The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
OCTOBER 28, 2013
-They opened with clips of the finish of the Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton match with a focus on Shawn Michaels’s refereeing.
-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler introduced the show. They hyped that Michaels would speak later and they’d also hear from the “new face of WWE, Randy Orton.” They announced voting for the special stip for the C.M. Punk vs. Ryback match later on the show.
-Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced John Cena. Cena looked into the camera and said while he was away he gained a few pounds. Cole said he silenced any critics, including JBL, who had said over and over he didn’t think Cena could win because he was coming back too early. JBL: “For the first time in my life I was wrong.” Lawler said he was worried, too, but the guy is like Superman and proved us all wrong. JBL called it one of the most incredible things he’s ever seen.
Cena entered the ring and said, “I’m used to that sound,” referring to the crowd reaction. He then said, “I’m baa-aack! Y’all miss me?” The crowd chanted “Yes!” He said JBL in particular inspired him to come back. He imitated JBL saying he was coming back too early. Cena said he’s not back for one match or one week or one month. He said he is back on Monday Night Raw. He said because he won the World Hvt. Title, that means he’s also “back as the Friday night delight on Smackdown as well.” He said fans in Europe thought he was coming there for a special appearance, but he’s going there to defend his title. The crowd didn’t care much about that. He said he has to wear his elbow brace, ice it, and visit his doctor. He said, “That’s why they freeze water and that’s why they make doctors; I am back and ready to go!” A “You suck!” chant rang out.
Cena shifted to saying later everyone gets another celebration with Randy Orton. He said he’s going to stop talking now, but then he immediately began talking to Alberto Del Rio. He said he gets a rematch, so if he wants some, come get some. He finished by saying he and CeNation run the show now. As his music played, it was replaced by Damien Sandow’s music. Cole wondered if he was about to cash in the MITB briefcase. Lawler said Sandow is smarter than that.
Sandow entered the ring. He said Cena may be fooling the unwashed masses and the medical staff, but it’s physically impossible for a tricep to heal in the amount of time he was gone. He said he saw what Del Rio did to him last night and he knows he’s more hurt than he’s letting on. He said the real reason he’s out there saying what he’s saying is because he’s scared he will cash in on him tonight. Cena made his phony “oh crap you figured it out” look. Sandow said he might cash in, but not tonight. Then pretended to leave. Cena shoved him. Sandow attacked him with the briefcase. He bashed his arm repeatedly. He yanked his arm around the ring post twice, then threw him into the ringside barricade, then threw him into the ringside steps. JBL said if it wasn’t hurt before, it’s hurt now. Then he bashed his arm with a steel chair as it rested on the steps. Sandow yelled, “My time is now!” He entered the ring and called for the referee. Roberts said it was official, Sandow was cashing in. JBL said Sandow is about to become the World Champion. Cole said Cena was in deep trouble.
[Q2] [c]
(1) JOHN CENA vs.. DAMIEN SANDOW – World Hvt. Title match
When they came back from the break, the bell rang and Cena tried to fight one-armed. He threw kicks and punches, but couldn’t use his left arm. Sandow drove his arm hard into the mat and made the cover. Cena kicked out. Sandow threw him shoulder-first into the ringpost and schoolboyed Cena for another two count. Cole recapped the history of Cena’s injury and the title win last night against Del Rio. Cena slammed Sandow, but Sandow armdragged Cena by his bad arm and dropped knees on it. At 3:00 Sandow applied an armbar, but Cena escaped and “whipped” Sandow into the ropes and backdropped Sandow. Both men were down and they cut to another break.
(WK Reax: That’s the soonest there have been two commercial breaks on Raw in a long time. I know why they wanted to get another commercial out of the way early during a heated match like this, but it took away a sense of urgency that the match could end any second since they were “willing” to cut away to another break. Some viewers had to wonder what the heck they were doing choosing then to go to a commercial instead of saving it until the usual time later in the hour.) [c]
The announcers said the doctor almost stopped the match, and if that happened, it’d be like Cena submitted and the title would change hands. Cena took Sandow down with a big boot and a side slam, but he then grabbed his bad arm for several seconds. He signaled for the You Can’t See Me bit, but as he waved his arm in Sandow’s face, Sandow punched his bad arm.
