NXT TV RESULTS (3/19): Hazelwood’s live report on Perez vs. Paxley, Ruca vs. Breece, two men’s tag team qualifiers, Femi and D’Angelo speak, more



MARCH 19, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Backstage Correspondent(s): Kelly Kincaid



-The show began with Roxanne Perez’s music. Vic Joseph asked Booker T for his thoughts on Perez’s actions over the past month and he said you have to understand what it’s like to be overlooked. Tatum Paxley’s music hit and she rushed to the ring, but Perez met her at the ramp.


Perez maintained control back in the ring, but Paxley reversed position in the corner and swung away. Perez rolled out and Paxley went for the dropkick through the ropes like Lyra Valkyria, but Perez caught her feet. Paxley kicked her anway. Back in the ring, Paxley ran at Perez, but took a drop toehold into the ropes and then an arm breaker. Perez then wrapped the left arm around the bottom rope and wrenched on it using her foot for leverage. She hit a corner rush and then a side Russian leg sweep for a two-count. She held onto the left arm and dropped both knees onto the arm. She then did it one more time, followed by a hammerlock arm wrench, setting her foe up for an eventual crossface. Paxley rose to her feet and arm dragged Perez away, then hit a schoolgirl for a two-count. Paxley hit a few shots, but Perez responded with a spin kick. Paxley hit a jawbreaker, and then hit a few attacks including a step-up enziguri. Paxley went for a corner rush, but Perez dodged. Still, Paxley hit a facebuster into her knee and a pump handle flipping slam or something. Perez came back and whipped Paxley into the corner shoulder-first, then hit Pop Rocks and the crossface, holding on after the bell.

She took a mic in the ring and said it’s been one week and she’s not waiting any longer. She demanded that Ava make the decision to give her the title she never lost after her attack on Valkyria last week. Valkyria walked out with her arm in a sling, then was shoved into Paxley. Perez hit a big right, took off the sling, hit a few elbows to the arm, then locked in the crossface. A few refs broke it up, and Perez held up the title over Valkyria.

WINNER: Roxanne Perez at 4:02 (crossface)

-Meta-Four were in the back, Lash Legend a little behind trying to compose herself after last week. Noam Dar said he can’t wait to get his hands on Trick Williams, and Legend said the same. They had a brief tiff before Alpha Academy reappeared on NXT (sans Chad Gable). Otis said he’s jelly of Trick Willy. Legend said absolutely not and they’re not doing this.

-Oba Femi made his way. [c]

-They returned with an ad for WWE World at WrestleMania.

-Valkyria was in the medical room and told them she’s fine. Ava came up and asked if she was fine. Valkyria said so and demanded that Ava make the match. Ava agreed and made the match. Valkyria stormed off.

-Joseph was saying something to Booker T when Josh Briggs just slammed their table and took a mic. He said Femi was going to come out and damn near put Brooks Jensen through the ring last week. He said Jensen will bounce back, but what pissed him off the most was that Femi did all of that with a smile on his face the entire time. He called out Femi to try and put him through the ring. Femi’s music hit and he hit the entrance. He said he’s surprised Briggs didn’t enjoy the match from last week. Femi said he relishes the thought of pushing a man to his limits. He said when he steps through those rings, then corrected himself and said ropes (no one in the stands said a damn thing about the flub), and all that matters are results and his speak for themselves. Briggs said Femi walks around like he’s the baddest dude here, but like everyone else he will meet someone a little bit tougher. He introduced himself and called himself the bringer of mayhem or something and demanded a championship match. Femi said don’t say I didn’t warn you. Dijak’s music hit. He came to the ring to join the other two. Dijak removed his glasses and stared at Femi. He said Femi isn’t the man of memory because he forgot last week when Dijak said he’s next. Briggs called Dijak “Shaft” and said it’s between Femi and him, not Dijak. Dijak asked if he called him Samuel L. Jackson Shaft and Briggs said bingo. Dijak said, “I don’t know if you can see, but I’m White.” Femi interrupted and said it’s not about them because when it comes to the title it’s “Oba, and then everyone else.” Briggs took the first shot at Dijak, pushing him into Femi, but Femi deposited Briggs outside and the three stared off.

-Shawn Spears was in the locker room and said pride always comes before the fall, the downfall of a man and his ego. He said such a shame. Joe Gacy was listening while hiding behind a bench or something.

-Nathan Frazer and Axiom’s music hit for the tag team qualifier to be in the triple threat #1 contender’s match. That’s a mouthful.

