AEW COLLISION RESULTS (6/1): Osprey vs. Kyle O’Reilly for International Title, Roderic Strong vs. Lio Rush, Claudio vs. Johnny TV, plus FTR, Garcia, Thunder Rosa

By Brian Zilem, PWTorch contributor


JUNE 1, 2024

Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

Ring Announcers: Bobby Cruise


-The Collision opening aired to Elton John’s “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting.”

-Tony Schiavone welcomed FTR to the ring for a show-opening promo.


The fans cheered, and FTR’s Cash Wheeler thanked them. Wheeler said they would die for AEW, and they aren’t dead yet. Dax Harwood said he didn’t even want to be here tonight. Harwood said it would always be worth it if he had to crawl to this ring on his last breath. Harwood mentioned this will be the Summer of AEW, and they will who0p the Elite’s ass.

(Brian’s Thoughts: The promo itself didn’t light the world on fire, but it was a nice change of pace to open the show with a promo, and FTR will likely be off TV to sell the aftermath from Double or Nothing.)

-A backstage promo was shown from Double or Nothing with Jack Perry. Perry said he was “lit on fire for this company.” He said, “This company left me for dead, but I continued to fight. I will continue to shape the future of AEW through blood, sweat, and fire.”

(Brian’s Thoughts: Short and sweet. Jack Perry is finally finding himself as heel through being the scapegoat.)

-A recap video was shown from AEW Dynamite recapping how a ladder match at Forbidden Door will crown a new TNT champion.

(1) RODERICK STRONG (W/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. LIO RUSH

The match started with Strong stomping a mud hole into Rush in the ring’s corner. The fans were very behind Rush. Strong hit, a flurry of elbows and a back suplex onto Rush. While Strong was beating Rush, he put on his jacket, which Rush wore down to the ring. Rush finally mustered some offense with back-to-back dives onto Strong on the outside. [c]

During the break, Stong worked on Rush’s back. The fans were still behind Rush. Strong and Rush played a game of cat and mouse as Rush avoided Strong’s offense and landed what I could as a Matrix-like offense onto Strong. Rush rolled up Strong for a near fall. Rush went to the top rope, but he was briefly distracted by Taven and Bennett. Strong went for a powerbomb, but it was reserved for a takedown by Rush and a stunner from Rush for a near fall. In the match’s closing moments, Rush went to the top rope for a frog splash, but Taven distracted Rush again. As Rush went for the frog splash, Strong got his knees up and nailed Rush with the End of Heartache to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Roderick Strong in 10:20

(Brian’s Thoughts: The opener felt like 2021 AEW Dynamite. Excellent stuff from both men. Strong looked like a killer, and I will never understand how Rush can move like he does in the ring.)

-A recap of Will Ospreay winning the Casino Ganualeet match was shown.

-Kyle O’Reilly cut a backstage promo.

-Roderick Strong went backstage to find Tony Khan. Strong mentioned he was meant to be the last person to enter the Casino Ganualeet match before Ospreay won it. Strong said he wants to wrestle Swerve Strickland for the AEW Title this coming Wednesday on Dynamite. Tony Khan then made it official.

(Brian’s Thoughts: Some slight plot holes in who’s exactly running AEW will be addressed in more detail on this week’s episode of the Collision Cafe, but in terms of match quality, Strong vs. Swerve has the ceiling to be excellent.)


Before the match started, a recap of the promo Daniel Garcia cut backstage this past Wednesday, in which he challenged Will Ospreay, was shown. Daddy Magic joined the commentary team for the match. The match started with Henery and Shibata exchanging kicks. Drake rolled to the outside after he hit a shining wizard onto Shibata. The official and doctor checked on Drake to confirm he was still fit to compete. Garcia and Shibata hold the injury check well by sitting in the middle of the ring. Drake confirmed he could still wrestle, and the fans cheered. Garcia hit three crisp twists and shot a breaker onto Henry. [c]

After the break, Drake was back in the back, chopping Garcia’s chest. Garcia hit Drake with a suplex and made the hot tag to Shibata, and he ran wild. Shibata and Garica double-teamed Henry in the corner. Garica got Henry up for a powerbomb but got a near fall after Drake broke up the pin. Shibata was thrown to the outside, and Henry and Drake ran wild. Henry hit Garcia’s chest with a double stomp, followed by Drake to the top rope for a moonsault. The fans popped huge for that spot, but Shibata broke up the pin attempt. The fans cheered, “Holly Shit.” In the match’s closing moments, Shibata put Drake into a sleeper hold, which dazed Drake enough for him to hit the PK, allowing Garcia to pin Drake with a jackknife cover.

WINNERS: Daniel Garcia & Katsuyori Shibata in 9:50.

(Brian’s Thoughts: What an over-delivery. Shibata and Garcica worked exceptionally well together, and I can’t put over Drake and Henry enough. They haven’t been on TV as a tag team for months due to Henry’s injury, and to get a “holly shit” chant from this crowd is saying something. If FTR is going to take a break from TV, let Henry and Drake take a stab at being the top tag team on Saturdays.)

-A recap from Double or Nothing a shown of Kris Statlanderr jumping Willow Nightingale.

-Statlander and Stokely Hathaway cut a promo backstage. Statlander said she would destroy anyone who got in her way next week.


Rosa looked crisp and technically sound. Rosa used a combination of alligator rolls and got a near fall. Rosa stretched Dorada and followed up with a snap suplex for a near fall. In the match’s closing moments, Rosa hit a Dominator and locked in the Corba Clutch submission for the victory.

