WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (5/31) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on Nia Jax coronation, Street Profits vs. Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa, Andrade vs. Crews

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


MAY 31, 2024

Announcers: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earkier today that 6,442 tickets had been distributed so far; arena set up for 7,043


PWTorch editor Wade Keller will be joined by Jason Goodspeed from PWTorch to review Smackdown LIVE. We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!

Email our post-show at wadekellerpodcast@gmail.com with your comments and questions about Smackdown. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.



-The Bloodline arrived in the arena. Corey Graves said they are as deep as they are dangerous. Graves promoted their match against the Street Profits as the Profits were shown arriving in the arena with B-Fabb. Graves then threw to a video recap of the King and Queen of the Ring PLE from this past Saturday in Saudi Arabia.

-The camera panned the crowd as Graves introduced the show.

-Nick Aldis was in the ring. The ring was adorned with a red carpet. Aldis welcomed the crowd to the show. Aldis said there is no better feeling than when one of your top draft picks comes through in the clutch. He said his guest did just that. Aldis then introduced Nia Jax, the 2024 Queen of the Ring.

-Nia Jax made her entrance.

-Jax entered the ring. She posed in front of the podium with the crown on it. Aldis congratulated Jax. Jax put the crown on her head and took the mic from Aldis. Aldis exited the ring and left. The crowd chanted “you suck” at Jax. Jax said she wanted to get the facts straight. She said she is the Queen of the Ring. The crowd booed as Jax posed. She said it’s also a fact that she gets a title shot at Summerslam. Jax demanded that Bayley come to the ring.

-Bayley made her entrance. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green attacked Bayley from behind on the ramp. Niven tossed Bayley into the barricade. Niven threw Bayley into the ring and followed her in. Niven took Bayley down and then hit a running splash. Niven stared Jax down. Green had a mic. Green said that Jax doesn’t have to worry about facing Bayley because Niven will be champion by then. The crowd booed. Jax stared Niven down. Jax said she doesn’t care who the champion is because she will beat them regardless. Jax dropped the mic and left the ring. Niven and Green stared her down. Jax glanced at the downed Bayley who looked back at her.

-Niven and Green exited the ring. The crowd chanted for Bayley.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I really like that they added the element that Bayley may not be champion by the time Summerslam rolls around. They did a good job of this on Monday as well. With two PLE’s between now and Summerslam it makes sense to not treat the title matches as foregone conclusions. It makes the divisions feel deeper and as if there are credible wrestlers who can take the title and change the landscape of the title picture. It’s a small thing, but I appreciate it. The segment was pretty simple in and of itself. Bayley has two massive challengers that she needs to overcome. I was hoping we could hear some more from Jax, but there will be time for that down the road. Moving Jax to Smackdown was the right move and they’ve already gotten her off on the right foot. I wouldn’t mind a Jax title run on Smackdown going into the fall.)

-Nick Aldis entered his office and A.J. Styles was waiting for him. Styles was in a suit. Styles said he thought about what Aldis said last week. Styles said if Aldis has time, Styles would like to address his future later. Aldis said he could find the time, but he needed to know if Styles had something to tell him. Styles said it was going to be hard enough once, so he’d like to do it in the ring. Aldis said Styles could have the time. They shook hands and Styles walked off.

-DIY made their entrance. Graves promoted a match between Tommaso Ciampa and Austin Theory for after the break. [c]

-Bayley was in the back being worked on by the trainers. Naomi appeared. She said Niven and Green wouldn’t get away with it. Naomi asked if Bayley was good to wrestle tonight. Bayley said she was. Naomi assured Bayley that she would have Bayley’s back. Naomi walked off as Bayley winced on the trainer’s table.

-Austin Theory made his entrance with Grayson Waller in tow. Graves threw to a video recap of an altercation between the two teams earlier today. Aldis made the match official after the argument.

