OCTOBER 28, 2023
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness, and Tony Schiavone
-The Collision opening aired to the Elton John theme.
-Tony Schiavone introduced the show.
(1) JAY WHITE (w/Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) vs. A.R. FOX
White came out with his cohorts first. Kevin Kelly mentioned the AEW World Title match later, but added that White could be champion before all is said and done. Nigel McGuinness said some people consider White the “defacto AEW Champion.” Schiavone said he’s the only one who thinks that because later MJF and Kenny Omega will battle over the championship. Fox then made his ring entrance. Kelly said Fox is on the road to redemption right now. The bell rang four minutes into the hour. Nigel continued a preposterous “heel commentator” POV that some people recognize White as the true champion. Kelly pushed back but also touted his accomplishments in Japan. “You name a competitor that has done as much as he has in the span of time that he has; Jay White is in in rarefied air.” As White chopped Fox in the corner, Schiavone plugged upcoming matches on the show.
At 2:00 Fox landed a shooting star press off the ring apron onto White, whose knees seemed at risk of buckling awkwardly based on how be took the impact. Back in the ring, White slipped out of a suplex and then threw Fox hard into the corner turnbuckles. White and Austin celebrated at ringside like crazy people. Nigel said the Gunns should just be given the tag titles since MJF is defending with an injured partner. Kelly said MJF deserves credit for being a fighting champion. Kelly noted that if Omega won tonight, he’d face White at Full Gear. They cut to a double-box break at 5;00. [c/db]
Back from the break, White was in control in the ring. Fox fought back and then leaped over the top rope with a dive onto the Gunns and Juice. He then dove onto White on the other side of the ring. The crowd popped and chanted “Holy shit!” Fox landed a top rope flip senton for a near fall. Fans then chanted, “This is awesome!” Nigel said, “This is the kind of action you only get in AEW.” (A bit of an overstatement.) Fox scored another near fall after an Arabian Spanish fly. White avoided another top rope move from Fox and then suplexed him onto his head followed by a Blade Runner for the win.
WINNER: White in 10:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match start to finish. Austin and Juice were entertainingly obnoxious at ringside. As far as Nigel goes, I get that heel commentators often take controversial points of view based on a philosophy of win at any cost without apology, but his straight-faced assertion that White should be the actual champion seems too far. Instead, he could just celebrate that it’s upsetting MJF and make fun of MJF fans for being up and arms over it or something along those lines. He just loses credibility with this over-the-top stance that White is champion because has the belt. There’s no sense he’s doing it tongue-in-cheek based on his tone and wording.)
-Afterward, MJF ran out and took the belt back. White grabbed it before MJF could leave. Surrounded by all four Bullet Club Gold members, MJF let go and ran away. Kelly said he thought it was security that was taking the belt.
(Keller’s Analysis: Hey, there’s an idea – security could just take the belt and give it back to the rightful holder. It’s just silly that AEW just sanctions matches for White and lets him bring it to the ring and doesn’t use the obvious power they have over him to suspend or fire him if he doesn’t just hand back the stolen property he’s had for weeks.)
-Backstage, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn talked about being AEW Trios Champions for 62 days. Anthony Bowens said they’re excited to celebate 69 days as champions next week. Max Caster got a text from MJF that said he’ll be at next week’s show. Bowens said it’s a fake account and he’s been catfished since that account only has 100 followers. Caster said he sent him pictures of himself and then slinked away with his head hanging.
(Keller’s Analysis: This continues to be something more aimed at amusing themselves and trying to validate themselves through social media reaction during the week than leading anywhere productive in terms of helping AEW or their on-air character, but I genuinely hope I’m shown to be wrong. Caster just seemed damaged by this, even if he’s good playing this bashful, socially awkward, bi-curious rapper/wrestler.)
(2) THE BOYS (Brandon & Brent Tate) vs. AUSTIN & COLTON GUNN (w/Jay White, Juice Robinson)
Dalton Castle accompanied The Boys to the ring, then returned to the back. The bell rang 18 minutes into the hour. The Gunns won with their 3:10 To Yuma finisher quickly.
