OCTOBER 20, 2023
Announcers: Excalibur and Tony Schiavone
Ring announcer: Justin Roberts
– The opening of Rampage aired as Excalibur welcomed us to the show. He was joined by Tony Schiavone.
(1) MISTICO vs. ROCKY ROMERO – Two-Out-of-Three-Falls
Rocky entered draped in the American flag. Rocky got the early upper hand as the match kicked off. The fans chanted “lucha libre.” Mistico hit a headscissors takedown, then a back elbow before he came over the top with a tornillo on Rocky. Mistico locked in a submission for a quick tap out to win the first fall.
Rocky quickly took out Mistico on the outside by ramming him into the steps. Rocky tore at the mask of Mistico as the ref warned Rocky to stop it. [c]
Rocky hit a running clothesline on Mistico in the corner. Mistico took Rocky to the outside and was about to fly over the ropes before Rocky slowed things down and walked away. Both men fought on the apron with Rocky getting the upper hand via a snap suplex. Rocky perched Mistico on the top rope, then hit a superplex for a two count. Rocky locked in a camel clutch then stomped away at Mistico’s head. Rocky hit slice bread for a quick three count. [c]
Mistico flew over the post onto Rocky who was on the floor. Mistico went for a quick cover inside the ring but Rocky kicked out in time. Mistico hit a springboard off the ropes for two. Mistico went for a moonsault but Rocky got his feet up in time. Rocky hit an avalanche sliced bread off the top on Mistico who kicked out just in time. Mistico met Rocky on the top rope and hit a Spanish Fly as Rocky kicked out at two. Mistico hit a destroyer, then locked in an armbar for the tap out.
WINNER: Mistico in 18:00
(Moynahan’s Take: An awesome match that showcased both men very well. I’d like to see more of this, including Mistico in AEW.)
– Stokely Hathaway conducted a backstage interview with Jay Lethal and his crew and Eddie Kingston. Lethal said he didn’t need to prove anything to get a title shot at the ROH Title. Lethal said Kingston only won the title because his trainer Homicide had won it in the past. Lethal demanded a title shot. Jeff Jarrett chimed in, which led to Hathaway saying it’d be Jarrett vs. Kingston on Collision. If Jarrett wins, Lethal would get an ROH title match. Kingston stepped to Jarrett and accepted the challenge.
(2) JOHN SILVER vs. KIP SABIAN vs. BROTHER ZAY – No. One Contender’s Match for International Championship at Battle of the Belts VIII
Sabian took the early lead as he attacked Zay. Zay followed up with a neckbreaker on Sabian, then played to the crowd. Silver came in and attacked Zay from behind. Zay fired back with a dropkick to take down Silver. Sabian came in and took down Sabian to even things up. [c]
Zay nailed Sabian with a springboard stunner for a close two count. Silver picked up Sabian and threw him into Sabian, then hit a German suplex on Sabian for a two count. Zay flew to the outside onto Sabian, then threw him back inside. Zay hit a swanton for two as Silver broke things up, then covered for the win.
WINNER: John Silver in 8:00
(Moynahan’s Take: This was fine, but felt too quick. The International Title deserves better based on how Orange Cassidy initially built up that title. This match alone made it feel like anyone could go for the title.)
– A video package aired showcasing the latest in the Ortiz vs. Mike Santana feud. The two said they would meet at Rampage next week.
Keith and Yuta kicked things off as Keith took it to Yuta in the early going. Claudio tagged in as did Prime. Claudio picked Prime up with help from Yuta and quickly dropped him to the mat. Claudio hit the giant swing on Prime as Yuta hit the dropkick. Yuta came off the top for the pin.
WINNERS: Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta in 2:00
– Renee was backstage with Menard, Parker, Garcia, Jay, and Hager. They started arguing amongst themselves before Hager broke things up and told them to knock it off. Jay chimed in and told them to get things together. Menard said things were squashed then shook Garcia’s hand. [c]
– Young Bucks and Hangman Page were backstage. They said they haven’t forgotten they are ROH Trios Champs. They said they would defend them this Wednesday in an open challenge against any trio team.
– Excalibur ran down the card for tomorrow’s Collision, which included the official announcement of Eddie Kingston vs. Jeff Jarrett and a dream match between Bryan Danielson vs. Andrade. The Hardys and Brother Zay will also challenge the Young Bucks and Hangman Page for the ROH 6-man titles on Dynamite.
– Mark Henry introduced a video package hyping the main event. Henry said it was “time for the main event.”
(4) RUBY SOHO (w/Saraya) vs. SKYE BLUE
Soho drove Blue into the corner then hit a few chops as Blue asked for more. Blue looked more intense as she caught Soho off guard. Both women fought to the apron as Soho caught a knee strike to the face as the two fell to the floor. [c]
Soho nailed Blue with a series of left hands. Blue fired back and hit a rising knee on Soho. Blue went for a pin for two. Blue hit a DDT neckbreaker combo for a close count. Saraya caught the foot of Blue who allowed Soho to hit a move, then cover for two. Soho perched Blue on the top rope, then hit her with a stiff chop. Blue fought back and hit a powerbomb off the ropes for two. Soho hit No Future but Blue kicked out at two.
Blue hit a backslide for two. Saraya nailed Blue from behind the ref’s back as Soho made the pin.
WINNER: Ruby Soho in 10:00
– After the match, Kris Statlander hit the ring to help fend off Saraya and Soho from attacking Blue.Blue didn’t want any part of Statlander’s help.
(Moynahan’s Take: This was fine, as the primary story here was Blue leaning into her impending heel turn.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: A much better episode this week over last week, with the opener with the price of admission alone. Go out of your way to check it out, as I hope we see more of Mistico in AEW. Until next week, stay safe everyone!
RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW COLLISION FEUD TRACKER: Starks & Big Bill win tag titles, Toni Storm vs. The World, Shane Taylor vs. Keith Lee, Miro and C.J. missing, Ian replaces Kelly
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