AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (5/29): Keller’s report on EVPs updating status of TNT Title, Casino Gauntlet match, Swerve vs. Killswitch, Mox vs. Romero

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


MAY 29, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 4,772 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 5,649.



On the episode featuring the fallout from AEW Double or Nothing, PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by Eric Krol to review Raw LIVE. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.



-They went right to the arena as Mercedes Moné made her ring entrance as Excalibur introduced the show. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz commented on highlights of her win. She brought it when it came to her outfit and, as always, her hair style. More work and budget goes into that than probably the average 50 wrestlers. The ring was filled with balloons. Excalibur alluded to some things that they’d delve into later.

“Please say hello to your new CEO and your new TBS Champion,” she said, to a tepid response. “Wasn’t I worth the wait? Didn’t I tell you money changes everything?” She said on Sunday they celebrated not only five years of AEW, “but the greatest of all-time, me.” Some fans chanted, “CEO!” She said she and Willow Nightingale “tore the house down.” She said Willow had the run of her career and gave her the fight of her life, but she is just way too nice.

She said she could have told her from a mile away that Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander would screw her over. She said she hopes when Willow returns that she kicks their asses. She then went back to dancing. She said she was born to do this and she’s ready. She said she cannot wait until Forbidden Door. She was interrupted on the big screen by Skye Blue saying, “Mercedes? Mercedes?” A clip aired of Mercedes being attacked during an interview. Sky Blue said that was her best work. Back live in the ring, she attacked Mercedes from behind.

(Keller’s Analysis: I guess I was right to hedge on whether Mercedes was actually leaning into being a heel or not, because she came across just as heelish and over-the-top full of herself and materialistic as ever, yet she’s actually thinking that’s a babyface act she’s doing.)

-Excalibur hyped the announcement by The Young Bucks later that they’d be addressing the future of the TNT Title. Then they showed Jack Perry, Kazuchika Okada, and the Bucks arriving outside the arena.

-Highlights aired of Double or Nothing closing with scenes of Swerve Strickland celebrating his win.


Prince Nana walked onto the stage as Swerve’s theme played. He was sipping coffee and then began to dance. Swerve walked past him, wearing his AEW World Hvt. Title belt. Killswitch came out alone. Excalibur said there’s no rest for the champion. The bell rang 11 minutes into the hour. Swerve landed a dropkick to Killswitch’s knee. Schiavone said Tony Khan would have an announcement later about a match on this episode. Swerve took it to Killswitch at ringside. When Swerve charged at Killswitch, Killswitch blocked his kick and threw him into the ringside steps. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]

Swerve made a comeback after the break. When Killswitch wound up to use a chair a minute later, Nana yanked the chair away from him. Killswitch punched the chair out of Nana’s hands. Swerve kicked Killswitch three times and then landed a leaping double stomp off the ring apron to the floor. Back in the ring, Killswitch caught Swerve with a chokeslam and standing moonsault for a near fall. Killswitch yanked Swerve up by his hair and went for his Extinction Lariat. Swerve ducked and landed his leaping sidekick followed by a top rope double stomp which Killswitch sat up perfectly for and waited for Swerve to play to the crowd before leaping at him (there’s got to be a way to avoid how ridiculous that looks). That led to a dramatic near fall. Schiavone said no one expected that. Swerve landed another leaping sidekick for the win.

After the match, Nana presented Swerve with scissors and he cut off Killswitch’s braid.

WINNER: Swerve in 12:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Solid enough match. The pony tail was obviously attached to Killswitch’s mask, not his head.)

-They went to the announcers at ringside who hyped TK’s match announcement. [c]

-Schiavone said Mercedes will have her first TBS Title defense tonight against Sky Blue.

(Keller’s Analysis: Odd that they didn’t advertise that ahead of time.)

-Backstage, Jon Moxley stood in a stairwell and discussed facing Rocky Romero later. He said he’s a one-armed man and it’s a dumb idea for him to be wrestling. “But when am I ever at 100 percent,” he said. He said is a champion and that’s what champions do. He talked about his various upcoming cities he’ll be in for AEW and non-AEW events across the world.

-Big Bill stood mid-ring and introduced Chris Jericho from the new “TV Time with Chris Jericho” interview set. It was artificial turf and a tree that looked like it was created for a middle school play. Jericho came out waving to fans. (For those keeping track, Mercedes, Swerve, Moxley, and Jericho all had belts with them so far, 30 minutes into the show.) “He’s the most disingenuous person in pro wrestling and we’ve got lots of those,” Schiavone said.

Bill said even when leaves fall off trees, they always grow back in the spring stronger and brighter than ever. Jericho plugged his new “Learning Tree” t-shirts and thanked fans for making it no. 1. He teased throwing it into the crowd. “Who wants one? Who wants one?” he said. He then placed it on the top turnbuckle and did not throw it into the crowd. (That was funny and well played.)