(Hazelwood’s Take: Briggs was getting no real reaction from the crowd once Femi hit because Femi is just too cool, too charismatic. A report came out today that WWE officials are ecstatic with his development and view Femi as a “future World Champion.” Remember, I picked him to win the Breakout Tournament before entrants were even announced!)

-Briggs called himself the Man of Mayhem in that promo segment before the commercial break so I guess that’s going to be his singles nickname.

-Joseph hyped the MLB legacy titles on WWE Shop (any of you want to buy me a Giants one?).

-They threw to Williams’ return promo from last week and headlines about the first official Carmelo Hayes-Trick Williams match happening at Stand & Deliver. They showed Hayes walking in with his (incompetent) security detail.

-No Quarter Catch Crew entered. They were collectively introduced as the Heritage Cup Champion.

(2) AXIOM & NATHAN FRAZER vs. NO QUARTER CATCH CREW (Charlie Dempsey & Myles Borne w/Drew Gulak & Damon Kemp) – Tag team qualifier for the triple threat #1 contender’s match

Charlie Dempsey and Axiom began, meaning Dempsey is unlikely to compete later in the Heritage Cup match. The two traded some grappling and then reset. The two did some more grappling and counters. Frazer made a sneaky tag and kicked Dempsey from the back, Axiom following up before hitting the corner. Frazer took Dempsey down with a side head lock takedown, then flipped out of a suplex, but this allowed Myles Borne to tag in. Frazer used his speed to get around Borne and hit a few arm drags. Axiom tagged in and hit a big kick to Borne as he hit the ropes, then Frazer hit him with a clothesline over. Frazer went for a tope, but Dempsey caught him. Axiom hit a kick to Dempsey and then a tope to Borne (he nearly hit the table with his body as well). Frazer hit one to Dempsey on the other side, then one more each. Axiom went for a crossbody, but Borne rolled through and tagged in Dempsey. Axiom countered Borne, but then Dempsey sat on him during a victory roll attempt and hit a deadlift German. [c]

Axiom was fighting out of the heel corner as he returned, but Dempsey caught him with a fallaway slam bridging pin for a two-count. The two legal men then traded chest slaps, allowing Axiom to tag in Frazer. Born rushed in and Frazer hit both with a springboard dropkick. It appeared Borne tagged in and then he was hit with a lifting, twisting cutter and a running shooting star for a two-count. Frazer went for a phoenix splash and rolled through. From the apron, he went for a springboard crossbody that Borne turned into a powerslam for a two-count. Borne then hit a double spin powerslam (almost a Tour of the Islands) for a two-count that was broken up by Axiom kicking Dempsey into the pin. Frazer sat Born on their corner and then a double enziguri hit from the faces. Axiom tagged in, then Frazer again. Axiom hit an avalanche Spanish fly and Frazer a snapping phoenix splash. Axiom caught Dempsey with a Golden Ratio before he could interfere.

WINNER: Axiom & Nathan Frazer at 9:47 (phoenix splash) to qualify for the triple threat #1 contender’s match

-Joseph shifted to last week’s events between Lexis King, Mr. Stone, and Von Wagner. A NXT_Anonyomous video played where Stone was upset at Wagner for carrying him out of the ring. He said he did that for his family, but Wagner carried him out like a baby, like he does with his kids. Wagner asked if he just wanted him to sit back and watch King beat him up over and over again? Stone said he doesn’t care what the hell Wagner does and left.

-Sol Ruca entered for her first match on NXT TV proper since her injury (she’s been on Lvl Up I believe). Joseph said it’s been seven months. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: I haven’t looked ahead to see the last two tag teams in the qualifier, but with LWO and Axiom/Frazer already in the match, I’m going to say that whatever team isn’t a fast-paced, high-flying team will win the last qualifier. That tag team match was fun, though, and definitely one that told two different stories with the first being the feeling out process and the second being the faces overcoming the heels.)

-They returned with Kelly Kincaid with the Wolf Dogs. Baron Corbin cut her off and Bron Breakker called him out for that. Corbin said now, we just got here. Alpha Academy showed up and asked why there weren’t in the tag team tournament. Breakker said it’s not up to them. Akira Tozawa did a Gable impression and Corbin said “too late!” Maxxine Dupri said they want to earn their way so they challenged Wolf Dogs to a match for next week and if AA wins, they’re in the S&D match. Breakker immediately accepted to Corbin’s chagrin. Tozawa said they’ll do whatever it takes to get to S&D. Breakker said those two are incredible athletes, but the result will be the same: spear, End of Days.

