WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (6/14) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on Styles and Rhodes preparation for I Quit Match, Michin vs. Jax, Grayson Waller Effect w/ DIY, Owens vs. Sikoa, Naomi vs. Green

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


JUNE 14, 2024

Announcers: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett



-They showed footage of Scotland before they showed Cody Rhodes and A.J. Styles arriving to the arena. They then showed Kevin Owens coming in through a gate. Corey Graves promoted their segments for later in the show.

-The camera panned the crowd and Corey Graves introduced the show.

-Bayley made her entrance. Bayley stopped at the top of the ramp and pointed toward the entranceway.

-Naomi made her entrance.

-Chelsea Green made her entrance with Piper Niven. Green had a mic. She said that the hometown heroes have arrived. Green said the crowd was going to get to witness two crushing defeats. The first will be tonight when Green beats Naomi and the second will be when Niven defeats Bayley tomorrow and becomes the new Women’s Champion.

(1) NAOMI (w/ Bayley) vs. CHELSEA GREEN (w/ Piper Niven)

The bell rang six minutes into the hour. They locked up and pushed against the ropes before moving around the ring. The crowd sang to Bayley. Green went behind Naomi and Naomi reversed. Naomi came off the ropes and took Green down with a shoulder tackle. Naomi ran back and forth over Green a few times before she splashed her. Naomi made the cover for a two count. Green retreated to the corner and slumped down. Naomi ran and delivered a dropkick. Green rolled to the apron and Naomi stayed on the attack. Green moved and hung up Naomi in the ropes. Green kicked at Naomi and celebrated as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Green stayed in control and took Naomi down. Green sent Naomi to the corner and charged but Naomi connected with a kick. Both women were down in the ring. They traded shots from their knees before they made it to their feet. Naomi came off the ropes with a big kick that knocked Green to the outside. Naomi took her down with a dive to the outside. Naomi tossed Green back into the ring and then climbed to the top rope. Naomi came off with a crossbody and made the cover for a two count. Naomi mounted Green in the corner and punched away. Green got free and pulled Naomi to the mat. Green climbed to the top rope and came off with a dropkick. Green made the cover for a two count. Green sold surprise and then covered Naomi for another two count. Green reacted in frustration and pounded the mat. Green went for a back suplex but Naomi landed on her feet. Green took Naomi to the corner and rolled Naomi up. Green put her feet on the ropes and Bayley shoved Green’s feet off the ropes. Green got in the face of Bayley. Naomi rolled up Green for the win.

WINNER: Naomi in 9:00

-Bayley and Green celebrated on the outside. Niven consoled Green in the ring.

-Graves threw to a video recap of Legado del Fantasma’s attack on Apollo Crews last week.

-Baron Corbin was in the back with Nick Aldis. Corbin said he appreciated the opportunity and said he got himself right in NXT. Legado del Fantasma arrived and asked if the Corbin signing was charity. Corbin questioned them. Aldis said he would catch up with Corbin later. Aldis said that Legado was fined for their actions last week. He said that next time it will be much worse. Santos Escobar asked about Crews. Aldis said that Crews is cleared to compete. Escobar said they would fix that. He told Aldis to let Crews know he would wrestle him tonight.

-They showed a graphic for DIY on the Grayson Waller Effect. Wade Barrett promoted the segment for after the break. [c]

-They showed a video package on Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair.

-The Grayson Waller Effect was introduced. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory were in the ring. Theory asked where all the plants went. Waller said that even fake plants can’t live in Scotland. Waller let the crowd know he can’t understand their chants because he speaks English. The crowd booed. Waller introduced DIY.

-DIY made their entrance.

