AEW FORBIDDEN DOOR PPV RESULTS (6/25): Keller’s report on Danielson vs. Okada, MJF vs. Tanahashi, Omega vs. Ospreay, Punk vs. Kojima

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

AEW & NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 preview


JUNE 25, 2023

Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Excalibur, Taz

Tonight after the Forbidden Door PPV, join PWTorch columnist Greg Parks live reviewing the event with live callers, emails, and on-site correspondents.

•CALL: (515) 605-9345


(1) MJF vs. HIROSHI TANAHASHI – AEW World Hvt. Title match

Tanahashi made his entrance first and got a big ovation. MJF came out to a mixed reaction. MJF smirked during the ring introductions for Tanahashi as if to say “big deal” when fans cheered for Tanahashi.

MJF threatened to walk out on the match a few seconds in after Tanahashi got in the first shot. He returned and asked fans if they think he’s a coward. Fans cheered. He offered a handshake. Tanahashi accepted, but MJF went for a kick to the gut. Tanahashi caught his boot and then took over.

When Tanashi climbed to the top rope, the announcers talked about how the turnbuckles in AEW are different than in New Japan, which affected Tanahashi last week when he slipped. Taz said he appeared to have adjusted. He landed a senton splash for a two count.

MJF applied an abdominal stretch and did a bit where he grabbed the top rope and the ref, Bryce Remsburg, was blocked. The ref reacted to fans telling on MJF, so MJF released the grip on the rope. The ref returned to the same position and MJF grabbed the top rope again. This time, the ref caught him counted all the way to five. MJF asked what he was gong to do about it and called him an asshole. The ref kicked MJF’s hand off the top rope. Tanahashi then took over.

Excalibur noted that MJF had sent out a scheduled tweet saying he’d have won by now. MJF knocked Tanahashi off the top rope and crotched him. Then MJF landed a superplex for a two count. Fans chanted “Tanahashi! / MJF!” MJF went for a Heat Seeker, but Tanahashi shoved MJF off of him. MJF landed awkwardly on his knee and sold an injury. He then drove Tanahashi over his knee, but that aggravated the injury. Tanahashi took over.

Tanahashi climbed to the top rope and went for the High Fly Flow, but MJF lifted his knees. MJF was going to use his belt as a weapon, but the ref yanked it away from him. Tanahashi rolled up MJF, but the ref was late to count. Tanahashi took issue with the ref being out of position. MJF pulled out his Dynamite Diamond Ring and KO’d Tanahashi for the win.

WINNER: MJF in 14:00 to retain the AEW World Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was what that match needed to be – nothing more and nothing less. MJF was fully in his despicable character mode and Tanahashi put up a spirited fight.)

(2) C.M. PUNK vs. SATOSHI KOJIMA – Owen Hart Cup Tournament Quarter Finals Match

Kojima came out first to a nice reaction. Punk came out to a big reaction, mostly boos but definitely his supporters cheering too. Punk reacted to the crowd and seemed to be eating up the antagonistic aspects of the crowd reaction. He made a production of taking off his shirt before the bell. The bell rang 27 minutes into the hour. After some fighting at ringside a few minutes in, Punk took control. He cupped his ear and then landed a legdrop, doing a Hulk Hogan routine. Fans booed. Taz asked, “Did he just do a legdrop?!”

Kojima got up and got the better of Punk during a chop exchange. Punk kicked his leg and then mounted him in the corner and punched away at him. At 10:00 Punk landed a top rope elbowdrop for a two count. He then shifted into an Anaconda Vice mid-ring. Punk got that crazed look on his face. Kojima threw a flurry of ridge hands at Punk’s head to escape.

Punk set up a Go To Sleep next, but Kojima elbowed free. Punk got rubber legs as Kojima chopped away at his neck and then landed a Koji Cutter. Kojima took off his elbow pad. Kelly said, “If he hits his lariat, he wins; it’s that simple. Punk ducked and landed a neckbreaker for a two count. A “C.M. Punk!” chant broke out. Loud boos drowned it out seconds later.

Kojima blocked another GTS attempt and then landed a counter move for a near fall. He signaled for his lariat again. Punk ducked again and then landed a high roundkick followed by a GTS to the gut for the win.

