JANUARY 31, 2024
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
Attendance: WrestleTix reports today that 1,798 tickets have been distributed so far; arena is set up for 2,098.
-The Dynamite opening aired and then they cyt to the stage as pyro blasted, an overhead shot of the ring and entrance stage, and close-ups of fans. (There are only around 2,000 in the venue, so no wide well-lit crowd shots tonight, either.)
Moxley made his way to the ring through the crowd. Excalibur said this is a first-time ever single match-up. They showed luchadors from CMLL in the front rown – Volador Jr., Mistico, Hechicero, and Mascara Dorada. Excalibur plugged that Saturday on Collision, Hechicero would face Bryan Danielson. Excalibur touted that Hechicero has techniques that even Danielson hasn’t seen before and said he’s known as a mad scientist of wrestling. Jeff came out next, accompanied onto the stage by his older brother Matt. The bell rang four minutes into the hour.
Excalibur said he understands the rules for the match have been relaxed because fans “have wanted to see this match for so long.” (Huh? Why ever have rules if rules keep matches from being as good as they can be?) Mox beat up Hardy at ringside as Excalibur complimented the energy of the crowd. As Mox kicked away at Hardy’s chest in the ring, Excalibur said next week “AEW CEO and general manager” Tony Khan will have a big announcement.
Hardy reverse-whipped Mox over the barricade at ringside at 5:00. Mox got into it with the luchadors at ringside. Hardy threw a chair at Mox. Excalibur quipped that when he asked Hangman whom he picked to face Swerve tonight, Hangman said he doesn’t think Swerve can last 4 minutes, 20 seconds against him. Mox punched Hardy out of mix-air. They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
Back from the break, Hardy shoved Mox off the top rope and into the ringpost. Hardy leaped off the ring apron and dropkicked Mox at ringside. A minute later Mox set up a piledriver on the ring apron, but Hardy blocked it and landed a Twist of Fate on the ring apron instead. Hardy landed a top rope corkscrew flip dive for a two count at 12:00.
Mox caught Hardy on the top rope and superplexed him to the mat. Both were slow to move after landing. Fans chanted, “AEW!” Mox hit Hardy with a leaping cutter a minute later. Hardy came back with a Russian leg sweep and a jackknife pin attempt for a near fall. Mox avoided a Swanton Bomb and then put Hardy in a sleeper on the mat. The ref called for the bell after about ten seconds.
WINNER: Moxley via submission hold TKO in 15:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Crowd-pleasing brawl. The introduction of CMLL wrestlers was well done in a general sense, but I wouldn’t assume the crowd is going to feel particularly invested in them as heels if they don’t build individual identities for them.)
-Mox flexed his arms as his music played. Hardy leaned in the corner and applauded. Mox offered a handshake. Hardy thought about it, but instead gave him an “up yours” arm gesture. Taz said he likes Hardy’s new attitude in recent weeks. He said Mox probably respects that. Mox eyed the luchadors at ringside again. They jumped the barricade and attacked Mox four-on-one. Security were hapless in attempts to protect Mox. Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Matt Sydal, and Christopher Daniels cleared the ring. [c]
(2) “HANGMAN” ADAM PAGE vs. TOA LIONA – Dealer’s Choice match
Liona was chosen by Swerve to be Hangman’s opponent. As Hangman made his entrance, he told Swerve he doesn’t have to tell him who he picked to face him. In fact, he said, he’d have to wait the whole f’n show to find out. The announcers joked about an odor coming out of this mystery wrestler’s locker room. (Nothing funnier than a wrestler going to the ring high on drugs. Marijuana isn’t legal in Louisiana, by the way. It’s been decriminalized, though.) The bell rang 27 minutes into the hour.
Hangman got in a stretch of offense, but Liona brushed off Hangman offense and then tossed him over the top rope. (The announcers marveled at his power, but he barely was touching Hangman’s hair when he led him toward the ropes and then Hangman just leaped over the top rope on his own; it looked silly, in other words, not impressive.) Liona landed a crossbody off the ring apron onto Hangman next.
