6/2 AEW RAMPAGE TV REPORT: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Action Andretti, Shibata vs. Moriarty, more


Full AEW Rampage results and analysis


JUNE 2, 2023

Announcers: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Chris Jericho, and Tony Schiavone

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

– The opening of Rampage aired, and JR welcomed us to the show. He was joined by Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

(1) EL HIJO DEL VIKINGO vs. DRALISTICO (w/Jose) vs. KOMANDER – AAA Mega Heavyweight Championship

All three men were in the ring as the show kicked off. The crowd was hot as each man showed off some mat work. Dralistico hit a dropkick on both opponents, then flew over the top rope and landed on both men. Komander was thrown into the steel steps, with Vikingo getting tossed into the barricade. Dralistico threw Komander into the ring then hit a springboard swanton for a two count. Dralistico acted as if he was annoyed with the crowd chants and was about to walk away. He came back into the ring and chopped Komander stiff across the chest. Komander fired back but was quickly cut off. Dralistico went to the top and hit a double foot stomp on Komander who was draped in the ropes.

Vikingo flew off the ropes out of nowhere to take out Dralistico which made the crowd pop huge. Vikingo nailed Dralistico then came off the top with a reverse hurricanrana. He followed up with a springboard phoenix splash off the middle rope onto Dralistico for two. Dralistico and Vikingo battled in the center of the ring as they traded shots. Vikingo won the battle with a running corkscrew kick for two. [c]

Dralistico and Komander were in the ring as Dralistico hit a running kick to the face. Jose the Assistant set up a table on the outside as Dralistico missed a second running kick attempt. Komander hit a springboard hurricanrana as Vikingo came back into the ring. Komander took him down with a number of arm drags, then walked the ropes and flew onto both opponents. Komander went back to the ropes and hit a tightrope walk 450 splash on Dralistico for two.

Vikingo hit a spinning reverse hurricanrana on Komander who rolled onto the table outside. Dralistico was already on the table but moved in time before Vikingo hit a 630 senton. Dralistico rolled Vikingo into the ring but Vikingo reversed a powerbomb attempt into a pin.

WINNER: El Hijo del Vikingo in 10:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Incredible opener that sets the table for a strong night of titles matches. More of this please.)

– Highlights aired of Aubrey Edwards run-ins with Sonjay Dutt, Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh. All were then shown backstage and told they were suspended for interfering with referee Edwards. The group was livid for being told they were suspended before Mark Briscoe appeared. Briscoe said there would be no suspensions and told them to shut up. Briscoe pointed at Karen Jarrett as Aubrey Edwards appeared and started to choke Karen before the two were broken apart.

(Moynahan’s Take: What the hell did I just watch? No thanks!)

(2) ZACK SABRE JR. vs. ACTION ANDRETTI – NJPW Strong Television Championship

Sabre worked a headlock early on as Andretti tried breaking free. Sabre worked quickly to take Andretti to the mat by working his arm. Andretti reversed the hold but Sabre held on and maintained control. Sabre worked the wrist of Andretti as he played to the crowd. Andretti finally worked his way out of the hold and hit a chop across Sabre’s chest, then nailed him with a dropkick. Andretti followed up with a corkscrew springboard off the ropes for a two count. Andretti missed a charge but turned it into a hurricanrana, then a tope to the outside.

Both men went back into the ring but Sabre caught Andretti in the ropes and locked in an arm submission. The ref called for the rope break as Sabre yanked Andretti back into the ring by the arm. Sabre continued to punish Andretti by working away at his arm and wrist. Andretti again tried battling his way out of the arm holds but Sabre locked in an even deeper hold and took Andretti to the mat. Andretti finally broke the hold via a suplex but immediately clutched his injured arm.

