NXT TV RESULTS (6/18): Hazelwood’s live report on #1 contender’s battle royal, Jordan defends against Michin, Femi speaks, women’s triple threat tag, more



JUNE 18, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Kelly Kincaid, Sarah Schreiber



Join the self-proclaimed “gang of idiots” live on YouTube for PWT Talks NXT!


-The show began with Je’Von Evans’ entrance. His ribs were taped up after last week. He entered a full ring, Angel Garza lying on the top rope. Joe Hendry’s music hit to a big pop, the crowd singing his hit song. He had a mic and he said “say his name and he appears, Joe Hendry is here in NXT.” He said Rhodes announced this was going to be 25 men, but it’s “24 men and one sensation.” He said he was going to eliminate everyone and take the Men’s NXT Championship back to TNA. He said the entire WWE Universe will be chanting “we believe in Joe Hendry.” Ethan Page then entered to a round of boos.

(1) MEN’S #1 CONTENDER’S BATTLE ROYALE – Winner faces Trick Williams at Heatwave

Page and Hendry jawed at each other until Oro Mensah attacked and they went outside through the middle ropes. The entire ring ganged up on Hendry and he was the first eliminated after only 30 seconds. Frankie Kazarian eliminated him, and Kazarian apparently led to competitors to the ring. The crowd chanted “bulls*it” at Hendry’s elimination. Edris Enofe got caught up with Tony D’Angelo and “The Don” sent him over easily. Lexis King turned his attention to Kazarian as Tyler Bate fought with Myles Bourne. Dragon Lee was also in the ring, as well as Apollo Crews and Angel and Humberto. Eddy Thorpe missed a kick and Shawn Spears eliminated him. Joe Coffey focused on Bate and then Ridge Holland nailed Coffey with a release German. Charlie Dempsey fought with Malik Blade and sent him to the apron, then caught him on Blade’s head scissors attempt, but Damon Kemp came from behind and accidentally eliminated both men. Bourne argued with Kemp and Kazarian eliminated both of them, so four quick eliminations. Remember, Page was never eliminated. Crews and Humberto were on the apron, striking each other. Humberto hit a leg sweep and Angel hit a running knee to eliminate Crews. [c]

The ring was still pretty full as they returned with a walking shot. Dante Chen was sent over the top, but he held on after a belly-to-belly from Tavion Heights. They fought on the apron before Holland exploded and eliminated both men. They showed Lee eliminating Coffey during the break, as well as Luca Crusifino sacrificing himself in place of The Don, Spears getting the elimination. Tank Ledger tried to eliminated Angel and Humberto, but King came up from behind to take out Tank. He then feigned helping and eliminated Humberto. He turned to an irate Angel, who slapped him and then eliminated King, but Ledger eliminated Angel right away. Bate then lifted Ledger into the airplane spin for a good 15 seconds before slamming him down with a modified cradle shock. He then eliminated Ledger.

D’Angelo then went on a tear with a belly-to-belly to Kazarian and a big spinebuster to Spears. He thrwewNathan Frazer to the apron, then caught him on a dive, saved himself on the apron, but then ate a running kick by Frazer to be eliminated. Frazer skinned the cat on Lee, and both were on the apron. They fought and Lee hit a rising knee to drop and eliminate Frazer. He reentered the ring to find Holland staring at him. Lee went for a ripcord, but ate a lariat instead. Bate hit bop and bang on Holland and Lee sent him over the top, then a double bop and bang to eliminate Holland. Bate caught Lee with bop and bang, then a rebound lariat to Spears. Nate went to the top rope and was shoved off by Spears. It’s Spears, Kazarian, Evans, and Lee. Lee paired off with Spears and Kazarian with Evans, then the two veterans teamed up. Spears tried to get rid of Kazarian, but he hit basically a fame-asser across the ropes. Spears crawled outside under the bottom rope. Evans then hit a huge Irish whip that sent Kazarian over the top. So it’s Evans, Lee, Spears, and Page.