Back in the ring, Hangman fought back, but Liona charged into him and knocked him over the top rope. (That looked better. Some reach momentum and force with that collision.) They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
Liona went for a running senton on the ring apron. Hangman avoided it. Hangman leaped at Liona at ringside, then threw him back into the ring. Hangman then leaped off the top rope with a crossbody for a two count. Back in the ring, Liona no-sold some clotheslines. Hangman eventually took him down with a flying lariat. He followed with a Dead Eye. Liona no-sold it and popped up, then headbutted Hangman. His lower lip had blood on it. Schiavone said Liona has never been pinned or submitted in AEW. Liona landed a lariat for a near fall. His cover was awful as he put no weight down on Hangman when kneeling over him.
Liona landed a senton on Hangman on the ring apron. Hangman avoided a moonsault at ringside and then landed his own moonsault onto Liona at ringside seconds later. Hangman then went for a Buckshot Lariat. Liona ducked it. Hangman then slipped out of a Samoan Drop attempt and leveraged Liona’s shoulders down for a three count. Liona went after Hangman after the match, but Hangman ducked and an angry, dejected Liona left. Excalibur said Tony Khan just told him that the new rankings will be revealed after Dynamite.
WINNER: Hangman in 13:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: It’d have been nice if Liona could’ve been pinned after Hangman hitting his signature finisher. Liona isn’t a particularly highly pushed wrestler and not known for singles matches in AEW, so it should’ve been a no-brainer if he’s going to even last more than ten minutes with Hangman, whose in the World Title picture at this time, he should’ve lost to Hangman’s finisher. Good hard-hitting back-and-forth action throughout.)
-They showed Matthew and Nicholas Jackson arriving earlier in a black stretch limo SUV. Nicholas was sick of being disrespected by being called Nick by a worker. He fined him $500. Matthew said Nicholas can be a bit of a hot-head, but then told the worker to pay the fine before the end of the night.
(3) WARDLOW (w/Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett) vs. KOMANDER (W/Alex Abrahantes)
Adam Cole joined the announcers on commentary. The bell rang 45 minutes into the hour. Wardlow overpowered Komander early. Cole predicted Strong would beat Orange Cassidy for the International Title, but on his timetable. Cole went on to tout Wardlow, saying everyone needs a good support system. (Remember when Vince McMahon envisioned Cole as the manager of a heel Keith Lee? That’s kinda the look right now with Cole advocating for Wardlow from ringside.)
Wardlow launched Komander in the air helicopter style, then flexed. Komander rolled to ringside as Wardlow showboated and flexed. Wardlow set up a powerbomb at ringside, but Komander head scissored him into the ringside steps. He then wrecking-ball kicked Wardlow. Wardlow leaped onto the ring apron, but Komander kicked the middle rope into his crotch. He followed with a top rope walk and springboard dropkick. He then landed a Phoenix splash for a near fall at 4:00. Wardlow caught Komander mid-air and turned it into a turning powerslam.
Excalibur said the ref needed to stop the match. Warlow powerbombed Komander and scored a three count. Taz noted that Wardlow won, but seemed to be having an issue with one of his knees. Wardlow was limping. It appeared his right knee buckled when he lifted Komander for a powerbomb when his foot wasn’t planted flat as he powered Komander up. He looked worried afterward and used the middle rope to help him stand. Cole said Warlow would be fine. Wardlow kneeled like Seth Rollins did when he hurt his knee and then yelled “f—!”
WINNER: Wardlow in 5:00.
-After the match, Taven held Kommander in place as Strong said he’d pay a price for not taking his offer on Saturday. Orange Cassidy came out to his music accompanied by Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor, and Rocky Romero. Fans chanetd “Freshly squeezed.” Strong thanked them for coming out and then said, “See ya’ later.” The heel trio bailed out. Wardlow, with a lowered kneepad, limped to the back with his cohorts. [c]
-Schiavone hosted a sitdown interview with Ricky Starks & Big Bill and Sting & Darby Allin. He said everyone agreed to no physicality. Starks said Sting’s AEW run began in March 2021. Starks said Sting’s first win in AEW was over him, “and that does not sit right.” Darby said Starks doesn’t respect anybody. He yelled that Sting’s career is not a stepping stone. Starks said next week, he’s going to retain the titles with Bill and then he’s going to get his win back over Sting. He said he’ll make sure Sting never makes it to his retirement and he will never respect Darby.