(WK Reax: With what was at stake, Cena looked like an absolute idiot showboating in front of Sandow like that rather than just trying to get the win. It’s one thing when he’s feeling good and about to win, but when he’s in such jeopardy in these circumstances, he looks foolish doing that routine.)
JBL reiterated that he thinks Cena is “too tough for his body.” Cole pushed the social media activity among fans and wrestlers in the back. They showed the doctor at ringside and said it’s up to him whether Cena continues. Cole said Dr. Sampson has increasing pressure on him. “How long do you let this match go before Cena is seriously injured?” Cena surprised Sandow with an Attitude Adjustment out of nowhere. Because of his bad arm, he didn’t deliver it with the usual force. Sandow rolled to the floor to recover. The doctor then checked on Cena. Cena retrieved Sandow and struggled to roll him into the ring. Cena went for an STF, but Cena couldn’t apply it fully because he couldn’t use his left arm. Sandow easily escaped. Sandow delivered a hard slam and scored a believable near fall. Lawler said Sandow was showing frustration.
Sandow went for a full nelson, but Cena countered with a neck breaker for a dramatic near fall. The crowd roared. Sandow put Cena in an STF. JBL heavy-handedly said they were about to see a new champion, so you knew it wasn’t the finish. Cena powered out and went for a leg lock, but Sandow powered out. Cena went for an AA, but Sandow slipped free and hit his You’re Welcome for a dramatic near fall. Sandow pounded the mat in frustration.
The announcers raved about the match, especially Cena’s gutsy performance. The crowd chanted “This is awesome!” Sandow set up a superplex, but Cena head-butted his way free. Cena then leaped off the top rope, but Sandow moved. Cena sold that he hurt his knee on the landing. Sandow then set up a piledriver, but Cena countered with an AA and scored the pin.
WINNER: Cena in 13:00 to retain the World Hvt. Title. (***1/2)
(WK Reax: The story that match told and the drama in the near falls and the genuine mystery over whether Sandow would win or not with the crowd buying the near falls made for a great TV match. People will remember this match and talk about it for years. Not that it’s a match of the year, but it was a really good presentation and took full advantage of the stakes including not just the World Title, but the cashing in of the MITB briefcase.)
-They went to The Shield backstage. Dean Ambrose said he’s being forced to defend his U.S. Title against Big E. Langston. Ambrose said it was Big E.’s privilege to share a ring with him. Seth Rollins said they made a mistake underestimating Langston, but tonight they rectify that mistake and get back to basics. Ambrose said he’ll get the job done like he always does. He said he’s the baddest man alive. Roman Reigns closed with his only words of the promo: “Believe in the Shield.”
-Cole plugged the U.S. Title match and said, “What a night on Raw!”
(WK Reax: Are they giving away too much on this show to the point that people who bought the PPV feel like the “freeloaders” are getting the actual climaxes of the matches and feuds they paid to see settled?) [c]
-Lawler plugged the Ryback vs. Punk stip options: Street Fight, Falls Count Anywhere, Tables Match. Of course voting was on the WWE App.
(2) DEAN AMBROSE (w/Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns) vs. BIG E. LANGSTON – U.S. Title match
During Big E.’s ring entrance, they showed a replay of Big E. driving his face into Ambrose’s face, leading to Big E. suffering a cut that needed seven stitches to close. Cole said Ambrose needed nine stitches for the cut on his chin that resulted from that collision.
Langston hit Ambrose with the same move that led to the cuts last night, but this time they were in the right place and didn’t crash heads. When he bounded into the ropes, Reigns pulled the top rope down and Big E. tumbled over the top rope to the floor. Reigns and Rollins attacked him and the ref DQ’d Ambrose.
WINNER: Big E. Langston via DQ in 2:00 so Ambrose retained the title.
-As the Shield triple-teamed Big E., the Usos ran out for the save. Brad Maddox, the Raw G.M., walked out and swiftly turned it into a six-man tag. The announcers said they liked it.
