AEW RAMPAGE RESULTS (1/19): Jericho vs Sydal, Penta vs. Anthony Henry, Statlander vs. Aminata, Darby vs. Jeff Hardy

By Patrick Moynahan, PWTorch contributor

Full AEW Rampage results and analysis


JANUARY 19, 2024
AIRED ON TNT (Taped 1/17)

Announcers: Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Don Callis

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

– The opening of Rampage aired as Excalibur welcomed us to the show. He was joined by Ian Riccaboni and Don Callis.


Jericho gained the upper hand in the early going before Sydal took Jericho down, and sent him over the top rope with a clothesline. Sydal came off the apron with a knee strike on Jericho. Sydal threw Jericho back into the ring then came off the top with another double knee strike for a two count. Jericho came back with a side suplex on Sydal before chopping him across the chest. Sydal raised a boot to stop Jericho in his tracks but Jericho quickly went for the Walls of Jericho. Sydal looked like he was close to tapping before finally reaching for the ropes. Jericho hit a dropkick off the ropes which sent Sydal to the outside. [c]

Both men landed chops on one another as Jericho got the upper hand. Sydal fought back with a series of kicks to take the advantage. Jericho hit a shoulder tackle but was sent to the apron before climbing to the top rope. Sydal caught Jericho off the top rope and went for a cover for two. Both men went to the top rope as Sydal hit a powerbomb off the top for two. Sydal came off the ropes but Jericho caught him in a Code Breaker for two.

Sydal rolled up Jericho for a close count, then followed up with a kick to the back of Jericho’s head. Jericho fired back with a Lionsault. Sydal fired away at Jericho in the corner as Jericho tried to fight him off. Jericho hit a hurricanrana off the top, then hit Judas Effect for the win.

WINNER: Chris Jericho in 10:00

– After the match, Konosuke Takeshita attacked Jericho on the ramp as Callis looked on. [c]

(Moynahan’s Take: Good opener here with both men working very well together. It’d be nice if we had more reason to get behind Sydal but alas, here we are. The post-match attack by Takeshita makes me think we’re getting a Takeshita/Jericho match at the PPV.)


Daddy Magic Matt Menard joined commentary for this match through the remainder of the show. Penta tried to start off slow but Henry cut him off. Penta fired back with a kick across Henry’s stomach. Henry hit a backstabber, then hit Penta in the corner before kicking him across the face. Henry covered for two. Henry sent Penta into the corner but was met with a kick to the face. Penta hit a spinning DVD for a two count. Penta placed Henry across the ropes and told the crowd to quiet down before chopping Henry across the chest.

Henry hit Penta with a few kicks across the chest. Both men traded leg kicks as Penta got the upper hand. Henry caught Penta in a driver for two. Henry went to the top and missed a double stomp as Penta threw him into the corner. Penta hit Fear Factor for the win.

WINNER: Penta El Zero Miedo in 5:30

(Moynahan’s Take: Nice bounce-back win for Penta, as Excalibur put it. Henry looked good here which makes me think we should see more of him in singles action.)

– Renee was backstage as Saraya, Ruby Soho, and Harley Cameron appeared. Soho attacked Cameron and asked her why she made out with Angelo Paker. With Soho’s back turned, Saraya told Cameron how to respond. Saraya told Renee not to say anything as they walked away.


Both women traded holds in the early going and went for early pin attempts as they ended in a stalemate. Aminata tried taking Statlander down but she landed on her feet. Aminata was rolled up for a close count as Statlander hit a senton. Aminata sent Statlander to the outside, then hit a diving crossbody through the ropes. [c]

Amintata hit a neck breaker on Statlander, then nailed a hip attack and a running kick in the corner for a two count. Aminata locked in a crossface as Statlander rolled through and tried for her finish before Aminata countered Statlander hit a discuss lariat for a close count. Statlander missed a running knee strike in the corner as Aminata hit a running striker of her own. Aminata was caught in a powerslam as Statlander followed up with a spinning slam for the win.

WINNER: Kris Statlander in 9:30

(Moynahan’s Take: A solid match that showcased both women well.)

– Sonjay Dutt was backstage with Satnam Singh and Jay Lethal. Lethal said he was glad Jeff Jarrett wasn’t there because he wanted to focus on getting back to in-ring action. Dutt said he thought it was time to get rid of Karen as Satnam said it was time to keep Karen. The two started to argue as Jay stopped the argument before walking off. [c]

– Renee was backstage with Statlander and Stokely Hathaway. Renee mentioned Stokely being out there with Statlander during her match as Willow Nightingale arrived. She mentioned someone canceling her trip as Stokely quickly started making excuses as to why she was late. The two started fighting as Statlander told them to stop and said they would figure things out.


Hardy called for a handshake as the match started but quickly slapped Darby across the face. Darby went on the attack and went for a quick pin after jumping onto Hardy off the top rope. Both men fought on the announce table, then battled around the ring. Hardy set up the steel steps before missing a diving leg drop across the barricade. Darby set Hardy in a steel chair before driving through the ropes and missing a tope dive. [c]

Hardy hit a few neckbreakers on Darby before driving Darby to the mat. Hardy covered for two. Hardy set Darby up on the top rope as Darby fought back and drove Hardy’s face into the turnbuckle. Darby came off the top rope with an avalanche code red for a close count. Darby went to the top rope as Hardy crawled under the rope. Hardy cut off Darby on the top rope then hit him with a hanging neck breaker on the apron.

Hardy took a table from under the ring and set it up. Hardy rammed Darby into the ring post before placing him onto the table. Hardy went to the top rope but missed a Swanton as Darby moved in time. Darby picked up Hardy and rolled him into the ring. Darby went to the top rope and went for the Coffin Drop but Hardy got his knees up in time. Hardy tried for Twist of Fate but Darby reversed into a pin for the win.

WINNER: Darby Allin in 12:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Solid main event which could have easily been featured on Dynamite or Collision – or even a PPV for that matter.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: A much better show than last week’s episode but nothing truly must-see. That said, the main event is worth watching if you have the time. Until next week, stay safe everyone!

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