AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (5/1): Kenny Omega addresses his health and then Elite attack him, Tony Khan updates his status, Swerve promo, Copeland defends, May vs. Deeb

By Amin Ajani, PWTorch contributor


MAY 1, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reports today that 4,183 tickets have been distributed so far; arena is set up for 4,768.


—The show opened with Tony Khan who was still wearing his neck brace after last week’s attack. He said he was in Jacksonville in the Jaguars office. He said he wished he could be in Winnipeg for Kenny Omega’s return. He said he wasn’t cleared to leave Jacksonville because of the actions of AEW EVPs. The signal began to cut off.

They showed Matthew and Nicholas Jackson in the control centre running the show. Nicholas apologized to Tony for losing connection. Matthew said they have iron clad contracts and that’s why they aren’t fired. He said it says in the contract that if Tony can’t run the show, the EVPs would be running the show. Nicholas ran the new show open. The new AEW Dynamite open featured Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry and The Young Bucks.

(Amin’s Thoughts: I liked how The Young Bucks gave reason to how they are still running the show after last week’s attack on Tony Khan. The Bucks did well playing heels who are using the EVP powers for themselves. The new opening video was a good way to put over the new Elite.)

—There was a firework display. The camera panned around the arena. They showed the crowd cheering as Excalibur introduced the show. Excalibur noted there’s three hours of AEW action tonight. Dynamite followed by Rampage.

—AEW World Champion “Swerve” Strickland came out with Prince Nana to start the show. Strickland got a strong reaction from the crowd. He spoke about having three matches on three shows in one week. He said that’s the kind of champion All Elite Wrestling deserves and that’s the champion he was going to be. He said what AEW doesn’t deserve are selfish, power-hungry EVPs who can throw their weight around with no consequences. He said he was standing on what he said last week. He called their actions a “b*tch move.” He said that was going to be handled at some point. He asked who’s going to be his opponent at Double or Nothing.

Matthew & Nicholas Jackson appeared on the show. Nicholas said Strickland deserves to be world champion. He said they were also champions. Matthew said the success has gone to Strickland’s head. He questioned Strickland bad mouthing the EVPs after winning the title. He said Strickland needs a dose of humility in his opinion. He suggested they pick Strickland’s opponent for Double or Nothing. Nicholas said he’s one of the greatest Canadians of all-time. Matthew said he’s a former champion. Nicholas said he hasn’t been around in a while but is ready to meet him.

Christian Cage came out with Killswitch, Nick Wayne, and Mother Wayne. The crowd chanted “Christian!” Cage jabbed the mic into Strickland’s chin. Strickland battled back rocking Cage, Killswitch and Nick with strikes. Strickland had a stare down with Mother Wayne. This gave Killswitch the opening to rock Strickland with a head butt. Killswitch rocked Prince Nana with a head butt as well. Cage delivered the Kill Switch to Strickland onto the AEW Title belt. Cage and Killswitch held Nana to his feet. Nick delivered Wayne’s World to Nana.

Cage told Strickland there’s something he should know about him. He said he doesn’t forget. He brought up Strickland breaking into Nick’s gym and left him in a pool of his blood. He seemed to lose track of what he was going to say. He told the crowd to keep it down while he conducts his business. The crowd booed. He brought up how he and Strickland were partners at All In London last year. He said he was waiting for the right moment for Strickland to answer for those mistakes. He said Strickland went on to win the AEW World Title. He said he was going to end Strickland’s title reign before it starts. He spoke about hearing Strickland’s speech about his path to the title. He spoke about Strickland going through a gruelling path to the AEW Title that his daughter doesn’t know. He said Strickland’s daughter will not want to know him when he’s done with him. He said Strickland’s daughter is going to have a father she can be proud of. The crowd booed as he brought up how the Colorado Avalanche beat the Winnipeg Jets in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. He said he was going to rip the AEW World Title from Strickland at Double or Nothing. He told Strickland the pain has just begun. Killswitch pulled out a braid from Strickland’s hair.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a strong segment setting up Strickland’s first challenger for the AEW World Title at the Double or Nothing PPV. I liked Cage bringing up Strickland losing the tag match at All In. I also like Cage bringing up Strickland’s past history with Nick Wayne. That should lead to a single’s match between Strickland and Wayne before the PPV. They’ve also laid the groundwork for a possible Blood & Guts match with The Young Bucks setting the stage for Cage to challenge for the title. This was a much better improvement compared to last week’s presentation of Strickland as champion.)

