APRIL 16, 2023
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt
-Video featuring the stars of Impact Wrestling and lead-up events to the show.
This Ultimate X Match was the re-match for the Tag Team titles. All four wrestlers fought in the ring at the start. Sabin accidentally hit Shelley early. The action spilled to ringside but then returned to the ring and slowed down. Sabin worked on Ace’s arm on the outside. Shelley held Ace and Bey down while Sabin climbed. The Guns accidentally ran into each other again. Bey and Shelley battled in the ring. Bey gave Shelley a DDT. Bey hit a moonsault from the apron on Sabin, despite his injured leg. Ace took on the Guns by himself, including a dive over the top that excited the crowd. The Guns made a comeback with double team moves. All four wrestlers climbed on the cables at the top. They all dropped. Bey got the cutter on Shelley, followed by Ace doing the Fold on him. Ace helped Bey climb the cables. Sabin met him up top. Bey unhooked the belts and threw them down to Ace to get the win.
WINNERS: Chris Bey & Ace Austin in 13:00.
(D.L.’s Take: A very good, crowd-pleasing match. Plenty of highlights without anything looking too dangerous. A great start to the show and the crowd was enthusiastic.)
-Steve Maclin promo. He talked about how it sucked not going against Josh Alexander and being in Canada. He talked about his time in the military. He predicted a win tonight.
-Video package on the Design feud with Santino’s team.
Hendry did mic work before the match and noted this was Santino’s return to the ring for the first time in nine years. Hannifan said that Santino’s son Marco was in attendance and had never seen his father wrestle. The match was four on three. Dango and Angels started the match. Santino tagged in early and the fans chanted for him. He took Angels to the mat. Angels got up and pushed Santino and Santino pushed him to the mat. Santino took Callihan to the mat, then Deaner. Angels hit Santino from behind to turn the tide. Hendry came in and cleaned house. Hendry picked up Kon, but Angels dropkicked Kon onto Hendry. Deaner beat on Hendry. Hendry suplexed Deaner. Dango and Callihan went at it. The Design had the advantage on Dango. Dango finally made the hot tag to Santino, who ran crazy on the Design. Kon took Santino and Hendry to the mat. Hendry slammed Deaner and Angels at the same time. Callihan gave Hendry a piledriver. Dango did a dive on Kon and Angels. Callihan went for a piledriver on Santino, but Deaner stopped him and gave him a baseball bat instead. Callihan hit Deaner with the bat and the fans cheered. Callihan walked off. Fans chanted for the Cobra. Santino pulled out the cobra sock and hit Deaner with it and got the pin.
WINNERS: Santino Marella & Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango in 11:00.
(D.L.’s Take: A fun match and the fans were really into it, especially Santino. The Design angle finally took a big turn, which will have ramifications.)
-Gia Miller interviewed Team Dreamer. Dreamer gave an emotional interview talking about his mother’s health problems. He said it was the worst week of his life, but his mom always said to move forward. He said there is nothing they can do to him physically to hurt him. He asked for thoughts, prayers, and positive thoughts for his mother. He talked about his teammates and their families. He said after this, he is going away for a little bit. He said these are moments that we fight for. He said the war ends tonight and thanked everyone for supporting him.
-Video package on the Eddie Edwards/PCO feud.
The winner is the wrestler who puts his opponent in the casket and closes the lid. PCO did an immediate dive on Eddie at the start of the match. Fans were solidly behind PCO. They brawled on the floor. Eddie ran PCO into the guardrail. They returned to the ring. Eddie charged and elbowed PCO. PCO DDT’d Eddie. PCO hit the De-Animator on Eddie. The fans chanted “Holy S***”. Eddie did a Tiger Driver on PCO and a German suplex. It looked like PCO had a shoulder injury. PCO smashed his shoulder into the ringpost to put it back in place. Eddie chopped PCO. PCO unbuttoned his shirt so Eddie could chop him. They exchanged chops for an extended period. They slapped each other. Eddie gave PCO a buckle bomb, but he got right up and clotheslined Eddie.
