillar of AEW. He said MJF actually talked to Tony Khan and got him to agree that if he got enough wins, he could get a shot at his title. He said when he did challenge him for the title, it was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life. He said that loss motivated him, though, and he went on the run of a lifetime and had one of the greatest runs of matches AEW has ever seen. He said now he’s someone the fans can respect and believe in.

Garcia said he doesn’t see himself as just a pillar, but the backbone, the workhorse, and the very foundation that the future of AEW is built on. He thanked MJF, but said if he talks shit now, he’s going to look two-faced and he’ll have the whole city of Buffalo coming for his head again.

MJF took sarcastic exception to being called two-faced. He said he didn’t come out there to talk trash to Buffalo. He said he came out there to shill for Forbidden Door where he face Hechicero, “who looks like a poorly drawn comic book character.” He said on July 6 he’s returning to Memphis for Collision. “Done shilling,” he said.

He said he also was going to ask Garcia to come to the ring because he had a question for him. He got in his face and said, “Thank you.” He offered him a handshake. He said no one has ever publicly talked about the nice things he does in the back. He said he knows why – because he’s a top guy in his 20s who is very rich and very handsome so some people are very jealous. He said those guys in the back think they deserve his spot, but they’re not talented enough to beat him and take his spot. He said he sees Garcia as someone getting closer and closer. He said he didn’t give him a title shot against him out of pity or because he’s a second- or third-generation superstar or because he has a friend in a high place or because he made his name elsewhere and “jumped into my company and expected a title shot just ’cause.” He said he gave him the title shot because he earned it. He fist-bumped Garcia.

MJF said Garcia reminds him of him, two rough, cocky, undersized kids with talent who are from New York. He said every morning guys like them have to splash water in their faces and say it’s not about the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. He said they have a lot of bark and a lot of bite. He said when he gave Garcia that “massive opportunity, with all due respect, I whooped your scrawny little ass without breaking a God damned sweat.” He was bleeped at the end.

He said since then Garcia has grown exponentially and gotten stronger and faster and smarter. He said he didn’t run from the grind, he is the grind. So he said maybe it’s time he got “one more shot at the king.” He pitched MJF vs. Garcia at Wembley Stadium at All In. Garcia reacted excitedly, pumping his fist. Excalibur said that event is coming up August 26 in London. Garcia said, “That is huge.” Will Ospreay’s music interrupted and he jogged out with his International Title belt. A graphic plugged his match at Forbidden Door against Swerve Strickland where Ospreay can win another belt.

Ospreay reacted to a brief “Ospreay!” chant. He said he loved the way Garcia has been winning match after match. He said he’s winning faster than he lasts in the bedroom. He leaned into the camera and apologized to his partner but said he’s doing his best. He told Garcia that next week, he gets a shot at his International Title. He offered to sweeten the deal by putting the AEW World Title on the line too. He offered a handshake. Garcia shook his hand and agreed to the match. Excalibur said Ospreay was upstaging MJF. Taz said MJF didn’t look happy. Schiavone said MJF has been upstaged. MJF told Garcia to focus on that opportunity and wished him the best of luck; he then left the ring, leaving Garcia wondering if that was MJF rescinding his offer for a match at Wembley. He then got pumped up and slapped hands with fans at ringside.

-They showed Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana watching on a monitor backstage. Swerve said it’s just like Ospreay to offer a match for the World Title before he wins it. He said that’s just like him and Ospreay doesn’t have the strength to carry the weight of two worlds on his shoulders. He said he’ll see him later in their match. He said Ospreay seems to have a focus problem, and that’s not a mindset of a world champion.

(Keller’s Analysis: A lot happened there. I’m a fan of Garcia, but this feels to me like they’re leaping a level above where fans perceive him at this stage, but maybe not. He is a likable, talented wrestlers who comes across as an underdog you’d want to root for, though. That was a lot of time invested in matches down the line with a PPV just days away, with the one Forbidden Door-related aspect being Ospreay offering a shot at a title he hasn’t won yet. I hope MJF doesn’t get involved in the finish of Swerve vs. Ospreay. MJF drew attention to jealousy or resentment in the locker room that has real life aspects to it, and thankfully he kept it in the realm of storyline by saying the way to take his spot is to beat him in the ring. I like planting seeds for MJF-Ospreay down the line. )

(1) JON MOXLEY & CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI & WHEELER YUTA vs. LIJ (Shingo Takagi & Titan & Hiromu Takahashi)

Bryan Danielson was on commentary. The bell rang 20 minutes into the hour. Titan dove through the ropes and headbutted Yuta in the chest at ringside. BCC cleared the ring at 3:00 and fans chanted “BCC!” as they cut to a double-box break. [c/db]

Shingo and Mox had some nice stiff exchanges mid-ring after the break. When Takahashi rallied against Yuta, Moxley entered with a chair and bashed Takahashi with a chair. Taz chuckled and said he liked it. The ref called for the bell. All six brawled as the bell frantically rang.

