AEW RAMPAGE RESULTS (6/14): Pac vs. Jey Lethal, plus Toni Storm, Cage of Agony, Singh, Umino, more

By Patrick Moynahan, PWTorch contributor


JUNE 14, 2024

Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

– The opening of Rampage aired as Excalibur welcomed us to the show. He was joined by Tony Schiavone and Matt Menard.

(1) “TIMELESS” TONI STORM (w/Luther & Mariah May) vs. ALEX WINDSOR

Windsor attacked Storm from behind before the bell. Windsor whipped Storm hard into the corner as the crowd cheered on Storm. Storm came charging out of the corner to take down Windsor, then hit her a few times with her backside. Storm hit a running hip attack on Windsor who flew to the floor. Strom tried for a suplex on the floor but Windsor blocked. Storm nailed Windsor with a right hand, but was then driven face-first onto the apron. Windsor kept on the offense as she stared down May. Storm drove Windsor right into the barricade then finally made it back into the ring.

The two quickly went back to the floor, as Windsor regained the offensive advantage. Windsor left Strom on the outside as she gloated in the ring. Windsor then went back outside and pushed Luther into May, then attacked Storm again. [c]

Storm regained the advantage in time to hit a hip attack in the corner, then a fisherman suplex for two. Windsor caught Storm with a headbutt but Storm fired right back. Windsor came back with a clothesline before hitting a back suplex for a close count. Storm rolled up Windsor for two but Windsor came back with a Shining Wizard for two. Windsor missed a clothesline which allowed Storm to hit Storm Zero for the win.

WINNER: Toni Storm in 8:30

(Moynahan’s Take: Yet another strong match for Storm, which sadly happens once again on Rampage for some reason. In addition, Storm continues to give a ton to her opponents, which I usually don’t have a huge issue with but the combo of defending on Rampage and then going nearly 10 minutes each time with someone the fans don’t know is not ideal)

– Harley Cameron was interviewed backstage. She said Saraya was not there tonight out of protest to the various women who have declared for the Owen Hart tournament. Cameron said Saraya is the only person who should be declaring being in it since she won the Women’s World title at least year’s All In. Cameron then declared the interview to be over. [c]

– A video package of Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo aired in advance of their match on tomorrow’s Collision.

(2) CAGE OF AGONY (Brian Cage & Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. JAY MARSTON & KEVIN GUTIERREZ & SOLOMON TUPU

The commentators wished luck to the Cage of Agony’s opponents. Tupu started things off against Kaun and quickly received a kick to the face for his efforts. Jaun continued his onslaught on Tupu before Gutierrez hit the ring. Liona tagged in and immediately rocked Gutierrez to the mat before pounding away at him. Gutierrez tried to fight back but Liona immediately slammed him back down with one hand. Cage and Marston each tagged in and Cage threw Marston down before hitting a powerbomb. Cage of Agony triple teamed Tupu before then focusing on Marston. Kaun covered for the win.

WINNERS: Cage of Agony in 2:00

(Moynahan’s Take: This lasted a bit longer than I expected and yet, it still counts as YOUR RAMPAGE SQUASH OF THE WEEK!)

– Highlights from this past Dynamite aired recapping the opening segment between Swerve and The Elite. The package then showed additional highlights from throughout the show.


Both men traded moves in the early going until Rocky locked Umino in a submission stretch. Umino reversed into a leg lock until both men broke against the ropes. Rocky nailed Umino with a chop across the chest which seemed to fire Umino up. Umino shot back with a chop of his own then hit a series of forearm shots. Umino then hit a running dropkick to the face of Umino. Umino continued his offensive attack until Rocky drove him to the floor before hitting a tope through the ropes. [c]

Rocky hit a running clothesline in the corner but Umino came right back with a picture perfect dropkick to stop him in his tracks. Umino followed up with a DDT onto the apron as both men fell to the floor. Umino went to the top rope and nailed Rocky from behind as he was trying to get up off the mat. Umino covered for two as Rocky set him up in the corner. Rocky hit a swinging DDT off the middle ropes then covered for two. Rocky nailed a few forearms but Umino came right back with a rising knee strike and another close count.

Umino hit Rocky from behind then hit a Death Rider for the win.

WINNER: Shota Umino in 11:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Awesome match and a fun surprise to see Umino in an AEW ring. Let’s hope this is just the start and we see him at Forbidden Door.)

– Excalibur ran down the current Forbidden Door card, tomorrow’s Collision, and next week’s Dynamite. [c]

(4) SATNAM SINGH (w/Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal) vs. ROSARIO GRILLO

Singh asked for a handshake as Grillo begrudgingly obliged. Singh wouldn’t let go of Grillo’s hand, then picked him up in a bear hug. The bell rang as Singh ragdolled Grillo before dropping him to the mat.

WINNER: Satnam Singh in 0:30

(Moynahan’s Take: Your second RAMPAGE SQUASH OF THE WEEK!)

– After the match, Dutt grabbed the mic then handed it to Lethal. Lethal said Singh won in record time, and it impressed him so much that he planned to win his own match in faster time tonight. PAC’s music hit as he made his way out to the ring.


Pac took Lethal down right from the bell but got caught in the corner as Lethal nailed him with a series of kicks. Pac kicked Lethal to the outside then flew over the top rope right onto him. Both men were back inside the ring as Dutt distracted the ref which allowed Singh to yank Pac to the floor. The ref ejected Singh from ringside as Lethal nailed Pac with a few right hands before throwing him hard into the barricade and ring post.

PAPacC tried fighting back but Lethal cut him off and threw him back to the floor. Lethal strutted inside the ring as Pac laid on the floor. Lethal went to the outside and whipped PAC hard into the steel steps. [c]

Lethal went for the figure four as Pac was able to escape in time. Lethal tried for it again as PAC rolled him up to break the hold again. Pac then hit Lethal with a dropkick to counter the Lethal Injection. PAC hit Lethal with a flurry attack before kicking out his legs. Pac went to the top and waited for Lethal to get to his feet before hitting a shotgun dropkick off the ropes for two. Lethal struck Pac at the leg, then dropped his knee before locking in the figure four successfully. Dutt taunted PAC from ringside before PAC was able to reach the ropes for the break. Lethal got on top of Pac and nailed with right hands before going to the top rope.

Pac cut Lethal off on the ropes but Lethal fought back and tried for a powerbomb. Pac countered by dropping Lethal to the mat. Pac tried to hit Black Arrow but Dutt distracted him off the ropes. Lethal hit a German suplex but missed his finish and instead hit a cutter. Lethal went for his finish again but Pac hit a clothesline, then locked in the Brutalizer for the win.

WINNER: Pac in 12:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Fun main event but I know they can do even better with some extra time and some actual story behind it. That said, a very good final moments in this one and worth checking out if you have the time.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: A much improved episode of Rampage, with some solid in-ring action throughout the entire show. Go out of your way to see the women’s opener, Umino and Rocky, and the main event. I also liked the few minutes they took to recap this week’s stellar episode of Dynamite and then hype up the next few shows. AEW needs to connect the dots better between all of the hours of TV they have at their disposal and this is a good way of doing it. Until next week, stay safe everyone!

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