PCO gave Eddie a reverse DDT. PCO gave Eddie a moonsault from the top rope. Fans chanted the “Ole” song. PCO tried to put Eddie in the casket (which was on the ramp) but Eddie rolled to the floor. PCO did a cannonball on Eddie. Fans chanted “PCO”. PCO rammed Eddie’s head into the casket. Eddie kicked PCO from the ramp to the floor. PCO recovered and they battled on the ramp. Eddie hit PCO with the kendo stick and gave him a German suplex on the ramp, followed by the Boston Knee Party. PCO was bleeding. Eddie put PCO in the casket but PCO got his foot in the way and powered out. Fans chanted “PCO”. Alisha hit PCO with a shovel. Eddie accidentally superkicked Alisha. PCO hit Eddie with the shovel. PCO chokeslammed Eddie into the casket and closed the lid.
WINNER: PCO in 14:00.
(D.L.’s Take: This one was very physical. PCO’s ability to take punishment is unreal. If this is the end of the feud, this match was a good ending.)
-Gia Miller interviewed Trey Miguel but there were audio problems.
-Video on the X Division match competitors.
This was a triple-threat elimination match. Anthem officials and Scott D’Amore were shown at ringside. They started with go-behinds and mat action. Trey was double teamed. He regrouped on the ramp while Gresham and Bailey wrestled in the ring. Trey returned and gave running forearms and dropkicks to both. Trey suplexed Gresham and worked on his arm. Bailey returned and went on offense. Bailey had Gresham in a leglock, but he reached the ropes to break it. Bailey kicked his opponents. Bailey and Gresham exchanged punches. Bailey did a reverse rana on Gresham. All three exchanged moves. Trey gave Bailey a rana on the floor. Trey gave Gresham a running rana and got a two count. While Gresham was in Bailey’s figure four leglock, Trey splashed Gresham and got the pin, so Gresham was eliminated. Trey put Bailey in a figure four leglock. Bailey reached the ropes to break it. They exchanged chops and kicks. Bailey got a two count after a standing Spanish Fly. Bailey connected with his tornado kick. He missed Ultima Weapon. Trey dropkicked Bailey to the outside. Trey did a sunset flip to the outside, but Bailey flipped onto him. Back in the ring, Bailey missed Ultima Weapon. Bailey rolled up Trey, but Trey reversed it and pulled the tights for the pin.
WINNER: Trey Miguel in 14:00.
(D.L.’s Take: A super X Division style match. I wouldn’t have minded if this went longer. The win further established Trey will do anything to win.)
-Video package on the Team Dreamer vs. Team Bully feud.
Moose and Frankie Kazarian were the first two wrestlers. They fought on the floor. Frankie DDT’d Moose. Moose fought back with a trash can. Brian Myers joined the match next. Frankie stomped both of them. Myers and Moose eventually got the upper hand. Bhupinder Gujjar was in next. He used a cheese grater on Myers. Kenny King was next. He gave Gujjar a suplex and kick. King gave Frankie a spinebuster. Killer Kelly as next. She used a staple gun on King and Myers. She stapled Moose low. She stapled her own head. Fans chanted “You sick f***”.
Masha Slamovich was next. She hit Kelly with a chair and threw the staple gun up the ramp. Myers threw Kelly out of the ring. Masha dove onto the pile outside with a chair. Yuya was next and went after Myers. Bully was next and he brought a table. Bully’s team attacked Dreamer’s team from behind. Moose and King held Kelly while Bully taunted her. Dreamer was last and he ran in with a kendo stick and hit everyone. Bully put Kelly in front of him to shield him from Dreamer. Kelly bit Bully’s arm to escape. Dreamer hit Bully with the kendo stick. Fans chanted “ECW”. Dreamer put Bully in a leglock. Everyone ran in and traded holds.
Kelly and Masha brought in chairs and hit people. Kelly gave Masha a Death Valley Driver on a chair. Bully threw Kelly from the top rope to the floor on top of two wrestlers. Moose accidentally speared Bully. Dreamer elbowed Moose. Yuya threw a chair at Moose. Everyone exchanged moves. Masha got a two count on Kelly after a Snow Plow. Masha spit on Dreamer. Dreamer gave her a piledriver. The Good Hands ran in and attacked Dreamer. Frankie took them out. Kelly backdropped Jason Hotch on the apron. Kaz gave John Skyler a DDT through a table on the outside. Bully gave Dreamer a low blow. Bully put Dreamer on a table and climbed a ladder. Bully made the referees hold the ladder. They refused so he went after them, but they fought him. Dreamer gave Bully a Death Valley Driver. All four referees counted but Bully kicked out at two. The refs held the ladder for Dreamer. Dreamer splashed Bully through the table and got the pin.
