The following was published on PWTorch.com 20 years ago this week…
WWE Ohio Valley TV tapings
July 17, 2023
Louisville, Ky. at Davis Arena
Report by Aaron “Lurch” Wilson (AWLurch@hotmail.com), PWTorch.com correspondent
(1) Johnny Jeter defeated Aaron Stevens (later known Damien Sandow) in a dark match.
(2) Matt & John from TE3 defeated Travis Bane & Seven after a reverse decision made by a second official because Bane threw John over the top rope behind the other referee’s back. (Yes, getting thrown over the top rope is illegal in OVW)
(3) Paulie Normous defeated Mike Taylor in a dark match.
Cornette was joined in the ring by the Revolution to hype up the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Show. Mark Magnus will take on Rico and Doug Basham will take on Damaja (a/k/a Danny Basham). In this segment Jackie Gayda said something that upset the Revolution and was kicked out of this group.
(4) Passion went to a No Contest with Jillian Hall due to a run in by Nikita, who attacked Hall
(5) Chris Cage & Tank Tolum defeated Johnny Spade & Mark Magnus (DARK)
(6) Carlito Colon defeated Rob Begeley (DARK)
Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan promoted his Strap Match with Mark Henry at Six Flags.
(7) Rob Conway with Doug Basham went to a No Contest against Damaja with Nick Dinsmore after Nick Dinsmore and Doug Basham began brawling in the ring. After the Revolution made a run in Johnny Jeter for the save in the TV main event.
(8) Nick Dinsmore & Matt Morgan defeated La Resistance.
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