AEW COLLISION RESULTS (10/7): Adam Copeland addresses Christian, FTR vs. Starks & Big Bill, Danielson vs. Fletcher, “Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Kiera Hogan

By Brian Zilem, PWTorch contributor


OCTOBER 7, 2023

Commentators: Ian Riccaboni ,Nigel McGuinness


-Soundbites aired with Bryan Danielson and Kyle Fletcher. Ricky Starks said he and Big Bill would win the AEW Tag titles. Eddie Kingston said it’s time for Kommander to prove himself. FTR said it’s Saturday night, and they are ready for a fight.

-The Collision opening theme by Elton John aired. Then, Kevin Kelly introduced the show.

(1) FTR vs. STARKS & BIG BILL – AEW Tag Team Title Match

Before the match started, the announcers reviewed how Cash Wheeler injured his ribs during the Wrestle Dream PPV. As soon as the bell rang, Starks and Bill jumped FTR. Starks hit Harwood with a DDT for a near fall. Once everyone was outside the ring, Bill choked slammed Wheeler onto the announce table, leaving Harwood by himself against Bill and Starks. Harwood went for a sharpshooter, but Bill countered with a big boot. Bill choke slammed three times, then tagged in Starks, who nailed a spear onto Harwood to secure the upset victory.

WINNERS: And New AEW Tag Team champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks 5:00

(Brian’s Analysis: Wow, what a shocker! I didn’t see that one coming. It was a great shock out of nowhere win for Starks and Bill. I’m happy AEW has rewarded Bill and Starks for their work as a team over the past few months together. It will be interesting to see how bad Wheeler’s injuries are and how this title change will change the dynamic of the Full Gear tag team title match.)

-A recap was shown from Dynamite of Power House Hobbs joining the Don Callis family.


Before the match started, commentary put over the Danielson ZSJ match from Wrestle Dream. When the bell rang, the fans were really into this match. Fletcher used his youth and size advantage early in the match to gain the early advantage. Danielson took Fletcher to the ground and landed elbows to the head. Before the show went to its first commercial break of the night, Fletcher went for a dive, crashed, and burned as Danielson reversed Fletcher’s momentum as he got the brunt of the damage.

When the show returned from break, Fletcher gave Danielson a body slam in the center of the ring. Danielson recovered and hit Fletcher with a closeline and vintage Danielson kicks for a near fall. Fletcher ran wild and hit Danielson with a super kick and brainbuster for a near fall. The fans cheered, ” This is Awesome.” Both men exchanged suplexes. Fletcher went for a dragon sleeper. Fletcher put Danielson on the 2nd rope and went to hit a reserve DDT into a dragon sleeper. Danielson revered the submission hold and pinned Fletcher similarly to ZSJ for the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson 16:00

(Brian’s Analysis: Danielson gave Fletcher a lot in this match, and I thought Fletcher looked great. I’m happy AEW is keeping Fletcher on TV even though his partner may be out due to injury for the next few weeks.)

-After the match, the Mogul Embassy jumped Danielson, but the BCC came for the save to chase the Mogul Embassy.

-Niguel and Ian recapped the AEW title match from earlier in the show.

-Tony Schiavone interviewed the new AEW tag team champions, Big Bill and Ricky Starks. Starks said, “FTR will not get a rematch and that he and Bill are the faces of Collision. Starks said they are the new top dogs.


Jay White came out holding the AEW world title he stole from MJF this past Wednesday on Dyamtinte. Gravity started the match with the slow moonwalk with Austin Gunn. Once Robinson was tagged into the match the fans chanted Juice. Colten nailed Metalik with a dropkick and elbow strikes as the show went to a commercial break.

After the break, Robinson worked on Gravity in the middle of the ring with punches. Gravity countered Colten into a cradle pin for a near fall. Angelico had both Gunn brothers in a double submission hold, but Robinson broke the submission attempt after hitting God’s left hand onto Angelico. The Gunns hit Metalik with 3:10 to Yuma, and Robinson followed up with the pulp friction for the pinfall victory.

