APRIL 18, 2023
NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Backstage Correspondent(s): McKenzie Mitchell
Tonight after the show, join the PWT Talks NXT self-proclaimed “gang of idiots” (including me) to break down the show with calls and emails.
•CALL: (515) 605-9345
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: pwtorchnxt@gmail.com
-The show began with a video package surrounding the events of last week, leading into a giant brawl between Gallus, Schism and the Creed Brothers at ringside. This turned into a six man tag between all the teams.
-Rip Fowler, Julius Creed and Wolfgang began the match, with Brutus Creed tagging in a few moments in. Jagger Reid tagged in, and went to work on Brutus while Rip laid it into Wolfgang until the ref threw him out of the ring.
Mark Coffey tagged in for Wolfgang and went for a cover on Brutus for two. Julius made the tag in for his brother, and cleared the ring until Coffey returned the favor. All six men wound up in the ring, until the referee was able to restore order before a picture in picture commercial break.
-Ava and Joe Gacy stood ringside, harping on Gallus and the Creeds. Reid, Coffey and Julius fought through the break with Brutus getting the hot tag when they returned live. Brutus cleaned house, and rolled Wolfgang up for a pin that was broken up by Coffey and Fowler.
-The action spilled outside the ring, with Schism taking out Gallus and leaving them lying at ringside. The Creeds and Schism went at it in the ring with Julius double suplexing both of his opponents in impressive fashion. Ava tried to get involved, which resulted in Jagger Reid accidently hitting Ivy Nile. This distraction lead to Gallus retaining their titles.
-Gallus celebrated in the ring as the commentary team threw to Dijak showing up in the parking lot earlier today. They were trying to ask him about Dragunov from last week, until he tried attacking the camera man. Apollo Crews happened to be nearby and stepped in, telling Dijak he’s out of line. The two challenged one another to a match later tonight.
-A video package for Noam Dar and the Heritage Cup aired, hyping his debut and then cut to commercial.
-Nathan Frazer debuted a new talkshow called Hard Hitting Hard Truth in an obviously green screened studio. He talked about suffering an injury at Halloween Havoc and how he hasn’t had much luck in the ring since returning. It’d be easy to get sad, but last week he realized that NXT is cut throat. If you fail against a world class athlete, it’s okay. He said never slow down, and to constantly improve yourself. Now its time to turn his ship around.
-Noam Dar made his way to the ring with the Heritage Cup. In the ring, Myles Borne awaited him.
-The two locked up and Noam Dar immediately tried backing off. Myles took him down with a waistlock takedown, then shot him off the ropes for a leapfrog. Dar reversed the leapfrog but wound up in the corner, met with Borne’s fists.
Dar reversed one of the strikes and turned the tide on the match with a series of elbows to the face, followed by a kick to the face while Borne was down. He followed it up with another series of kicks, similar to the “Yes Kicks” we’d see Daniel Bryan do back in the day.
Dar followed it up with a knee and elbow to the face, followed by the Nova Roller for the easy win.
-After the match, Dar celebrated in the ring with his cup held high overhead.
-A vignette for Roxanne Perez aired where she responded to Zoey Stark, calling her the weakest of all and hyping their upcoming match. She said she wanted her title back, and she’d go through anyone to get her belt back.
-Back from commercial, Josh Briggs approached Kiana James backstage and asked her to get Brooks to talk to him. She said that he doesn’t want to talk to him, but Briggs pleaded with her until she relented and told him to talk to Brooks himself. Brooks entered the room, dressed to the nines with his hair pulled back and glasses. He told Briggs to go, with none of his former idiotic and bumbling traits coming through. Briggs essentially ended his partnership with Brooks and told Briggs to leave once again.
-Odyssey Jones made his way to the ring for a match, but was speared by Bron Breakker before he finished his entrance. Breakker grabbed a mic and laughed at Jones. He said that “this is what happens when you get in my way.” Breakker had to come out last week and put an end to the Chase U’s participation trophy award show last week. Breakker called out Andre Chase when Duke Hudson showed up in the Chase U section and told Breakker not to speak Andre Chase’s name. He accused Breakker of a temper tantrum because he’s sad that he lost his title. Hudson challenged Breakker to a match at Spring Breakin’. Hudson was interrupted by Breakker and then declared that he wasn’t done talking. He said it would be a match of giants, when he revealed that Andre Chase was challenging him to the match, not Hudson. Breakker looked into the camera and told Chase to enjoy the next seven days because he’s going to “spear your little ass in half” next week.
-Cora Jade interviewed backstage, Gigi Dolan interrupts starting a feud between the two for their match later.
-Pretty Deadly interviewed backstage on their feud with D’Angelo and Stacks. Challenged them to a match at Spring Breakin.
-The two locked up with Stark immediately throwing Perez to the mat and kicking her in the face. Perez made it back to her feet only to be arm dragged to the mat. She finally got Stark with an arm drag of her own. She went for another and covered Stark for two.
Perez remained in control for a moment, working the right arm and shoulder of Stark, not letting go despite multiple tries from Stark to escape.
Perez rolled her up for two, with Stark immediately back to her feet. Perez locked in another headlock, and wouldn’t let go once again despite Stark trying everything to escape.
Stark took control of the match with a kick to the chest, taking the wind out of Perez. She hit a knee to the face and shot Perez off the ropes. Perez retaliated with a headscissors takedown into a suicide dive to Stark outside the ring. Stark caught her and slammed her to the floor before a commercial break.
