MARCH 8, 2023
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
Jay Lethal charged in at Orange Cassidy and took him down with a head lock. Cassidy countered and took Lethal to the mat, the men traded top positions on the mat. Orange stood up, allowing Lethal to roll out o the ring and recover during the ten count. Back in the ring, Lethal tried a Lethal Injection, Cassidy countered, Lethal did as well, with several counters by both. Cassidy worked Lethal into the corner, then out of the ring. Cassidy then dove out and was caught by Jay, Cassidy then tossed Lethal into the ring post.
Lethal sold his shoulder, while Cassidy sold his ankle after a dragon screw in the ring ropes. Lethal tried a hammer throw, it was reversed then reversed again until Cassidy was hit with a low blow by falling on the top rope. Lethal rolled out during the count and beat down on Cassidy. Lethal then slammed Cassidy’s ankle into the ring post. [c]
Cassidy and Lethal traded punches as Cassidy tried for a DDT and hit a bran buster on Lethal. Cassidy went to the top rope, Lethal hit chops to even the odds, Cassidy pushed Lethal and then hit a diving DDT, then a regular DDT for a near fall. Cassidy took off the elbow pad and tried for an Orange Punch, but fell, selling his injuries.
Lethal applied a Figure Four, Cassidy rolled and got to the bottom rope. Both men were then on the apron trading chops and strikes. Orange was able to send Lethal back in, Lethal was able to catch Cassidy and hit the injured leg and tried a small package pin. Lethal hit the Lethal Combination, then set up an elbow drop, but Orange got the knees up. Lethal countered and got a near fall on Cassidy.
Lethal fell trying a Lethal Injection, from his should injuries. Cassidy was then able to hit a last effort Orange Punch for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy
(Sage’s Analysis: A tremendous opener, Lethal really worked a logical and well told story with Cassidy. Orange selling on that figure four was some of the best wrestling I have seen Cassidy do in AEW.)
-After the match, Jeff Jarrett dropped Cassidy and hit his injured knee with his guitar.
-A video showing Wardlow’s car getting broken into was mentioned and shown. Hobbs was backstage he said it was so unfortunate that he lost everything. Hobbs said something like that wouldn’t happen to him and he is gonna take the last thing he has left, his TNT Title.
-Ricky Starks music hit, he walked out and too the ring in his Dan Flashes’ shirt. Starks talked about being in Sacramento and beating Christ Jericho, he said he is having a hell of a week. He said that he has done it all, he asked what’s next for him? He said that he was not sure, he said it is about where he is gonna go next. A Bullet Club logo popped up, and Juice Robinson appeared and took out Starks. [c]
-Wardlow was backstage he was asked where his head was at. He said that he wanted this match to be falls count anywhere and anything goes. He said no man would take his TNT title.
-Ruby Soho was introduced to the ring by Renee, she walked down with Saraya and Toni Storm. Ruby was asked why she joined teh heels, she said it was obvious. She said that the crowd created this monster, she said he first title match was at Grand Slam with Britt Baker. She said that the fans were thrilled when that happened, she also got booed after beating Kris Statlander in the Owen Tournament. She said that after she was pinned, no one was going to help her or appreciate her.
She said that Toni Storm and Saraya got the same treatment as she did. They have all been outcasts since the day they entered AEW, they came back to save the division. She said that the foundation of all that needs to be demolished.
Ruby Soho attacked Skye Blue and threw her to the outside, beat her down, and threw her back in. Ruby then waited and hit a head kick, Blue then got a slap in. Ruby then hit a back heel trip and covered with a near fall. [c]
Ruby kicked Blue as she was in the ropes, Ruby then hit a side suplex, then another. Skye got some offense in, with a top rope crossbody. Ruby then countered a Code Blue, then hit Destination Unknown for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Ruby Soho
(Sage’s Analysis: A great promo and segment that makes Soho look like the leader of the group, great stuff. But, I would have done a squash match unless Blue is gonna be a player in this feud.)
Soho and co. spray painted Blue, Willow ran down and was taken out by Storm and Saraya.
-Renee was backstage with Adam Page, he said that he is beat up. But in heart and mind he is feeling great. He said that if he is pushed he will take you to hell. He was asked if he was done with Moxley, he said he was finished. [c]
-A MJF promo from after his match with Danielson was shown, he said that he ended the dragon. He said he was feeling good and that he would be celebrating his birthday in Winnipeg.
-FTR were introduced and they came to the ring. Cash said that he missed the crowd, but said the last few months have been bad. He went over their losses in the ring and the loss of Jay Briscoe. Cash said they couldn’t sit at home and say they are the best tag team in the world. Cash said that Billy Gunn gave them everything, his father taught him how to fight and be respectful. Cash said he would teach that lesson to Austin and Colton.
Dax talked about the love he has for the crowd and the wrestling industry. Dax said that the beautiful moment they shared with the Briscoe’s was taken away by The Gunns. Dax said they need to beat them and become the Tag Team champions for them, the fans and The Briscoe’s.
-Renee was with Jade Cargill, she told Jade she was 53-0 and asked if she was challenged. Jade asked for the biggest Canadian competitor next week.
CHRIS JERICHO and AR Fox started the match, Jericho tried to take down Fox. But, he was able to dodge and then hit offense in the corner against Fox. AR hit a dive out on Jericho and then tossed him back in the ring. Jericho sprinted and tagged in Sammy Guevara, Jericho was tagged in and hit tandem offense. Then all of JAS took a photo by the downed Fox.