Evans and Lee fought away with different strikes. Lee hit a rebound German, but Evans responded with his own. Lee then hit his powerbomb on Evans, who immediately grabbed his ribs. Lee fired up and kicked Evans and went for a springboard, but Spears pushed him from outside to eliminate him. Spears went back inside the ring and ate a jawbreaker, then almost eliminated Evans as he went for the springboard cutter. Spears then caught him for a C4, but missed, then Evans clotheslined him to the apron. They fought some more and Spears went for a springboard, but ate a thrust kick. Evans then hit a big kick and eliminated Spears. The bell rung, so I guess Page just wasn’t considered a part of the match.

WINNER: Je’Von Evans at 16:45 to become #1 contender for Men’s NXT Championship

-They showed some women in the locker room like Karmen Petrovic, Brinley Reece, and others, then Fallon Henley approached, annoyed at them, and said she deserves a title match. Carlee Bright said she had her chance at Battleground. They all then argued, except Sol Ruca, who just got up and left.

-Lola Vice was practicing her strikes on a dummy. Roxanne Perez approached and said she saw how Vice looked at her title last week. Vice said yeah, and her plan is to knock out anyone in her path, but not to worry since she’s not coming for Perez…yet. Perez said she doesn’t trust anybody, channeling her inner Stone Cold. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: Page is definitely going to have a big gripe about this as he was never officially eliminated and was taken out of the match by someone who wasn’t even in the match. I’m seeing some kind of stip match, either a no DQ or maybe an I Quit match even though they just did one at Clash, between those two. It’s real early to go to Williams, but they have a little bit of history to build on from their brief tag team. He’ll lose, but will have a great showing and will get the rub from Williams. For a battle royal, it was pretty full, but I felt like it flowed well partly due to the commercial. They didn’t rely on too many of the tropes, like Page coming back to eliminate Evans.)

-They returned with a shot of New York City to discuss Fanatics Fest in August with a bunch of WWE wrestlers.

-Chase U was giving Holland a pep talk and said he represented Chase U well. Duke Hudson put over eliminating two wrestlers at once. Thea Hail was hyped and said Riley Osborne was in the UK. Holland was given and wore a Chase U shirt. The Good Brothers approached and mocked Holland for being accepted by Chase U. Hudson said they got it and Andre Chase said they have a problem with The Good Brothers. They had to hold Hail back.

-Meta-Four’s music hit as Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson made their entrance. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx were next. Jayne was idolizing the undashing mask from Rhodes. Vice was next, but Perez’s music cut hers off as she made her entrance. Vice just smiled and danced her way to the ring behind Perez.


Let me just tell you, dear reader, Kelly Wells has already teased me for having to go from a battle royal to a triple threat tag team match. Perez and Jackson and Jayne began the match and traded a series of leverage pins to begin the match. Jayne took out Perez after a kick out and Jackson took her out before tagging in Legend. The two women teamed up on the biggest woman in the match, but to no avail. She caught Jayne on a crucifix and Perez on a cross body and took out both women. Nyx made a sneaky tag and took out Legend with a kick, but Jackson broke up the pin. Perez took out Nyx, to the outside, then went after Legend. She went for a standing guillotine, but Vice made a sneaky tag to go after Legend. Still, Legend took out both women until they teamed up on her. They tried to double lariat over the top, but couldn’t get her quite over. She rolled outside, then caught Nyx on a crossbody. Jayne hit a rolling senton off the apron to take out Legend, but Jackson rammed Jayne into the steps. Perez then hit a lope on Jackson as she and Vice then stood tall in the ring, even high-fiving each other. [c]

Jackson put Vice into a crab as Nyx had Vice in a head scissors, a double sub, but Perez pulled Nyx’s hair from the corner to break it up and then took out Jayne from the apron. Vice then got to her feet and hit a big body shot to Nyx that rung throughout the arena. Perez tagged in and took it to both Jackson and Nyx, hitting a double side leg sweep-DDT combo, but only for two-counts on both women. She took Jackson to their corner and tagged in Vice, who hit a body shot, then rapid fire body kicks. She blocked a shot from Nyx and did the same kicks to her. Vice then set for and hit her big corner running hip attack, literally sitting on the faces of both women, but then ran right into Jayne’s fist, who tagged in. Jackson tagged in Legend, but ate a pump kick from Jayne. She used the momentum to punch Jayne, then hit a pump kick to Vice and then one to Perez on the apron. She then hit Jayne and Vice with a double suplex. She tagged in Jackson and they hit a wheelbarrow-bulldog combo, but Nyx broke up the pin. She hit Legend with a Pele kick, but was taken out by Jackson. Vice hit her 305 spinning backfist, then tagged in Perez and told her to finish it, so Perez hit Pop Rocks. After the match, Vice eyed the title from behind Perez before raising her hand in victory. Perez then took out Vice before she could do the same to her.