WINNER: Thunder Rosa in 3:10

(Brian’s Thoughts: Rosa looked great in this short outing. Again, as I mentioned before, when wrestlers have long layoffs, I think it’s fair we need to allow more time for the wrestler to shake the cobwebs off. Rosa looks better than ever, and I’m looking forward to the blow-off match between her and Deonna Purrazzo.)

(4) CAGE OF AGONY (Bishop Kaun & Brian Cage & Toa Liona) vs. DANNY GEE, DANNY ROSE & KM

WINNERS: Cage Of Agony.

-A recap was shown from AEW Rampage, with Toni Storm and Mariah May hyping up the match this Wednesday, Mariah May vs. Saraya.



Castagnoli immediately showed off his speed and strength by hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Johnny. Castagnoli hit a double stomp on the chest of Johnny and got a near fall. Castagnoli held Johnny up for a standing suplex for over 30 seconds. Castagnoli went for a giant swing, but Valkyrie got involved in the match. Valkyrie distracted the official, which allowed Johhny to hit a low blow and mule kick but only got a near-fall [c]

After the break, Castagnoli took a lot of damage from Johnny but railed by hitting a suplex. Castagnoli ran wild and nailed a pump kick for a near fall. Castagnoli went for the giant swing again, but Johhny countered it. Johnny hit a neckbreaker onto Castagnol for a near fall. Valkyrie distracted Castagnoli again, and Johnny hit a dive from the outside. In the match’s closing moments, Valkyrie held onto Johnny to break up the sharpshooter. The official finally threw out Valkyrie, which allowed Castagnoli to lock in the giant swing and nail Johnny with closeline to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Claudio Castagnoli in 11:10

(Brian’s Thoughts: Castagnoli is being built for something at the Forbidden Door PPV. I don’t know who his opponent will be.)

-A hype video was shown to promote the premier athletes.

(6) SHANE TAYLOR PROMOTIONS (Lee Moriarty & Shane Taylor w/Anthony Ogogo) vs. THE WEST COAST WRECKING CREW (Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs)

WINNERS: Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty & Shane Taylor) in 5:00

-The Iron Savages were backstage cutting a promo but then were jumped by Killswitch.

-Commentary prompted the Path to All In series from Texas.

A rundown of upcoming matches were prompted for this Wednesday for AEW Dynamite.

(7) WILL OSPREAY vs. KYLE O’REILLY – AEW International Title match

The fans were very behind Ospreay as the match started. Kyle O’Reilly displayed his excellent ground game early. The commentary team did a great job mentioning O’Reilly kicked out of one of Ospreay’s kill shots, the Hidden Blade. Ospreay hit O’Reilly with a head scissors takedown and a dive onto the outside. [c]

After a break, both men exchanged chops and kicks. O’Reilly would focus on working over Ospreay’s left arm. Ospreay hit a springboard forearm for a near fall. The fans cheered, “Let’s go, Ospreay.” O’Reilly continued to work over Ospreay’s injured arm. Ospreay went for a sunset flip, but O’Reilly turned it into an arm bar. Ospreay rolled to the outside to break the hold. O’Reilly positioned Ospreay on a steel chair outside in the corner of the barricade and followed up with a dropkick to Ospreay’s face. [c]

After the final break of the night, Ospreay hit a scoop slam and went to the top rope. Ospreay went for the 450 splashes, but O’Reilly avoided the splash, and Ospreay landed a superkick. O’Reilly grounded Ospreay and locked in a triangle choke. Ospreay countered the hold with a powerbomb. Ospreay hit two kicks and went for the Stormbreaker, but O’Reilly reserved the move to a back suplex for a near fall. Ospreay hit a Hidden Blade from out of nowhere. Ospreay went for charging Hidden Blade, but O’Reilly countered with a knee to Ospreay’s face. Both men exchanged blows on their knees and then again standing. Ospreay hit a jumping Hidden Blade in the match’s closing moments, but O’Reilly kicked out at two. Ospreay finished O’Reilly by hitting the Strormbreaker to secure the win and retain the title. O’Reilly and Ospreay shook hands after the match.

WINNER: Will Ospreay Retians the title in 21:00

(Brian’s Thoughts: These two’s chemistry in Daily’s Place continued through this match. Ospreay showing he has more than one kill shot will make for fantastic drama and near falls at Forbidden Door.)


The show closed with a Swerve Strickland promo. In excellent detail and storytelling, Swerve mentioned that this was his first year on the main card of Forbidden Door, while in previous years, he watched Ospreay steal the show on the main card. Swerve said Ospreay hasn’t main evented a show, yet he has. Swerve told Roderick Strong he’s no longer the gatekeeper of pro wrestling, and this Wednesday, he will face off against Strong and beat that ass.

(Brian’s Thoughts: I enjoyed the production with Swerve’s promo. It felt like a go-home video package for a PPV. The balance with Swerve and Ospreay could be tricky, but if Swerve learns more about I’m not a bad or good guy in this feud; I’m just better than you. The match could hit the ceiling of a classic.)

FINAL THOUGHT: Never judge a taped show or spoilers by its cover. The show overachieved incredibly. With Adam Copeland on the shelf due to injury, having Will Ospreay be Mr. Saturday Night isn’t an inadequate substitute.


RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (5/29): Keller’s report on EVPs updating status of TNT Title, Casino Gauntlet match, Swerve vs. Killswitch, Mox vs. Romero

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: Casino Gauntlet match for a shot at the AEW World Championship at Forbidden Door, Mercedes Mone vs. Skye Blue for the AEW Women’s Championship

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