(WK Reax: In fairness to Langston, shouldn’t the decision have been that Rollins and Reigns are banned from ringside and just restart his chance at the U.S. Title? How is it really fair to throw Big E. into a six-man when he was hoping to win the U.S. Title?) [c]
The match was in progress after the break. Reigns took a DDT from Jimmy Uso doing a headstand for a couple seconds before falling backward. Jimmy hot-tagged Jey. Seth Rollins tagged in and Jey went to work on him. Rollins eventually took over on Jey. Rollins lifted his knees on a top rope splash by Jey. Reigns and Rollins set up a souble duplex, but Jimmy stopped Jey’s fall and they kicked the heel duo. Rollins came back, though, with a powerful double spear of both Usos and then Rollins pinned Jey for the win.
WINNERS: The Shield when Reigns pinned Jey in 8:00.
(WK Reax: A showcase win for the Shield, especially the impressive memorable double-spear by Reigns at the end on both Usos.)
-Cole plugged the Orton celebration later. Lawler plugged that Shawn Michaels would explain himself next.
-A promo aired for the second stanza in the first season of Total Divas starting Nov. 10 with a string of teasers. [c]
-Michaels’s ring entrance took place. He slapped hands with fans on his way to the ring as if he were a babyface. He did act like it was charitable of fans to want to still slap hands with him. JBL said, “I can’t wait to hear this!” Michaels danced when he entered the ring, but it was scaled way back. Cole recapped what happened and freeze-frames were shown. JBL said Michaels doesn’t owe anybody an explanation. Michaels began by saying he owed everyone an explanation, especially Daniel Bryan. He asked Bryan for the opportunity to explain himself face-to-face. Bryan’s ring entrance took place.
(WK Reax: In this instance, I would have made the production choice to have Bryan come out without his music. Just have Bryan be totally serious and march to the ring with no pomp and circumstance. Bryan did have the right body language to fit the situation, but the music contradicted the mood they were setting.)
Michaels said he didn’t intend that to happen at the end of the PPV match. The crowd chanted, “You sold out” very loudly. Michaels said “the proof is in the pudding.” He said he called that match right down the middle. He said when all hell broke loose, he saw what he did to Triple H. He said Bryan and the fans won’t understand, “but he is my best friend.” He said that will never, ever change. He said their friendship will always supersede everything that goes on in WWE. He said Triple H was there for him in his deepest, darkest hours because when everyone else turned their backs on him, Triple H was the lone man there for him. He said he’s not asking Bryan to be okay with it or understand, but he needed to be there for Triple H last night. The crowd was having none of it. Michaels asked Bryan to at least accept his apology and shake his hand. The crowd chanted “No!†Bryan shook his head no, locking his eyes on him in an icy stare.
Michaels said he gave Bryan his foundation when he trained him, but Bryan built on it and became better than he could have ever imagined. He asked him to consider last night “finishing school.” He said he taught him his most valuable lesson, which is in WWE – this snake pit – you don’t trust anybody. “Not me, that soon-to-be wife of yours, not anyone,” he said. Michaels said he was humbling himself by apologizing, so the least he could do is show him the respect he’s earned and shake his hand. The crowd chanted “No!” Bryan shook his head no again.
Michaels wasn’t happy. Michaels took a deep breath and leaned in and said, “Let me tell you something, you self-righteous little puke. For seven months I’ve been listing to people call you a B+ player. The whole time I have stuck up for you saying you are an A+ player.” Michaels said he quite honestly doesn’t know and actually doesn’t care. He said he himself is an A+ player, he always has been, and always has been. “For the love of God, I’m Shawn Michaels. I’m giving you the chance on worldwide TV to shake my hand. Now do it!”
(WK Reax: That has to solidify Michaels’s heel turn right there.)
Bryan shook his hand, but then immediately dropped him into an STF. JBL called it disrespectful. Michaels tapped frantically. Several referees pried Bryan off of Michaels. The crowd chanted, “You tapped out!” Cole said Bryan kept his cool for months, but he finally lost it. Cole said with everything he’s been through, he finally snapped. Michaels did a great job selling to the refs that his shoulder was badly injured from the hold.
-Cole plugged Orton’s celebration again. [c]
-WWE Fact: Top Five WWE Superstars on Twitter – The Rock no. 1 with 5.7 million, followed by Cena at 5.5, Orton at 3.1, Michaels at 2.0, and Punk at 2.0.