-Waller and Theory sat at one end of the table in the ring. Tommaso Ciampa tossed the chair out of the ring. Waller said the chairs were expensive. Ciampa said he understood the game with only one chair for the two of them. Ciampa asked what Theory was doing there if it was the Grayson Waller Effect. Waller said that it would have been too expensive to change all the graphics. He said he had the show long before he was in a tag team. Waller said they’re a team and he would take a bullet for Theory. He said Theory took a shot for him last week and he would do the same. Gargano questioned Waller and then threw to footage from last week on Smackdown. They slowed down the footage where Waller pulled Theory in the way of Gargano. Waller said it wasn’t real footage, it was A.I. He said he isn’t taking advice from Ciampa. Waller said they didn’t show that Waller won. Waller said that’s what he and Theory do. Ciampa put over the crowd and said they didn’t come to watch Waller’s talk show. Ciampa said the crowd came to see a fight for the Tag Team titles. Ciampa said the match should be tonight. Gargano asked Theory and Waller what they thought. Waller said they wouldn’t defend the titles in a place like Glasgow. Waller said DIY is trying to drive a wedge between them and it won’t work. Gargano said DIY is coming for the Tag Team titles. Gargano said everyone is sick of hearing from Waller and they want to hear from Theory. Gargano said they go back a long time and he’s always believed in Theory. Gargano told Theory that Waller was using him and Theory doesn’t need Waller. Waller attacked Gargano and took him down. Ciampa took down Waller. Theory beat on Ciampa. Waller saved Theory. Gargano went for a superkick and Waller pulled Theory in the way. Waller escaped and Ciampa took down Theory with a big knee. Ciampa and Gargano posed with the Tag Team titles.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Just more in the way of splitting up Theory and Waller. I started to think they were going to switch the titles tonight and just get on with the break-up. I would imagine we can circle the break-up the minute they announce the match with DIY. They made another move towards Theory as the babyface with him being endorsed by Gargano. I’m interested to see how Theory does in that role once we get there.)

-Graves and Barrett threw to a video recap of the Bloodline’s attack on the Street Profits and Kevin Owens last week on Smackdown.

-Kevin Owens was in the back. B-Fabb and the Street Profits appeared. Montez Ford said Owens has always had their back. Ford said they have a lot in common and they all hate the Bloodline. B-Fabb said they have Owens’ back against the Bloodline. They sang “we got your back”. Owens said he loved chants.

-Santos Escobar made his entrance with Angel, Berto, and Elektra Lopez. Barrett promoted Escobar’s match against Apollo Crews as a graphic was shown. [c]

-Theory and Waller were in the back. Waller complained about DIY. They transitioned the shot to Bayley and Naomi. They bumped into Blair Davenport. Davenport said it was interesting and to feel the glow. Davenport walked off. Bayley helped Naomi for the past couple of months. Green appeared and told Bayley to enjoy her jewelry because tomorrow it would be theirs. Niven splashed Bayley and Naomi against the wall. Officials appeared and told Green and Niven to back off.

(McDonald’s Analysis: It’s a little thing but I like how all of that was shot. Stuff like that makes WWE feel like an organic world where all of these people exist in the same universe and interact like actual humans that work together.)

-Apollo Crews made his entrance.

(2) SANTOS ESCOBAR (w/ Angel, Berto, & Elektra Lopez) vs. APOLLO CREWS

Crews went on the attack right away. Crews landed a belly to belly suplex. Escobar shoved Crews off and rolled to the outside. Crews followed Escobar out and sent him back into the ring. Escobar caught Crews coming in. Crews charged Escobar in the corner and Escobar lifted Crews to the apron. Escobar knocked Crews off the apron and to the floor. Escobar followed Crews out and attacked him on the outside. Corbin made his entrance and attacked Angel and Berto on the outside. Escobar and Crews looked on from the ring. Crews hit a press slam followed by a standing moonsault. Crews made the cover for a two count. [c]

Escobar took down Crews and made the cover for a two count. Escobar sent Crews off the ropes and hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Escobar went to the arm and worked it over. The crowd cheered on Crews. Crews delivered an armdrag and hit some kicks that sent Escobar to the corner. Crews splashed Escobar then took him down with a clothesline. Crews stayed on the attack and hit a German suplex. Crews held on for a second but Escobar got free. Crews took down Escobar with a clothesline. Crews hit a Samoan Drop and covered Escobar for a two count. Crews climbed to the top rope. Escobar ran over and landed a kick. Escobar followed Crews up. Escobar set up for a superplex but Crews fought Escobar off and shoved him to the mat. Crews came off the top rope but Escobar landed a jumping knee. Both men were down in the ring. Corbin and Lopez looked on from ringside. Back on their feet, they traded punches. Crews hit a Death Valley Driver and made the cover for a two count. Angel and Berto reemerged and attacked Corbin. Corbin took them down. Lopez shoved Crews off the top rope and Escobar made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Santos Escobar in 9:00

-Barrett and Graves were shown ringside. Graves threw to a video package on the feud between A.J. Styles and Cody Rhodes. After the video, Rhodes was shown walking in the back. Barrett promoted his appearance for after the break. [c]

-They showed tag teams in the crowd. Cedric Alexander and Ashante the Adonis as well as Pretty Deadly. Barrett commented that he wanted to see Pretty Deadly featured on Smackdown.

(McDonald’s Analysis: We all want to see Pretty Deadly on Smackdown, Wade Barrett.)

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance. They showed a bottom third graphic for Rhodes against Styles in an I Quit Match tomorrow at Clash at the Castle. Graves promoted the match as Rhodes made his way into the ring.

