APRIL 26, 2023
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
Orange Cassidy tried to put his hands in his pockets, Bandido struck and took Cassidy off his feet. Orange stood again and faked his hands in his pockets and then went for a takedown. Bandido sprawled and then Cassidy did a slow cartwheel, Bandido then countered a few moves, both men then did their hand gesture gimmicks. Bandido was sent to the outside, Cassidy finally put his hands in his pockets as the crowd chanted.
Cassidy then dodged and jumped over attacks with his hands still in his pockets. He pulled his hands out and dove out to Bandido, who caught him mid air and tossed Cassidy into the barricade. Bandido was now in control, he speared Cassidy in the corner. Bandido then locked in a stretch muffler hold, Cassidy was able to break said hold. Bandido then did a spinning dive out to Orange. [c]
Cassidy fought back and slammed Bandido’s head in the turnbuckle, Bandido hit a cross body, OC hit a driver for a two count, Cassidy dove out onto his opponent, Bandido hit a kick as Cassidy tried to climb to the top rope. Bandido pulled up Orange with one arm off the apron and then into a superplex. Bandido then hit a pop up slam for a near fall. Bandido then tried for his finisher, Cassidy battled out.
Bandido then caught Cassidy off the top rope, then hit a single arm press slam. Bandido then hit a frog splash for a near fall. Cassidy countered and applied a mouse trap for a near fall. Bandido then tried a quick pin of his own for a near fall. Cassidy then hit an Orange Punch and then a Beach Break for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy
(Sage’s Analysis: A really fun opening match, I though Cassidy could have really lost. Bandido impressed in a loss, Cassidy also worked a different style of match than usual, for the best.)
-Cassidy gave Bandido glasses after the match
-Adam Cole was backstage, he said he was going to call out Jericho and show him the mistake that he made. Or else he will find him. Then Orange Cassidy and Bandido entered the frame and walked off. [c]
-Jungle Boy and Darby were backstage, Darby said that they both took it too far. He wants them to respect each other and he is sorry for what happened. He asked Perry to have his back tonight during the match. Perry said they would not be friends and wished him luck. Darby said that he would have beat him again.
The match started with a collar and elbow tie-up, Jeff Jarret was pushed into the corner and it was broken up as Jarret went through the middle rope several times. Dax and Jeff then ran the ropes, here Jarret hit multiple hip tosses and was in control enough to do a strut. Harwood laid in stiff chops and then slammed JJ into the corner. Jarret fought back and stomped Dax in the corner. Dax put Jarret on the top rope, laid in some chops, then went up for a superplex, Jarret pushed him off as the break started. [c]
Both men were exchanging strikes, Jarret dodged one and hit a knee breaker and then tried for a figure four. Dax fought back and tried a sharpshooter, that was thwarted. Dax then tried a flying headbutt. That move was countered Dax then hit a piledriver for a near fall on Jarret, who rolled out of the ring after the kick out.
The two battled on teh outside, Dax then tossed Jarret in and tried a dropkick. Jarret dodged and tried to apply a figure four, then hit a catapult slam into a pin that turned into a near fall. Jarret tried a figure four once more, Dax applied a school boy pin for a near fall. Dax was trying for a apron slam, Sonjay Dutt grabbed the foot of Harwood.
Harwood was distracted and Jarret hit The Stroke and won via pinfall.
WINNER: Jeff Jarret
(Sage’s Analysis: A really well worked match with a bad booking choice. Jarret winning means he and Lethal are going for the titles, also the narrative of Jarret getting wins on tv continues.)
-Tony Khan announced the Owen Hart Tournament will start at Double or Nothing and finish in Calgary this summer.
Powerbombs, pin.
WINNER: Wardlow
(Sage’s Analysis: I personally am very over this Wardlow formula, it feels like we have been doing the same thing with him for years.)
-Arn Anderson said that he is with Wardlow because he beat a hell of a man in Hobbs. Anderson said he has walked a lot of wrestling locker rooms, he referenced the NFL draft and said that Wardlow is a #1 pick. He said that no one can do what Wardlow can do. Christian Cage and Luchasaurus came out, to save Anderson from more examples of things Wardlow will never do, like pull out eyes and bite off thumbs. Cage was about to step in the ring, but backed away like the heel he is.
-Sammy was backstage, MJF came in and kissed Sammy on the head. Sammy kissed MJF’s head, they then talked about how they are trying to avoid a four way match. Sammy said that he is getting paid a fat check for losing at the PPV. MJF and Sammy then exchanged gifts. [c]
-BCC attacked RJ City as he was talking about Kenny and Takeshita, Moxley said that he had scares to leave.
Darby completed a side headlock takedown, Sammy stood up as Darby applied wrist control. Sammy tried a backflip to get out, Darby did another headlock takedown. The two men battled more and Darby lost wrist control, ran the ropes, Darby then applied another takedown. Sammy finally got Darby to the mat, then tried to apply a submission move. Darby fought out and applied a Boston Crab hold, Sammy broke that hold with the bottom rope.