Bill, a snotty smarmy tone, said those two continue to run their mouths about how great they think the other is. “It’s so beautiful,” he said sarcastically. He said they’re looking past them when talking about going into AEW Revolution with the tag titles. He said next week, they represent everyone else there and he’ll take out their frustrations on them.
Sting said he used to admire Starks because he was the only one who had the ball to talk smack to his face. He said as far as respect goes, he has to earn it. He told Bill that he has faced many big men before in the ring, but they were killers and he’s not sure about Bill. Darby closed by telling Ricky that every time he points the finger at someone else, there’s only person to blame, and that’s himself. Starks threw his drink in Darby’s face and then went face-to-face with Darby. Starks yelled, “Hit me!” Sting pulled Darby away. He said Darby will hit him in Phoenix next week.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good segment to build up next week’s match with a backstory being underlined and intensity at the end.)
(4) CHRIS JERICHO vs. KYLE FLETCHER (w/Don Callis, Powerhouse Hobbs)
Excalibur said they have so much action left, they will stay with the action past the end of the second hour if needed (like every week, right?). Taz said, “Great news.” They showed fans singing “Judas” as Jericho came out. The LED boards on the barricade flashing wrestler names and images are a nice added touch to the presentation these days, by the way. The bell rang two minutes into the hour.
Fletcher landed an early Michinoku Driver for a two count after an early flurry by Jericho. Jericho kicked Fletcher off the ring apron to the floor. Jericho went after Callis at ringside. Fletcher then charged over and knocked Jericho off the ramp. Jericho backdropped Fletcher off the top rope. Hobbs distracted the ref as Callis tripped Jericho. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]
Fletcher dominated during the break. Jericho made a comeback and went for a Lionsault, but Hobbs punched him as Callis distracted the ref. Fletcher then scored a two count on Jericho. Jericho came back with a Walls of Jericho mid-ring. Fletcher powered up and crawled to the bottom rope to force a break. Fletcher caught a charging Jericho with a kick to the face for a two count. The crowd chanted, “Where’s your socks!” at Callis. Jericho landed a single-leg Code Breaker for a two count.
Fletcher went for a superplex and twisted it in a way that seemed more like a botch than an intentional modification. Excalibur said it was a brainbuster in the corner. It led to a two count. Fletcher kicked Jericho from behind, but Jericho sat down on a sunset flip for a two count. Fletcher round kicked Jericho, who rolled to ringside. Fletcher then dove through the ropes, but Jericho gave him a Judas Effect out of mid-air. He knocked Hobbs into the ringside steps and then threw Fletcher back into the ring. Jericho leaped off the top rope with another Judas Effect for the win. Excalibur noted it took two Judas Effects to beat Fletcher.
WINNER: Jericho in 14:00.
-Konosuke Takeshita walked out onto the stage and eyed Jericho, his opponent next week on Dynamite. Jericho stared back at him.
-A video aired on Deonna Purrazzo talking about what her tattoos represent. She focused on the duck tattoos both she and Toni Storm have on their ankles. She asked what they mean to her.
-Jay White and Austin & Colten Gunn made their entrance onto the stage. They were joined by The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. The Bang Bang Scissors Gang made their way to the ring next. White said he’s a big fan of scissoring, but they have their own thing. The White and the Gunns did their signature gesture.
Max Caster said they are looking at the six men who have dominated “trios wrestling” for years. He shoved Anthony Bowens and told him to go get Cardblade. He pulled the cardboard Jay White figure out from under the ring. Colten said they fired him weeks ago and then they tossed him out of the ring. He told Austin to get the Juiceboard. Austin pulled the Juice Robinson cardboard cutout from under the ring. Schiavone said, “AEW is fun, isn’t it?” (Eye of the beholder?)
