JUNE 22, 2023
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt
-Highlights from last week.
-“We own the night” opening video.
(1) OVE (Sami Callihan & Jake Crist & Madman Fulton) vs. BRIAN MYERS & THE GOOD HANDS (John Skyler & Jason Hotch)
Myers and Skyler did mic work before the match. Fans chanted “OVE”. Crist and Skyler started the match. Crist dropped Skyler then he and Sami double teamed Skyler. Fulton slammed Myers and the Good Hands. Skyler sidestepped a crossbody block from Crist. The Good Hands double teamed Crist. Myers suplexed Crist. Crist was trapped in the corner but finally made a comeback on Skyler and tagged to Sami. Sami cleaned house. Fulton went to slam Hotch. Moose ran down and caused interference and a distraction. Myers gave Crist the Roster Cut and got the pin.
WINNERS: Brian Myers & The Good Hands in 6:00.
-Eddie Edwards and Frankie Kazarian talked in the dressing room. Eddie pleaded with Kazarian to trust him. Frankie had his doubts and told Eddie to chill. Eddie swore on the grave of Killer Kowlaski that he could be trusted. Kazarian said okay and Eddie left. [c]
-Rich Swann approached Sami Callihan in the hallway. Swann said he should have been out there to stop Moose. He said from this point on, he had Sami’s back and it was the priority. They hugged.
Dango entered first and took the mic. Fans chanted “Divas reject.” He simply said that he hated professional wrestling. Fans were solidly behind Gujjar. Dango knocked Gujjar down and swiveled his hips. Gujjar came back with a back elbow. Gujjar caught Dango with dropkicks and a clothesline over the top rope. Back in the ring, Dango escaped the spear and gave Gujjar a DDT for the win.
WINNER: Dirty Dango in 2:00.
Dango stole a phone from someone at ringside and recorded himself. Santino Marella’s music played and he walked to the ring. Dango got out of the ring, but Gujjar threw him back in. Santino put the sock on his hand and gave Dango the Cobra. He said he wouldn’t forgive Dango.
(D.L.’s Take: I thought they were building Gujjar up for something, but that doesn’t appear to be in the cards, at least right now. Dango was laid out by Santino, so things don’t look too bright for him either.)
-Footage of Jody Threat beating Nevaeh on BTI.
-Backstage, Jody and Nevaeh shook hands. Nevaeh saw Jessicka walk by and excitedly went up to her. Courtney Rush explained that they weren’t Havok and Rosemary anymore. Nevaeh told them who they really are. Jessicka and Courtney turned and had a secret meeting. They decided to ask Nevaeh about their backstory. They walked off and Nevaeh seemed frustrated. [c]
-Clip of Rosemary’s “Diary” special that will air next week before Impact.
-Backstage, referee Daniel Spencer quizzed Zicky Dice about the rules. Johnny Swinger was behind Spencer, helping Dice cheat. Spencer awarded Dice a referee’s license and shirt. Spencer said he was now in the brotherhood of being an unsung hero of the ring. Swinger made Spencer leave, then celebrated with Dice about cheating his way to 50 wins.
Angels and Bailey started the match. Bailey dropped Angels with a kick and followed with a chop. Bailey and Gresham double teamed Angels. Kon powered through Bailey and Gresham. Angels suplexed Gresham. Kon knocked Bailey down on the floor. [c]
All four wrestlers fought in the ring. Gresham did a dive on Kon and put him in a sleeper. Bailey did a dive to drop Kon. Angels accidentally ran into Deaner, who was mad. Back in the ring, Bailey and Angels battled. Angels gave Bailey a Spanish Fly. Deaner and Angels argued. Angels missed a frog splash. Bailey landed the tornado kick. Bailey hit the Ultima Weapon and pinned Angels.
WINNERS: Johnathan Gresham & “Speedball” Mike Bailey in 9:00.
(D.L.’s Take: The fracturing of The Design continues).
-Impact Flashback Moment of the Week from 2013: Rockstar Spud knocked Jeff Hardy off of a ladder on the stage so that Nick Aldis could climb the ladder and grab the TNA Title. Dixie Carter cheered on.
-Hannifan did a voiceover to say that Gail Kim and Gisele Shaw would appear on Amazing Race Canada.
-Footage of Trinity and Jai Vidal fighting at Against All Odds and on last week’s TV show.
-Gia Miller interviewed Trinity. Trinity predicted that Deonna Purrazzo would beat Gisele Shaw to retain the title. She talked about Jai Vidal and challenged him to a match next week. [c]
-Jimmy Jacobs read a statement from Nick Aldis. The statement said that Aldis wouldn’t appear this week because he had received threats because of the attack last week on Alex Shelley. Shelley interrupted. He said he didn’t buy it. Jacobs said that Aldis would be there next week and explain himself. He said there was a reserved seat for Shelley. As Shelley left, Jacobs said that winning the title had gone to Shelley’s head. Shelley superkicked Jacobs and laid him out. Sabin asked Shelley if he had changed his mind. Shelley said “Yup”.
