OCTOBER 31, 2023
NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Backstage Correspondent(s): McKenzie Mitchell
-Earlier tonight, Shotzi and Scarlett arrived in a Ghostmobile from Ghost Busters. Apparently they couldn’t use the branding, because there was a printed Halloween Havoc logo hastily taped over the “no ghosts” symbol.
-New Year’s Day played a song, as they did last week. Recaps of last week’s action played as they performed.
(1) THE CREED BROTHERS (Julius & Brutus) (w/Ivy Nile) vs. HUMBERTO CARRILLO & ANGEL GARZA – Tables, Ladders & Scares match
Carrillo & Garza were wearing Day of the Dead entrance masks. The Creeds jumped them on the ramp as they continue to be arguably more heelish than the heels in this program. The Creeds broke both heels through a table mere moments into the match, getting a censored “holy shit” chant. There was a near-fall and the heels got back into it, but action spilled outside and Julius leaned on both heels on the floor with a ladder and then Brutus threw down another ladder on the pile. The Creeds set up two tables and pushed them together. Brutus got laid out by Garza outside as the other two went up a turnbuckle. Both heels went up with Julius and gave him a slam on a draped ladder that looked horribly painful. The heels then used an assisted Gory Bomb from the turnbuckle to the table on the outside, getting one more censored chant as the match went to split-screen. [c]
The heels dominated throughout the break. Julius was completely red on his mid and lower back. Chairs got involved and everyone took a bump. The four laid on the mat and sold to an “NXT” chant. Carrillo went at Brutus with a chair. Brutus was bleeding a little from the forehead, though not from a chairshot, from what I could see. Near-fall as Julius broke it up. Carrillo powerslammed Julius on a ladder angled from the second buckle to the mat. Holy hell, how much more can his back take? It was good for a two count. Brutus got back into it and used a chair on both heels, then swung around with a ladder around his neck and laid out the heels repeatedly. Brutus dropkicked them with a ladder. The heels put a chairshot into Brutus, and Julius flew in to take control for the faces again.
The Creeds got two more tables and set them up together in the middle of the ring. Julius put up Carrillo for a Brutus Ball and Garza broke it up, but Brutus tossed him to the outside where he went through a table. The Creeds managed their Brutus Ball through a table to finish. After the decision, the Creeds went up a ladder and Ivy Nile went up to the top to pose.
WINNERS: The Creed Brothers in about 13:30.
(Wells’s Analysis: It was a train wreck as expected, but never really turned into a story worth following, so we had to be satisfied with it as a spotfest. No team was ever in control for very long, other than the skippable commercial segment. Pleasing enough for the live crowd but not a TLC match that would qualify as must-see)
-Shotzi, dressed as Pennywise, and Scarlett, a beheaded character from something I should probably know, messed around with a Ouija board. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn showed up and took over, sending the hosts off. They agreed to cause havoc throughout the night.
-McKenzie Mitchell trolled Tiffany Stratton about Fallon Henley’s really strong Stratton impression last week. Stratton left in a huff and Mitchell said this is next. [c]
-Joe Gacy talked to the camera in a pre-taped segment. He said he made a lot of mistakes but peers, friends and fans stabbed him with their judgmental eyes day after day. He said he used to be tethered to society, but now there are no strings on him and maybe you’re the kind of person who believes in fairy tales, but maybe…you’re not. There was an intensity and believability to Gacy that’s been lacking for his entire NXT run.
Stratton made it two for two on a wrestler jumping another tonight. She wrecked Henley’s knee around a post and they worked an injury angle and moved on. This whole thing got maybe thirty seconds.
-Meta-Four went to a haunted house. They were dressed as the Scooby Doo gang (Oro as Shaggy, Dar as Scooby, Legend as Velma and Jackson as Daphne). They ran into some creepy images and freaked out. The four of them kept selling terror as Dar freaked out and said Tozawa probably isn’t even here. They reentered another part of the haunted house and said they were all staying together. Two creepy ghouls moved behind them and they freaked out, and the men got separated from the women. To be continued… [c]
-Vic mentioned the news that WWE will be holding a major show in Germany in August 2024.