He said he is the longest reigning For The World Champion ever at 39 days. He said Hook and Shibata are tough, but if adversity is ice cream, always put a cherry on top. He said many are called, but only few answer. He said many reach out, but only a few are chosen. He said many talk the talk of wanting to sit under the learning tree, but very few walk the walk. He introduced Bryan Keith and said he walked under the shade of The Learning Tree.

Keith walked out. Jericho asked him what caused him to want to get sucked into the Jericho Vortex and become a disciple of The Learning Tree. Keith said he noticed a lack of respect for Jericho. He said the fans are lucky to be breathing the air Jericho is breathing. He began yelling, “Show respect!” Jericho said it’s not a yelling moment, it’s a teaching moment. He said if you want something to happen, you go out and grab it. Jericho said he’s a bad man. Bill said he’d say he’s a bad apple. Jericho said a bad apple doesn’t fall far from The Learning Tree. He let out an intentionally obnoxious laugh. He said he can grow under the learning tree as long as he wants. Hook’s music interrupted and he walked out.

Hook attacked two security guys. Two others backed off. He went face-to-face with Samoa Joe who suddenly appeared at ringside as his music played. He had a few words for Hook that felt like a sign of respect or advice, not a threat. Hook turned and followed Joe up the ramp. Jericho waved bye.

(Keller’s Analysis: In a weird genius move by Jericho, the point of this bit is to flop badly and keep smiling and waving at a disinterested audience rejecting him. He’s found his sweet spot in 2024, I think.)

-A clip aired of Moxley pinning Konosuke Takeshita at Double or Nothing. They went to the announcers who said that wasn’t supposed to air, then threw to a video package on Stephanie Vaquer, hyping her appearance at Forbidden Door.

-Moxley made his entrance to “Wild Thing.”

(2) JON MOXLEY vs. ROCKY ROMERO – IWGP Title eliminator match

Romero dropkicked Moxley before the bell. The ref rewarded his illegal attack by immediately calling for the bell to start the match 42 minutes into the hour. He went after Mox’s shoulder early at ringside and then back in the ring with kicks. Excalibur talked about what IWGP stands for. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]

When Mox eventually applied his bulldog choke, Romero slipped out and applied a hammerlock with his leg and snapped it backwards when he dropped back. He went for an extended arm submission. Mox escaped and landed a lariat and then a Death Rider for the win.

WINNER: Moxley in 11:00.

-Renee Paquette interviewed Joe and Hook. She asked what happened out there. Joe said they do not exist on their time. He said truly dangerous men exist on their time. They turned and walked away together. [c]

-Don Callis entered the ring. He said he has something important to tell the fans. He held up a contract which he said is more valuable than gold or diamonds. He said it’s a contract to work for the Don Callis Family. He was bombarded with boos. He said it’s one of the great pleasures of his life to scout a talent like Orange Cassidy. He said when he sees Orange, he sees himself. Excalibur said the last person to get booed like that in that arena was Larry Bird. Taz said it sounds like Schiavone after he walks into the house after a few days on the road.

Cassidy made his entrance. When he entered the ring, Callis said this was the moment the world was waiting for. He said Orange is a truly iconic performer in the industry. He said he’s there to work with him, and it’s pleasure to offer him a contract to join his family.


Cassidy held up the contract and tore it. Schiavone said he admires it, but he’d have at least looked at the dollar amount. Callis picked it up. Cassidy said, “Hey, uh, Don. No.” He turned to leave. Callis spun him back around and said no one says no to him. “I tell you what you’re going to do,” he said. “What the hell are you going to do about it.”

Stokely Hathaway walked out with Kris Statlander. He said he’s AEW’s no. 1 hater and he doesn’t like the way he walks or talks. He said he’s just like Willow Nightingale. Statlander said her best friend accepts his invite to join the family. Trent Beretta attacked Cassidy from behind. “F— you, Trent!” chanted the crowd. He punched away at Cassidy and said he hates him. Callis pulled Trent off of Cassidy. Trent stared at him, then extended his arms for a hug. Fans booed as Callis moved in for the hug. Callis stepped on Cassidy’s body as he embraced Trent. Fans chanted, “You sold out!”

-Schiavone said Will Ospreay will defend the International Title on Collision this Saturday. They showed a graphic that Kyle O’Reilly would get the shot. (What did O’Reilly do to earn that?)

-Renee interviewed Danny Garcia and Matt Menard backstage. Garcia said he feels he’s stuck in his head and trudging through mud. He said some people have so much confidence and get everything they want. He said he might be time to go after the International Title, despite Ospreay being a formidable champ. He said he’s going to climb the rankings and make Ospreay’s bags lighter on his international flights. “Respectfully,” he said.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good use of interview time for Garcia, who has been stuck in muck in AEW. He should study what O’Reilly did to earn his International Title match, I guess.)