Back from break, the action is back in the ring with Stark still in control. Perez locked in an octopus submission but was overpowered by Stark easily. Stark locked in a headlock of her own with Perez able to escape a few moments later.
Perez went to the top and hit a cross body, but Stark rolled through and covered Perez for a near fall. Perez looked for Pop Rocks, but was reversed into the Half and Half for a near fall. Stark went for the Z360, but Perez reversed into Pop Rocks for the win.
-Perez grabbed a mic after the match, but NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell made it to the ring before she could say anything. Hartwell congratulated Perez. She said the only reason shes champ is because of Perez, and she wouldn’t be much of a champ without giving Perez a shot at the title she never lost and gave her a shot for the belt at Spring Breakin. Tiffany Stratton came out and said that Hartwell won by sheer dumb luck and now she’s handing out title matches to anyone. Perez took offense to this and the two started verbally fighting. Hartwell then included Stratton in the match at Spring Breakin.
-Waller interviewed backstage with Melo’s shoe from last week.
-Backstage, Von Wagner finally opens up to Mr. Stone with some personal information.
-A vignette for Axiom aired.
-The two mean girls of NXT collide. They locked up in the ring, with Dolan in control with a snapmare. Jade pulled the hair to escape but was met with a kick to the face for her troubles. Dolan covered for two and continued her beat down with a bronco buster in the corner. She covered again with Perez easily kicking out.
-Dolan hit a Backstabber and then a few big boots with Jade more or less no selling them, trying for a cross body. Jacy Jayne made her way down to the ring and tried to DQ Dolan, but Dolan was faster and managed to take Jayne out without getting DQ’d. The distraction allowed Jade to make a quick rollup for the win.
Jade grabbed a mic, and before she could speak Lyra Valkyria appeared in a puff of smoke and said that Jade’s claim to be the savior of the women’s division would be tested when the fight at Spring Breakin.
-Eddy Thorpe interviewed backstage, Damon Kemp walked in and said he’s been impressed with Thorpe so far.
-Fallon Henley and Briggs at their bar, James and Brooks come in and challenged them to a mixed tag next week.
-The two men locked up with Crews taking Dijak to the mat first and locking in a headlock. Dijak spent a good minute trying to escape and shot Crews into the corner. Crews dodged and hit him with a dropkick. He followed it up with a series of German suplexes for two. Crews went for a suplex, but was overpowered by Dijak and sent flying out of the ring and into the announce table before a commercial break.
-Back from break, Crews was trying to get back in the ring with Dijak meeting him at the apron. Crews gave him a hangman and went to the top rope to hit him with an axe handle. Crews hit a corner splash and then an Overdrive for a two count.
-He went back to the top for a frog splash, Dijak dodged and hit a superkick into a discus boot for a near fall. Dijak went for a chokeslam, Crews reversed and tried to hit a standing moonsault. Dijak caught him by the throat and hit the chokeslam for a 2.9 count. He followed it up with a Feast Your Eyes for the win.
-Dijak continued the beating after the match when Dragunov ran in for the save. Officials broke the two men up.
-Jacy Jayne shown leaving the building, says she will beat Dolan in their match next week.
-Drew Gulak attacked Wes Lee during his entrance while Dempsey distracted the ref. When the bell rang, Dempsey brutally attacked Lee and went for a quick cover for two. Dempsey continued to stretch Lee in a way that only Dempsey can with the occasional cover for two.
-Wes Lee managed to make a comeback with a massive dropkick sending Dempsey to the outside. Lee dove outside the ropes and hit Dempsey before a commercial break.
-Back from break, Dempsey had a modified figure-4 leg lock on Lee. Lee managed to break free, but was tossed to the mat and kicked in the head by Dempsey. Dempsey locked in an arm lock, leaving Lee screaming for the ropes. He shot lee into the corner and hit a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. He started working the arm of Lee once again, then hit a massive uppercut taking Lee to the mat. He picked Lee back up and hit him with elbows to the face. Lee managed to make a comeback, but his momentum was immediately stopped by Dempsey with a dragon screw.
Dempsey hit another German Suplex on Lee, bridging for a near fall. He threw Lee back into the corner and went for another German, but Lee was able to roll through and hit a superkick to take the momentum back. Gulak tried to attack, but Lee managed to take him down before landing a spinning kick on Dempsey for the win.
-Dempsey and Gulak continued their beatdown on Lee after the match.
-Stacks and D’Angelo were shown at a nice Italian restaurant
-Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams joined Greyson Waller for The Waller Effect. Waller said that the vibe is off tonight for some reason, but they’re here to talk business. Melo gave credit where credit was due, saying that Waller always winds up in the main event spot. Waller said that in the last 18 months he’s become a bigger star than Melo and doesn’t even need a championship. He then threw to questions from Twitter. Someone asked what “You Are Him” means. Waller said it meant “He is mediocre”. Williams told him to stop hating.
-Melo said that whenever he steps in the building his name is chanted, if that doesn’t mean you’re “him”, he doesn’t know what does. Waller said that Melo is only champion and in the position he’s in due to Trick stepping in during all of his matches. Melo then tried to have the effects guys show Waller’s achievements on screen, but he doesn’t have any to speak of. This got all three men out of their seats and their bickering got more intense. The segment ended with Waller holding the golden shoe high over head with Melo holding the title over his head.
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