Punk side-eyed the camera at ringside and then did push-ups to show he still had plenty of strength and endurance left. He stood on the second rope and smiled with his arms crossed as his music played. He then kneeled over Kojima who was still sellling being knocked out. Punk spoke to him and then helped him sit up and eventually stand. Punk raised Kojima’s arm and saluted him. He then left the ring.

WINNER: Punk in 14:00 to advance.

(Keller’s Analysis: Obviously the result was never in doubt, but it didn’t really matter because this match was about Punk’s first singles match since All Out last year and the crowd response. Punk looked good here and seems to be relishing getting this kind of intense crowd response, with a fun mix of pro and con. Punk has a swagger to him right now, which really was key to win over fans because his popularity was built around that self-confidence and brash attitude, plus looking really good in the ring. He’s checking those boxes.)

-A commercial aired announcing Collision’s return to United Center for Collision on Sept. 2 and All out the next night also at United Center. Rampage will also take place at the Now Arena for Rampage on Friday night.


All four squared off as the bell rang 49 minutes into the hour. Cassidy did slo-mo kicks, but then went on a flurry of offense. Garcia took Cassidy down and applied a submission hol dmid-ring. Shibata broke it up. ZSJ then went knocked Shibata out of the ring and applied a hold on Cassidy. Garcia returned and kicked ZSJ. Shibata and ZSJ chopped each other. Garcia tried to join in, but Shibata shoved him away. Shibata and ZSJ had enough of Garcia and turned against him with a two-on-one attack.

A minute later, ZSJ and Shibata each applied abdominal stretches mid-ring, but they ended up chopping each other. They each applied sleepers, but ended up hitting each other. Fans laughed. Everyone took turns vertical snap suplexing each other. “Anything you can do, I can do better,” Kelly said.

A couple minutes later, Cassidy and Shibata sat mid-ring cross-legged and chopped each other. Kelly said this is an example of strong style and fighting spirit. Fans chanted, “This is aweosme!” When they stood, Cassidy put his hands in his pockets, but then leaped and hit an Orange Punch. Shibata took Cassidy down seconds later and scored a two count. Cassidy hit a Beach Break for a two count. Rapid-fire near falls.

SZJ then entered and stomped on Cassidy’s hand, which Cassidy was already selling was injured. ZSJ locked Cassidy in a submission hold mid-ring. Shibata broke it up and then applied a rear naked choke. Shibata kicked Cassidy off the ring apron and went for the PK, but ZSJ ducked. He leveraged Shibata’s shoulders down, but Garcia intervened. Garcia scored a two count with a backslide. Shibata gave Garcia a PK, but Cassidy knocked him out of the ring before he could make a cover and then leveraged Garcia’s shoulders down for the three count.

A Garcia soaked up the loss in the corner, SZJ had some words for Cassidy after the match. Shibata held up Cassidy’s arms.

WINNER: Cassidy in 11:00 to retain the AEW International Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was a blast. They fit so much dazzling action into the 11 minutes, but it felt appropriate because of the four-way format. Everyone just went at each other. There was a little comedy, but it fit the tone of the match and incorporated the wrestlers’ personalities and key moves effectively.)

-A video package previewed the next match for the IWGP Hvt. Title.

Announcer Switch: Tony Schiavone replaced Taz

(4) SANADA vs. “JUNGLE BOY” JACK PERRY (w/Hook) – IWGP Hvt. Title match

Taz said Sanada had some bad comments about Perry, asking why someone like Perry got a title match against him. The bell rang seven minutes into the second hour. Perry applied an early Snare Trap. Sanada crawled to the bottom rope. Sanada retreated to the corner and soaked up that Perry might not be a pushover.

Sanada set up a Paradise Lock at 4:00. Perry kicked out and went for it himself. Sanada broke free and the put Perry in it. Taz said it’s a whacky move, but it works. As Perry struggled to escape, Sanada played to the crowd. Taz said, “I’ve ever been put in that hold, and there’s a reason for that.” (Funny.) Sanada kicked Perry which broke the lock and then scored a two count. Kelly and Excalibur discussed what happens to the Jungle Hook tag team if Perry won. Taz said there’s no reason they’d have to break up.

