APRIL 27, 2023
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt
-Video package featuring Deonna Purrazzo, The Coven, and last week’s Steve Maclin/PCO confrontation.
-“We own the night” open.
Grace worked on Masha’s arm. Grace hit a flurry of offense including strikes and a Vader Bomb. Masha tripped Grace into the ropes throat first. Masha kicked Grace. Grace suplexed Masha. Masha came back with kicks. Masha sat on Grace’s back, pulled her hair, and grabbed her nose. Grace powered up and slammed Masha to the mat. Masha pulled Grace into the ropes throat-first. Grace missed a Vader Bomb. Grace gave Masha a palm strike and followed with a muscle buster for a two count. They exchanged offense. Grace got the Grace Driver on Masha for a two count. Masha rolled up Grace, but Grace turned into a sleeper. Masha got a sleeper on Grace. Masha gave Grace a suplex for a two count. Grace put Masha on the top rope. Masha got out of the muscle buster. They exchanged two counts. Grace finally reversed it and got the pin.
WINNER: Jordynne Grace in 11:00.
(D.L.’s Take: Great matchup and an excellent start to the show. Nice rebound for Grace after losing to Deonna Purrazzo at Rebellion. The fact that Grace escaped with a close win didn’t harm Masha.)
-Nick Aldis video feature. They showed highlights of his previous time in Impact, discussed him leaving, wrestling for the NWA (including facing Cody Rhodes at All In), and talked about his return. [c]
-Photos of Joe Hendry suffering a broken nose after his match with Sheldon Jean last week. Hannifan said he would be back soon.
-Footage of the Steve Maclin/PCO brawl from last week.
-Steve Maclin walked to the ring with the Impact World Title. He said that PCO caught him by surprise last week, so he made a tactical retreat. He called PCO out for the title match right now. PCO’s theme music played and he came out. PCO was attacked by Shera and Raj Singh on the ramp. They threw PCO in the ring as Maclin looked on and walked up the ramp. PCO made a comeback. Santino Marella’s music played and he walked to the stage. Singh gave Santino money. Santino said he just bought a match with PCO tonight. He banned Shera from ringside. Santino said the match starts now. [c]
PCO took Singh to the mat early, then clotheslined him over the top rope. PCO did a flip through the ropes on Singh. Back in the ring, Singh got the upper hand. Singh stuffed money in PCO’s mouth. PCO got up and fought back with punches. PCO legdropped Singh from the ropes. PCO gave Singh the De-Animator. Singh made a comeback. PCO gave Singh a reverse DDT. PCO gave Singh a moonsault from the top rope and got the pin.
WINNER: PCO in 6:00.
(D.L.’s Take: Solid win to get PCO ready for the title match. Singh’s new “Champagne” gimmick has freshened up his character. Match lasted longer than I thought it would.)
-Impact Plus Moment of the Week: Magnus (Nick Aldis) beat Christopher Daniels from the 2/14/13 episode.
-The Design promo. A distraught Deaner said he put his trust in Sami Callihan and Sami betrayed the Design. He said Sami isn’t a machine. Sami will feel pain. He told Sami to imagine what he would do to him after what he did to his mentor Eric Young. He told Sami to watch what they do tonight. [c]
-Coven promo. They chanted about earth, air, water, and fire. They held hands over candles and a photo of Deonna Purrazzo. KiLynn King said their spell would work. They laughed.
Dice rolled Swinger to the ring on his ridiculous cart. Dice said they were on the road to 50 victories and once they get to 50, they get a title shot. He said that Santino told him if he got someone off the roster and paid his transportation, that Swinger could get a title shot. Dice went to the back to go get the wrestler. A guy came out in a mask and sweatsuit (it was Dice). After some quick comedy, Swinger pinned him.
WINNER: Johnny Swinger in 1:00.
Backstage, Dice took the mask off. Santino walked up and Dice put the mask back on. Santino said he saw Dice’s face and the match didn’t count. Swinger told Dice good luck in his future. [c]
This was a non-title match. Angels attacked Bey at the bell and got an early two count after a neckbreaker. ABC double teamed Angels, then double teamed Kon. Kon crossed the ring with Bey on his back. Kon threw Bey out of the ring. The Design double teamed Ace. They cut to backstage and Santino was laid out backstage after being attacked. The announcers speculated that it couldn’t be Sami Callihan this time. The Design kept up the attack on Ace. Ace made a comeback with a clothesline. Angels came back with a back suplex. Ace kicked Angels and made the tag to Bey. Bey knocked Kon off the apron and went after Angels. Bey got a Code Red for a two count. The Design double teamed Bey. Ace sent Kon over the top rope. Angels was thrown on top of him. Ace and Bey did dives on Kon. Deaner got on the apron. The Design attacked ABC from behind. Sami Callihan ran to ringside and attacked Deaner. Sami ran off. Ace did a dive on Kon. Bey clotheslined Angels. ABC gave Kon a double kick on the outside. In the ring, ABC hit the cutter and the Fold and Ace pinned Angels. Sami laughed from the crowd.