WINNERS: LIJ in 11:00.

-As Tetsuya Naito video played on the big screen. Naito walked out as Mox stared back at him. Mox then charged up the ramp and they brawled. They fought near the entrance stage as Takagi and Yuta brawled at ringside. Danielson said he was concerned for Yuta after Takagi hit him with a chair. As Takagi drove elbows into Yuta’s head, Danielson entered the ring and faced off with Takagi.

(Keller’s Analysis: The finish was awful. Just awful. Taz defending it hurt his credibility, too. That was strange. They made an effort toward heating up the cold PPV match-ups for Mox and Danielson, but it’s a tough sell.)

(2) JAY WHITE (w/Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) vs. REY FENIX (w/Alex Abrahantes, Penta) – Owen Hart Tournament match

White came out with his crew first, then Fenix and his crew. After everyone was yelling at each other on the ring apron, the ref sent everyone but the wrestlers to the back. The bell rang 42 minutes into the hour. Fenix scored a near fall at the bell with a schoolboy. Fenix landed a dive through the ropes at White at 2:00. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]

Fenix scored a two count after a frog splash. He scored another near fall after a huracanrana into a roll-up. White came back with a brainbuster for a two count. White set up a Blade Runner, but Fenix rolled him up for a two count. After a struggle mid-ring, White landed Blade Runner for the win.

WINNER: White in 10:00 to advance in the Owen Hart Tournament.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. I really liked the closing sequence where Fenix kept resisting the Blade Runner. It felt like a struggle rather than cooperation to get in choreographed highspots.)

-As Bullet Club Gold celebrated in the ring, Christian Cage came out with Mother Wayne, Nick Wayne, and Killswitch. The two factions exchanged some words.

(Keller’s Analysis: Who are fans supposed to root for there? It feels random and counterproductive to the heel heat both factions in theory are usually trying to get.)

-Backstage, The Young Bucks cut a promo on The Acclaimed. Nicholas Jackson said when the title are on the line, the results will be different. Matthew said Jack Perry will win the TNT Title at Forbidden Door. He said they have decided to insert their own wildcard into the Owen Hart Tournament and he’ll run through the tournament, win the title, and bring it to The Elite where it belongs. He said they’ll have all the power and all the gold.

-Taz wondered who the Wildcard wrestler will be.

-The Acclaimed made their way to the ring along with Billy Gunn. Excalibur said they weren’t scheduled to be on Dynamite, but they’re hear from them after the break. [c]


-Caster stood mid-ring with the mic. Fans sang “Oh, Scissors Me, Daddy.” He said they proved that they can’t run the TV production or the company nor can they run from a fight. He said they’re getting the title back. Anthony Bowens said he and Max have been discussing when to issue the challenge, and when they face off next, they’ll win the titles. He said everyone loves the Acclaimed, then told Buffalo to throw the scissors in the air. He was interrupted by Kazuchika Okada on the mic who walked out with the Bucks. He said, “Scissors me, bitch.” Matthew told the quiet crowd to shut their mouths, which led to the quiet crowd breaking into boos. He told them to have respect for the EVPs. Nicholas challenged The Acclaimed & Gunn to face them at Forbidden Door.

Billy said the fans think they suck. He said he’d like to kick their asses by himself right now. He said he is a big deal with people in high places. He said he knows a president. Tanahashi then appeared on the big screen and highlights aired of him in matches. He said he is coming to Forbidden Door. Excalibur said he’s the president of New Japan Pro Wrestling. He said Okada and Tanahashi have a long history. Excalibur clarified that Tanahashi would team with The Acclaimed against Okada & The Bucks.

-Renee Paquette interviewed Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Kyle O’Reilly backstage. Briscoe said he has two shoulders and only one title, so he wants to add the TNT Title belt to his collection. O’Reilly then imitated Briscoe’s promo style, which impressed Briscoe. “I love it, man!” he said. Briscoe cut a promo on Zack Sabre Jr., who is facing Cassidy at Forbidden Door. Briscoe and O’Reilly left. Cassidy and Renee chatted briefly, but it was difficult to hear what they said.


Toni Storm made her entrance in black and white. Mariah May came out with her, but then waited for Mina Shirakawa to make her entrance and joined her on the way to the ring. The bell rang 10 minutes into the hour. They cut to a double-box break at 2:00. [c/db]

Shirakawa pinned Cameron after the break. then May offered a drink to both Storm and Shirakawa and encouraged them to toast each other. After a pause, they did. Storm and May danced. Shirakawa grabbed the bottle of Champaign and swung it at Storm, but Storm ducked, and it knocked out May. Fans chanted “You f—ed up!” May and Storm checked on her. Storm then scowled at Shirakawa. Referees held them back. Storm yelled, “How dare you!?”