At 7:00 both were down and slow to get up. The got up on their knees and exchanged strikes and chops to the chest. Perry scored a near fall with a backslide. He went for a crucifix, but Sanada escaped. Perry applied Sanada’s hold, the Skull End. Sanada draped his boot over the bottom rope to force a break. Sanada lifted Perry onto his shoulders, but Perry slipped free. Sanada hit a TKO for a near fall next.

Sanada gave Perry an inverted neck vice swing. Perry slipped free and landed on Sanada for a two count. Sanada landed a Poison Rana. He followed with a top rope moonsault for a three count. Clean and sudden. Kelly said his wife called that match the Handsome Battle.

WINNER: Sanada in 11:00 to retain the IWGP Hvt. Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was also the match it needed to be. Perry was competitive and looked like he belonged, but not made to look like he was at Sanada’s level. This wasn’t meant to present Perry as a threat to Sanada’s title reign, but a resume match for Perry without needing to sacrifice a bigger AEW name to Sanada on what amounts to a mid-card match having no bearing on the PPV buys.)

-Afterward, Hook helped Perry to his feet and then left the ring with him. Perry had trouble standing. Hook helped him up. Perry then nailed Hook with a clothesline out of nowhere. “What are you doing, Jack?” exclaimed Taz. Perry played to the crowd in a heelish way. Excalibur called it a cheap shot. Fans chanted, “You f—ed up!” Taz said, “Oh, you sure did. That scumbag.” Perry picked up the FTR belt and threw it at Hook. Excalibur called it an unsettling development. Fans chanted Taz.

(Keller’s Analysis: I like Perry going heel. He’s been cutting heel promos for years unintentionally, so this transition should be smooth. Perry vs. Hook could be good to get Hook to the next level after the feud, too.)


Kingston came out first. Then Ishii separately. And finally The Elite members together. When Blackpool Combat Club came out, they came out to slower, more sinister sounding music, so that’s the end of “Wild Thing” probably until Moxley is a babyface again (or they’re just saving it for his singles matches). The bell rang 29 minutes into the second hour. Kingston and Claudio started the match.

Ishii and Takeshita squared off a minute later. Ishii no-sold Takeshita. Takeshita did the same to Ishii’s initial offense. They eventually ran the ropes and collided mid-ring several times. Both went down. It was a total stalemate. The crowd cheered. “The fans love this,” Schiavone said.

Next in were Kingston and Moxley. Fans stood and applauded with anticipation. Fans chanted “Eddie! Eddie!” Mox had some words for Kingston. Kingston’s response was great, as if saying “what a load a crap.” They took turns chopping each other. Kelly asked if there was any word on how Taz was doing. At 6:00 everyone charged into the ring and brawled. Schiavone said it was crazy and what they anticipated. The Bucks leaped off the top rope onto a crowd at ringside. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Kingston and Moxley exchanged chops. Hangman then hit a top rope moonsault onto Yuta and Claudio on the floor.

The heels isolated Kingston for a while. Takeshita applied a camel clutch on Kingston. Ishii broke it up. Takeshita nailed him with an elbow to the side of his head and where his neck would be if he had one. Ishii went down, but he wasn’t the legal man. The heels went back on the attack on Kingston. Kingston hit Claudio with a desperation lariat at 12:00. Moxley stopped Kingston from tagging and then taunted Moxley. They went back to chopping each other. They nailed each other with simultaneous lariats and both went down. Mox tagged Umino in as Ishii also tagged in.

Hangman and Takeshita officially tagged in at 15:00. Fans loudly chanted “Cowboy Shit!” Hangman knocked a flying Takeshita out of mid-air with an elbow. He took shots at other BCC members on the ring apron. He then overhead tossed Takeshita in the ring before launching himself onto Yuta at ringside. Hangman kicked Takeshita into the arms of the Young Bucks, who held up prone at ringside. Hangman landed a running shooting star press off the ring apron. “That was unbelievable!” shouted Schiavone. Hangman landed a top rope lariat on Takeshita back in the ring for a near fall at 16:00. Wild sequence meant to showcase Hangman, which it did.