WINNERS: The Gunns in under 2:00.
-Schiavone plugged MJF vs. Omega. He threw to a video package on them. MJF touted his signature matches during his reign. Omega said MJF is special. MJF said they are both at the top of the sport.
(Keller’s Analysis: Nicely done. If there’s a main event the caliber of tonight’s you want to set the stage like that and emphasize how special it is.) [c]
-Danhausen sang a Happy Halloween message.
-Lexi Nair interviewed Ryan Nemeth backstage. He said things are going great for him in Hollywood and he might be the voice of a new grocery store chain. He said he now wants his success outside of AEW to translate to AEW. He pointed at the locker room door of C.J. Perry that had her name and “Hot & Flexible” written underneath. Miro answered the door. Ryan asked to see C.J., but Miro yanked him into the room and beat him up.
(Keller’s Analysis: Was this a spoof on how C.M. Punk dealt with Nemeth backstage after Nemeth posted support for The Young Bucks after Punk took digs at them in an on-air promo earlier this year?)
(3) HIKARU SHIDA vs. ABADON – AEW Women’s Title match
Kelly said people have been asking about Abandon and said “they are here and they mean business.” Shida made her entrance second. The bell rang 30 minutes into the hour. They had Halloween-themed props in the ring. Shida tried to hit Abadon with a foam headstone, which Abadon broke into pieces when she blocked it. (Pretty stupid thing to use a weapon if they’re going for any sense of realism here.) At 2:00 Shida landed a dropkick off the second rope. Abadon rolled to ringside and then hid under the ring. Shida looked around for her and acted totally bewildered where she could be. Fans yelled at her and she pretended not to hear or understand at which point Abadon crawled out from under the ring and grabbed her legs. She bashed her across her back with a trash can lid. They cut to a partial double-box break. [c/db]
Kelly talked about how Abadon won her first match in AEW against Anna Jay and then said she won a match with Anna Jay in it on Rampage the night before to earn this show. He said he believes in “symmetry” and thought that in some way portended good things in this match for her. Abadon began no-selling Shida’s offense and then caught her with a lariat as she charged. Then she dumped over a bucket of candy. Schiavone laughed and said, “The fans thought it was thumbtacks.” Abadon landed a blockbuster onto the pile of taffy and gummy treats. Abadon swung a small pumpkin at Shida. Shida ducked and then hit Abadon with a kendo stick followed by a knee to the forehead for a near fall. Shida pulled out a carved pumpkin and put it over Abadon’s head. It started to slip off, so Abadon helpfully rebalanced it over her head. Shida the hit her knee to the side of the head Kitana finisher for the win.
WINNER: Shida in 10:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Not to overthink this nonsense, but the pumpkin seemed to provide some impact protection from the knee rather than add to it, but this match wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. For all the amusement fans seemed experience with this Halloween slapstick match, this is the type of “WWE thing” that AEW originally seemed to be counter-marketing against.)
-Toni Storm came out in black and white and paraded around the ring and then struck a pose on the announce desk. Kelly said, “Orange you glad to see her?”
-A video package previewed Dax Harwood vs. Ricky Starks.
(Keller’s Analysis: These are actually an upgrade from the soundbites at the top of the show as they have some visual substance and a little more time for the wrestlers to speak about the specific match.) [c]
-A video package hyped Keith Lee vs. Shane Taylor.
(4) SAMOA JOE vs. RHETT TITUS – ROH TV Title match
ROH ring announcer Bobby Cruz handled ring introductions. The bell rang 49 minutes into the hour. Kelly talked about the lineage of the ROH TV Title including Titus. Nigel said Titus is “certainly no tomato can.” Joe side-stepped a diving Titus 90 seconds in. Titus came back with two running boots to the head, but on the third charge, Joe turned it into a uranage followed by a sleeper for the quick tapout. Kelly touted Joe having 17 successful title defenses now.
WINNER: Joe in 2:00 to retain the ROH TV Title.