-Brinley Reece entered with Edris Enofe & Malik Blade.

(3) SOL RUCA vs. BRINLEY REECE (w/Edris Enofe & Malik Blade) – Singles match

The two traded holds to begin the match with Ruca getting the better. She tried for a snapmare, but Reece flipped out. Reece put Ruca in a side head lock for a bit, but Ruca finally broke out. Ruca, with a heavy brace on her knee, flipped out of a hip toss and hit a x-factor for a two-count. She put on a modified cobra clutch to ground Reece. After about a half-minute, Reece fought to her feet and hit a schoolgirl for a one-count. She then hit a few clotheslines and a big bodyslam. She then hit a front handspring lariat. Ruca slipped out of a hold and then sat Reece on the top rope. She hit a cross-arm slam to ground Reece, then hit a few flying shoulder tackles. She hit a butterfly suplex, but Reece slipped a bodyslam. Reece went for a corner charge and missed, setting her up for Sol Snatcher. After the match, Blair Davenport hit the ring and attacked Ruca, then hit a kamigoye.

WINNER: Sol Ruca at 3:18 (Sol Snatcher)

-The Family made their way from the back. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: A tidy little three-minute match that seemed more about getting Ruca comfortable again in the ring. They’re both obviously still developing and Reece is more character than anything right now, but her association with Blade & Enofe seems to be leading to more TV time. Ruca was someone they had big plans for before her injury, so I would presume that as of now, they have her penciled in to defeat Davenport. Ruca did look smooth tonight and like ring rust might not be an issue, but the real question will be when she starts hitting seven-minute matches and more.)

-They returned with a promo for the new Bray Wyatt documentary.

-Gigi Dolin and Wren Sinclair were speaking in the locker room about Ariana Grace hitting Dolin with a low blow and the ref only noticing when Dolin did the same to Grace. Grace appeared and said she loves the phrase, “The referee’s decision is final.” She said her actions were accidental while Dolin’s were malicious. Dolin accused Grace of cheating. “Oh Georgina, not now, we have so much work to do!” She pulled out a sash for Dolin, “Ms. NXT IN TRAINING.” She put it around Dolin, who looked absolutely miserable.

-Ridge Holland said in an IG video that efforts to redeem himself have not gone the way he hoped. He said the match with Spears last week proved that. He said he has to be honest with himself, so he’s just going to do what everyone wants him to do (so he’s not going to be on NXT anymore, then, right? Right?).

-The Family entered to new music that kept the same intro. It’s much more dramatic and better for an act higher on the card than the previous theme.


Tony D’Angelo took a mic form Luca Crusifino, the only other person to have a mic. D’Angelo said two weeks from Saturday will be the biggest S&D of all time when he gets the opportunity at the Men’s NXT Championship. He said The Family is in a booming period of strength and expansion. He said he brought in Crusifinio because he has a lot of green in his mind and a sociology degree from Duquesne. D’Angelo said Ilja Dragunov knows that wisdom equals power and D’Angelo has a lot of power. He then asked the fans to put it together for his new consigliere. Crusifino said it’s his honor and he pledged his loyalty to The Family. D’Angelo then shifted fully to Dragunov and said he has respect for Dragunov and his mother for moving from Russia to have a better life and even more respect for what Dragunov is doing for his wife and child. He said he has shown over the past few weeks that he is the man who can break the unbreakable.


Dragunov interrupted on the Tron and said D’Angelo left him alone on a bridge with only his own thoughts. He then said the championship is power beyond D’Angelo’s reach and at S&D- D’Angelo interrupted and said Dragunov has no idea what he can do. He said there’s so much space and opportunity between now and S&D. He said he talked to Ava and next week, Stacks has a match with Dragunov. Stacks looked honored. D’Angelo said he’ll see Dragunov at S&D, but in what condition? He said one wrong move and Dragunov will wish he never messed with him. Joseph then hyped the match, I’m guessing the penultimate match on the card. Joseph said there will be a S&D kickoff at 11am ET…so 5AM HAWAI’I HELL NO.

-Joseph said it’s official with Valkyria vs. Perez…I mean, didn’t Ava make it official earlier with Valkyria anyway?

-Riley Osborne was stretching in the back and Thea Hail approached and apologized. She cut him off and kept going to explain things. She asked if they could be friends and he said of course and he’s just happy she’s back. He went to enter and then Andre Chase and Duke Hudson joined. It was a pre-recorded scene based on the next cut. [c]

-They returned with a TikTok video of Karmen Petrovic showing off her martial arts training and Lola Vice responding just laughing at her and then showing off her own skills.