-Renee Young interviewed Bryan backstage and asked if he was getting frustrated. She noticed something off-camera disturbing and fled. Then the Bray Wyatt sound effect aired and the lights went down. Then the camera came back on and Rowan and Harper were beating Bryan up, including throwing him into a ladder against the wall. Wyatt then gave Bryan his Sister Abigail finisher into the fence door. Then he rammed him with a rolling storage crate. The camera focused on Bryan selling the attack.
-They went back to the announcers at ringside who reacted.
(4) LOS MATADORES (w/El Torito) vs. 3MB (Jinder Mahal & Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre) – 3-on-2 match
At 2:00 when Slater went looking for Torito under the ring, Torito sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. Then he surprised him with a gore to the butt, knocking him forward onto his face. Matadores finished McIntyre with their double-team powerbomb for the win. Afterward Matadores caught Slater in a big butterfly net. Torito then dove onto Slater. JBL said Torito is a menace to society.
WINNERS: Los Matadores in 3:00.
-Cole plugged how to download the WWE App. A graphic package showed how to do it. Lawler plugged the Punk-Ryback stip voting again. [c]
Cole said Bryan was rushed to a local medical facility after the attack by the Wyatts. Lee and Tamina dominated the entire match. The announcers sold the idea that Brie was distracted by wanting to be with her fiancé. A.J. got Nikki to submit to her submission hold.
WINNERS: Lee & Tamina in 3:00.
[Q7] [c]
-On the WWE Rewind, they showed freeze-frames of Kane’s return at the PPV leading to Kane chokeslamming Miz for no apparent reason.
(6) KANE vs. THE MIZ
The Miz could barely make it to the ring and he looked like he had the flu as he entered the ring. Kane won quickly and easily. Miz did get in one flying clothesline in the corner, but when he dove off the top rope, Kane caught him with a chokeslam to score the pin. The announcers spent the match saying no one can figure out Kane’s mindset. They didn’t pass any judgment on Kane going after Miz unprovoked.
WINNER: Kane in 1:00.
(WK Reax: It may seem like a myth, but it is an absolute fact that Miz did once headline WrestleMania with a shared spotlight with John Cena and The Rock. He is no longer a headliner.)
-Afterward Kane called for Stephanie McMahon to come out. The announcers couldn’t figure out what this was all about. Steph walked onto the stage and said she wasn’t getting any closer. Kane said, “You have been on a power trip. You have abused your authority. You have been manipulative and you have ruined lives!” He paused, then added, “But in this day and age, it is what’s best for business. Therefore, the Monster is yours to unleash.” He dropped the mic and walked toward Stephanie. Cole gasped, “What?” Kane walked up to her. She looked uneasy. He took off his mask with his back to the camera and handed it it Steph. She held it in the air and began to like the idea of having Kane as a tool at her disposal. Cole said, “This is not going to be good.”
-They hyped Orton’s championship celebration. [c]
-The Prime Time Players did a skit at the merchandise stand playing around with various items for sale and bantering with each other. Titus O’Neil announced free shipping tonight and encouraged fans to prove they’re the best salesmen in the WWE.
-Back to the announcers at ringside, Cole talked about the Big Show situation. He said David Otunga read the legal complaint filed by Show. Otunga interpretation is the lawsuit could cost WWE millions and control of the company.
-C.M. Punk made his ring entrance. He said it may not look like it – and he pointed at the bags under his eyes – but last night for the first time in over three months he slept like a baby. He said he accomplished the one thing he promised everyone he would do. He said he promised to get Paul Heyman, and last night on top of the Hell in a Cell he did just that. He described what he did. He said Paul Heyman is history. The crowd loudly chanted “C.M. Punk!”
Punk said his focus now shifts to Ryback. He said without Heyman, Ryback is a knuckle-dragging neanderthal who has no chance against him. He said he can’t wait to find out what fans voted for. He promised to beat Ryback just as he promised to take out Heyman. The crowd ate it up. [c]
-The announcers reviewed footage of the Wyatts attacking Bryan earlier. JBL said his sources tell him Bryan was barely conscious as he left the arena.
-Lawler announced that fans voted as follows: Street Fight (59%), Falls Count Anywhere (26%), and Tables (15%).