-Rhodes stood in the ring with a mic. He said he made the mistake of thinking Styles was actually going to retire a couple of weeks ago. Rhodes said no one wants to be the guy that overstays their welcome. He said that Styles is starting to look like that guy. The crowd chanted for Rhodes. Rhodes laughed and let it continue before he went on. Rhodes posed for the crowd and they stopped the chant. Rhodes said that Styles has been given the impossible task of making Rhodes say the words. Rhodes trailed off.


-A.J. Styles made his entrance with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Styles had a mic and stopped on the ramp. He said it was easy to get Rhodes riled up. Styles said all he had to do was pretend to retire and Rhodes lost his cool. The crowd drowned out Styles with chants for Rhodes. Rhodes asked Styles why he was so far away. Rhodes told Styles to leave Anderson and Gallows behind and face him in the ring. Styles started to speak and the crowd chanted for Rhodes again. Styles turned and said something to Anderson and Gallows. Styles made his way to the ring. The crowd cheered for Rhodes some more as Styles tried to speak. A meter appeared on the screen to gauge the volume of the crowd.

-Styles entered the ring and stood face to face with Rhodes. Styles said they’re nothing alike. He said it took him seventeen years to climb the ladder to get to the top of WWE. He said that WWE welcomed Rhodes with open arms and couldn’t wait to make him a star. Styles said that when things got tough, Rhodes quit WWE. Styles said that Rhodes also quit New Japan and Ring of Honor. Styles said that Rhodes helped start a company and then quit there, too. Styles said that Rhodes can’t handle the pressure. Styles said that when the going gets tough, Rhodes gets going. Rhodes said he’s made some big decisions in his career. He said he walked away from WWE, New Japan, Ring of Honor, and “somewhere else”. Rhodes said he’s never been afraid to chase something better. He said he’s never quit, he gambled on himself and he was right. Rhodes said if he had quit he wouldn’t be WWE Champion. Rhodes said he idolized Styles his whole career. He said Styles was honorable but he quit on himself. He said Styles had to pretend to be Mark Henry for a night to get a title match. He said that Styles has become a resentful coward and Rhodes will make Styles say I quit. Styles said it’s natural for Rhodes to say those words. Styles said he can’t quit being phenomenal. Styles said he put his body on the line night after night. Styles said he’s done when he says he’s done. Styles said he knows it won’t be easy. He said he saw Rhodes in Hell in a Cell. Styles said that Rhodes won’t be in the ring with Seth Rollins, he’ll be in the ring with Styles. Styles said that he’ll do whatever it takes to be WWE Champion. Styles said he’s going to beat Rhodes so bad that it will be a gift for Rhodes to say I quit.

(McDonald’s Analysis: These guys have done a great job making this feud feel important even though all the matches are a foregone conclusion and Rhodes is in no jeopardy whatsoever. They don’t act that way and have hit on some good stuff in both versions of this feud so far. I really liked Styles here and his desire to get the title back one last time. I like how he conveyed that he needs it to prove he’s still good enough. There’s enough here to get interested in the match and that’s a positive. I’m still interested to see where this falls on the card tomorrow. It will be a tough decision between Rhodes and the hometown hero in Drew McIntyre. I wonder what WWE will choose.)

-Kathy Kelley was in the back with B-Fabb and the Street Profits. They started to speak and Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa appeared to attack them. Officials appeared and pulled Tama and Loa off. Sikoa looked on. Sikoa smirked and walked off. [c]

-There was a video package on Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. Baszler said they’re going to win the Women’s Tag Team titles tomorrow.

-Michin was in the ring.

-Tiffany Stratton joined commentary.

-Nia Jax made her entrance. Graves threw to a video recap of the backstage altercation between Jax and Michin last week.


Michin went after Jax while Jax’s music played. They got in the ring and the bell rang. Michin beat on Jax in the corner. Jax shoved Michin back. Michin charged and Jax caught her. Michin got free and landed a kick to Jax. Jax rolled to the outside. Michin followed Jax out. Stratton got up and got in the face of Michin. Michin tossed Stratton over the announce desk. Michin got back in the ring but Jax took her down. Jax hit the Bonsai Drop for the win.

WINNER: Nia Jax in 1:00

-Jax stood over Michin and looked down at her.

-Kevin Owens came out of the trainer’s room. He said that the Profits won’t be able to have his back after all. Owens said he’s faced the bootleg Bloodline before and he’ll do it again. Owens walked off.