The Bucks double-teamed Takeshita next. They went for the BTE Trigger, but Takeshita ducked after the Bucks took time to play to the crowd. He then dropped the Bucks on their heads and shoulders. The Bucks popped up and landed stereo superkicks on Takeshita and then a parade of BCC members. The Bucks set up Mox for a stereo superkick. Kingston knocked Mox out of the match. Excalibur said Kingston is so conflicted. Mox rallied against the Bucks. Takeshita then gave Matt Jackson a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Fans chanted “This is awesome!”

Matt fought back against Yuta and Takeshita. Takeshita, though, gave Jackson a piledriver. Yuta then German suplexed Matt into a bridge for a near fall. The BCC triple-teamed Matt. Mox hit the Hart Attack clothesline. Claudio then gave Matt his giant swing. On the final revolution, Yuta dropkicked him and then scored a near fall with a crowd of wrestlers breaking up the cover. A “Fight forever!” chant broke out.

The ring cleared of everyone but Yuta and Ishii. Kelly praised the ref for keeping track of who is legal in the ring. Yuta scored a near fall on Ishii, broken up by Matt. More chaos broke out. Mox hit a cutter on Kingston. The Bucks stereo superkicked him and then to Yuta. Yta ducked a Buckshot lariat. Ishii hit Yuta with a flying lariat. He gave Yuta his Drop Brainbuster for the three count.

Afterward, Takeshita left without BCC. Then a frustrated Kingston at ringside yelled at Mox and the Bucks. Excalibur said Kingston didn’t like having to inflict punishment on someone he respects as much as Moxley. Schiavone said he shouldn’t have taken the match, if that was the case.

WINNERS: Ishii & Young Bucks & Hangman & Kingston in 25:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: That lived up to expectations. Just wild and tons of fun. Such a mix of characters and so much physical sacrifice in that one.)

-They went to Kelly, Excalibur, and Schiavone at ringside. The camera pannedover to the Japanese announce team – Haruo Murata, Miki Motoi, and El Desperado. They waved a lot at the camera.

-A video package aired previewing the next match.

(6) TONI STORM (w/Sarayah, Ruby Soho) vs. WILLOW NIGHTINGALE – AEW Women’s Title match

The match began at the start of the third hour. Willow landed an early bodyslam and let out a “woo!” She hard-whipped Storm into the corner. Storm reversed Willow. Willow popped out of the corner with a dropkick. When Storm retreated to the floor, Saraya and Soho confronted her. Willow kicked and puched them and then rammed their heads together. The fans sounded a bit winded and were polite, but not reacting a ton to these shots. Soho and Saraya then attacked Willow at ringside. Storm kicked Willow and then thanked her cohorts. Storm rammed Willow against the ring barricade before throwing her back into the ring.

Storm controlled Willow in the ring for a few minutes. Willow made a comeback and landed a corner splash and a kick. Storm retreated to the ring apron and then yanked Willow’s neck over the top rope. She set up a move on the ring apron, but Willow delivered a Death Valley Driver. Back in the ring, Willow landed a running Death Valley Driver for a near fall. When Soho rolled a spray paint can into the ring, the ref saw it and threw Soho and Saraya out of ringside. Soho threw a fit. Schiavone said, “We’ll see you Wednesday night, Ruby!” Willow went back on the attack. She went for a second rope moonsault, but Storm moved. Storm landed a running hip attack and then a DDT for a near fall. Storm had a bloodied nose or lip.

Willow came back with a spinebuster and then an Indian deathlock mid-ring. Storm countered and forced a break. Willow pounded the mat before the break and it seemed like she might’ve been tapping. Willow landed a pounce. Storm rolled to the floor. Willow threw her back into the ring and then threw a barrage of clotheslines at her in the corner. Willow showed fire and dropped her straps. As she charged, Strom pulled the ref in her path. She then gouged Willow’s eyes and landed Storm Zero for the win.

WINNER: Storm in 10:00 to retain the AEW Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was the surprise of the night and, I’d argue, a coming out party for Nightingale, who already had a lot of boosters seeing her as a rising star in the Women’s Division for a while. The crowd was ready to check out and catch their breath, and Willow just willed the crowd into staying into the match. Storm gets credit for her role in this, for sure. Soho and Saraya were good heels at ringside. Just an all around good match.)