-NQCC were in the ring. I was right about it being Drew Gulak.

(4) DREW GULAK (c) (w/Damon Kemp) vs. RILEY OSBORNE (w/Chase U) – Heritage Cup match

Just a reminder I will do elapsed time. Round 1 began with Osborne showing some athleticism to escape an arm wrench. Gulalk put Osborne in another one and this time, he used some grappling to turn the tables on Gulak. Gulak did the same, and Osborne used his athleticism again to get out and then hit a deep arm drag. He held onto the arm as Gulak made his feet. After a rope run, both blocked hip tosses with Gulak holding onto the arm and then taking Osborne to the mat. Osborne flipped around to better position, but Gulak reapplied. Osborne was then able to clasp hands and hit a monkey flip. They held on and Gulak hit a monkey flip. They held on again and Osborn sprung off the ropes to hit a big arm drag to separate. He hit a chop in the corner, but Gulak reversed position and hit a big slap to the chest. Osborne hit a bottom rope-assisted knee to the chin and then a sudden shooting star press from the top.

Riley Osborne up 1-0

Round 2 began with Gulak rolling outside and regaining his composure. He stopped in front of Chase U, allowing Osborne to hit a Fosbury Flop, landing on his feet. He rolled Gulak inside and hit a crossbody that Gulak rolled through for a two-count, but ate a kick. Osborne then hit a standing corkscrew splash. The two traded quick pins and then after some rope runs, Gulak rolled through into a sunset flip and get the score. He then hit Osborne with a stiff forearm that brought all the seconds into the ring. [c]

Tied 1-1

45 seconds were left in Round 3 as they returned. Gulka had something like a inverted dragon sleeper applied. Osborne broke out and hit a big kick. He went for a top rope dive, but Gulak caught him in the Gu-Lock. Osborne held out, but Gulak held on after the bell. They showed that Jacy Jayne and Jazzzzmyyyyynnn Nix were ringside (again, I need to check on that spelling).

Round 4 began with Osborne looking tired and Gulak hitting and O’Conner Roll into the Gu-Lock, but Osborne reversed into a pin. He came back with a snap rana that Gulak put into a sunset pin. They traded pin attempts, including a rising bridge from Osborne and a backslide battle of attrition between the two. Osborne flipped over into an inside cradle, but then Gulak came back after with a big lariat. At 90 seconds, Gulak set, but was met by Osborne, who put him on the top rope. Gulak fought and looked for a superplex or something. Suddenly, Hail tried going after Jayne through the ring. The ref was distracted and didn’t see Nyx hold onto Osborne’s foot so that Gulak fell on top of him on the superplex attempt.

WINNER: Drew Gulak at 11:49 elapsed (superplex counter due to interference) to retain the NXT Heritage Cup

-They shifted to Jensen walking out of the PC. Fallon Henley approached from the back and he didn’t even seem to hear her at first. He said he’s done with everything and is leaving and she said don’t be like that. He blew up at her and said everything’s good for her and Briggs, but he doesn’t know what he wants. He said he for damn sure won’t find it in this parking lot. He walked away as an irate Kelani Jordan came up and put her hair back, asking about Kiana James and Izzi Dame. Henley said she had her back.

-The O.C. made their entrance. Oh yeah, we even picked them to win last week, but this is just a reminder we also discussed the lack of depth in the men’s tag team division right now. Yeah, they’re definitely beating Hank & Tank. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: My prediction that the shenanigans would continue in Heritage Cup matches with NQCC has rung true thus far. I mean, the ref could have just ejected all of them since they entered the ring prior to the break. It’s also a shame that a good match was marred by that ending. Osborne is a great mix of technical and high flying wrestling so it will all be about his character development in WWE.)

-They returned with Ava on the phone explaining the Wolf Dogs vs. Alpha Academy match. Hail barged in upset and Ava said Nyx is going to have her first match next week because of that: Hail vs. Nyx. Before Duke Hudson walked away, Ava pulled him aside and said she’s putting him in a match next week and if he’s successful, he’ll be in the North American Championship picture.

