10 YRS AGO – WWE Live Event Results (7/19/14): John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt, plus Sandow, Adam Rose, Rusev, Reigns, Seth, Ambrose, Kane, Lana, Cesaro, Sheamus

Bray Wyatt (art credit Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE Live show results
July 19, 2014
Tallahassee, Fla.
Report by Luke Hames, PWTorch reader

The arena was around 90 percent full. Around 1,200 to 1,400 was the attendance.

(1) U.S. champion Sheamus beat Cesaro with The Brogue Kick. Solid hard hitting match.

Damien Sandow came out dressed as a beach-goer, talking trash about Florida. Dolph Ziggler came out to set him straight.

(2) Dolph Ziggler beat Damien Sandow with the Fameasser. Decent match. Afterwards, Sandow said he wouldn’t leave until he won. Adam Rose and the Rosebuds came out to give him a whipping.

(3) Adam Rose beat Damien Sandow. Poor fan reaction to Rose.

Lana came out, followed by Rusev holding the Russian flag. In the ring, they were welcomed by loud USA chants. Lana used her normal trash-talk about the USA, then Jack Swagger’s music hit, and he and Zeb Colter came out to a huge pop. Zeb went on to say that not only is Tallahassee the home of the college football champions of the world, that they are full of Real Americans.

(4) Rusev beat Swagger via submission with The Accolade.

Sandow came back out and said he was just having a bad day and the third time’s a charm. The Great Khali’s music hit for a huge pop.

(5) Great Khali beat Sandow with the Head Chop. Sandow left after that. Following that, there was a three-way elimination tag team match.

(6) WWE tag champions The Usos beat The Wyatts and Ryback & Curtis Axel in a three-team elimination match to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Jey Uso pinned Curtis Axel to eliminate Rybaxel, and Jimmy Uso pinned Luke Harper to eliminate the Wyatts to win the match. Side note: During the match, one of the Usos did a suicide dive on to Erick Rowan. Afterwards, Rowan was holding his knee and had a hard time trying to get up. He left the match without Harper afterwards, limping up the ramp. I hope it’s not serious.

(7) Paige & Nikki Bella & Summer Rae beat Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes & Layla in a six-Divas tag match. The crowd was not very into it.

[Brief intermission following the Divas match.]

(8) Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose beat Seth Rollins & Kane via DQ when Rollins hit Reigns with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Afterwards, Kane and Rollins started attacking, but Roman and Ambrose fought back and left with their heads high. Side note: During the match, when Roman tagged out, he sat on the steps collecting himself as if he were serious pain, but he finished the match strong.

(9) WWE champion John Cena beat Bray Wyatt in a Street Fight to retain the WWE World Hvt. Title. Cena won via AA through a table. Very solid match. Bray got on the mic during the match and did the ‘he’s got the whole world’ routine. Cena took some rough bumps in the match, including going through a table, going into the steel stairs twice, and taking numerous chair shots. Very good way to send the kids home happy. I’m not a Cena fan myself, but I liked his performance this evening.

– Best Match: Kane & Rollins vs. Reigns & Ambrose.

– Worst Match(es): Sandow’s. Short and not worth it.

– Biggest Pops: Sheamus, Ziggler, Swagger, Usos, Kane, Roman Reigns, John Cena.

– Biggest Heat: Sandow, Rusev/Lana, Rollins, Bray Wyatt.

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