WINNER: Roxanne Perez & Lola Vice at 9:59 (Pop Rocks)

-Ava was congratulating Evans in her office. Page then angrily entered and asked her to do something about Mensah, who’s attacked him four times. She said she kicked him out of the building and he should be kicked out of the company. Page said the battle royal is still going on and called Evans a “punk ass 20-year-old kid.” Evans said he has another match in him tonight and Ava asked him if he’s sure. He said give him the main event. Page said Evans has nothing between his ears. They didn’t indicate if it’s for the #1 contender’s spot, but I will assume that it is.

-They showed Michin and Kelani Jordan making their way. Women jealously eyed her title except Ruca, who wished her luck. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: For as chaotic a match as that could have been, there really weren’t any mishaps or botches. Legend and Jackson have the makings of a great tag team, and Nyx continues to show that she’s probably the Kelani Jordan to Jayne’s Dana Brooke.)

-They returned with a a graphic for Money in the Bank. I’m calling it now: Toru Yano is winning the men’s briefcase.

-Michin made her entrance. Jordan was next. Mike Rome gave formal ring introductions.

(3) KELANI JORDAN vs. MICHIN – Women’s North American Championship match

They shook hands, showing the code of honor. Michin took the early advantage with a running shoulder tackle. The chants were dueling and I have to say, this might be the most polished gear I’ve seen on Michin in some time. Michin went to shake hands again and brought in Jordan for a backslide. Jordan tried a pin and then they traded arm drags before Michin dodged, showing veteran savvy, and then went for another pin. Jordan slipped a bit and then went for her arm drag through the ropes, but Michin stopped her. Michin caught herself in the ropes, then suckered in Jordan, who went outside. The Good Brothers were there and Luke Gallows caught Michin on a tope, but then  Michin turned into a tornilo from Jordan. [c]

Michin hit Jordan with a pounce as for a two-count as they returned. She then put Jordan in a bearhug. Dueling chants began again. Jordan fought out with elbows and a breaking news ticker showed that Evans vs. Page was made official for the main event. The two competitors hit running crossbodies on each other. They worked to their knees and hit strikes on each other, then on their feet Jordan took over. Oh no, more breaking news, Willie Mays passed away today the San Francisco Giants just announced. The greatest baseball player ever, may he rest in power. Jordan was in charge, but Michin met her on the top rope. She put Jordan in an electric chair, but Jordan hit a poisonrana for a near-fall. She missed a split-legged moonsault. Michin hit some kind of arm trapped cradle driver for a two-count. Suddenly, O.T.M. appeared and created a distraction. Jaida Parker shoved Michin off of the top rope as everyone was distracted and quickly retreated. Jordan hit the split-legged moonsault and there was no reaction from the crowd. Vic Joseph stressed that Jordan didn’t even see what happened.

WINNER: Kelani Jordan at 9:59 (split-legged moonsault) to retain the Women’s North American Championship


-Kelly Kincaid was with Page in the back and he took offense to her saying he was in the battle royal for a few seconds. He corrected her by saying he wasn’t even in the battle royal. He said he’s going to handle business with Evans tonight and then Williams at Heatwave, but specifically called out Mensah and said the next time they cross paths, he’s dealing with him.

-A vignette played for Izzi Dame, a former Division I volleyball player. She said she could spike at 60mph. She also went pro for a bit and said it wasn’t a surprise that WWE came calling. She said she’ll soon dominate like she did in volleyball. She called everyone non-athletic regular people (NARPs) and herself “Izzi ‘The Great’ Dame.”