(7) C.M. PUNK vs. RYBACK – Street Fight
Ryback lifted and powered Punk into the corner at the start of the match. He drove his shoulder into him, then his elbows, then chopped his chest. Punk countered by catching a charging Ryback with his boot, then landed a body block off the ropes for a two count. He knocked Ryback to the floor, but Ryback caught him and rammed him into the ringpost and then threw him into the security barrier.
Cole did a reset of the show. JBL gave Cole a hard time. Cole explained that he was doing a show reset because it was 10 o’clock in the East. Ryback slid a table into the ring. Punk surprised Ryback with a kendo stick to the leg. Punk set up the table, but Ryback slammed Punk powerbomb style into the top turnbuckle. He set him up for a suplex through the table. Punk fought Ryback off. Ryback caught a diving Punk and tried to slam him through the table, but Punk slipped free and kicked Ryback onto the table. Ryback looked very awkward put himself on the table. Punk landed a top rope flying elbow drop and then applied the Anaconda Vice for the tap out win.
WINNER: Punk via tapout in 6:00.
(WK Reax: I have a sneaking suspicion that was the exact match they were going to do no matter what the fans voted for, and the only difference being if it was a tables match, Punk would have won without needing the Anaconda Vice. That is also what you call the blow-off match to a feud. Ryback is clearly not being protected or positioned for a top spot, and Punk is moving on to a new feud with…)
-Afterward Punk’s celebration was interrupted by the Wyatts. The lights went out. The music started. Bray led Rowan and Harper into the arena. When the lights came on, Bray was in his rocking chair as Rowan and Harper attacked Punk. Bray walked up to Punk and smiled and said, “My name is Bray.” Punk headbutted him. Harper clotheslined Punk hard to the mat. Bray stood over Punk and then gave him Sister Abigail. [c]
(8) GOLDUST & CODY RHODES vs. THE REAL AMERICANS (w/Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro w/Zeb Colter)
Before the match they showed a time lapse video of Goldust putting on his face paint. Lawler said he undergoes a mental transformation when he goes from Dustin to Goldust. The crowd immediately chanted “You still got it!” as Goldust went on early offense against Swagger. Cole acknowledged the chant. Lawler, astutely asked, “Who said he ever lost it?” He followed up with, “Michael, you still got it.” JBL marveled at the 31 revolutions from Cesaro last night. At 3:00 after being knocked to the floor, the heels regrouped at ringside as they cut to a break. [c]
The announcers shifted into a gear that suggested the match was going a while and they were filling some time in the third hour of the show. Fortunately, it was good filler, with great energy by the wrestlers. Cesaro caught Cody with his toss-up uppercut at 8:00. Goldust made the save. Cody hot-tagged Goldust a minute later and he went to work on Swagger with a flurry of offense. Goldust took Swagger down with a top rope body press for a near fall. Swagger kicked out and pivoted into a the Patriot Lock. Goldust powered out and schoolboyed Swagger. Cesaro made the save. As Goldust knocked Cesaro out of the ring, Swagger clipped him from behind. He then applied the Patriot Lock again. Goldust tapped out so the Real Americans got the non-title victory.
WINNERS: The Real Americans in 11:00.
-Lawler hyped the Orton celebration was up soon. [c]
-They aired highlights of the Cena-Sandow match from earlier in the night.
-Alberto Del Rio walked onto the stage and said he doesn’t care what that no-good gringo Sandow did earlier; his only concern is Cena. He said Cena stole his World Hvt. Title at Hell in a Cell. He said he will get his rematch against Cena. He said he will make him pay and hurt him bad. He said he will target Cena’s arm over and over until he breaks it. He said the title belongs to him.
(WK Reax: Short and to the point, but well said. I really like the increasing frequency of on-stage promos instead of in-ring promos.)
-The announcers revealed results of voting for which video game simulated match fans wanted to see: Michaels vs. Rock, Hulk Hogan vs. Cena, Undertaker vs. Goldberg, or Bryan vs. Ric Flair. Taker-Goldberg won with 55 percent. Bryan-Flair got a mere 7 percent, Hogan-Cena got 24 percent, and Michaels-Rock got 14 percent. The footage aired, including Taker finishing Goldberg with a Tombstone, but they didn’t show the pin so we don’t know if Goldberg kicked out.
(WK Reax: Goldberg > Hogan or Taker > Cena in terms of voters perception of them as dream match participants?)