(1) TOMMASO CIAMPA (w/ Johnny Gargano) vs. AUSTIN THEORY (w/ Grayson Waller)

The bell rang eighteen minutes into the hour. Graves and Wade Barrett mentioned the past relationship between Theory and Gargano. Theory backed Ciampa into the corner but Ciampa fought out and took Theory down. Ciampa chopped Theory in the corner. Ciampa mounted Theory in the corner and rained down punches. Waller climbed onto the apron and Ciampa knocked him off. Theory took advantage of the distraction and landed a modified neckbreaker. Theory choked Ciampa with his boot. Theory lifted Ciampa to his feet and landed elbows in the corner. Ciampa collapsed to the mat. Theory whipped Ciampa into the corner and charged. Ciampa got a boot up. Ciampa came off the ropes but Theory countered and took Ciampa down. Theory rolled to the outside and pulled Ciampa to the apron. Theory landed a neckbreaker from the apron to the floor. Waller taunted Ciampa as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Back from break, Theory had Ciampa in a headlock on the mat. Ciampa fought to his feet and got free but Theory took him down again. Theory went to the apron and rolled through. Ciampa caught Theory with a dropkick. Both men were down in the ring. They got to their feet. Theory went for a punch but Ciampa blocked and landed a right of his own. Ciampa came off the ropes and landed a flying clothesline. Ciampa delivered a side Russian leg sweep. Ciampa sold his neck before he made the cover for a two count. Ciampa punched Theory in the back of the head. Ciampa raked at the face of Theory. Ciampa set up for a neckbreaker but Theory blocked. Ciampa transitioned but Theory countered again. Theory landed Ataxiom and made the cover for a two count. Ciampa was down. Theory motioned to the crowd and then lifted Ciampa to his shoulders. Ciampa blocked and then landed a big chop. Ciampa delivered a back elbow and Theory answered with a right hand. They hit stereo big boots and Ciampa knocked Theory to his knees. Ciampa landed a big knee. Theory rolled to the outside. Waller put Theory back into the ring. Waller yelled at Graves and Barrett. Theory questioned Waller as Waller jumped on the apron. They argued for a second and Ciampa shoved Theory into Waller. Waller fell off the apron and Ciampa rolled up Theory for the win.

WINNER: Tommaso Ciampa in 10:00

(McDonald’s Analysis: I don’t get it. Are we already headed towards a break up of Theory and Waller? Why now? What would they do after they feud with each other? And who’s the face? I was really hoping Paul Levesque wouldn’t fall into the trap of breaking up teams so quickly, but this is something to monitor. I don’t see how them splitting right now benefits either guy.)

-Nick Aldis was in the back with Blair Davenport. Naomi interrupted. She asked for a match against Niven and Green with Bayley as her partner. Davenport said Naomi interrupted her. Naomi said that normally she would introduce herself. Davenport introduced herself and said Naomi will know who she is soon. Davenport walked off. Aldis said that Naomi got her match. Naomi walked off.

-L.A. Knight appeared. He asked if Styles was going to retire. Aldis said he didn’t know. Knight said he was looking for Logan Paul. Aldis asked Knight to have a seat with him. Aldis walked over and sat on the couch. Knight joined him as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

-They showed a graphic for Styles’ segment on the show. Barrett said that Styles would address his future. Barrett speculated on whether or not Styles would retire. Graves threw to a video package on the King and Queen of the Ring PLE. The video focused on the WWE title match between Logan Paul and Cody Rhodes.

-Knight emerged from Aldis’ office. Kayla Braxton was waiting for him. Knight said he doesn’t have much information. He said he learned that Logan Paul isn’t in the arena this week. Knight said he is here and if he isn’t going to get the answer he wants, he’s going to make the answer he wants. Knight said he wants the United States title. Carmelo Hayes appeared. He asked why Paul would want to face Knight if Hayes is right there. Knight made fun of Hayes for getting the names wrong. Hayes said if Paul wants to talk the talk, then Knight is the guy. Hayes said if Paul wants to walk the walk then Hayes is Him.

-Apollo Crews was in the ring.

-Andrade made his entrance. They showed a video of Andrade speaking to Angel. Angel offered Andrade entrance to Legado del Fantasma. Andrade walked off.