Sammy hit a blow and then hit a running knee strike to send Darby to the outside. Sammy then posed for the crowd as Darby was trying to beat the ten count, Sammy grabbed his opponent and threw him in the ring. Darby tried a German off the apron, Sammy hit a low blow and then a flip out onto Darby. [c]
Darby had a cut above his right eye when the show returned, Sammy hit a cutter on a diving Darby. Sammy then pulled out a table and set that up a ringside. Darby charged and pushed Sammy into the barricade and then put Sammy on the set up table. Darby went to the top, Tay Melo distracted Darby. Sammy ran up and hit a Spanish fly down to the mat for a near fall.
Sammy then put Darby on the table, Sammy went to the top and hit a 630 flip onto Darby and the table. Sammy got into the ring at the five count, Darby hopped in at eight. MJF, who was on commentary, came down to the ring. Darby hit a drop kick into the corner, then tried for a coffin drop. MJF then tossed Darby a skateboard and Sammy acted like he was hit by it. The ref then DQ’d Darby.
WINNER: Sammy Guevara
(Sage’s Analysis: A really good match with hight spots and overall well worked. Obviously this is not the end of the story and we will have a four way match at the PPV. The only real negative was MJF and the commentary team were stepping on the match the entire time.)
-Sammy and MJF beat down Darby until Jungle Boy’s music played. MJF said that he and Sammy would be the main event, and that everyone sucks. Tony Schiavone called MJF a prick, he then said that Tony Khan has announcement. Darby & Perry vs. MJF & Sammy, if the good guys win it will be a four way match. [c]
-MJF and Sammy were backstage, MJF said that he wouldn’t stay around AEW if he was treated like this.
-Adam Cole walked out and demanded a mic, not doing his normal entrance. He called out Jericho, he said the beatdown last week was unforgivable. He said he was gonna beat him within an inch of his life. He then demanded he come out once more, no one came and he said he would find him. Jericho’s music hit, but he was only on video. Jericho was backstage, he said that he didn’t want to be anywhere near a coward like Cole who let his girlfriend get beat down. Members of JAS then came down and attacked, Orange Cassidy and Bandido ran out for the save, but they were still outnumbered. Rodrick Strong then ran out and saved all three men. Cole and Roddy then hugged.
-For some reason QTV was back, Hobbs stormed in and put QT up against a wall. QT said that he was a champion with him, Hobbs let him go.
A collar and elbow tie-up started the match, the two women were evenly match. Taya Valkyrie slapped Jade Cargill, who then attacked Taya. Soon after this exchange, Taya sent Jade into the corner and then to the ground, Taya pulled Jade to the middle of the mat and tried to set up her finisher. Jade fought out and whipped Taya and tried for a boot, Taya sent her over the top rope and then out onto the floor. Jade then moved Taya’s foot on the apron and caused her to do the splits. Jade then drove Taya to the floor off the apron. [c]
Taya countered Jade with a combination of strikes, then hit a sit-out power bomb for a two count. Jade was in the corner, she got her feet up for a kick and placed Taya on the top rope. Valkyrie pushed off Jade, but Jade jumped back up and hit a superplex. Jade then hit a Canadian Destroyer for a near fall. Jade then set up Jaded, Taya shock her head and countered.
Taya hit a double stomp and covered for a two count. Taya then set up her finisher, but stopped because she would have been disqualified. Jade then rolled up Taya and won via pinfall.
WINNER: Jade Cargill
(Sage’s Analysis: A well worked match, it helps to add talented women like Taya to the normal rotation. I would have liked the match stipulation to have been brought up before then end of the match, since it happened on Rampage.)
-Taya Valkyrie almost hit her finisher on the ref, but was pulled off by other referees.
-Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter were backstage, they called out the outcasts for the attack last week. Jamie said this was far from over.
-Bryan Danielson came out before the main event. [c]
Konosuke Takeshita and The Blade started the match, The Blade hit some hard chops, Takeshita grabbed control and tagged in Kenny Omega. They two men teamed up on The Blade, Kenny picked up Blade ran around and did his You Cannot Escape slam. Blade raked the eyes of Omega and got a window or respite. Kenny sent Blade outside and was about to dive, but Kip grabbed his foot and distracted him with Penelope Ford. Butcher and Kip then attacked him on the floor. [c]
Kenny was in control and tagged in Takeshita, he did a big dive off the top and then slammed Butcher into the corner, then some running boots. Takeshita then hit a deadlift brain buster on Butcher. Takeshita tried a running knee, Butcher caught him and then hit a back breaker. Omega broke up a pin attempt, then the B&B finisher. Takeshita countered out of a power bomb and hit a blue thunder bomb.
Blade broke the pin, Kenny then took out Blade. Takeshita hit a running knee for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita
(Sage’s Analysis: A fun main event, more about the post match angle.)
-Bryan Danielson got on the mic and said that Omega was a has been, and Takeshita could be a prodigy. BCC then ran out and beat down Omega and Takeshita. Moxley had a screwdriver, then the Young Bucks came out and took out Danielson then Yuta. Kenny took out Moxley. Kenny had the screwdriver, Takeshita got in the way and stopped Omega from literally murdering Moxley. BCC then embraced Takeshita, then offered him entrance. He declined, Moxley then stabbed him with the screwdriver.
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