(7) KENNY OMEGA vs. WILL OSPREAY (w/Don Callis) – IWGP U.S. Hvt. Championship match

Ospreay came out first with Don Callis and two of his security guys. Omega came out alone. When fans began singing in support of Ospreay early, Excalibur said there are a lot of fans who traveled from Europe to see this. The announcers said Canadian fans were behind. Schiavone said fans everywhere love and respect both of the wrestlers.

Omega went for an early Snap Dragon, but Ospreay landed on his feet. He went for a kick, but Omega ducked. Fans stood and applauded as Ospreay looked down at Omega, who remained on the mat Inoki-Ali-style as Ospreay circled him. Fans chanted, “This is wrestling!” The announcers talked a lot about Callis early, establishing that he’s likely to be a factor in this match.

Omega set up a running dive, but Callis grabbed at his leg as he ran the ropes. Omega went after Callis, but Callis backed away and a security guy blocked Omega. The ref then ordered Callis to the back. Ospreay springboard dove onto Omega at ringside. Ospreay then threw Omega into the ringside steps and then the ringpost.

Ospreay controlled for a couple minutesl. Omega made a comeback, but Ospreay fought back and landed an enzuigiri and dropped Omega over the top rope. He then hit Omega, when he was teetering on the top rope, with a shooting star press. He then hit a cutter on the ring apron. Both were slow to get up. Ospreay rammed Omega’s head into the announce desk three times. Ospreay played to the crowd and received mostly boos. The announcers talked about Ospreay not being able to get over what happened at WrestleKingdom. Ospreay then rammed Omega’s now bloodied head into the announce desk cover which Ospreay had leaned against the ring. (The announcers were overselling the violence of Ospreay ramming Omega into the table.) Fans chanted “Still a wanker!” Exclalibur explained what the chant was since it wasn’t necessarily clear to everyone.

Ospreay then methodically attacked Omega. He licked Omega’s blood off his arm. Fans chanted “You sick fuck!” Ospreay dropped tor ingside and had somew ords for some kids as Omega lay on the ring apron. Ospreay grabbed a Canadain flag from ringside and waved it and then rubbed his crotch with it. Then he picked his nose with it. Omega recovered during this time and nailed him with a hard clothesline. Excalibur said, “I wouldn’t want to be Will Ospreay going through customs this week.” Omega wrapped the flag around Ospreay’s neck and tossed him across the ring twice.

Omega then tossed Ospreay over the top rope with the flag wrapped around his neck. Omega dropped to the floor and handed the flag to the kids at ringside that Ospreay talked to. The two boys were very excited, but I’d suggest the parents wash it in very hot water a few times. Omega delivered a running V-trigger to Ospreay against the ringside barricade. Omega rammed Ospreay into the ringside steps. Callis’s security guys lurked nearby. Omega came up bleeding heavily. Fans chanted “F— him up, Kenny, f— him up!” There was a puddle of blood on the ringside mat and a big spear on the steps. Omega then DDT’d Ospreay onto the ringside steps.

Back in the ring, Omega grounded Ospreay and wrapped him up at ringside. Ospreay stood and landed a leaping powerbomb to break Omega’s grip. Omega landed a German suplex. Ospreay fired back with one himself. Omega then set up a Snap Dragon, but Ospreay headbutted out of it. Ospreay landed a Spanish fly for a near fall. Ospreay’s face was covered in blood. Ospreay locked on a sharpshooter. Canadian fans booed.

They stood after a while and exchanged strikes. Ospreay got the better of him and Omega dropped to his knees. Ospreay went for an Oscutter, but Omega kicked him out of mid-air. Ospreay recovered and gave Ospreay a series of signature moves with a poison rana and spike piledriver for a near fall. Kelly said, “You can smell the blood in the air.” Excalibur called it, “The unmistakable smell of iron in our nostrils.” Omega set up a top rope Dragon Suplex, but shifted to lifting Ospreay otno his shoudlers at 30:00. The ring announcer said “30 minutes gone, 30 minutes remaining.” Ospreay slipped free and kicked Omega. He then leaped off the top rope with a Sky Twister Press onto Omega at ringside. “Holy shit!” chanted the fans.