They traded suplex attempts before Andrade landed a dropkick. Andrade sold his shoulder as he landed awkwardly on Crews after the dropkick. Andrade followed up with a back suplex and made the cover for a two count. Andrade stomped on Crews. Andrade climbed to the top rope. He stopped and looked at the entranceway. Angel was there. Andrade got distracted and Crews knocked Andrade to the floor. Crews came off the apron with a moonsault and took out Andrade at ringside. They showed a replay of Crews’ moonsault as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Andrade and Crews battled on the top rope. Andrade knocked Crews off and then came off the top rope with a crossbody. Both men fought to their feet. Crews landed a right hand. They traded blows and Crews shot Andrade off the ropes. Andrade landed a flying forearm. Crews was down in the corner. Andrade fired up and the crowd cheered him on. Andrade charged and landed double knees in the corner. Andrade made the cover for a two count. Angel was on the outside looking on. Crews recovered and delivered a German suplex. He held on and went for a second but Andrade got to the corner and got away. Andrade landed a kick and climbed to the second rope. Crews landed a shot and then hit a military press slam. Crews followed up with a standing moonsault. Crews made the cover for a two count. Angel distracted Crews and Andrade landed a spinning elbow. Andrade followed up with a modified swinging neckbreaker and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Andrade in 8:00

-Angel celebrated on the outside. Andrade questioned it. Santos Escobar, Humberto, and Elektra Lopez appeared at the top of the stage. They clapped for Andrade. Angel motioned towards Escobar as Andrade made his way up the ramp. Andrade walked past them. Escobar removed his sunglasses and glared at Angel. Angel ran off after Andrade.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Nothing match with a couple of awkward spots. The angle with Legado trying to get Andrade to join is interesting, but once Andrade continues to say no, where does it go? It’s at least something for Andrade to do, but I’m still not super interested in him. They could fix that, but I don’t have high hopes for this. I would rather see Escobar involved with something else. Andrade blowing them off makes Legado look like a joke group and that’s not good for them moving forward.)

-Graves and Barrett were shown ringside. Graves said you need strength in numbers in today’s WWE. Graves said it’s always good to have someone watching your back. He threw to a video recap of last week’s Smackdown match between Tama Tonga and Randy Orton. The video showed the end of the match and Kevin Owens saving Randy Orton from a Bloodline beatdown.

-Solo Sikoa gave a pep talk to Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa backstage. Paul Heyman appeared. Heyman said he’s been doing a lot of thinking about how he can better serve Sikoa while Sikoa is in charge. Heyman said when Roman Reigns was Tribal Chief, there was a lot of violence, but it was to preserve the family. Heyman said Reigns didn’t shy away from the violence but he consulted Heyman. Heyman said he sees random acts of violence now, but no strategy. Heyman said the strategy has to be that when Reigns returns, Cody Rhodes is in check. Sikoa said Rhodes is in check and he doesn’t even know it. Heyman said he wanted to ask Sikoa a question. He asked who we was. Sikoa turned and Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa were gone. Kevin Owens’ music played in the background. Sikoa said he had a strategy and Heyman needs to fix this.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I really liked this. Another segment to plant seeds. I like how Heyman approached Sikoa here and shows that Heyman is looking to change his strategy regarding how he handles Sikoa versus how he handled Reigns and previously, Brock Lesnar. It’s a cool wrinkle.)

-Kevin Owens was in the arena and entered the ring. Barrett said we will hear from Owens after the break. [c]

-Angel yelled at Andrade in the locker room. Crews attacked Angel from behind. Officials pulled Crews off.

-Owens was in the ring. Owens said he wanted to make sure he had Orton’s back because Orton has had his back over the past couple of years. Owens said Orton isn’t King of the Ring, but he didn’t actually lose. Owens said Orton isn’t in the building because he’s home recuperating. Owens said the Bloodline is here, so he is as well.


-Paul Heyman appeared on the stage. Heyman introduced himself. Heyman said in the absence of Reigns, he is the Wise Man for Sikoa and the Bloodline. Heyman said it is within that capacity that he comes out to talk to Owens man to man, professional to professional, and father to father. Heyman said they have a mutual interest. Owens told Heyman to get in the ring. Heyman entered the ring and stood opposite Owens. The crowd chanted “we want Roman”. Heyman said he doesn’t think there’s a person in the arena that wants Reigns there more than he does. Heyman said Owens keeps calling out Sikoa’s name. Heyman said that Reigns had and has great respect for Owens. He said that everything they went through was because of the respect Reigns had for Owens as a threat to his title. Heyman said Sikoa has no respect for Owens. He said Sikoa is recruiting criminals to the Bloodline. Heyman said that he and Reigns did background checks and didn’t want them in the Bloodline. Heyman said they aren’t people, they are bloodthirsty thugs. Heyman said they’re looking for a reason to take Owens out. Heyman said that’s bad for WWE. Heyman said he likes Owens in WWE and the fans love Owens in WWE. Heyman said if Owens keeps calling them out, they’re going to do something bad about it. Heyman pleaded with Owens to back off the Bloodline.