-Oba Femi made her way from the back. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: Yikes, that absence of a reaction for Jordan winning is not a good sign at all. They were probably confused by the ending because none of it was necessary – it’s fine to just give Jordan a clean defense! – but still, there should have been SOMETHING for the babyface champ retaining. It probably doesn’t help that the crowd was half-half behind her and Michin, the latter having a long connection to NXT that Joseph mentioned. She first wrestled in NXT in 2014 and was in both Mae Young Classics. To Dame, we’re finally getting some back story and something to latch onto with her beyond her being Kiana James’ heavy and now another powerhouse heel. I like the confidence she displayed in that vignette and there is potential with her as evidenced by her DI background.)

-They returned with Frazer dejected in the locker room. Axiom came in and asked what the hell that was and asked why Frazer didn’t tell him about being in the match and Frazer asked why Axiom wasn’t in it. Axiom asked if the Tag Team Championship isn’t good enough for Frazer. Crusifino appeared and said after what happened in the battle royal, here’s a contract for a Heritage Cup match approved by Ava. Frazer signed without hesitation. Axiom was disgusted. “Nice signature,” said Crusifino.

-Joseph narrated some photos of Jordynne Grace defending against Tatum Paxley in TNA last week.

-Femi made his way.


He said he’s still the champion and ruler of NXT. He said no matter how many people step up to him, the results remain the same. A brief round of applause started. Femi said he flew to Vegas and did what he does best: dominated two men. He said Wes Lee and Coffey are two of the greatest that NXT has to offer. He said to look in his eyes (what do you see?) and riddle him this: who can take the title from him? Lee’s music hit and he said that would be him. The former champion entered the ring and said everyone knows that Femi sure as hell didn’t pin him. Femi said the obsession with the title that was once Lee’s is beginning to irritate him. A fight broke out in the crowd and they tried talking through it, but security was running all around. Lee said Femi knows how badly he wants to test himself one-on-one against him, so much that he declined a shot in the battle royal because every ounce of his focus is on “MY” North American Championship. Femi said he’s tired of if and he’s done. He made to leave the ring and Lee yelled at him to not turn his back. Lee said Femi has everything going for him right now, making headlines every week, guys like Big E calling Femi their favorite “superstar,” but he said Femi knows deep down what Lee is to that title. He said Femi will be facing a different kind of Cardiac Kid when they go one-on-one and he’ll show it’s his name in all of the record books, not Femi’s. Femi said Lee has a lot of faith in himself, and the people have that faith in him, too. Femi said what really concerns him is changing those record books, so he’ll give Lee the singles match, however, this will be the first and final time Lee challenges for the title as long as Femi is champion. He asked Lee if they have an accord, and Lee agreed.

-They showed Ledger in the back lamenting his performance and Hank Walker cheered him up, then said he’s medically cleared. Ledger asked if he saw Bate and what he did to him, then said they want New Catch Republic.

-Henley made her entrance in her new bougie cowgirl persona. [c]

-They returned with a SummerSlam graphic.

-Charlie Dempsey was in the back with No Quarter Catch Crew and Heights, asking if Heights knows why he’s here. Dempsey was angered as to why no one told Heights as to why he was there. Dempsey put over Heights’ non-wrestling accolades and made the recruiting pitch. Heights just said, “Alright.” Dempsey said playing hardball, huh? He said he’s going to one-up him and said next week it’s Heights vs. Kemp and if he wins, he’s in. He said Heights drives a hard bargain and shook his hand.

-NXT_Anonymous showed Coffey yelling to Wolfgang and Mark Coffey about Lee getting another title shot. Suddenly, Tyriek Igwe and his partner whose name I can’t remember attacked.

-Carlee Bright entered.