WINNERS: Chris Bey & Ace Austin in 9:00.
(D.L.’s Take: Lots going on in this match. Everyone looked sharp. The Design/Sami feud continues and ABC picked up another good win.)
-A referee, the doctor, and Dirty Dango looked after Santino. Santino had a bit of the person’s hair who assaulted him. Dango held the hair and declared himself the Detective of Authority. [c]
-Jessicka complained to Rosemary about Taya not being there and not being able to go to the Undead Realm. Rosemary said they had tried everything. Crazzy Steve approached. Rosemary introduced Jessicka and Steve. Jessicka annoyed Steve. Steve asked if they had tried everything and hinted there was one more person they could contact. Rosemary said James Mitchell had been nothing but trouble for them. Steve said she knew what she had to do.
Fans chanted for Jody. Jody took Sparx to the mat. Jody worked on Sparx’s arm, but Sparx made it to the ropes to break the hold. Sparx came back with a kick and punches. Jody came back with offense. Jody hit a seated senton from the top rope on Sparx. Jody gave Sparx a succession of clotheslines in the corner, followed by the double knees and a suplex. Jody hit the F-416 for the win.
WINNER: Jody Threat in 4:00.
(D.L.’s Take: A good match to showcase Threat’s intensity and move set. She got a great reaction in her hometown.)
-Killer Kelly vignette. She talked about Hardcore War and how she liked the blood and violence. She said she found someone as sick and twisted as her in the match. She invited Masha Slamovich to come and play with her. [c]
-Gia Miller had a sitdown interview with Frankie Kazarian. He talked about his early days in Impact Wrestling. He discussed meeting Scott D’Amore and Jeff Jarrett as clips played from the early days. Gia talked about him being a cornerstone of the X Division. He talked about the “Good Ol’ Boys” system and the younger wrestlers that were held back and the toll that it can take on you. He said he left in 2014 because things were “topsy turvy” (clips of Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, John Gaburick, and others were played). He said he had accomplished a lot and it was just time to go.
-Hannifan and Rehwoldt plugged for next week:
-Part 2 of the Kazarian interview
-Steve Maclin & Champagne Singh & Shera vs. PCO & two partners
-Moose & Brian Myers vs. Yuya Uemura & Bhupinder Gujjar
-Jody Threat vs. Alisha Edwards
They plugged a “major surprise” at the TV tapings tomorrow, which would air next week. They then pitched to Kevin Kelly discussing the lineup for tonight’s NJPW show.
-Taylor Wilde and KiLynn King did their ring entrance. [c]
After some early action, Wilde took Purrazzo to the mat. Purrazzo worked on Wilde’s arm. They had another exchange, but Purrazzo returned to the armbar. King at ringside tried to trip Purrazzo, which set up Wilde to take advantage after the distraction. As Wilde gloated, Purrazzo took her to the mat in an armbar. Wilde regrouped outside and held up a tarot card. [c]
After some fighting on the floor, Wilde took control back in the ring. Deonna stomped Wilde’s arm, but King interfered from the outside and Wilde stomped Purrazzo. Wilde threw Purrazzo to the mat by her hair, then choked her. Wilde threw her to the mat again. Wilde stood on Purrazzo’s hair and pulled her up. Wilde punched Purrazzo and took her to the mat with a headscissor into a crossface submission. Purrazzo reversed into an armbar, but Wilde escaped. Purrazzo put Wilde in a side headlock. They ran into each other doing crossbody blocks. Fans chanted “This is awesome”. They traded punches. Purrazzo delivered clotheslines. Purrazzo put Wilde in an armbar. Wilde reached the ropes to break it. Wilde gave Purrazzo a German suplex for a two count. Purrazzo put Wilde in the Venus De Milo and Wilde quit.
WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo in 17:00.
The Coven attacked Purrazzo. Jordynne Grace ran to the ring for the save. Grace and Purrazzo ran off The Coven. They shook hands.
(D.L.’s Take: An enjoyable main event. Wilde looked good with some innovative offense. Purrazzo picked up a solid win to start her title reign off on a good note.)
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