Back in the ring, after some counters, Ospreay landed a LigerBomb for a near fall. Ospreay then landed an Oscutter for a near fall. “We’re seeing something special here, guys,” said Schiavone. Omega gave Ospreay a package piledriver. Both were down and slow to get up, Callis ran back to ringside. Omega stood and kicked Ospreay as Callis chatted with one of his security guys. Omega methodically kicked at Ospreay while pausing between to point at Callis. Callis said, “He’s out of his mind.” Omega landed a running knee to Ospreay’s chin. Excalibur said that one was dedicate to Callis. Callis jumped onto the ring apron to protect Ospreay as Omega signaled for a V-Trigger. Omega hit it anyway. Callis tried to pull Ospreay out of the ring. The ref got involved. Callis snuck Ospreay a screw driver. As Omega lifted Ospreay, Ospreay jabbed Omega with the screw driver. He then hit the back of Omega’s head and landed two more signature moves and scored a near fall. Omega draped his leg over the bottom rope. Omega sat up, bug-eyed.

Ospreay gave Omega a One-Winged Angel. Omega kicked out at one and then pounded the mat. The crowd exploded with enthusiasm. Ospreay stood and told Omega to bring it on. They exchanged strikes mid-ring. Omega landed a brainbuster and then a German suplex into a bridge for a near fall. A “Fight forever!” chant broke out. (Easy for them to say!) Omega lifted Ospreay for a V-Trigger, but Ospreay escaped and set up a Storm Breaker. Omega blocked it, but Ospreay dropped Omega on the back of his head and neck with a Tiger Driver ’91. I thought Omegra was paralized, but he kicked out. Ospreay landed his running elbow to the side of his head and then hit a Storm Breaker for the three count.

Kelly said they just watched two of the all-time greats battle to a virtual stalemate. He said he doesn’t want the history books to say it was Callis who caused the outcome because Ospreay fought through so much that Omega delt. Ospreay checked on Omega afterward. Omega was struggling to move and stand, but there’s no telling when watching if he’s just selling or actually injured from being driven onto the back of his head and neck (especially after the games Andrade and Buddy Matthews played regarding that last week. Omega was able to roll to the ring apron and sit up. He was helped to the back by Michael Nakazawa and Dr. Michael Sampson.

WINNER: Ospreay in 40:00 to capture the IWGP U.S. Hvt. Championship.

(Keller’s Analysis: Just an amazing match for the ages. I’m still shaken up by the impact on Omega’s head and neck late in the match. I mean, how does a show not conclude with that match? What can follow it?)

-Renee Paquette and R.J. City did a segment for a sports gambling sponsor.


Guevara opened against Naito. Naito tossed Guevara to teh floor and then struck a side pose in the ring. Darby tagged in and wanted to get at Guevara, but Guevara chose to tag out to Suzuki. Darby welcomed the challenge of absorbing some of Suzuki’s mid-ring strikes. Suzuki took Darby down a couple of times and then put Darby in a sleeper briefly. Darby slipped free and tagged in Sting. Sting (age 64) and Suzuki (age 55) circled each other. Suzuki tagged out to Jericho. “Let’s enjoy the moment,” said Excalibur. They exchanged some words. Suzuki hit Sting from behind, setting off a brawl with all six. The ring cleared of everyone but Sting and Jericho. Excalibur underlined that those two have never faced off in a match before. Sting put Jericho in a Scorpion Death Lock. Guevara broke it up with a top rope cutter. That looked awkward. The ref checked on Sting.

Guevara tagged Jericho in. They whipped Sting into the ropes and shoulder blocked him to the mat. They struck a pose. Guevara was bleeding from the mouth. Suzuki rested his elbow on Jericho’s shoulder and smiled. Schiavone said he’s now seen it all. Guevara punched away at Sting in the corner. As Guevara gloated, Sting dropped him face-first over the top turnbuckle. Darby tagged in and went after Guevara aggressively. He landed a Code Red for a near fall. Guevara came back and went for a Stinger Splash. Guevara moved. They collided into each other and both were slow to get up. Naito and Jericho tagged in.