(4) FALLON HENLEY vs. CARLEE BRIGHT (w/Kendall Grey?) – Singles match

I think that’s how you spell the name of her accompaniment. Henley quickly took it to Bright and latched on a side head lock. She then took her down with another. Henley was then taken down with a head scissors and a splash for a two-count. They’re holding a moment of silence at Wrigley Field that the crowd clapped through for Willie Mays as the Giants are currently playing the Cubs. Henley took out Bright and then went to the apron to mock Grey. Back inside, Henley went with corner kicks and then drove her boot in the face. She latched on a modified rear chin lock, but Bright was able to fight out and hit a sunset pin for a two-count. Henley went for a belly-to-back, but Bright flipped out and cinched in a sleeper. Henley rammed her into the corner as Wendy Choo appeared behind Grey. The two fought outside and then Choo locked in her million dollar nightmare and wrenched away, dropping Grey. Bright noticed what happened, fought back against Henley, and hit a running dropkick. She sent Henley to the corner, but Henley reversed. Bright elbowed her, but missed a crossbody. Henley capitalized with a modified belly-to-back cutter and then a shining wizard.

WINNER: Fallon Henley at 4:19 (shining wizard)

-They showed Eddy Thorpe leaving through the parking lot and asked about his night. They showed someone in the back being arrested. Thorpe said he’s going to get his momentum going and listed all the men’s title holders and he said NXT is hot.

-Chase U made their entrance for their match with The Good Brothers. [c]

-So the fight in the crowd I mentioned earlier during the Femi-Lee segment was actually Brooks Jensen, continuing that story. Anyway, they returned with Evans getting his ribs taped up. Williams approached and congratulated Evans and asked if he’s good for a second match. Williams said Page is a bad boy. Evans said Page is goofy. Williams said he doesn’t think Page belongs in NXT and he’ll always be an outsider. Evans said he’ll get that win and face Williams at Heatwave. They dapped.

-Joseph and Booker T then put over Heatwave before shifting to Evans vs. Page.

-The Good Brothers entered with Michin.

(5) THE GOOD BROTHERS (“The Big LG” Luke Gallows & “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson w/Michin) vs. CHASE U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/Thea Hail & Ridge Holland)

Chase and Anderson began the match. Anderson easily took control, but ate a hip toss and side head lock takedown from Chase. Chase hit a shoulder tackle as Joseph said Williams just sent him a text to say he’s going to join commentary for the main event. Hudson tagged in and they did some double team strikes for a two-count. Hudson attacked the left arm of Machine Gun before tagging in Hudson and they hit another double team. Anderson rammed Chase into their corner and Gallows tagged in.Chase tried to fight out, but ate a big right hand and belly-to-back from The Big LG. He hit some falling elbows before isolating Chase in their corner, then hitting a big bodyslam. He hit another, one-handed this time. He tagged in Anderson, who hit a big back elbow off of an Irish whip. Gallows tagged back in and hit the old Randy Orton Special, the mid-ring rear chin lock. Chase broke it with a jawbreaker, but Anderson tagged in and prevented the tag. Chase was able to evade and made the hot tag. He took out Gallows and turned to Anderson, the legal man. He then did a Dusty combo to Gallows. He hit a handstand rana out of the corner, but Gallows broke up the pin. They took Gallows outside and Chase took him out, but also himself. Hudson rolled up Anderson and it looked like Holland aided in the pin. Hudson looked shocked after, but the camera angle was from the opposite side. This will come into play next week.

WINNER: Chase U at 5:05 (rollup)

-Ava was congratulating Jordan in her office with Mr. Stone and for some reason Stevie Turner next to her. Jordan said the next person to get the shot should be someone who doesn’t complain and works hard. Arianna Grace approached and said she accepted the title match. Jordan said awkward, she wasn’t thinking about her, but someone who doesn’t ask for anything or complain: Ruca. Grace said Ruca is a nice enough girl, but doesn’t carry herself like a champion and the only thing that suits Ruca is the ocean. She said she’s better and Stone said to prove it, and Ava made the match official. Grace walked away looking concerned.

-Williams made his entrance and the crows was hyped. The only time they were louder was for Hendry’s entrance. Joseph said Evans’ victory from earlier was voided? [c]

-They returned with Chase U celebrating in the back, especially Hail. Chase said he just hoped Osborne saw it. He asked why The Good Brothers were upset and asked if Hudson was doing something naughty. Hudson feigned ignorance, then Holland. They just looked at each other.