WINNERS: Bullet Club Gold 8:00

-After the match, Jay White cut a promo. White asked where card blade was. White said we needed a Elite champion and asked where was MJF?

White hyped up his upcoming match with Hangman Page this coming Tuesday for AEW Title Tuesday.

A video package was shown of Nick Wayne on why he turned on Darby Allin at Wrestle Dream.



Before the match started, Max Caster did his typical rap to the ring. The Iron Savages got the heat early on Anthony Bowens as the show went to commercial break. After the break, the Iron Savages still had the advantage in the match as they worked over Bowens. Max Caster got the hot tag and ran wild. Caster went for a cross body onto Jacked Jameson for a near fall. Caster would hit Jameson for the mic drop for the pinfall victory.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed retain the AEW trios titles 9:00

(Brian’s Analysis: Midcard fun; I’m getting bored with The Acclaimed not having anything to do but beat jobbers.)

-A vignette was shown of timeless Toni Storm.

-A promo was shown with Keith Lee and Shane Taylor


Before the match started, Storm handed out scripts to the commentary team. Storm offered a script to Hogan, but Hogan tore up the script—Storm threw Hogan around by grabbing her hair. Hogan hit a crossbody onto Storm for a near fall. After hitting Hogan to the outside, Storm queued up the commercial break.

After the break, Hogan hit a missile dropkick onto Storm. Hogan followed up with a hip attack and drop kick to Storm for a near fall. Strom recovered and hit a sky-high for a near fall. Hogan hit a standing leg drop onto Storm for a great-looking near fall. Storm then told everyone it was time for her close-up and hit Hogan with the hip attack storm zero combo for the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Toni Storm 6:00

(Brian’s Analysis: Toni Storm is doing her career’s best in-ring and character work. The fans are already very into this act, and I’m excited about the prospects of what the Timeless Toni Storm Character looks like 2-3 months from now.)

-Renee Paquette was backstage Ruby Soho. Renee told Ruby she would be banned from ringside for AEW Title Tuesday.


Jim Ross joined the commentary team for the main event. Jim Ross put over how good a fighter Kingston is. Kommander went for an octopus hold, but Kingston made it to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Kingston nailed Kommander with a suplex as the match went to a commercial break.

After the break, Kommander used his speed advantage over Kingston. Kommander hit a corkscrew crossbody for a near-fall. Kingston went for a suplex on the top rope, but Kommander revered it for a near fall. Kingston would later use his strength advantage and hit Kommander with the spinning back first to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Eddie Kingston retains the ROH World title 10:00

-After the match, Kingston shook Kommander’s hand.

-The commentary team ran down AEW Title Tuesday Rampage and Collision.


Jim Ross put over how great Adam Copeland is. Copeland put over Jim Ross and how he signed him to his first wrestling contract. Copeland went over his history with Christian Cage. Copeland said, “he’s looking for answers and wants to know what’s going on.” Cage popped on the big screen and told Copeland he’d accomplished nothing. Cage said you would want an answer you’ll get this Tuesday if you make it to Tuesday. Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne walked down to the ring to jump Copeland. Copeland got a bit of offense in before the numbers advantage was too much. Luchasaurus went for a conchairto onto Copeland. Darby Allin came down, nailed Luchasaurus in the back with a chair, and saved Copeland. Darby hesitated to attack Wayne with the chair, which led to Wayne attacking Darby. Luchasaurus and Wayne held Darby down and hit his injured arm with a chair as the show went off.

(Brian’s Analysis: Adam Copeland looks and feels like a star in an AEW ring. I’m looking forward to Copeland’s in-ring debut next week on Dynamite.

FINAL THOUGHTS: It was an eventful episode that gave you a lot of variety. I can’t imagine this episode doing well in the ratings due to the competition. However, a shock title change to upcoming superstars on the roster could give borderline fans more reason to tune in if there’s more unpredictability to a Saturday night wrestling show.

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OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW Collision results (10/7): Moore’s live review of Adam Copeland first appearance, FTR vs. Ricky Starks and Big Bill for the AEW Tag Titles, Eddie Kingston vs. Komander for the ROH Title

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