WINNERS: Team Dreamer in 26:00.
(D.L.’s Take: This was a really good match. The action was nonstop and there were lots of hardcore stunts and moments. The underutilized wrestlers benefited from this. A good ending to the Dreamer/Bully feud.)
-Steve Maclin and Kushida were shown warming up.
-Video package on the World Title situation.
Nick Aldis was brought in as the special guest commentator. He said he was back in Impact Wrestling. Dave Penzer did the in-ring introductions. The fans were behind Kushida. Kushida charged Maclin at the bell. Kushida tried to go for the Hoverboard lock early. Maclin regrouped on the outside. Kushida took Maclin to the mat. Kushida caught Maclin with a crossbody block and went for the Hoverboard lock again, but Maclin escaped. Maclin stomped Kushida. Maclin gave Kushida a backbreaker. Maclin stretched Kushida around the ringpost. Maclin continued to attack Kushida on the outside.
Back in the ring, Maclin gave Kushida an Olympic Slam for a two count. Kushida came back with a backspring elbow and a flurry of offense. Kushida kicked Maclin’s elbow. They traded offense. Kushida got a two count after a fisherman’s buster. Maclin pushed Kushida off the top rope. Kushida escaped a charging Maclin and kicked him to the outside. Maclin gave Kushida a German suplex. Maclin gave Kushida a buckle bomb and a powerbomb for a two count. Kushida suplexed Maclin off the top rope and locked in the Hoverboard lock. Maclin reached the ropes to break it. They fought on the outside.
Kushida drove Maclin into the announce table. Maclin gave Kushida the Caught in the Crosshairs and KIA, but Kushida kicked out at two. Maclin jumped off the top rope, but Kushida caught him in the Hoverboard lock. Maclin punched his way out. Kushida put Maclin the Hoverboard lock again, but Maclin sent him into the corner. Kushida came right back with a Hoverboard lock and body scissors. Maclin gave him the KIA and got the pin. After the match, Maclin took the mic. He demanded that Scott D’Amore come out and hand him the belt. After Maclin shoved the belt towards him, Maclin attacked Scott from behind. Aldis got in the ring and faced off with Maclin. Maclin walked off.
WINNER: Steve Maclin in 18:00 to become the Impact World Champion.
(D.L.’s Take: Excellent match. They told a good story of Kushida going after Maclin’s elbow to set up the Hoverboard lock, but in the end Maclin was able to overcome it. The last few minutes were really dramatic. Looks like Aldis may be in the title picture soon.)
-Hannifan and Rehwoldt talked about upcoming shows including Under Siege, Against All Odds, Slammiversary, Multiverse United 2 (August), and Emergence.
-Video package on the Knockouts Title situation.
Dave Penzer handled the in-ring introductions again. They shook hands at the start. Fans chanted for both. They wrestled on the mat early. Deonna worked on Grace’s arm. Grace suplexed Deonna. After an exchange, Deonna booted Grace to the mat and got a two count. Grace gave Deonna a headbutt. Grace dove on Deonna into the rails at ringside. Grace gave Deonna a jackhammer on the floor. Back in the ring, Grace got a two count. Grace gave Deonna a delayed suplex. Fans counted to 20. Deonna stomped Grace’s elbow. Deonna gave Grace a Russian Leg Sweep and went for an armbar, but Grace escaped. Deonna gave Grace a pump kick and Grace rolled to the ramp.
They battled on the ramp. Deonna threw Grace off the ramp and followed with a moonsault. They returned to the ring. Deonna had Grace in another submission, but Grace turned it into a pin attempt. Grace got a two count after a vertabreaker. Grace put Deonna in a sleeper hold on the mat. They headbutted each other. They got to their feet and traded punches. Grace fired up but got caught with a boot. Deonna put Grace in an armbar. Grace turned it into a pin attempt, but Deonna locked in the Venus De Milo. Grace got her foot on the rope to break the hold. Grace gave Deonna a spinebuster for a two count. Grace did the Grace Driver but Deonna kicked out. Deonna powerbombed Grace and hit the Queen’s Gambit for the pin. They shook hands and hugged after the match. The closing shot was Deonna holding the belt up high.
WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo in 18:00 to become the Knockouts Champion.
(D.L.’s Take: A main event worthy match. Both were impressive and the end was in doubt to the very end. Either would have made for a great Knockouts champion but it’s great to see Deonna back at the top of the mountain.)
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