All six entered a minute later and paired off. Sting tossed Suzuki to the floor. Darby then leaped through the ropes and tackled Suzuki. Jericho caught a flying Darby with a Judas Effect at ringside. Jericho pulled a table out from under the ring. Jericho put Sting on a table and wanted Guevara to dive onto him. Guevera didn’t want to, but Jericho insisted. Guevara then hit a 630 splash off the top rope onto Sting. (The announcers undersold that spot. They have to be exhausted at this point.)

Sting made way back to his corner through the ring rather than walking around ringside, which looked strange. He could barely stand up as he leaned on the top rope in the corner. He entered the ring and chopped Suzuki from behind. Then he hit a clothesline. Naito, the legal man, then covered Suzuki for the win.

Afterward, Jericho hit Suzuki with the bat in retaliation for him losing. Sting then yanked the bata way from him and jabbed Jericho with it. Jericho rolled out of the ring.

WINNERS: Sting & Guevara & Suzuki.

-A video preview aired on the next match. Danielson talked about this being a battle to show who the best wrestler is. Schiavone said the winner of this match can make a credible claim as being the best. A soundbite aired with Okada, too.


Danielson came out to “Final Countdown.” Kelly said “the best in the world” argument might be settled tonight. (What does MJF and his character think of framing this match that way?) As they stood opposite of each other, a “Holy shit!” chant broke out. The bell 28 minutes into the fourth hour. After some exchanged on the mat, Okada got the better of Danielson at ringside. Danielson came back and landed a leaping knee off the ring apron. An “Okada!” chant started at 5:00. Danielson landed a flying knee to Okada’s arm. Danielson then applied Cattle Mutilation mid-ring. He shifted Okada’s shoulders down for a two count.

A few minutes later, Okada leaped at Danielson over the barricade and into the crowd with a flying bodypress. Okada threw Danielson back into the ring. Excalibur said no championship are on the line, but the title for best wrestler in the world is at stake. Okada dropped Danielson neck-first onto his knee. He then set up a top rope move, but Danielson broke free. Danielson knocked Okada off the top rope and then landed a top rope missile dropkick. Both were down and slow to get up. (The crowd just looked spent at this point, almost five hours into the in-ring action they were witnessing.)

As Okada and Danielson exchanged mid-ring strikes, an “Okada” chant started for a few seconds. Okada took Danielson down with a shotgun dropkick. Danielson made a comeback and landed a running kick in the corner. He followed quickly with another. Okada met his third attempt with a high Jim Brunzell style dropkick. He hit another. A “This is awesome!” chant started. Okada went for a top rope elbow, but Danielson caughthim upon landing into an armbar. He wrenched back on the arm, which Excalibur noted was the “Rainmaker arm.” Okada broke the hold and took over.

Okada landed a tombstone piledriver on the ramp and dragged Danielson back to the ring at 19:00. Schiavone noted that Danielson’s body was twitching or convulsing. Okada landed a top rope elbowdrop. He looked around at the crowd and signaled for the Rainmaker. Okada tried to lift Danielson, but the ref called him off and asked for the doctor to check on him. The ringside doctor checked on Danielson who was convulsing. Okada told the doctor to back away. He went after Danielson, but Danielson countered and landed a running knee. “What a ruse!” said Schiavone. Excalibur said Danielson knew exactly what he was doing. (That whole sequence didn’t work. It’s just terrible taste and it’s counter-productive.)

Okada went for a German suplex, but Danielson landed on his feet and hit a Psycho Knee for a near fall. Danielson, favoring his right arm, grabbed Okada’s arm and stomped away at him. He then tried for a LeBell Lock, but Okada reversed his shoulders to the mat for a two count. Danielson came back with a roundhouse kick to Okada’s head. Danielson let a “Yes!” chant with his left arm while his right arm dangled to his side. He charged, but Okada hit him with a dropkick. He landed a landslide and a Rainmaker mid-ring for a two count. A “This is awesome!” chant broke out.

Danielson had Okada grounded for a while and shifted into various submissions. Okada tried to reach the bottom rope with his boot. He dropped some forearms on Okada’s face and then applied another submission. Okada tapped out.

WINNER: Danielson in 27:00.


Tonight after the Forbidden Door PPV, join PWTorch columnist Greg Parks live reviewing the event with live callers, emails, and on-site correspondents.

•CALL: (515) 605-9345



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