(2) NATHAN FRAZER vs. “DIRTY” DOMINIK MYSTERIO (c) (w/Rhea Ripley) – NXT North American Championship
Dom entered with a prison shirt and Rhea Ripley uncuffed him on their way to the ring. Collar and elbow led to some mat grappling. Reset. Rope run and miscommunication as Frazer thought he was hitting an arm drag and Dom thought he was hitting a slam. They sort of split the difference, which was awkward but not too problematic. Arm drags and hip tosses by Frazer. Dom bailed and regrouped with Ripley. Frazer sat cross-legged and begged Mysterio back in. Lots of rope running and Frazer hit an ax-handle as the match went to split-screen. [c]
Mysterio went for three amigos, but Frazer reversed into a brainbuster on the third. Frazer blocked rights and hit his own. Mysterio slapped Frazer hard and Frazer tackled and pounded Mysterio, then beat him in a corner. Enzuigiris by both. Frazer did a weird inverted DDT that looked like another miscommunication and covered for two. Frazer dropkicked Mysterio to the floor, then went out but a Ripley distraction allowed Mysterio to take control again. The two lovebirds tried to share a moment and Frazer hit a tope suicida.
Back inside, Frazer charged Dom in a corner and Dom crotched Frazer on the top rope. To the top, superplex by Frazer led to a two count. Rhea rolled the belt into the ring and they did a bit where he didn’t grab it and it rolled to the floor, allowing a rollup for Frazer for two. Mysterio tossed Frazer from the apron to the announce table, then put him back into the ring for the frog splash and the win.
WINNER: Dominik Mysterio at 10:26.
As Mysterio celebrated, Wes Lee jumped him and took him down. Dom ran out to Rhea and Lee held up the belt as the crowd chanted his name.
(Wells’s Analysis: These two often didn’t mesh. About 70% of spots looked as intended and the rest were awkward. Somehow it still came together as a decent enough match. Frazer didn’t take the title and the focus was immediately off of him as Wes Lee showed up after weeks of absence, reasserting that he won’t be going heel as many thought might be the case)
-Andre Chase and Jacy Jayne talked in the back. Jayne suggested that she helped last week, so Chase should help her also. Duke Hudson and Thea Hail showed up and Chase said tonight they could beat their opponents fair and square. Hail agreed. Jayne rolled her eyes. All four left, and Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn showed up from upstage, dressed as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. They were enjoying the chaos. [c]
-Jakara Jackson ran through the haunted house, trying to psych herself up and not be afraid. She walked through a costume shop and ghouls reached at her from within. She got pinned between a few of them and finally fainted. Oro Mensah ran into a zombie thing and then a series of immobile ghosts. He finally saw a real person in a druid costume and threw a punch. He then ran into Tozawa, who laid him out and yelled “Take him away!” Mensah was dragged off.
Lash Legend found a room and was looking for the NXT UK Heritage Cup, but ran into monsters who dragged her away. To be continued…
Stone was already in the ring, trying to focus with a mix of fear and determination on his face. Breakker chuckled on his way to the ring. The bell rang and Breakker slowly closed in. “Mr. Stone” chant. Never thought we’d hear that. He ducked away from a charge, and then got shoved into a corner. He threw a right and Breakker wasn’t happy. “You got Stoned” chant. Breakker chased Stone out of and back into the ring and hit a shoulder tackle. Huge hip toss by Breakker. Breakker again looked amused at his opponent. Breakker jawed at Stone, who threw another right. Quick rollup by Stone almost got three. Breakker laid out Stone again and yelled “It’s over!” He speared Stone to finish. Breakker dragged Stone out of the ring afterward and separated the ring steps, then draped Stone over the bottom section. Von Wagner’s music played and he actually got something of a pop. Wagner took Breakker into the ring and then clotheslined him out. Wagner chokeslammed Breakker on the steps, then sold the lingering head problems. Officials held the two apart to boos.
WINNER: Bron Breakker at 2:36.
(Wells’s Analysis: I thought they might have Wagner cost Breakker the match to really get heat on this thing, but this was just as strong to continue the story. It isn’t going to be a classic, but they’ve actually gotten me interested to see the payoff, and I wouldn’t have expected that to happen)
-An Irish voice-over guy told Lyra Valkyria’s story in brief. They told the story of the torch passing and sold Lyra Valkyria’s new chapter. They showed Valkyria appearing on Irish daytime TV via video call as her countrymen enjoyed her accomplishment. She’ll return to the show live next week. This was a strong segment as the company looks to get something special out of Valkyria, as they should, as I think she can be a special long-term talent. [c]
-Out the Mud and Scrypts had a pre-taped segment. Scrypts put over OTM and said they reminded them of who he is. He said the Brawling Brutes don’t know their struggle and they wouldn’t last one week on their block. He said you’re either somebody or nobody, and they should find out which, because OTM? We somebody. A good segment to keep adding weight to OTM’s story.