(3) MERCEDES MONE vs. SKY BLUE – TBS Title match

Mercedes came out first. Then Skye Blue. The bell rang eight minutes into the hour.  Mercedes went on the early attack. It seemed like an organic, but weak, “CEO!” chant started early in the match. Mercedes landed a leaping Meteora at Sky on the floor. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]

Sky eventually rallied and scored a near fall. Mercedes blocked a Code Blue and landed her Moneymaker finisher for the win.

WINNER: Mercedes in 8:00.

-Afterward, Vaquer walked out to her theme song. She had her New Japan Strong belt with her and held it up. Mercedes held up her belt.

-Renee stood outside the trainer’s room when Statlander and Hathaway somewhat gently and politely shoved her away. Hathaway reviewed the March 27 four-way match when Statlander said she wanted to become TBS Champion again. He said he listened to her. “Most of these bitches get a sinus infection and they don’t want to show up for work,” he said. (Reset the Bitch-o-Meter.) He handed the mic to “the new, the improved Kris Statlander.” She said she finally did something for herself and she gets booed. She called fans spineless, selfish people. “I am done being the protector, and now you’re all going to need protection from me,” she said.

(Keller’s Analysis: Some good mic work from Statlander there.) [c]

-A video recap aired of the return of MJF at the PPV on Sunday. After showing off his tattoo, Excalibur said he’s not going anywhere and is on the warpath.

-The Young Bucks made their way to the ring. Okada then made his entrance separately. And finally Perry. Okada told the fans, “Shut up, bitches.” (Reset the Bitch-o-Meter again.) Fans laughed and some chanted “Okada.” Perry said The Elite run this ship. He said the other guys set him on fire, yet they still won Anarchy in the Arena. He said he pinned one of the greatest wrestlers who ever lived in Bryan Danielson. Nick Jackson said it’s been a fantastic week for The Elite. He talked about their line of sneakers.

Nick pointed to the big screen and said they got Okada a gift. A Lamborghini sped into the parking lot. The license plate said, “RAIN MKR.” Okada was moved and began to cry. Nick started a “You deserve it!” chant. Fans joined in. “I love you guys,” said Okada. He said at Double or Nothing, Adam Copeland was badly injured. He said before the cage match, he wished Copeland luck and said, “Break a leg.” He said he thinks he jinxed him. He said they’re praying for him, but he’ll come back stronger. He said as EVPs, they have to make the tough decisions. He stripped Copeland of the title. Fans booed. He said the network is on their case and insists on a new champion. “We know just the guy,” he said. He awarded the title to Perry due to the biggest pinfall victory of his career on Sunday.

Christopher Daniels walked out and said he doesn’t need a severance package because Tony Khan has named him the Interim Executive Vice President and he will speak for TK. He insisted they refer to him by his god-given name, Christopher. Daniels picked the TNT belt off a pedestal at ringside. He said they’ll have qualifying matches with no seconds or managers at ringside in upcoming weeks, and the winners will wrestle at Forbidden Door to win the vacant title in a ladder match. He said the first qualifier will be on Friday night (he mistakenly said on Dynamite). Matt said they should show him how “happy” they are he’s back in AEW. As they began to head his way for a presumed beating, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn walked out and stood by Daniels. The Elite stood at ringside, stopping in their tracks.

-Prince Nana and Swerve talked about beating Christian Cage at Double or Nothing. He held up the “pony tail” from Killswitch. He said he’s curious to see who his next challenger will be. [c]

-A graphic hyped that MJF will be on Dynamite next week.

-A soundbite aired with Rush. He congratulated MJF for his return. He said he will start with him. He said if you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

(4) CASINO BATTLE ROYAL – Winner Receives AEW World Title shot

Pac and Jay White started the match 43 minutes into the hour. Mistico came out third. They cut to an early double-box break. [c/db]

Shota Umino joined the match next. Claudio Castagnoli came out next. As he gave White a giant swing, they cut to another double-box break. [c/db]

Out next was Lio Rush. Excalibur said he was “walking through the Forbidden Door.” He and Claudio battled.


A battered Cassidy entered next, with a Bandage on his head. Will Ospreay and Hechicero were the next to enter. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” White and Pac re-entered and battled. Pac set up his finisher on White, but Juice Robinson showed up and shoved him off the top rope. Cassidy went for an Orange Punch on White, but White suplexed him on his head. Ospreay then took out White. Cassidy rolled up Ospreay. Ospreay followed with an OsCutter for the win.

WINNER: Ospreay in 22:00 to earn an AEW World Title match at Forbidden Door.

-They closed with Excalibur plugging Rampage and Collision as Swerve and Ospreay went face to face in the ring.




On the episode featuring the fallout from AEW Double or Nothing, PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by Eric Krol to review Raw LIVE. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.

(PWTorch editor Wade Keller can be reached at Feedback on tonight’s show can be emailed to

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