—They aired a House of Black vignette. Brodie King spoke about the match at Dynasty going exactly as planned. Malakai Black said they accept the Cope Open. They said Adam Copeland will find out his opponent when everyone else finds out.

—TNT Champion Adam Copeland came out to a big reaction. Copeland stood inside the ring waiting for his opponent. The lights went out. Malakai Black’s voice was heard over the speaker. He said the first step of many. He said Copeland was expecting him to come out. He questioned why he should come out now. He said what he did to him at Dynasty was to infiltrate and destroy his mind. He said that’s so much more rewarding. The lights went back out. Buddy Matthews came out to accept the challenge.


Buddy and Copeland were evenly matched to start. Buddy took an early lead catching Copeland with a head scissors. Copeland responded using Buddy’s momentum sending him to the floor. Copeland took the lead, hitting a tope to the floor. [c]

Buddy caught Copeland with a draping DDT as they returned from break. Buddy went for a sleeper hold but Copeland broke free. Copeland caught Buddy with a flapjack for a double down. Buddy and Copeland exchanged strikes on the ropes. Buddy and Copeland both fell to the floor. They teased a count-out but both men made it back into the ring. Buddy and Copeland connected with stereo crossbody for a double down. Buddy was selling his ribs on the landing and began spitting out blood. The doctor entered the ring to check on Buddy. [c]

Copeland rocked Buddy with corner strikes as they returned from break. Buddy responded by catching Copeland with a sit-out powerbomb for two. Buddy went for a sunset bomb but Copeland blocked. Copeland caught Buddy with an avalanche impaler DDT for two. Copeland called for a spear but Buddy caught him with a knee strike. Buddy connected with a Jackhammer for two. Buddy applied a crossface but Copeland countered into a rollup for two.

Copeland responded by catching Buddy with an Olympic Slam for two. Copeland went for a spear but Buddy responded by sending him into the turnbuckle. Buddy rocked Copeland with a modified GTS. Buddy called for a curb stomp but Copeland escaped. Copeland connected with a spear for the win.

WINNER: Adam Copeland in 22:30 to retain the TNT Title

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a really long match to start the show. The action was mostly very slow paced with not much happening. The action did pick up in the closing minutes as Buddy and Copeland worked a good match. The problem here is nobody expected Buddy to beat Copeland for the title. A quicker fast paced match would have made this match more enjoyable to watch.)

—Copeland attacked Buddy after the match. Copeland left the ring and grabbed a pair of chairs. Copeland whacked Buddy with a chair. Copeland teased a Con-Chair-To. The lights went out. The lights turned on. Malakai Black was standing inside the ring. Black told Copeland to hit Buddy with a chair. Buddy was on his knees daring Copeland to hit him. The lights went back out. The lights turned on. Black and Buddy were gone. Copeland grabbed the TNT Title.

(Amin’s Thoughts: I liked the post-match angle with House of Black playing mind games in Copeland’s head. This is likely leading to Copeland facing Brodie King next in another open challenge. That should lead to Malakai Black challenging Copeland for the TNT Title at the Double or Nothing PPV.) [c]


Samoa Joe got a strong reaction from the crowd. The crowd booed as Kassidy wore Joe’s towel. Joe took control launching Kassidy into the air. Joe went for a tope but Kassidy moved out of the way. Kassidy caught Joe draping him against the ropes. Kassidy went for a Tope Con Hilo but Joe walked out of the way in a great spot. Kassidy responded by catching Joe with a popup dropkick. Kassidy went for a monkey flip but Joe just stared at him in another funny spot. Joe made a comeback rocking Kassidy with a head butt. Joe followed by hitting a Muscle Buster for the win.