(5) THE O.C. (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. HANK & TANK (Hank Walker & Tank Ledger) – Tag team qualifier for the triple threat #1 contender’s match

They were already brawling and I didn’t hear a bell, but Joseph said the bell rung about 15 seconds later so I’ll add 15 seconds to my match time. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger took the two veterans outside and hit basically Vader Bombs to them on the outside. Inside, Ledger was taking it to Karl Anderson. Walker tagged in and took out Luke Gallows, then the two sandwiched Anderson in the middle of the ring. Walker hit a corner splash for a two-count. He whipped Anderson into a neutral corner and hit a few body shots, then a kick to the chest as Booker T put over the accolades of The O.C. Walker hit a float-over snap suplex for a two-count. Anderson got away and tagged in “The Big L.G.” and he took over with power shots. He sent Walker to a corner, but ate a boot. Walker went to climb the top rope, but was distracted by Anderson, allowing Gallows to hit a big right, causing Walker to fall and hit the apron hard. Ledger was encouraging his teammate to recover. Gallows came outside and rammed Walker into the barricade and the apron, then back inside hit a big boot. Instead of a cover, he just rained down punches to the head. He isolated Walker in their corner and hit his corner combination. He then hit a big short-arm clothesline for a two-count. He tagged in Anderson.

Anderson came in and hit a big uppercut to thwart a Walker comeback, then whipped him hard into their corner (it wasn’t a half-assed whip, either). He stomped away at Walker and then posed, cutting off the ring to Walker. Ledger was eager to enter, tag rope clenched firmly. Gallows tagged back in and did some more work, then Anderson once more. A snapmare led to a leaning rear chin lock to Walker, bleeding from his mouth or lip. Walker reached out, but Anderson held on, after some strikes and an enziguri, Gallows tagged in, but Walker hit a headbutt and tagged in Ledger. Anderson also tagged in, but Ledger came in with a flurry, even hitting an atomic drop to Anderson. Walker tagged in and they hit an assisted suplex, but Gallows broke up the pin. They hit a double running shoulder tackle to Gallows to drop him. Ledger tagged in and went for a running powerslam, but Anderson slipped out and shoved him in the corner. Gallows took Walker outside and threw him into the steps. Anderson then hit his picture-perfect spinebuster. Gallows tagged in and they hit the Magic Killer.

WINNER: The O.C. at 7:32 (Magic Killer) to qualify for the triple threat #1 contender’s match

-Joseph then hyped Valkyria vs. Perez, Dragunov vs. D’Angelo, and the main event (he didn’t say that), Hayes vs. Williams. Williams was with Kincaid in the locker room and she said he’s on fire. He said let’s talk about it. He said he’s traveling light these days and making his own decisions. He turned tonight to Dar and then said he’s going to look good while taking him out. She mentioned Hayes is here and Williams said, “If you show yourself tonight, I’m gonna whoop that ass because that’s all it is and that’s all it’s ever going to be.” Meta-Four’s music hit and they entered. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: A hard-hitting match, but a classic heels-cut-off-the-ring match that maybe could have used a bit more speed to the match. Still, Hank & Tank looked fine though when it comes to tag team matches, it’s hard to look bad against a dialed-in Good Brothers. I expect them to win the triple threat and become the next Tag Team Champion.)

-They returned with Perez leaving the arena and rolling her eyes at being asked about the match being made official. She said if Valkyria won’t do the right thing and relinquish, she’ll rip it from her hands.

-They showed James, Dame, Jayne, and Nyx in the back laughing at Hail. James called her a lost cause and said Jayne did charity work only for it to become babysitting. Jayne and Nyx left as the remaining two were laughing about things. Jordan and Henley then attacked and a gaggle of refs broke it up.

-Joseph went over next week’s card including Dragunov vs. Stacks, Wolf Dogs vs. Alpha Academy to win and be in, and Hail vs. Nyx in Nyx’s first NXT match. Kelly is going to have fun typing that out next week. Also, Hudson vs. Briggs, and Spears vs. Dijak.

-Williams’ music hit and the crowd erupted. Whoop that Trick was loud, loud, loud and Williams was hyped.

(6) TRICK WILLIAMS vs. “SUPERNOVA 11” NOAM DAR (w/Meta-Four) – Singles match

The crowd was eating out of Williams’ hands. Legend gave him a little wave to the dislike of Jakara Jackson. Williams began with three bodyslams to Dar. Dar tried a shoulder tackle and Williams barely budged. He hit some leg kicks and then caught Williams in an ankle lock counter to his capoeira kick. Williams fought out and the two traded holds and reversals, including Dar going for an armbar and Williams stacking him for a pin. Williams then hit a Okada-like dropkick to Dar. Joseph said there have been rumors that Legend was sending DMs to Williams. Dar hit a spinning backfist and then a leaping guillotine. Williams refused to fall and then rammed Dar into a corner. Dar tried boxing with the former boxer and ate some big punches instead. Williams whipped Dar across, but Dar escaped. Williams hit a big forearm, but Dar came back and kicked out the leg of Williams, who was on the second rope. Dar then hit some body kicks to Williams against the ropes and then a trip, followed by a running dropkick against the ropes. They showed Hayes’ locker room and his security. One came up and knocked, saying it’s time. Williams was trying to get back into it with body shots, then hit a big pop-up punch to Dar. He posed rather than going for the pin, and that allowed Dar to roll outside. [c]