-Owens asked if Heyman was acting like he wanted to help. He asked why he should trust Heyman and anything he says. Owens said he isn’t falling for Heyman’s act. Owens said he knows that Heyman is pulling the strings and this is what he does. Owens said Reigns lost the title and Heyman is looking for his next cash cow. Owens asked if Heyman was trying to make sure everyone fears the Bloodline. Owens said he fought the Bloodline for four years and he took everything they had and he’s still right here. Owens said that was the Bloodline, Reigns and the Usos. Owens said he respected them. Owens said now, it’s not the Bloodline, it’s Sikoa and two guys. Owens said he doesn’t want them in WWE. Owens said he’ll keep fighting them and he wants them out of his world. Owens said he doesn’t want or need Heyman’s help.

-Heyman said that maybe he isn’t trying to help Owens but save him. Heyman said he’s met Owens’ kids. Heyman asked if he could redeem himself after all these years. Heyman said that Owens has redeemed himself. Heyman asked why Owens couldn’t understand what Heyman is trying to do for him. Heyman freaked out and asked why no one would listen to him. Heyman flailed his arms and hit Owens with the mic before he dropped it. Owens looked irritated and Heyman looked shocked. Owens started toward Heyman. Sikoa’s music played and appeared on the stage with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. Owens readied himself in the ring. The Street Profits appeared next to Owens. The two sides brawled. Owens and Sikoa fought into the crowd. Tama and Loa battled with the Profits in the ring. The Profits knocked Tama and Loa to the outside. Angelo Dawkins ran the ropes and landed a dive that took out Tama and Loa on the outside. [c]

(3) TAMA TONGA & TONGA LOA (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. STREET PROFITS (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) (w/ B-Fabb)

The match was in progress as they came back from break. Ford was in the ring with Tama. Ford went after Tama in the corner. Heyman looked on from ringside. Dawkins tagged in and took Tama down. Ford tagged back in and they hit a double back suplex. Ford made the cover for a two count. Ford sent Tama to the corner. Ford charged and Tama lifted Ford to the apron. Ford knocked Loa off the apron. Tama landed a big right that knocked Ford to the floor. Loa attacked Ford on the outside and then tossed him back into the ring. Tama beat on Ford. Tama ran the ropes and hit a running clothesline. Tama made the cover for a two count. Tama backed off and hit another sliding clothesline. Loa tagged in and slammed Ford into the corner and then onto the mat. Loa tagged in Tama and landed a suplex. Tama splashed Ford and made the cover for a two count. Tama went after the ribs of Ford in the corner. Tama backed off and charged but Ford landed a knee to the gut. Ford got free and tagged in Dawkins. Dawkins took down Tama a couple of times and then came off the ropes with a corkscrew elbow. Dawkins spun into a splash on Tama in the corner. Dawkins followed up with a big kick and covered Tama for a two count. Tama landed a knee and Loa made a blind tag. Dawkins came off the ropes and Loa took him down. Loa landed a back suplex. Loa dumped Dawkins to the outside of the ring. Tama went after Dawkins and slammed him into the announce table. Loa dropped to the outside and slammed Dawkins into the announce table himself. Loa whipped Dawkins into a flying clothesline from Tama. Tama and Loa stood tall as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Tama and Loa stayed in control of Dawkins. Tama mounted Dawkins and punched away. Heyman looked concerned at ringside. Tama stomped on the face of Dawkins. Tama got a one count with his boot on the chest of Dawkins. Tama came off the ropes and went for an elbow drop but Dawkins moved. Dawkins went to the corner. Tama charged but Dawkins ducked. Dawkins dove the wrong way. Tama cut Dawkins off and Dawkins landed a chop. Dawkins tried to fight back but Tama landed elbow strikes. Dawkins delivered a suplex and both men were down. Dawkins crawled toward Ford and made the tag as Tama tagged Loa. Ford beat on Loa as he hit the ring. Loa went for a back suplex but Ford landed on his feet and hit a series of kicks. Ford came off the ropes and took Loa down with a clothesline. Ford took Tama down as he hit the ring. Ford landed a kick to Loa. Loa went to the apron. Ford splashed Loa and tagged in Dawkins. Dawkins lifted Loa to his shoulders and Ford climbed to the top rope. Ford delivered the Blockbuster and made the cover but Tama broke the count. Dawkins sent Tama to the apron. Loa took Dawkins down from behind. Dawkins knocked Loa into Tama who made the tag. Dawkins hit Sky High on Loa. Ford tagged in and hit a big splash off the top rope. Tama hit the modified facebuster to Ford and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa in 14:00