-Henley was in the locker room slamming lockers. Jayne and Nyx approached and the three lamented things in the women’s divisions. They just want a little respect, you know? They all said they were sick of how things were going. New stable formed.

-Joseph went over next week’s card with Ruca vs. Grace, Tag Team Turmoil to face Axiom and Frazer at Heatwave, then Frazer faces D’Angelo for the Heritage Cup.

-Booker T was apoplectic that Williams sent Joseph a text and not him. Page made his entrance.

(6) JE’VON EVANS vs. ETHAN PAGE – Singles match

Page tried rushing Evans, but Evans avoided and hit some shots. However, one body shot from Page stopped Evans’ momentum. The problem for Page was that he telegraphed every other body shot so Evans was able to evade, so Page just kicked the knee instead. He then hit corner shoulder thrusts over and over to the ribs. He carried Evans and hit a big lifting arm-trapped sidewalk slam to Evans. Page kicked and kneed at the ribs, then sent Evans bouncing off of the corner with a hard Irish whip. Page then hit a bodyslam and dropped a knee, then another and a third to the back of Evans. Page then hit a hotshot across the top rope, only on Evans’ ribs. He went for Ego’s Edge, but Evans hit a rana counter and then a double stomp. He kicked Page out of the ring. [c]

Page had Evans in a modified stretch as they returned. Page then hit a big lariat to floor Evans. He flung Evans off of the top rope again, then hit a big lifting powerslam. After a two-count, Page just eyed his opponent and then locked in basically a Lion Tamer with the torque and angle, then switched to a single crab. Evans reached the bottom rope.


Page methodically went at Evans, but Evans slipped a vertical suplex and hit a flurry of body shots. He ducked a shot and hit a series of head punches, then began a comeback sequence of running attacks. He slide out of the corner and hit his springboard spinning kick. He went to the corner and then hit a springboard crossbody for a two-count. Page moved out of the way of the springboard cutter, Evans crashing and burning. Evans was able to hit a spin kick and then a protoplex, but Page kicked out. Page then hit a big clothesline, but the powerslam was reversed into a tornado DDT this time for another two-count. Evans climbed the corner, slowly, allowing Page to trip him across the top ribs-first, then used that position to hit Ego’s Edge. Booker T told Williams he has a new #1 contender, so we’re probably heading toward a triple threat at Heatwave. I guess this was the best way to get Evans in a title match without having to rely on him solely. As Page jawed at Williams, Spears entered the ring and attacked Evans. Williams came for the save, but the two heels teamed up on him. Suddenly, Evans exploded and hit a springboard double cutter to save Williams. All four men laid in the ring with the Men’s NXT Championship in the middle of them. Scratch the triple threat, it looks like a four-way.

WINNER: Ethan Page at 10:25 (Ego’s Edge)

(Hazelwood’s Take: A fun little match and though I heard some had issues with the Battleground match between Williams and Page – I haven’t had the time to go back and watch – I think tonight’s match was just fine and a better indication of Page in the ring. He plays the heel well, especially with the ability to target an opponent’s body part. The issue that might happen is the same thing that’s happening with Drew McIntyre on Raw in that they’re giving the heel legitimate gripes that, even if they approach their solution to it in a heelish way, is still relatable to people because we can see the issues happening on screen. I think against wrestlers the likes of Williams and Evans, he will easily stay a heel, but it may become an issue against others who aren’t as over with the crowd.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: A fun show that had a lot of good moving parts. The women’s division in NXT is just stacked and the introduction of the North American Championship couldn’t have come at a better time. There’s another women’s stable forming with Henley-Jayne-Nyx, the evolution of the Grace character, whatever they’re doing with Turner and Ava, Parker’s issues with Michin, and that’s not even taking into account Perez and Vice for the main title. The women’s division being the draw for NXT is nothing new, though. I like how they’re creating the issues between Axiom and Frazer, the former wanting to rightfully focus on their Tag Team Championship while the former has his sights set on singles glory. I’m actually not thrilled about a four-way for the Men’s NXT Championship, but it is a nice way to settle several stories.

I’m off, but go to YouTube to watch Kelly Wells and Nate Lindberg on PWT Talks NXT!



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