-An interview from Rampage aired with Renee Paquette with the QTV team (Q.T. Marshall, Aaron Solo, Johnny TV, Harley Cameron). Renee told it’s been a while since they’ve seen Q.T. Marshall. He said since winning the AAA Latin-American Title in Mexico City, he said he’d defend around the world with honor. He said that’s what he’s been doing and he claimed he already defended it more than anyone else. He said he’s now back in AEW, ready to defend against the best Luchadors in the world. Renee asked if he had anyone in mind. Marshall said, “One scoop at a time.”
(Keller’s Analysis: If Q.T. is going to be on AEW TV, then when he’s gone for a long while, it should be addressed, and they addressed it here. So good for them for doing that. I’m quite certain AEW doesn’t need another wrestler with another title belt on their TV.)
-A clip aired from Dynamite on Wednesday where Orange Cassidy punched Bryan Danielson and then he covered his face afterward. Claudio Castagnoli said Danielson suffered a broken orbital bone either from the Orange Punch or the Rainmaker. He said they will both pay for what they did to his friend. He said whether it’s in the U.S. or Japan, he’ll make them pay. He challenged Cassidy to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite. He said just thinking about what he’s capable of doing to him frightens him.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m still not a fan at all of some of the most popular acts in AEW being framed as defacto heels since fans end up torn when they go after other popular wrestlers who are officially framed as babyfaces. It just mutes the emotional investment in seeing a particular outcome and ends up feeling more like two out-of-town teams playing instead of your hometown favorite against a cross-border rival. It is good to see a serious, sinister side of Claudio, but it’d be better if it was aimed as a heel.)
(5) DAX HARWOOD (w/Cash Wheeler) vs. RICKY STARKS (w/Big Bill)
Before the bell, the lights went out. Then they came back on and House of Black were in the bleachers. Schiavone seemed truly surprised that House of Black appeared after the lights came back on. The bell rang 58 minutes into the hour. Schiavone wondered what their motivation was other than intimidation.
Schiavone re-set the show as they entered hour two. Starks avoided a top rope dive by Dax at 3:00 and took control. Starks walked the top rope while holding Dax’s arm and then leaped off with a forearm. (That’s one of those show-off moves that makes no sense because it gives Starks no advantage to hit the forearm from the middle of the top rope and instead puts him at risk of his opponent doing the obvious thing and just shoving him or yanking him off the top rope.) Starks caught a sliding Dax between the ring and the ring apron. Kelly called it “a Fit Finlay move!” Starks suplexed Dax onto the ramp and the smiled as they cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
They fought back and forth for several minutes. After Dax hit a piledriver/powerbomb hybrid, Bill broke up the cover. Cash and Dax complained. Starks recovered and hit a piledriver as soon as Dax re-entered the ring and then scored a three count. Kelly said that’s the door closing on FTR when it comes to the tag team titles.
WINNER: Starks in 12:00.
-The lights turned off and then came back on which revealed Julia Hart on the stage standing in fog. Then the lights went out again and when they came back on, House of Black were in the ring staring down FTR. Los Ingobernables (Rush, Dralistico, Preston Vance) marched out and stared down FTR first and then turned to House of Black and attacked them. They cleared the ring and then stood together and stared each other down with some tentativeness to trust but appreciation and mutual respect shown too.
-Lexi interviewed Andrade backstage about C.J. Perry making him an offer, but also Los Ingobernables returning with whom he has a connection. Andrade said this is his business and nobody else’s. Lexi said she wasn’t sure what he meant by that. [c]
-Lexi interviewed Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Skye Blue. Lexi said Kris requested the interview. Kris said she wanted to know why they came up short in their chance to wrestle Shida tonight. Willow said she felt tension between her and Skye. She said they were both hit with “spooky dust” from Julia, something seems to be getting worse with Skye. Skye said anything she has to say about Julia is between her and Julia. She walked away and then Statlander cringed.