(D.L.’s Take: This was perhaps to write out Jacobs since he has taken a job with AEW).
Kelly booted Wilde and got a two count. King pulled the rope down so that Kelly fell out of the ring. King attacked Kelly and threw her back in the ring. Back in the ring, Wilde attacked Kelly and had the advantage. Wilde put Kelly in a surfboard, then choked her. They exchanged punches. Kelly gave Wilde a series of headbutts. Kelly suplexed Wilde and dropkicked her in the corner. Wilde gave Kelly a backstabber. Wilde kicked Kelly in the back of the head. They exchanged two counts. Kelly locked in the Killer Clutch, but Wilde escaped. Kelly rolled Wilde up for a pin.
WINNER: Killer Kelly in 5:00.
After the match, Wilde and King attacked Kelly. Fans chanted for Masha Slamovich. Masha walked to the ring with a chain. Masha paused, then went after Wilde and King. Fans cheered. Masha and Kelly cleared the ring. Masha and Kelly went face to face before Masha left the ring.
(D.L.’s Take: It was pretty obvious things were headed this way, but it was still fun to see it play out.)
-Clip from last week of Scott D’Amore and PCO fighting Bully Ray and Steve Maclin.
-Gia Miller interviewed Scott D’Amore. Gia talked about Scott’s leave of absence as president. He said he didn’t need his headset, suit and fancy watch. He talked up Bully and Maclin. He said he wasn’t as great as them, but he can get down and dirty and break the rules. He said his father used to say “I brought you in this world and I’ll take you out.” He said he brought Bully in, so he might take him out. He said it would rain holy hell in Windsor, his home town. He said at least one of them is not walking out and he was fine if it was him. He said Bully and Maclin are on notice. [c]
(5) JOE HENDRY (c) vs. YUYA UEMURA — Impact Wrestling Digital Media Title match
Hendry did his mic work before the match. As soon as the match started, Kenny King and Sheldon Jean walked down the ramp. King and Rehwoldt shook hands and King joined the announce team. Yuya armdragged Hendry. King said that the Digital Media title had his interest. Hendry made a comeback. [c]
Hendry and Yuya traded the advantage. They fought on the top rope. Yuya gave Hendry a crossbody block, but Hendry caught him and turned it into the Standing Ovation and got the pin.
WINNER: Joe Hendry in 9:00.
King and Jean got in the ring. King held the title and gave it to Hendry, then clapped. King said the belt was coming to him.
-Hannifan and Rehwoldt ran down the matches for Slammiversary and the Australian tour. For next week, they plugged:
*Chris Sabin vs. Trey Miguel
*Trinity vs. Jai Vidal
*Nick Aldis explain his actions to Alex Shelley
-Kevin Kelly previewed the matches for tonight’s NJPW show.
-Steve Maclin and Bully Ray did their ring entrances for the main event. [c]
Eddie and Maclin started the match. Fans chanted “Bully sucks”. Maclin dropped Eddie with a back elbow. Eddie suplexed Maclin. Eddie and Kazarian used teamwork and Kazarian legdropped Maclin. Kazarian dropkicked Maclin. Kazarian knocked Bully off the apron, but while the referee was distracted, Bully pulled Kazarian into the post. [c]
Bully and Maclin kept the advantage on Kazarian. Eddie made the tag. Eddie and Kazarian used teamwork to take out Bully and Maclin. Eddie did a dive on Bully on the floor. Kazarian did a rana over the top rope onto Maclin. Bully chased Alisha on the floor. Back in the ring, Maclin put Eddie in a chinlock. Fans chanted for Eddie. Maclin gave Eddie a backbreaker for a two count. Bully punched Eddie. Maclin knocked Kazarian off the apron. Eddie and Maclin collided. Kazarian made the hot tag and ran wild on Maclin. Kazarian legdropped Bully and Maclin. Kazarian got out of the KIA and gave Maclin a piledriver. Bully raked Eddie’s eyes and ran him into Kazarian. Kazarian put the chicken wing on Maclin. Eddie accidentally ran into Kazarian. Bully and Maclin double teamed Kazarian and Maclin got the pin.
WINNERS: Steve Maclin & Bully Ray in 16:00.
(D.L.’s Take: Action packed match and everyone had a chance to shine. This was a good way to further the Eddie/Kazarian storyline and keep Bully and Maclin strong for their upcoming match.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: This week’s episode was more in-ring focused. The slow build to Slammiversary continues with good pacing for angles such as Shelley/Aldis, Trinity/Deonna/Shaw, Kazarian/Eddie, Masha and Kelly teaming, and the possible breakup of The Design. It was disappointing to see Yuya and Gujjar lose decisively, but they can be rehabbed. Still, a fun show.
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