(4) THEA HAIL & JACY JAYNE (w/Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) vs. PIPER NIVEN & CHELSEA GREEN (c) – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
The babyfaces jumped the heels on the ramp because apparently nobody but Mr. Stone can wait for his opponent tonight. Niven got charged into the steps outside and Jayne rolled up Green for two. Jayne dominated Green and tagged Hail, who hit an arm drag and then evaded a few shots before getting tossed outside. Green missed a shot and Hail hit a tope suicida. Niven grabbed hail but Jayne laid her out heading to split-screen. [c]
Niven had Hail grounded with a headlock. Hail threw some rights and Niven put her in a corner. Hail flew from the top but Niven caught her and hit a shoulder breaker. Vic said Papa Shango would be proud. Niven put Niven up in a bear hug but Hail turned it into a kimura lock. Niven was able to toss Hail and make the tag. Hail ducked and made the hot tag and Jayne completely worked babyface as she dominated the heels. Cannonball for Jayne on Green, and Jayne covered for two. Green tried the Unprettier but Jayne hit a spinebuster and got two. Niven broke it up. Hail interfered but Niven hit a great electric chair drop. There was a brief schmoz and after dueling pump kicks, all four sold on the mat. Jayne crawled for the belt to use it, but Chase held it away. Green used the opening to hit the Unprettier.
WINNERS: Niven and Green at 9:02.
Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn showed up on the perch and the wheel started spinning of its own volition next to Niven and Green, who freaked out.
(Wells’s Analysis: The obvious finish for anyone who saw the Chase U segment just minutes ago. Follow-up now gets interesting as Jayne’s worst instincts will kick in, and Hail will be in a weird position again)
-Lexis King sat on a throne and McKenzie Mitchell asked him about the impact he’s made. King got all cocky and said he was excited about he’s going to do, and…what he’s already done. Mitchell pressed him on this and he said she’d have to wait like everyone else. He got creepy and asked her to stay and have a candy. She said “I’m good.”
(5) KELANI JORDAN vs. LOLA VICE (w/Elektra Lopez) – Women’s Breakout Tournament final match
Standing switches early. Vice hit a good kick to Jordan’s leg. Jordan tripped Vice and rolled her up for two. Rope-assisted arm drag for Jordan. Rapid-fire kicks for Vice, who hit a hip attack in the corner. Jordan spilled to the outside and the match went to split-screen. [c]
Jordan got back into it and hit some ax-handles and a rolling legdrop for two. The two missed a couple of kicks and a big one by Vice connected for two. Kelani hit an impact spot and Lopez hung her up on the top rope, giving Vice the opening to hit a back kick to finish and win the tournament, a near-certainty once Lyra Valkyria won the championship (they could do face-face, but it wouldn’t do Valkyria or Jordan any favors).
WINNER: Lola Vice at 6:56.
(Wells’s Analysis: So…I hope you didn’t blink. Nobody needs exposure more than those in this tournament, and a full half of this match was during split-screen where everyone disengages. What we got was fine. Vice needs this win less than Jordan probably does, but it also gives underdog Jordan something to overcome – a likely new feud partner in Elektra Lopez – and gives Lola Vice a chance to sink or swim against Lyra Valkyria)
-Noam Dar was all alone in the haunted house looking for his big, beautiful, silver cup. He finally stepped into a room and spotted it. He asked the cup what they did to it. He then licked it to make sure it was real, and started crying as film climax music played. He gave a speech and then saw he was surrounded by ghouls. “Ruh roh.” Tozawa appeared and yanked the cup from Dar’s hand. Tozawa said he wanted a match. Dar tried to say no because Tozawa didn’t score any points in the tournament. Tozawa sicced the ghouls on him and he reconsidered and said they could have a match next week. Tozawa smiled, then sicced the monsters on Dar again anyway.
-Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes prepared for their main event match. [c]
-Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn were Maleficent and Snow White’s Evil Queen. They once again appreciated the chaos tonight. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone stepped into frame and Wagner fired up, saying he wanted Bron Breakker next week. He got himself amped up and again sold the head injury. Unrelated, in the back, Boa (with face paint again) and Dante Chen were talking. It was meant to be seen, as they were carefully kept in frame. My read was that Boa convinced Chen of a team-up, maybe?