WINNERS: Shirakawa & Storm & May in 7:00.

-Excalibur plugged Countdown to Forbidden Door at 7 ET on YouTube this Friday. He then threw to a video package on Mercedes Moné vs. Stephanie Vaquir. Mercedes said she’s aiming to show the world she is the greatest of all-time. She said there’s a price to pay when you mess with Mercedes Moné.

-Backstage, Mercedes struck an odd pose and asked where Vaquer is. She repeated there’s a price to pay when you mess with Moné. She said she’ll have to make her way to TNT for her match on Collision. She said she’ll win Vaquer’s New Japan Strong Title and become Two-Belts Moné.

(Keller’s Analysis: I still have zero idea whether we’re supposed to like Mercedes’s bravado and overall star power or resent her for being a cliche and pun machine who is full of herself?)

-Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith made their entrance. A clip aired of Shibata stomping on Keith’s arm. Keith’s arm was in a sling as a result. Bill told Samoa Joe, Hook, and Shibata that they took out Keith and then had the nerve to challenge them to a six-man tag match knowing they don’t have their third man available. Bill called Jericho “the Sensei of the Sickos.” He said when one door closes, another opens.

Jericho waved to the crowd and said, “Hi guys!” He said everyone who knows him knows that he’s in AEW for one reason and one reason only, to help the young guys. He said that’s why he brings so many into the Jericho Vortex. He said it’s not fair the Joe, Hook, and Shibata hurt “The Bad Apple.” He said they have a new partner whom he got to know on one of his 60 times in Japan. “Which is a lot, guys,” he said. He said they have a video to play for everyone. He said they haven’t watched it yet because he wants to watch it together “with all my branches.” He said his partner is “a fellow Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Famer like me,” he said. A Minoru Suzuki video aired.

Suzuki said he doesn’t want to wrestle with Jericho, but rather one-on-one against him. He asked if he’s trying to avoid him because he’s scared. He said he hates his soft way of thinking now. He said he wants nothing to do with The Learning Tree. He challenged him to put the FTW Title on the line against him. He said he’d see him soon. Excalibur chuckled and said Jericho should’ve watched the video first. Keith said Jericho “ain’t no lame-ass chicken.”

Samoa Joe’s music played and he walked out with Hook and Shibata. They entered the ring. Joe said they’ve been watching The Learning Tree and Shibata summed up their feelings. Shibata played his phone saying, “Brother, this guy sucks.” Jericho slapped Joe. Taz said that was not smart. Joe head-butted Jericho in response. A brawl broke out. Jericho, Bill, and Keith bailed out. [c]


Excalibur talked up how technically gifted ZSJ is. Orange Cassidy joined in on commentary. The bell rang 35 minutes into the hour. Taz asked O’Reilly if he could’ve named himself Purple Cassidy or something since he trademarked Orange. Orange said he has to take it up with his mom. They showed Roderick Strong, Gabe Kidd, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett watching at ringside. Cassidy said O’Reilly and ZSJ are doing moves he doesn’t know how to do. Excalibur announced Gabe Kidd & Strong will face The Infantry on Collision. They cut to a break at 3:00. [c/db]

Eventually ZSJ finished O’Reilly via tapout to an arm submission.

WINNER: ZSJ in 11:00.

-Afterward, Cassidy checked on O’Reilly. Strong, Taven, and Bennett forced their way to checking on O’Reilly, too. ZSJ and Cassidy had a staredown. Robbie Eagle and Shane Haste entered the ring and stood next to ZSJ. Tomohiro Ishii then came out to what seemed like almost no reaction. He stood next to Cassidy.

(Keller’s Analysis: That’s a lot of wrestlers intermixing who a lot of the AEW audience are not invested in, but for those who are familiar with them, the novelty of this all on Dynamite is probably pretty cool.) [c]

(5) SWERVE STRICKLAND & WILL OSPREAY (w/Prince Nana) vs. GATES OF AGONY (Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun)

Swerve made his entrance first with Nana. Then Ospreay. The bell rang 56 minutes into the hour. Gates of Agony jumped Swerve and Ospreay in the midst of a tense staredown. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]


Ospreay scored a near fall on Liona after an OsCutter. Swerve stomped on Kaun’s arm and then Ospreay landed Hidden Blade for the win.

WINNERS: Ospreay & Swerve in 11:00.

-Ospreay and Swerve stood face-to-face, each holding their belts. After Ospreay yanked the AEW World Title belt from him and turned his back, Swerve kicked him in his leg from behind and the landed a leaping sidekick to the side of his head. Taz said he liked it. Swerve picked up his AEW Title belt.


I’ll be going LIVE on YouTube right after Dynamite. CLICK HERE TO WATCH


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