Daniel Garcia and Darius Fox were tagged in and battled in and out of the ring. Dante Martin was tagged in, he tried a top rope attack, but Parker pulled the rope. This distracted Dante who was hit with a punch after he launched his attack. [c]
JAS dominated throughout the break, Dante tried to get an opening for a tag. He hit a code breaker like move and was able to tag in AR Fox, who then took out Garcia then Jericho then finally Sammy. AR hit a 450 then a double stunner on Sammy and Garcia. Fox then hit a cutter on Garcia as Darius was tagged in and got a near fall. Darius then then hit a Spanish fly on Jericho for a near fall.
Darius then covered Jericho again and that was broken up by JAS. Fox then hit a senton to take out Sammy on the outside. It was now just Jericho and Darius inside, Hager hit Darius with a bat. Jericho then hit the Judas effect and got the pinfall win.
(Sage’s Analysis: A rather dull match to start minus AR and Dante. The second half of the match was really exciting and got Jericho a much needed win.)
-Each member of J.A.S talked a bit, said they have been together a year and should get a trios title shot, and like their sexy hat. Jericho said that they are claiming the #1 contender spot and demanded House of Black come out. The lights went out and Carry on my Wayward Son hit and The Elite emerged. Kenny Omega got on the mic, he said they have all avoided each other and was interrupted by Don Callis. Callis said that The Elite were #1 contenders, he said that Jericho and him have been friends for 33 years, and that he is the second best wrestler from Winnipeg.
The lights went out again, The House of Black appeared on screen, then cut out and appeared in person. It set up a NINE PERSON title match next week, too much. They should have just done Kenny and Jericho solo in my opinion.
-Tony Khan was backstage, he announced Orange Cassidy vs. Jeff Jarrett next week. He also announced that the All-Atlantic title will now be called the International title, in association with the new DC movie. [c]
-Bryan Danielson had a video of him after the match with MJF, he said that Max was right. He said that he has always just fought and thought that was enough. He realized that he was fighting for him, not his family and was very ashamed by that.
Moxley and Claudio attacked Silver & Reynolds as the bell rang. Moxley was tagged in and kept the assault on John Silver going. Claudio was tagged in as they continued to wear down Silver. Moxley was tagged in and grappled with and rolled Silver and tagged in Claudio once more. Claudio did a rest hold on Silver, who was able to break the hold and slam Claudio in the corner. Reynolds was tagged in and hit several shots on Claudio.
Reynolds then dove out on Moxley and then hit a boot on Claudio, but Claudio was able to hit an elbow and then tossed Reynolds outside the ring. [c]
Claudio was in control throughout, but Reynolds tossed Claudio out of the ring. But, Claudio was able to get a hold on Reynolds before he made the tag to Silver. Reynolds hit a stomp and tagged in Silver, Moxley was tagged in at the same time. Silver hit a series of moves ending with a German Suplex and a near fall.
Moxley tried some chest kicks, Silver stood and hit some hammer fists. Moxley tried to apply a triangle choke, Silver countered and laid in knees. Claudio entered and took out sSilver as Moxley recovered. Reynolds teamed up with Silver to take out Claudio. Moxley then applied a rear choke and half-in-half suplex on Reynolds. Moxley then choked out Reynolds with a side choke.
WINNER: Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli
(Sage’s Analysis: A pretty standard tag match, well worked by all.)
-Moxley and BCC beat up Silver and Reynolds after, Evil Uno ran down to defend his guys, but was taken out. Adam Page’s music hit and he ran down to make the save. But, BCC beat up Page all together until Uno came back in, then all the men were separated. [c]
-The Acclaimed were backstage, they said they are on the road to the titles once more. 2.0 walked in, they tried to recruit them and were laughed off.
-Excalibur ran down the card for Rampage and matches for next week.
Wardlow’s music hit and he did not enter, a camera was then shown of the men battling in the parking area. They destroyed a late model Cadillac with a power slam and empty keg. Hobbs was then slammed into and broke the windshield of the car. [c]
During the break they battled in a truck trailer and in more of the backstage area. As the show returned to full screen, the match was in the arena. Wardlow tossed Hobbs over the barricade and then into the ring. Hobbs countered and hit a Spinebuster, Wardlow popped up right away. The two then traded strikes, Wardlow was still standing. Wardlow hit an F10 for a one count.
Hobbs hit a second Spinebuster than a third for a near fall. Hobbs took the protective pool noodle off of the barricade and tossed Wardlow into it Brock Lesnar styler. While this was going on Hobbs set up a table, Wardlow spit water in Hobbs face and put him on the table. Wardlow then hit a shooting star press off the corner and into Hobbs and the table.
Wardlow then hit a power bomb on the ramp, then took Hobbs to the announce table area. Then for some reason QT Marshall came in and hit Wardlow with a low blow and chair. Hobbs and QT then tossed Wardlow off the stage and he was counted out.
WINNER: Powerhouse Hobbs
(Sage’s Analysis: Wow, a lot to say here. First of all the first 97% of this match was awesome. But man, QT Marshall being the guy to get you a title makes Wardlow and Hobbs look less than in my mind.)
Final Thoughts: A very promo and story heavy episode of Dynamite, I liked all the in ring action. While it was not top tier in ring action it all served a purpose. I also was a fan or at least interested in the developments tonight, minus QT Marshall at the end.
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