VIP AUDIO 5/2 – The Fix Mailbag w/Todd & Wade (pt. 2 of 2): Is praise for athleticism in matches overriding more important traits? Origin and influence of wrestling magazines? What if Hogan stayed in the AWA? Meaning of latest twist in lawsuit against Vince? More (94 min.)


SHOW SUMMARY: In part two of this week’s episode of The Fix with PWTorch VIP analyst Todd Martin and host PWTorch editor Wade Keller, they answer emails from VIP members on the following topics:

  • Which entrance stage videos for wrestlers stand out as the best and worst over the years?
  • Why do we like pro wrestlers to extend the bit outside of the confines of the wrestling shows like Tony Khan wearing a neck brace during the NFL draft?
  • Is Tony Khan emailing positive questions about AEW to The Fix under a false name???
  • Is praise for spotfest matches lacking selling and psychology making things worse and will things return to a more balanced presentation in the ring that seems to actually work better, with WWE’s popularity being evidence of it?
  • Is the current leaked info about The Rock being an egomaniac consistent with how he was years ago during his stints with WWE?
  • Is it worth considering that WWE moved Raw to Netflix to avoid scrutiny for its ratings each week?
  • Is it known if Stephanie McMahon and Paul Levesque signed a prenuptial agreement about Levesque taking over WWE someday?
  • Memories of the Torch Trading Block feature in the early 1990s newsletters.
  • Had Hulk Hogan stayed in the AWA, would the AWA have thwarted Vince McMahon’s national expansion and eventual dominance?
  • Did AEW commentary bury Swerve Strickland by saying Samoa Joe would beat him more times than not if they had rematches?
  • What was the origin and significance of newsstand pro wrestling magazines in the pre-Internet era?
  • Did it make AEW and Tony Khan look bad that he ripped WWE on NFL Network and days later Patrick Mahomes showed up on Raw?
  • Shouldn’t matches be evaluated differently than just being a barrage of highspots, such as whether it had a purpose and accomplished it and advanced a story or a wrestler’s journey?
  • Which five wrestlers would benefit from a jump from WWE to AEW and which five AEW to WWE?
  • What caused Vince McMahon to fumble the TBS timeslot he got in 1984 after Black Saturday?
  • Can Trick Williams handle the added load after the departures from the NXT roster to Raw and Smackdown?
  • How does the latest development in the Janel Grant lawsuit affect Vince McMahon’s defense, especially with the seeming new approach John Laurinitis is taking?



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