(Keller’s Analysis: If they’re going to tell this story about “spooky dust” from Julia Hart, a segment like this helps establish that it’s an ongoing story so viewers who are willing to invest their emotions in it have an update on how everyone involved feels about it. I can’t get invested in because it doesn’t seem based on anything that would exist in the AEW universe. It also feels, to me, like a middle school friends drama that I have no interest in hearing more about. The premise of Statlander judging or shaming Willow and Sky for “coming up short” the night before felt more mean-girl than concerned-friend.)
Claudio attacked Williams before the bell. The ref (ridiculously) rewarded Claudio’s illegal pre-bell attack by immediately calling for the bell and letting him continue on the attack 19 minutes into the hour. He relentlessly attacked him with two short-arm clotheslines. Kelly said that’s a little taste of what Claudio is aiming to do to Orange Cassidy on Dynamite next Wednesday. Claudio finished Wiliams with a European uppercut.
WINNER: Claudio in 1:00.
-They showed Kenny Omega and MJF each warming up backstage in a split-screen view. Samoa Joe walked up to MJF and said he looks ready to do what the world expects him to do tonight. He asked if he’s further considered his offer since he doesn’t have many friends. He said he just has to give him a rematch for his title in exchange. Joe said he would never, ever give him an ultimatum. He said if he finds himself in a bad spot tonight, just call his name and he’ll be there for him. He said he’d keep his ears perked up. [c]
(7) MJF vs. KENNY OMEGA – AEW World Hvt. Title match
Jim Ross replaced Kelly on commentary and sat alongside Schiavone and Nigel. (It probably says something that NJPW announcer Kelly wasn’t kept out there for this match with Omega, while Schiavone was. It’s not unjustified considering Kelly’s sub-par performances for AEW thus far.) Ross said this is among the biggest matches he’s ever called. He said next year he’ll have been in the business 50 years. Omega made his entrance first. Then MJF came out. Dasha did formal ring introductions. MJF did not have his championship title belt on him for the match. (Again, why are viewers supposed to believe that AEW doesn’t have any power to require White to return stolen property or just be fired or suspended?) The bell rang 29 minutes into the hour.
MJF and Omega had a mid-ring staredown. Nigel listed Omega at 6-0 and MJF at 5-11. He noted Omega’s superior experience. Schiavone said there’d only be one short 90 second break during this match. When Omega dropped down after whipping MJF into the ropes, MJF slowed down, walked over Omega’s back, and strutted. Omega sat up and looked irritated. MJF offered a handshake. Fans chanted, “Our scumbag.” Omega shook MJF’s hand, then MJF poked him in the eyes. Fans cheered, which Ross noted. Nigel said Omega might’ve been in the business 23 years, but he looked there like he was born yesterday.
Omega backdropped a charging MJF over the top rope to the floor and then hit a running flip dive onto MJF at ringside. MJF then caught a celebrating Omega at ringside with a running backflip onto Omega. He landed on his feet. Fans chanted “Holy shit!” Omega landed a top rope crossbody on MJF back in the ring. MJF came right back and powerbombed Omega onto his knee and scored a two count. MJF settled into a chinlock at 5:00 as Schiavone plugged the Full Gear match with Jay White challenging the champion.
MJF showboated a bit and got a roar from the crowd. When he went back after Omega, Omega gave him a Snap Dragon. Omega controlled the action for a while. MJF went for a cheap shot against the ropes, but Omega ducked and then clotheslined MJF over the top rope to the floor. Then he backflipped onto MJF at ringside. When Nigel brought up Jay White has possession of the belt, Schiavione told him not to give him “that possession is nine-tenths of the law bullcrap.” Nigel told him to watch his language.
Omega went for a moonsault, but MJF lifted his knees. Ross said Omega does that sequence in his matches, and thus it was predictable for MJF to counter. MJF went on a flurry of offense at 10:00. MJF bit Omega’s forehead, then signaled for the Kangaroo Kick. He delivered and knocked Omega backwards. He shook the top rope. Omega came back with a knee to MJF’s gut as he charged. He followed with a cradle suplex onto his knee leading to a two count.