-Tama and Loa celebrated.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Good match. The two teams worked well together. I hadn’t seen Loa before and he came off just fine here. Tama and Loa should be a little more vicious with their style if they are going to be portrayed that way, but it is what it is at this point. When they do actual wrestling moves it doesn’t match what the commentators say about them. It’s a small thing but it would help with the immersion if they thought more about this. The Profits got in a lot of offense here, but they did a clean job where they just got outsmarted. It wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world to find a way to move the Tag titles to Tama and Loa and go from there.)

-Graves threw to a video recap of Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill’s victory at the King and Queen of the Ring PLE this past Saturday in Saudi Arabia. After the video, Belair and Cargill were in the back. Indi Hartwell appeared. She said they injured Candice LaRae. Belair said that LaRae tried to injure her first, so she finished it. Cargill said she wants to put Hartwell on the shelf next to LaRae. Hartwell said that wasn’t what she meant and walked off.

-Bayley and Naomi made their entrance. Barrett promoted their match against Green and Niven for after the break. [c]

-Kayla Braxton was in the back with Michin. Kayla asked if Styles was going to retire. Michin said that Styles hasn’t been talking to them. Jax appeared and said they should be talking about her and not Styles. Michin asked why everyone kept interrupting her. Michin stepped up to Jax. Jax said that Michin was going to regret that and walked off.

-Bayley and Naomi were in the ring.

-Chelsea Green and Piper Niven made their entrance.


Green started with Bayley. Green attacked Bayley and tagged in Niven. Niven took control and then tagged Green back in. Bayley fought back and hit a suplex on Green. Naomi tagged in. Naomi hit a legdrop on Green and made the cover for a two count. Bayley tagged back in. Naomi and Bayley clotheslined Green over the top rope and to the floor. Naomi ran the ropes and dove through the ropes to take out Green on the outside. Naomi punched away at Green. Niven dropped to the floor. Bayley went to the outside and took Niven down with a forearm. Bayley and Naomi stood tall at ringside as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Bayley fought back against Niven. Niven took control and tagged in Green. Niven held Bayley for a right hand from Green. Green made the cover for a two count. Green got frustrated and covered Green for a second two count. Green rammed her shoulder into Bayley in the corner. Niven tagged back in. Bayley tried to get to the corner but Niven held her back. Bayley escaped from Niven and went to the apron. Bayley went through the legs of Niven and moved toward Naomi. Niven pulled Bayley away. Niven went for an elbow drop but Bayley moved. Bayley tagged in Naomi as Niven tagged in Green. Naomi hit a facebuster to Green on the apron. Naomi came off the top rope with a crossbody. Naomi dropkicked Niven off the apron. Naomi played to the crowd and then hit a running dropkick onto Green in the corner. Naomi followed up with a kick and a split-legged moonsault. Naomi made the cover but Niven broke the count and pulled Green to the outside. Naomi landed a dive that took out Green and Niven on the outside. Naomi tossed Green into the ring and climbed to the top rope. Niven pushed Naomi off the top rope. Green made the cover but Bayley broke the count. Bayley knocked Niven to the outside and followed her out. Niven tossed Bayley into the ring steps. In the ring, Naomi hit the Rear View on Green. Naomi made the cover but Niven splashed both women to break the count. Niven dragged Green on top of Naomi and the ref counted to three for the win.