WINNER: Samoa Joe in 3:30

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a fun entertaining squash match as Joe looked great in the win.)

—Skye Blue delivered a vignette calling Willow Nightingale a fraud. She spoke about having Willow pinned last time they wrestled in the ring. She said Stokely Hathaway was a bald bitch on a leash. She said she and Julia Hart beat Willow and Kris Statlander in a street flight last time they were in Canada. Blue challenged Willow to a TBS Title match on Rampage. [c]

—Orange Cassidy came out to a solid reaction from the crowd. He said he hates this. He thought Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta would come back after getting their anger out of their system. He said that’s not going to happen. He said he’s been told Taylor won’t be able to wrestle again after what Beretta did after the match. He took off his glasses. He said he’s standing inside the ring alone. He was about to say something.

The crowd booed as Trent Beretta came out. He said Orange was making this about himself again. Orange left the ring and went after Beretta. Security ran out and held Orange back. Beretta said Taylor’s career is over because of Orange. Kris Statlander came out to hold Orange back.The crowd booed as Don Callis came out. Callis whispered something into Orange’s ear. Callis walked with Orange to the back. Beretta mocked Orange’s thumbs up.

(Amin’s Thoughts: The program between Beretta and Orange didn’t interest me at all. I gotta say Don Callis involvement has gotten me somewhat interested to see where this leads. I was fine with the Best Friends splitting apart. The reason being Orange is a great wrestler but his onscreen character has gotten stale. We shall see where Callis’ involvement with Orange leads. I think it’s a swerve for Beretta to join The Don Callis Family. I would like to see a change in Orange’s character with him having a more serious edge and not go back right into his comedy act after this program.)

—Renee Paquette was backstage with Matthew & Nicholas Jackson. Nicholas asked Renee how Jon Moxley and the family were doing. Renee was about to answer. Matthew cut Renee off saying they don’t have time for this right now. He said they were looking for an old friend. He asked Renee if she bumped into him. Renee shook her head. Nicholas said they had too much time on Dynamite. They wanted to give their friend “The Scapegoat” Jack Perry some time. The Bucks left. Perry walked into the frame. Renee asked Perry what was going through his head when he attacked Tony Khan? Perry said he meant what he said last week. He said the only thing he wants that’s best for AEW. He said Tony made him “The Scapegoat.” He said it hurt at the time. He said he accepted it because he realized it was a sacrifice that somebody had to make. He said thanks to Tony they are entering a new era under The Elite. He walked off.

(Amin’s Thoughts: AEW and Tony Khan came out looking the worst from airing the All In footage. AEW airing of the footage showed everything that CM Punk pretty much said about what happened during his MMA Hour interview. That footage showed no reason why Perry was off AEW for that long a time. I thought Perry’s reasoning was good explaining Tony Khan was the one who made him the scapegoat. Perry’s promo delivery still needs some work as he doesn’t come off like a top level heel.)


Chris Jericho got a solid reaction in his hometown. Jericho’s dad Ted Irvine was shown ringside applauding. Taz was fired up on commentary. Taz noted Hook still wasn’t cleared to compete. Tony Schiavone pointed out how Jericho put his name on the FTW Title. Taz noted nobody told him that was going to happen. Schiavone said they should. Taz responded saying “Nobody tells him crap around here.”