-They showed a graphic for L.A. Knight and Logan Paul. Graves promoted a segment with Knight for after the break. [c]

-Graves threw to a video package on Logan Paul at the Tetris World Championship. Paul said he lost to a bunch of fourteen year old’s but he’s going to get back to beating WWE Superstars. They showed Paul arriving at his house. Someone told him his friend from L.A. was in the pool. Paul walked outside and L.A. Knight was in the pool. Paul told Knight to get out of his house. Knight got out of the pool and gathered his stuff. Knight started to leave and said that he wanted to have a good time with Paul. Knight said he would show Paul a good time in Chicago next week. Paul said that Knight went too far.

-Carmelo Hayes’ music played. He yelled for the spotlight to be put on him in the suite. Hayes asked what he just watched. Hayes said that Knight flew all the way to Puerto Rico just so he could swim in Paul’s pool. Hayes said that Knight thought he cooked but it was trash just like him. Hayes said some guys will do anything for clout and Knight has been begging for an opportunity. Hayes said that opportunities chase him. He said he has a chance to qualify for Money in the Bank next week. Hayes said he’s going to win and be one step closer to being Melo in the bank.

-The Bloodline walked in the back. They bumped into Nick Aldis. Aldis said that based on what he just saw, Tama and Loa are barred from ringside. Aldis said if he sees either one of them, they’re all suspended. Paul Heyman went up to Sikoa. Heyman said that if Sikoa loses, he loses his leadership position with guys who don’t respect leadership to begin with. Sikoa said that Heyman is wrong. He said that if he loses he’s going to go after Heyman. Sikoa walked off and Heyman looked shocked and scared. [c]

-Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn made their entrance. Jackie Redmond was on the stage. She welcomed them home. Fyre said that tomorrow night they’re going to make history in Glasgow. Dawn said they didn’t come all the way home just to come home. She said they’re going to win the titles at Clash at the Castle.

-They showed a graphic for the Women’s Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match tomorrow. After that, they transitioned to other graphics are Graves and Barrett ran down the Clash at the Castle card.

-Solo Sikoa made his entrance with Paul Heyman. Graves reiterated that Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa are barred from ringside. Barrett mentioned that Sikoa made it clear that Heyman would be held responsible if Sikoa fails.

-Kevin Owens made his entrance.

(4) SOLO SIKOA (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. KEVIN OWENS

Owens went right after Sikoa and took him down in the corner. Owens charged but Sikoa rolled to the outside. Owens followed Sikoa out and beat on him. Owens went after Sikoa against the barricade. Sikoa landed a big right hand and tossed Owens back into the ring. Sikoa got back in the ring. Owens clotheslined Sikoa over the top rope and to the outside. Owens ran around the ring and took Sikoa down again with a clothesline. Owens climbed to the ring apron and came off with a splash. Owens celebrated as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Back from break, Owens was still in control. Owens charged Sikoa in the corner but Sikoa rolled to the outside. Owens tried to follow Sikoa out but Sikoa took him down. Sikoa tossed Owens into the ring steps. Sikoa slammed Owens on the steps and kicked away at him. Sikoa got back into the ring. Owens rolled back in and Sikoa came over to deliver a headbutt. Sikoa stayed on the attack and Owens fought back with punches. Sikoa took Owens down and made the cover for one count. Sikoa took Owens to the corner and beat on him. Owens was slumped in the corner as Sikoa backed off. Sikoa charged and hit the running butt bump. Sikoa pointed at Owens as he stared down Heyman. Sikoa backed off and charged Owens again. Owens moved and then took Sikoa down with a DDT. Both men were down in the ring. They got to their feet and traded shots. Owens landed a big kick and then followed up with punches and kicks that took Sikoa down against the ropes. Owens clotheslined Sikoa twice but he didn’t go down. Owens came off the ropes and took Sikoa down with a clothesline. Owens climbed to the top rope but Sikoa cut him off. Sikoa climbed up to join Owens. Sikoa set up a superplex but Owens fought him off. Owens landed punches and Sikoa dropped to the mat on his feet. Owens grabbed Sikoa and delivered a tornado DDT off the top rope. Owens made the cover for a two count. Owens went for a kick but Sikoa blocked and hit a Samoan Drop. Sikoa made the cover for a two count. Sikoa lifted Owens to his feet and set up a Spinning Solo but Owens got free. Owens landed a series of superkicks and then a cannonball on Sikoa in the corner. Owens climbed to the top rope and came off with a Swanton Bomb. Owens made the cover for a two count. Sikoa went to the apron and Owens followed. Owens set up for a powerbomb but Sikoa reversed into a back drop. Owens landed hard on the apron. [c]


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