WINNER: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven in 9:00

(McDonald’s Analysis: Surprising result, but Naomi doesn’t mean anything, so Green beating her is fine. Niven and Green are being positioned well on this revamped Smackdown Women’s roster. I like it. This is a good step in the right direction as they continue to build Niven for a match with Bayley. I hope this isn’t a one-off and they actually portray Niven as being credible moving forward.)

-Graves announced Jade Cargill against Indi Hartwell next week on Smackdown. Barrett then announced Johnny Gargano against Grayson Waller. They then announced Angel against Apollo Crews and Solo Sikoa anointing Tonga Loa. They showed graphics with all of the announcements.

-Styles walked in the back. Knight walked up to him. He said if the rumors are true, then respect. Styles then bumped into Cody Rhodes. They shook hands and then Styles whispered something to Rhodes. Styles kept walking and bumped into Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Styles said that they’ve been through it all with him so they should join him out there tonight. They made their way through the curtain. [c]

-A.J. Styles made his entrance. Gallows and Anderson joined him on the apron. Graves told a story of meeting Styles in 2002 at NWA Wildside.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I love that Graves brought up NWA Wildside. We actually got that show on Saturdays on Sunshine Network and I watched it every week. It was cool to hear that referenced on WWE TV.)

-Styles stood in the middle of the ring. Gallows and Anderson stood in the corner. Styles looked emotional as the crowd chanted his name. Styles said he’s been thinking about what Aldis said last week. Styles said he dwelled on it. He said if he wanted another shot at Cody Rhodes, he would have to go to the back of the line. Styles said Aldis is doing his job and Styles understood that. Styles said he can’t do that at this point in his career. Styles said at this point in his life he can’t do that. Styles said he’s been wrestling for over two decades. Styles said he’s been busting his body in these rings. Styles said he gave blood, sweat, and tears all over the world. The crowd chanted for Styles again and said thank you. Styles said it was so he could become phenomenal. He said his son graduated high school this past week. Styles said he got to be there. He said they had a graduation party and it was great. Styles said in that moment, he asked how many of these he has missed. Styles said that instead of being the phenomenal A.J. Styles, maybe he should stay at home and be a phenomenal father. Styles asked Gallows and Anderson to come up to him. He said he couldn’t have done it without them and he loves them. Styles said they are better than friends, they are brothers. They did the clique sign together and then hugged. Styles said that before he goes, he whispered something to Rhodes, and asked if he wouldn’t mind coming out. Styles said now is the time.

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance. Rhodes entered the ring and stood opposite of Styles. Styles said he wanted to thank Rhodes for the match they had at Backlash. Styles said if he had to pick a last match, that would be it. Styles said this is the house that Styles built. He said he called Rhodes out to hand him the keys.

-Rhodes said he and Styles have only ever exchanged one text message. Rhodes said he asked Styles if he was alright after their match. Styles replied that he was good and called Rhodes his little bro. Rhodes thanked Styles for the locker room and said he was a big brother to all of them. They hugged. Styles posed and the crowd cheered. Rhodes held up Styles’ hand and the crowd cheered some more. Styles attacked Rhodes and took him down. Styles beat on Rhodes in the middle of the ring. Styles dumped Rhodes to the outside and tossed him into the ring steps. Gallows and Anderson held back the officials. Styles set up Rhodes and gave him the Styles Clash off the ring steps and to the floor. Styles stood tall over Rhodes as the show went off the air.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Good angle. I had a feeling it was going that way with some of the clues they gave. Styles did a convincing job in the beginning, but mentioning the back of the line flagged this for me. I really liked the angle and I like that they’re going back to Styles and Rhodes. I thought Styles should have gotten a match or two against Reigns as a babyface so I’m all for Styles as a heel challenging Rhodes again. Effective angle and a good way to close the show as they begin the build to the next PLE. If Rhodes is going to be on every show, he needs challengers and they’re going to have to come from somewhere. This was a good way to get there.)


PWTorch editor Wade Keller will be joined by Jason Goodspeed from PWTorch to review Smackdown LIVE. We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!

Email our post-show at wadekellerpodcast@gmail.com with your comments and questions about Smackdown. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.


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