Jericho took control early delivering a Lionsault as his knees landed onto Shibata’s knee for a near fall. Jericho whacked Shibata with a trash can lid. Jericho grabbed a black bag which had a bunch of hockey pucks. Shibata took control, planting Jericho with a suplex onto hockey pucks. Jericho and Shibata stood in the ring as they took turns delivering chops. [c]

Jericho tossed a hockey puck in Shibata’s face as they returned from break. Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho but Shibata broke free. Shibata applied a Figure-4-Leg Lock. Jericho broke free, throwing a hockey puck in Shibata’s face. Jericho placed a trash can over Shibata’s head. Jericho whacked the trash can with a stick. There was a comedy spot as Shibata stood up with a trash can over his head. Shibata used the trash can to whack Jericho in the head. Shibata made a comeback rocking Jericho with a corner dropkick for two.

Shibata handed Jericho a kendo stick. Jericho and Shibata sat cross-legged as they whacked each other with a kendo stick. Shibata planted Jericho with a backdrop suplex onto a pile of hockey pucks. Shibata placed a table inside the ring. Jericho caught Shibata charging with a Codebreaker for two. Jericho went for a Judas Effect but Shibata countered into a sleeper hold. Big Bill came out rocking Shibata with a big boot. Big Bill delivered a choke slam sending Shibata crashing through the table. Jericho covered Shibata for the win.

WINNER: Chris Jericho in 15:25 to retain the FTW Title

(Amin’s Thoughts: I enjoyed this match. This had a good mix of strong action and some funny comedy which added to my enjoyment of the match. I didn’t mind the finish with Big Bill as it played into last week’s angle with him wanting to be part of Jericho’s Learning Tree.)

—They showed highlights of Mercedes Moné slapping Willow Nightingale across the face last week on Dynamite.

—Renee was backstage with TBS Champion Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway. Renee asked what happened last week with Mone. Statlander apologized to Willow for what happened last week with Mone. Renee asked Willow about defending the TBS Title against Skye Blue. Willow said last weeks’ fiasco left her in a fighting mood. She told Mercedes she hasn’t forgotten about the cheap shot and has something waiting for her. She said she will massacre Blue in Winnipeg. The crowd cheered. Stokely couldn’t believe what Skye Blue said about him. He said he can’t complain because “those pricks” beat up Tony Khan. A stage hand appeared and handed Renee a phone. Statlander calmed Stokely down. Renee read a message from the phone. The message read that both Statlander and Stokely were banned from ringside. The message said if they interfere Willow would be stripped of the TBS Title. Statlander and Stokely walked off. Willow thanked Renee and walked off as well. [c]

(Amin’s Thoughts: I thought this backstage segment was great. I’m really liking Willow’s promo delivery as she comes off as a great loveable babyface champion. Statlander was playing a little too nice to Willow with her apology from last week. A Statlander turn looks to be very much in the works. I just loved how they had a stage hand right in place to hand Renee a phone with a message from the EVPs after Stokely talked them down. I would not mind if The Elite continues to stack the deck against Willow and leads to Mercedes Moné joining The Elite.)


Cage and Claudio began the match exchanging big strikes. Cage connected with a suplex but Claudio no-sold it. Claudio delivered a suplex but Cage no-sold it. Cage got the advantage catching Claudio with a head scissors. Claudio responded by catching Cage with a backbreaker. Excalibur noted on commentary that Bryan Danielson wasn’t cleared for travel after his match with Will Ospreay at Dynasty. Cage responded by stopping Claudio from climbing the ropes. Cage took control planting Claudio with a stalling superplex. [c]

Cage rocked Claudio with a superkick as they returned from break. Cage took control hitting a 619. Cage connected with a discus lariat for two. Claudio battled back, nailing Cage with a springboard uppercut. Claudio made a comeback rocking Cage with a series of strikes. Claudio nailed Cage with a 619. Claudio followed by hitting a discus clothesline for two. Cage responded by catching Claudio with a sit-out Alabama Slam for two. Claudio responded by nailing Cage with a popup uppercut for two. The crowd cheered as Claudio delivered the Giant Swing to Cage. Claudio transitioned, applying a Sharpshooter for the submission win.