MJF bailed out to ringside to avoid Omega’s next move. Omega knocked him into the announce desk. Omega pulled a table out from under the ring, which drew a rise from the crowd. Back in the ring they exchanged a series of near falls on leverage pins. Both hit clothelines and were down and slow to get up. MJF and Omega battled on the ring apron next to the table Omega set up a minute earlier. Omega gave MJF a Snap Dragon onto the edge of the ring apron. Schiavone exclaimed that there’s no way for MJF to come back from that. Omega had a crazed look as he eyed the table. He then leaped off the ring apron and powerbombed MJF through the table. A loud “Holy shit!” chant broke out. They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
During the break, officials checked on MJF and Omega. Back from the break, Ross touted the main event in progress. MJF and Omega rolled back into the ring. Omega lifted MJF onto shoulders to set up a One-Winged Angel, but MJF countered into a poison rana. Omega came back with his own poison rana. Both were down and slow to get up. A “Fight forever” chant broke out at 20:00. MJF and Omega exchanged big moves and two counts. Omega landed a piledriver, but MJF put his foot on the bottom rope to stop the count. They cut to a 90 second break. [c/db]
During the break, MJF rolled to ringside. Back from the break, Omega powerbombed MJF against the top of the ringside barricade. Ross called it an amazing main event. MJF set up a top rope move on Omega, and thrusted his crotch towards Omega’s face several times. (That stuff MJF does seems more tawdry then character-boosting.) Omega slipped under MJF and dropped him head-first onto the top turnbuckle. Omega went on a flurry of signature moves including a Snap Dragon and running knee for a near fall. Omega landed two V-Triggers at 27:00 and then set up a One-Winged Angel. Don Callis ran out, so Omega dropped MJF. “What’s that snake in the grass doing out here?” Schiavone exclaimed.
Omega stood with his back turned to MJF and yelled at Callis for several seconds. MJF rolled up Omega from behind. Omega rolled through for a two count. Omega hit a V-Trigger for a near fall. Callis was stasnding at ringside. Ross said he had no business out there. The ref ordered him to the back. Callis complied. MJF and Omega traded leverage roll-up pin attempts at 28:00.
MJF delivered a Heat Seeker on Omega for a near fall. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” MJF went for a Panama Sunrise, but Omega sat down on it and scored a near fall. MJF kicked Omega in the face and went for the Panama Sunrise again.
He landed it, and then delivered another Heat Seeker for a three count. They cut to Joe watching backstage. They also cut to Wardlow watching. And then they showed Powerhouse Hobbs watching. And finally, Bullet Club Gold also watching. MJF offered Omega a handshake. They shook hands and then hugged. MJF raised Omega’s arm. Omega pointed at MJF in a show of respect (ignoring or forgiving the eye-poke and disrespectful crotch-thrusting in his face earlier during the match). Schiavone said MJF has now become the longest-reigning AEW World Title holder. A graphic plugged MJF and three partners would battle Bullet Club Gold next Wednesday on Dynamite.
WINNER: MJF in 30:00 to retain the AEW World Title.
(Keller’s Analysis: Excellent match. MJF getting a pinfall win is validating for him against someone with Omega’s overall reputation. The “out” of Callis coming to ringside isn’t that big of a deal because Omega looked like a fool for letting it get to him so much and actually stopping the One-Winged Angel even when he had MJF in position for it and then turning his back to yell at him when Callis was no immediate threat. Tony Khan had a lot of moving parts he could have employed here to “protect” Omega with a veneer of trying to establish MJF’s next challengers, so it was good to see him largely resist that temptation here.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall, an improvement on last week’s show. The format seemed different with more matches, including three really short matches. It had a faster pace with a mix of formats to present talent and recap storyline developments. It still doesn’t feel like a show that’s well-defined relative to Dynamite, other than the B-show with an occasional top tier main event. Maybe that’s fine, though.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW Collision results (10/28): Powell’s live review of MJF vs. Kenny Omega for the AEW World Championship, Hikaru Shida vs. Abadon for the AEW Women’s Championship
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