(6) ILJA DRAGUNOV (c) vs. CARMELO HAYES – NXT Championship match
Formal intros were at six to the hour, as the show is scheduled in DVR until 15 past. Both guys charged. Chops by both. Step-up enzuigiri by Melo. Big boot by Ilja. Pump kick by Melo followed by a nasty belly-to-back suplex. The two exchanged rights. Both guys threw big kicks and got laid out heading to split-screen. [c]
Melo and Ilja exchanged rights in the center of the ring. Dragunov ducked a roundhouse kick, then hit one to the back of Hayes’ head. German suplex by Dragunov, but Hayes broke free from the second. Hayes missed on a springboard DDT and Dragunov laid him out and hit a powerbomb for two.
Kicks by Hayes. Dragunov hit an awesome violent lariat that Booker clearly loved. Dragunov threw a couple of knees and Hayes tried to get back into it with palm strikes. Hayes blocked a Konstantin Special and hit a DDT. Dragunov went up and Hayes kicked him down to the floor. Hayes floated over for a wicked DDT on the apron. Dragunov sold it wonderfully by putting his body completely vertical, putting a ton of trust in Hayes to control the move. Hayes hit a frog splash inside for two.
The two reset and exchanged shots. Standing senton and a flatliner by Dragunov got two. Pump kick by Hayes created some separation. Dragunov begged for more and stepped forward with his own pump kick. Dragunov (sort of) hit an H-Bomb but didn’t capitalize. Dragunov hit a hidden blade on Hayes and then went for a Konstantin Special again and Hayes booted him during the follow-through. Hayes tried to float over to the apron for another DDT but Dragunov picked him up for a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Both guys spilled to the floor and sold there.
Dragunov fired up and started clearing off the announce table. He told the announcers to stay out of the way. He set up Hayes on the table and stood up on the barricade. H-Bomb landed and collapsed the table. The match got a second “holy shit” chant (the spike on the apron was the other).
Back inside. Dragunov stalked Hayes around the ring and hit forearms. Dragunov went up for a station-to-station dropkick. Hayes went for a jawbreaker but Dragunov held on. Hayes hit a jawbreaker but Dragunov charged back with a lariat for a long two. “Fight forever” chant. Dragunov went up for an H-Bomb but Hayes hit another jawbreaker. Hayes went up to the top, but Trick Williams’ music played him to the ramp. Williams looked serious. Hayes allowed himself to be distracted and Dragunov hit a couple of moves and finally Torpedo Moscow to finish.
WINNER: Ilja Dragunov at 16:42.
Vic put over both guys and told everyone to appreciate what the two men put themselves through, completely undercutting the story that just unfolded, cheating Hayes out of a chance at the title. Dragunov celebrated with his belt and left.
Carmelo Hayes continued to sell on the mat. Trick Williams entered the ring and very slowly walked over to Hayes. Williams yanked Hayes to his feet, but we didn’t get to see the payoff to this, as Baron Corbin had attacked Ilja Dragunov just inside near gorilla. He said “I told you! Keep your head on a swivel.”
(Wells’s Analysis: The two men made brilliant music together a third time, as if there was any doubt. The relentless machine-like determination of Dragunov and the unending resilience of Hayes make for a strong matchup of characters and wills in addition to the two just being great workers. I also liked the fact that we didn’t get the payoff to Trick and Melo yet. It was a bit of a parlor trick to snake out of the moment and go back to Corbin and Dragunov, but it sets a huge hook for next week’s show, as well as establishing that Corbin will get the one-on-one that he’s been looking for for a while now. A very smart, economic finish all around)
FINAL THOUGHTS: Henley-Stratton not happening other than in injury form may have been the result of an actual injury, but likely it was cut for time as this episode had a lot to do, and it did so very well. The show closed a lot of doors while opening several others, making it feel like the PLE-lite it was supposed to be while also acting as a strong week of episodic TV. Ilja Dragunov and Dominik Mysterio already have their next opponents, and Tony D & Stacks are on their way back to a rematch with Chase University. The opening TLC match wasn’t a frontrunner in the match’s lineage, but likely was a fun car crash for many. As for Meta-Four in a haunted house…ask me when I’ve had more time to determine whether it was the right kind of dumb, or just dumb. Rather than gush for much longer here, I’ll direct you to PWT Talks NXT where Nate Lindberg and I will break it down in a few minutes here. Join us or stream tomorrow. Cheers.
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