WINNER: Claudio Castagnoli in 9:50

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a good back-and forth match as both Cage and Claudio worked well together. A good bounce back win for Claudio after coming off big losses to Ospreay and Strickland. I have a question. Why didn’t Cage come out to help Strickland in the opening segment? I don’t think we’ve seen an angle of all members of the Mogul Embassy deciding to go their separate ways.)

—Renee interviewed Rocky Romero backstage. Renee announced Orange Cassidy will face Trent Beretta next week on Dynamite. Renee asked Rocky who he sides with between Beretta and Orange? Rocky said he doesn’t side with anyone. He said the whole thing has been tearing him apart. He said Rocky does his own thing now. He said he wants to be a champion in AEW. He spoke about being a champion in Ring of Honor, New Japan Pro-Wrestling and CMLL. He said he wants to challenge the best. He said there’s one guy who brings the best out of him. He said he brings the best out of him as well. He challenged Kyle O’Reilly to a match on Rampage.

(5) MARIAH MAY (w/“Timeless” Toni Storm & Luther) vs. SERENA DEEB

Deeb and May were both evenly matched to start. Deeb took control early placing May in a Paradise Lock. Deeb connected with a basement drop to May’s butt to free her from the Paradise Lock. May responded rocking Deeb with a forearm smash. May took the lead hitting a handstand head scissors. May rocked Deeb with a basement dropkick. [c]

Deeb caught May with a neck breaker against the ropes as they returned from break. Deeb made a comeback planting May with a swinging neck breaker. Deeb rocked May with a hammerlock lariat for two. May went for a Figure-4-Leg Lock but May broke free. May battled back connecting with a missile dropkick. May rocked Deeb with a hip attack for two. May rocked Deeb with a running knee strike for another two count. May signalled for May Day but Deeb countered into a standing octopus hold. May responded by rocking Deeb with a head butt. May planted Deeb with a backdrop suplex. Deeb was seated on the turnbuckle as May went for a handstand head scissors. Deeb countered by catching May in a half crab. Deep slammed May’s leg to the mat. Deeb fully locked on a half crab. Storm threw a towel into the ring. The referee called for the bell.

WINNER: Serena Deeb via forfeit in 10:30

—They showed a graphic announcing Serena Deeb will challenge “Timeless” Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Title at Double or Nothing PPV.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a good match as both Deeb and May worked well together. I really like watching Deeb wrestle as her mat work and the way she can transition into different submission holds is impressive. I liked the finish with Storm throwing into the towel. Storm showed emotion for May not wanting to see her in pain. This could also lead to May being upset with Storm costing her the match and that begins the split. Overall, this was good, making Deeb look like a strong challenger for the AEW Women’s World Title.)

—Renee interviewed TNT Champion Adam Copeland backstage. Renee congratulated Copeland on his win. Renee asked Copeland if he’s okay? Copeland said he’s okay. Kyle O’Reilly appeared. O’Reilly said as a kid from Canada, Copeland’s career meant a lot to him. He spoke about sharing a locker room with Copeland. He said he’s not digging this House of Black stuff. He offered Copeland backup as help. Copeland said he appreciates it. O’Reilly was looking at the TNT Title. Copeland spoke about his match with Brodie King next week. Copeland told O’Reilly to look at him. Copeland wished O’Reilly luck for his match against Rocky Romero.

—Justin Roberts was standing inside the ring. He did his over-the-top introduction for Kenny Omega. Omega came out receiving a big reaction from the crowd. Omega was wearing a suit with sunglasses. The crowd chanted “Kenny!” He said the crowd was making this tough on him. The crowd chanted “Welcome Home!” He said he’s never been good when it comes to talking about injuries and weakness. He spoke about being diagnosed with diverticulitis. He spoke about spending 10 days in the hospital. He said the doctor told him he was one of the lucky ones. He said was 24 hours away from dying. He responded by saying “Cool story doc.” He told the doctor if he can patch him up and send him back to Dynamite. He said they told him they need to get what’s in him out of him. He said he’d need to wear a colostomy bag for six or twelve months or even possibly for the rest of his life. He said the doctor told him he would have a ticking time bomb inside him for the rest of his life if he doesn’t get surgery. He said he would wake up one day having the surgery done. He said any blunt force trauma to the stomach could kill him.