They closed with Billy Gunn stopping Austin from doing his schtick and they all closed with the “two words for ya'” bit. [c]
Toni Storm made her way to the ring with her butler Luther and . Purrazzo made her entrance next. Then Valkyrie with Johnny. They cut to Toni at ringside in black and white. The bell rang 29 minutes into the hour. Johnny distracted Purrazzo at ringside and yelled that she doesn’t belong in the ring with Valkyrie. Valkyrie threw Purrazzo into the ringside steps, then turned and made out with Johnny. They cut to Toni looking disgusted as they cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
The action spilled to ringside. Purrazzo waved off Storm, who stood and put her fists and moved them in slo-mo. Purrazzo shoved Valkyrie into Storm. Back in the ring, she finished Valkyrie with a submission as Toni complained that “someone pissed in my seat.”
WINNER: Purrazzo in 9:00.
-Renee Paquette interviewed Darby backstage. She asked him about his admiration for The Young Bucks. Darby said, “Excuse me?” The Bucks walked in, revealing they ordered Renee to say that. Matthew said he’s young and hot and asked why he’s letting a 65 year old blood sucking leech team with him. Nicholas asked Darby why he’s ghosting them. Darby said he’s only got one thing on his mind, those tag titles. Matthew said they’ll have to get his attention another way. [c]
-Samoa Joe made his way to the announce desk for the main event. Excalibur said he’s a very interested party when it comes to the new rankings coming out. He plugged Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Keith and Danielson vs. Hechicero for Collision on Saturday. (Enough with the hot-shotting, AEW!)
(6) “SWERVE” STRICKLAND vs. ROB VAN DAM – Hardcore match
Hangman announced on the big screen that this is a “Hardcore” match. Fans cheered. RVD threw a chair into the face of Swerve. The bell rang 47 minutes into the hour. Fans loudly chanted, “RVD! RVD!” RVD got in some offense at ringside and sent him over the ringside barricade. RVD slingshot himself with a guillotine legdrop on the ring apron. RVD dropped Swerve over the ringside barricade and then leaped off the ring apron with a flying spin wheel kick. Fans chanted, “ECW!” They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
During the break, RVD set up a table. He went after Swerve inside the ring. Swerve fought back and jabbed RVD with the chair. He wedged the chair in the corner and then threw RVD into it. He scored a two count when they returned from the break. RVD landed a Rolling Thunder and then crushed Swerve in the corner.
Swerve powerbombed RVD out of the corner onto a chair for a two count. RVD crotched Swerve over the top rope. He climbed to the top rope. Brian Cage came out and shoved him off balance. Hook ran out with a chair and bashed Cage across the back twice. Cage retreated. Hook went after him. Swerve came up behind RVD as he watched the fight and went for a suplex, but RVD countered and rolled up Swerve with his legs for a near fall. Swerve leaped and faceplanted RVD for a two count.
They fought at ringside again. Back in the ring, RVD knocked Swerve off the top rope and he crashed through the table. RVD went for a frog splash off the top rope, but Swerve moved. Swerve then kneed a chair into RVD’s head.
RVD put Swerve on a chair in the ring and then placed another chair on top of him. Swerve made a comeback and landed a double stomp on off the top rope on RVD. RVD didn’t move out of the way, but instead gave him two middle fingers. Swerve got the three count.
WINNER: Swerve in 17:00.
-Afterward, Excalibur touted Swerve having four impressive wins to start the year. Hangman came out and said they’re both undefeated this year. He said he is the next World Champion, not Swerve. Swerve laughed and said Hangman still doesn’t get it. Swerve yelled that he’s beaten him twice now and has nothing left to prove. He said he can’t accept that he just can’t beat him. Hangman said he hopes it’ll be true if he says it enough. Hangman said Swerve can’t lace his boots. Swerve turned back to Hangman and said he must be a masochist. He said he’ll wrestle him one more time and then they’re done. He said when he moves past him, all he cares about is the AEW World Title. They had a staredown. Excalibur said TK just made that match official next week on Dynamite.
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