-Fandango made his ring entrance with Summer Rae. [c]
-A commercial hyped Cena appearing on Smackdown on Friday.
(9) SUMMER RAE (w/Fandango) vs. NATALYA (w/Hornswoggle, Great Khali)
Rae dominated early. She taunted Natalya with dance moves after downing her at 2:00. She shouted insults about her daddy and pretended to cry. Then she worked her legs with a submission center-ring. Natalya slapped Rae, but Rae just rammed her head into the mat repeatedly.
Rae and Fandango celebrated with a mid-match set of kisses on her cheeks. Hornswoggle yanked Fandango to the floor. When Fandango retaliated, Khali chopped him. Rae was distracted long enough for Natalya to make a comeback and put Rae in the Sharpshooter for the tapout win.
WINNER: Natalya in 5:00.
-Lawler plugged that the Orton celebration was finally next. [c]
-The wrestlers gathered on the stage, per orders from Stephanie and Triple H, for the Orton Championship Celebration. JBL called it a great moment in WWE history. Sandow was smartly still selling disappointment at his loss earlier. Curtis Axel was standing there with his IC Title near him. Stephanie and Hunter were their intolerably precocious selves. The Shield followed them to ringside.
Triple H said ten years ago the Chairman of the WWE came to him and asked him who he thought would be the Face of the WWE in the future. He said he looked at everyone and he chose one man – Orton. He said he put him in a group called Evolution. “I let him sit under the learning tree,” he said. “I mentored him and I watched him become a star.” He said he watched that star do heinous and horrible things to everybody “including me and my family.” He said Frankenstein’s monster matured and became the A+ Player. He said he watched with pride as that A+ Player became The Face of WWE.
(WK Reax: He left out “the!” He said “Face of WWE.” Does he get fined for that?)
He said it wasn’t some sawed-off little troll. It was the A+ player who fulfilled his prophesy. He said it is with great pride he presents that man to him. Out came Orton.
The Shield joined Steph and Hunter in congratulating Orton. Well, the Shield more or less stood there and watched, actually. But Reigns did muster a smile. JBL called the Steph-Hunter-Orton group hug “awesome.” Steph said Orton isn’t just their champion, he is everyone’s champion. She said Orton is what they all aspire to be. She asked the wrestlers on the stage to show him the respect he richly deserves.
Orton took the mic and said having the title and being WWE Champion makes him “better than you.” He was hoarse. He said it makes him better than all of the wrestlers on the stage. He said they are all fantasizing about the day they take the title from him. He said it won’t happen because you’re either born a success or you’re not. He said he is the Face of the WWE. He said it’s not only that. He claimed he is also the Face of their Superior. He asked if he makes himself clear.
Big Show’s music interrupted and he walked right through the group of wrestlers and down the ramp. The Shield tried to stop him. They mauled him. Goldust, Cody, and the Usos ran out to help Show. The Shield brawled with them back to the stage, leaving Show alone at ringside. JBL asked how he got into the building. He entered the ring. Hunter, Steph, and Orton bailed out. Steph hid behind Hunter. JBL called it a criminal action by Big Show because he was banned from the building.
Show said his lawsuit is going to cost them millions of dollars. He said he will take every dime from them. He said he has nothing to lose at this point. Orton charged at Show and hit him with the title belt. Hunter and Steph ordered him to hit Show again. Orton wound up, but walked right into Show’s KO punch. Orton went down. Hunter was frozen in shock. The crowd chanted “Yes! Yes!” for Show. Hunter took off his jacket. Show excitedly encouraged him to enter the ring. Hunter, though, stepped to the floor and backed off. Steph hid behind him again. Then she pretended to hold him back. A loud “Let’s go Big Show!” chant broke out. His music played again. Show walked to the back, slapping hands. Orton began to regain his senses as Cole said Big Show wants to ruin the Triple H & Stephanie McMahon empire.
RECOMMENDED NEXT: 10 YRS AGO – WWE Smackdown Results (10-25-2013): Bryan & Big E & Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. The Shield & Orton, plus Triple H, Usos, McIntyre, Wyatts, Heyman, Punk
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s WWE Raw Hit List: Damian Priest vs. Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn, Becky Lynch vs. Indi Hartwell for the NXT Women’s Title, Logan Paul and Dominik Mysterio
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