He got emotional as he paused. He said he had to stop watching because his hands would shake. He said he was scared for the first time in his career. He said he felt pathetic and like a coward. He said maybe the point of all this is to come out here and announce his retirement. The crowd gasped at this. He said he turned on the TV and watched Dynasty. He asked the crowd if they watched Dynasty? They cheered. He said he saw Strickland make history. He said he saw Bryan Danielson and Will Ospreay have one of the greatest matches he’s seen in his life. He said his hands were shaking. He wondered if he was scared of being a wrestler? There was a chant of “No” from the crowd.

He spoke about Justin Roberts’ introduction and heard the crowd cheering for him. He said it’s okay to be scared. He said we are all scared of something. He said he was shaking because he was going through withdrawal. He said he needed to get back inside this ring. He said he hated that all the best shows and best wrestlers were inside the ring and that he was already forgotten about. The crowd booed. He said he made a promise to himself and the crowd. He said this isn’t over until he exhausts every option. He said he made a vow to change the world.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was really good stuff here from Omega. You can see how much this hurts Omega not being able to wrestle for the fans. Omega delivered a great promo speaking from the heart about what he’s going through. Omega is going to be the biggest babyface in AEW when he’s hopefully fully healthy and ready to return to action.)

He turned his attention to The Young Bucks. He called them something which was censored. He said they have been embarrassing themselves more than they ever have in the past. He said they forgot that there’s another EVP. He said they can fire him from The Elite. He said they can’t fire him from being an EVP. He said that until someone says otherwise, a part of the power belongs to the Best Bout Machine. Kazuchika Okada’s music played. Okada was dressed in a suit as well. Omega and Okada had a stare down. The crowd chanted “Holy S*it!” Omega said something to Okada in Japanese. He spoke about their rivalry in New Japan. He told Okada to give him a couple of months. He said they will settle this inside an AEW ring. Okada said “I’m sorry Kenny!” I’m the Best Bout Machine Now!”

Jack Perry appeared, attacking Omega from behind. The crowd booed. Okada left the ring. Okada placed a chair into the ring. Perry attacked the security with chairs. Omega rocked Perry with strikes. Omega gave Perry a snap Dragon Suplex. Omega sold his stomach on the landing. Omega called for the V-Trigger. Okada yanked on Omega’s leg. Perry attacked Omega with a chair in his stomach. The crowd booed. Okada had a huge smile. Perry smirked like last week. Matthew & Nicholas Jackson came out. The Bucks spoke to Perry. The crowd chanted “Kenny!” Omega crawled trying to get up. The Bucks grabbed hold of Omega’s hands. They have Omega the EVP Trigger. They hugged Perry. Okada had Omega in position for the Rainmaker. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler came out to make the save. The Elite left the ring. Dynamite ended.

(Amin’s Thoughts: The face-to-face between Omega and Okada was awesome. This was another great closing angle. Last week’s angle was just the start to get heat on the new version of The Elite by taking out Tony Khan who runs the show. You saw it as The Bucks spread their EVP powers in different segments of the show. This week’s angle was done to write Omega off TV. This was another good way to get more heel heat on Perry by having attacked both Tony and now Omega. The time will come sometime soon when the AEW babyface side starts standing up to The Elite. You saw it with Strickland’s promo. I thought this was a good angle that was needed to establish this new version of The Elite as the top heels. The question is will this angle with his new version of The Elite get more engagement on the show? We have to wait and see.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a much better episode of Dynamite. There was lots of focus building up title matches for the upcoming Double or Nothing PPV. You can see they also set up stories for biggest matches down the road. The show was also balanced with some good wrestling matches. Overall, a good episode of Dynamite.

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