Williams was lifting Dar as they returned, but Dar shifted into a standing rear naked choke. They showed Dar sending Williams into the steps during the break. Dar was put in the corner, sat on top, and then came off with a flying triangle attempt. Williams lifted him into a big sit-out powerbomb for a two-count. Both men were slow to rise. They trade blows in the middle of the ring. Williams missed as Dar ducked and hit a quick Superman jab. Williams came back with a leaping lariat to a running Dar, then his float-over uranage that was countered into a DDT by Dar.


Williams barely kicked out and immediately shifted to an ankle lock. Williams had blood by his left eye. Dar dragged him away from the ropes and grapevined the leg. Williams was able to drag himself over and grab the rope to break the hold. Williams struggled to rise, collapsing into the ropes. From a knee, he ate forearm after forearm and then stomps from Dar. Williams exploded with an uranage that Joseph was able to rope in rock bottom and bookend into his call. Williams then hit a big leg lariat, then another, followed by a Stevie Ray flapjack. He then clocked Oro Mensah from the apron. Legend then hit the apron and told Williams to come over. She went for another slap, but Williams caught her hand. This allowed Dar to hit a German and then a spinning back elbow. Dar then set for the Nova Roller, but ran right into a Trick Knee. Dar’s foot was under the rope, but the ref didn’t see.

WINNER: Trick Williams at 12:10 (Trick Knee)

-He took a mic and said he had something to get off his chest. “HAYES, this is personal. We don’t gotta wait until Stand & Deliver. Bring your punk ass out here right now.” The four security personnel came out first and surrounded the ring, standing on the apron. Hayes’ music hit and came out in all black and hooded, but it wasn’t him, it was actually one of the security. Hayes unmasked and attacked Williams from behind. The other three came in to join and they held Williams as Hayes punched away and talked smack. He told them to let Williams go and he set Williams for and hit the Trick Knee after waving bye bye to Williams. He crouched over a prone Williams and talked a bunch of smack.

(Hazelwood’s Take: A fun match, nothing special, but also a good showing for both men considering the circumstances. I really do wish Meta-Four would get away from the shenanigans as we know they can be more serious, but it does help in advancing stories. Dar, whether or not the Heritage Cup champion, always comes to fight. He might have some weasel tactics, but he doesn’t shy from matches and tonight was another example. Williams really is one of the hottest wrestlers in WWE right now as not only the NXT crowd is fully enamored with him, but we’ve heard his chants reach the audiences of Raw and Smackdown, too. It really helps that he has basically a flash finisher that can be hit on anyone, like the RKO, and I’m pretty sure that’s one of the specific reasons Randy Orton started using the RKO. Hayes hitting the switcheroo is a tried yet true tactic and worked again here, particularly because the build of the person under the hood during Hayes’ “entrance” was similar to that of Hayes. They’re doing a great job of maintaining that heat for the match in just under three weeks.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall, a good show considering that they’re in a weird spot right now where you’re still building to the biggest show of the year yet really can’t give away too many things on TV. This random tag tourney they threw together last week or the week prior has given us some really fun matches and what should be a chaotic triple threat in two weeks…which I think I have to cover, oh swell. We’re seeing a LOT of moving and coalescing parts in the women’s division that somehow mostly connect to Hail and Henley. Davenport is back to give Ruca a nice feud victory (I presume) and both women bring a different feel and style to the division. Perez, I think, continues to excel as a heel, that eyeroll in response to the questioner just another aspect, but only augmented by her work in the ring. The Prodigy indeed. Meanwhile, I can’t say tonight made me any more excited for Dragunov vs. D’Angelo and its seems like last week’s segment probably should have been on the go-home NXT in a few weeks. What I AM excited about is Oba Femi’s continued dominance and growth and how NXT is suddenly developing a pool of challengers for the North American Champion. With all that said, there is only one thing we need coming out of the S&D reset and that’s DANTE MOTHERF*****G CHEN.

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