C.M. Punk vs. Ricky Starks
Ricky Starks defeated C.M. Punk to win the Men’s Owen Hart Tournament. Color me surprised. It was the right decision. I just assumed they would have Punk win anyway.
I think it’s a safe bet that this feud is continuing given the controversial way that Starks won. My concern is that they seem to be turning Starks back heel (blatantly disrespecting an absolute legend like Jushin “Thunder” Liger is not a very babyface thing to do) and that would be huge mistake.
Starks is not only a very good babyface, but the crowd is going to choose him over Punk. They cheered when he beat Punk even with the assist of the rope. Unless they plan to run Regina, Saskatchewan or Chicago, Ill. every week, the likelihood of Punk getting more cheers than boos is slim. Tony and/or Punk need to stop swimming against the tide and use what Starks did and how the crowd reacted as the necessary justification for Punk to go full heel.
Grade: B
FTR vs. Adam Cole & MJF
Last week I compared tag team wrestling to the Bee Gees. If tag team wrestling is like the Bee Gees, then last week’s two-out-of-three falls match between FTR and Bullet Club Gold is “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart.” It was a masterpiece of ring craft and storytelling. Coming off that huge win, FTR are set to face the winners of the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament, Adam Cole & MJF, next week.
Throughout the tourney, Cole and MJF have been an entertaining yet polarizing pair. Over the last few weeks we’ve seen a lot schtick with these two and it’s been fun to watch. The live crowds have certainly been eating it up. This is where it gets serious, though. Not just because it’s a match with a no-nonsense team like FTR, but because the match is largely a backdrop for the expected turn of MJF on Cole.
This needs to be intense, brutal, and heinous to properly counteract the comedy of the last few weeks. I expect maybe a segment building up the match this week. On a separate note, Mark Davis is healthy thus Aussie Open is whole again so maybe, if we’re lucky we’ll get that feud after this one-off match is over.
Grade: B
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. QTV
Two weeks ago, Hobbs was mere seconds away from spinebustering Q.T. Marshall straight into traction. Last week we got a short vignette where QT was apparently able to get one more chance from Hobbs to be a “man of his word.” What are we doing here? Seriously. Hobbs does not need to be a part of this clown car that is QTV. Breaking him away is the best thing for him. I see no benefit in delaying this so I hope QT fails quickly at whatever make-good he’s attempting so we can get to Hobbs wrecking all of these fools and moving on to bigger and better things.
Grade: C
Luchasaurus/Christian Cage
Luchasaurus easily dispatched of Shawn Spears and we didn’t get a Wardlow return. Even better, Scorpio Sky has his sights set on getting a shot at the TNT Title. Given that Darby Allin, who is Mr. TNT Title at this point, earned a TNT Title match at All Out by winning Royal Rampage, it’s basically a lock that Luchasaurus defeats Sky in a brief feud. It should give Sky fuel for his heel turn though
Grade: N/A
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Andrade El Idolo vs The House Of Black
Last week Malakai Black & Brody King squashed two enhancement talents while referees prevented Andrade from interfering after which Julia Hart taunted him with his beloved mask. This week the House of Black defend their Trios Titles against the Acclaimed. I expect a good match in which the Acclaimed lose again and then Andrade shows up to attempt to reclaim his property. The question is will he come alone. If he’s smart, he doesn’t.
Grade: A
Women’s Division
Still no consistent Collision-based women’s feud. This week’s watch is Skye Blue vs. Taya Valkyrie. Best case scenario, Sky gets the upset win and it serves as a catalyst for the Outcasts recruiting Taya. I think she would be a perfect fit. I’m still looking for that women’s feud native to Collision though.
Grade: N/A
RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW ALL ELITE ASSESSMENT: Toni Storm and Harley Cameron – Evaluating a main event and potential rising star act
OR CHECK OUT JASON POWELL’S RAMPAGE REPORT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW Rampage results (7/21): Powell’s review of the Royal Rampage match, Kris Statlander vs. Marina Shafir for the TBS Title, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs. Johnny TV, QT Marshall, and Aaron Solo
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