Andretti hit a springboard kick to Sabre’s face and got another close count. Sabre immediately took Andretti back to the mat and stomped away at his tricep. Andretti came back with an enziguri then perched Sabre on the top rope. Sabre again caught Andretti’s wrist to slow him down but Andretti continued to fight back. v was pushed to the mat but popped back up and hit a hurricanrana off the top. Andretti covered for another close count. Andretti picked up Sabre but Sabre synced on a headlock. Andretti rolled Sabre up for two then hit a reverse hurricanrana.

Andretti followed up with a shotgun dropkick and a springboard moonsault off the ropes for two. Andretti flew off the ropes but Sabre caught him in an arm lock on both arms until Andretti tapped.

WINNER: Zack Sabre Jr. in 10:30

(Moynahan’s Take: I mean, damn, Sabre is incredible. I love him in NJPW and hope he remains there, but I wouldn’t mind seeing him in AEW much more often. Just awesome work here.)

(3) WILLOW NIGHTINGALE vs. EMI SAKURA – NJPW Strong Women’s Championship

Sakura went right after Willow at the bell. Both women charged at one another until Willow took Sakura to the mat. Willow followed up with a snap suplex and a few knife edge chops in the corner. Willow attempted to suplex Sakura to the outside but Sakura blocked and instead hit a crossbody that took Willow to the floor. Sakura hit another crossbody on Willow against the barricade. [c]

Sakura went right after Willow at the bell. Both women charged at one another until Willow took Sakura to the mat. Willow followed up with a snap suplex and a few knife edge chops in the corner. Willow attempted to suplex Sakura to the outside but Sakura blocked and instead hit a crossbody that took Willow to the floor. Sakura hit another crossbody on Willow against the barricade. [c]

Willow hit a running charge on Sakura in the corner, then a shotgun dropkick off the ropes for two. Sakura dropped Willow to the mat, then hit another crossbody in the corner. Sakura followed up with a twisting Vader bomb for two. Willow hit her own crossbody for two. Willow blocked a move by Sakura as both women collided in the center of the ring. Sakura dropped Willow with a clothesline as both went to the mat.

Sakura hit Willow with a double underhook face-first slam to the mat. Both women got to their feet as Sakura fired away at Willow. Willow hit a pounce to take Sakura down, then nailed her with a cannonball for two. Willow hit a huge clothesline, then a powerbomb for the win.

WINNER: Willow Nightingale in 10:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Make that 3 for 3 tonight for great title matches. A good battle that shouldn’t be overlooked.)

– A short video package aired hyping tonight’s main event. Mark Henry announced that it was time for the main event.


Both men worked the mat in the early going as Excalibur went over the Pure Championship rules. Moriarty was caught in a triangle choke and used his first rope break to get out of it. Shibata muscled Moriarty down to the mat but Moriarty was able to get back to his feet. Moriarty hit an elbow strike, then a dropkick to Shibata’s knee to take him down. [c]

Shibata had Moriarty trapped in a figure four as Moriarty used his second rope break to get out of it. Shibata fired away in the corner with a series of forearms. Moriarty fired back with a jumping knee, then a suplex bridge for two. Moriarty attempted a suplex but Shibata fought his way out of it and nailed Moriarty with a knee to the stomach. Shibata hit his running dropkick on Moriarty in the corner then hit a float-over suplex for two. Moriarty used his final ropes break and quickly locked in a stretch on Shibata Shibata fought back with a stiff chop and a sleeper hold. He hit the PK for the win.

WINNER: Katsuyori Shibata in 11:00

– After the match, Daniel Garcia made his way to the ring. He entered the ring and faced off with Shibata as the show closed.

(Moynahan’s Take: A great way to end the night. Moriarty held his own but Shibata was too much in the end. Nice post-match showdown with Garcia hitting the ring as well.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Where has this episode of Rampage been!? This was one of the best Rampage episodes for in-ring action in maybe ever. Battle of the Belts could learn a thing or two about booking a great one hour show of nothing but championship matches. Go out of your way to watch each match as you won’t be disappointed.

CATCH-UP: 5/27 AEW RAMPAGE TV REPORT: Best Friends vs. Moriarty & Big Bill, Acclaimed in action, more


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