2/22 AEW DYNAMITE TV RESULTS: Keller’s report on Tony Khan’s announcement, Tag Team Battle Royal, Acclaimed vs. Bill & Moriarty, plus Saraya, Christian, Danielson

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


FEBRUARY 22, 2023

Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts


-The Dynamite opening theme aired. Excalibur then introduced the show as pyro blasted live on the stage.

(1) ORANGE CASSIDY vs. WHEELER YUTA – All-Atlantic Title match

Cassidy made his entrance first. Taz talked about Yuta being basically a protege of Cassidy. Excalibur and Tony Schiavone talked about Cassidy being on a roll but also having a target on his back. An inset interview aired with Yuta challenging Cassidy on Rampage last Friday telling Cassidy that it offends him he doesn’t appreciate how hard he worked to win his ROH TV Title, so he wants to take Cassidy’s title from him.

The bell rang three minutes into the hour. They battled back and forth for three minutes. Claudio Castagnoli walked out to ringside and slapped Yuta and told him he has to represent The Blackpool Combat Club and “screw this pretty wrestling shit.” Yuta charged back into the ring and raked Cassidy’s eyes and bit his ear. He took Cassidy down with a running clothesline. Cassidy rolled to ringside. Yuta leaped onto him on the floor with a spear. He threw him into the ringside table and kicked it over onto him. Claudio high-fived Yuta for his aggression. Claudio returned to the back. Yuta threw Cassidy into the ringpost. Taz said Yuta was going with a street style offensive attack.

Back in the ring, Cassidy put his hands in his pockets in the corner. Yuta chopped away at him. Cassidy fought back with slo-mo kicks, but then caught Yuta with a dropkick. Yuta fought back and landed a flying forearm off the top rope for a two count. They cut to a split-screen break at 7:00. [c/ss]

Yuta rallied after the break and scored a near fall. Cassidy hugged Yuta, which got a pop. Yuta didn’t appreciate it and headbutted Cassidy. They continued to trade moves and near falls. At 13:00 a “This is awesome!” chant broke out. Cassidy spit on Yuta. Yuta and Cassidy exchanged elbow strikes to the side of their heads. Both got wobbly and then they clotheslined each other at once and both went down. The ref began counting them both down. Fans counted along. Excalibur said the clock becomes a factor for Yuta, the challenger, with a 20 minute time limit. Yuta countered a Beach Break with a piledriver for a near fall. Cassidy scored a dramatic near fall after an Orange Punch. The crowd was big-time into the drama at this point. Cassidy landed Beach Break for a two count. Cassidy hit another Orange Punch for the win.

WINNER: Cassidy in 17:00 to retain the All-Atlantic Title.

-Afterward, Cassidy offered a hug to Yuta. Yuta seemed to be moving in for a hug, but Claudio had walked back out and he signaled for him to leave the ring instead. Yuta walked past Cassidy.

(Keller’s Analysis: A heck of a match. Some of the strikes showed some light, but the vast majority of the match was exciting and crisp. They won over the crowd as the match progress. So Yuta and Claudio are heels, right?)

-Renee Paquette interviewed Evil Uno and “Hangman” Adam Page backstage. Uno asked Hangman to not get involved no matter what happens in the match. He said it’s time for Dark Order to stand up for themselves. He said Jon Moxley will learn why his name is Evil Uno.

-Ricky Starks made his ring entrance. He wore a suit. They cut to the announcers who hyped a sports gambling sponsor. [c]

-Starks was standing mid-ring after the break. Fans were chanting “Ricky!” He said he could let them keep chanting it, but they’d get mad at him for going over on time. He said he’s dealt with interference from J.A.S. for months. He said it’s clear Chris Jericho doesn’t want to have a rematch against him. He accepts that the rematch won’t happen, so he’s going to move on from Jericho. He took out an open contract for a match against him at Revolution. He said he knows there is somebody back there itching to get on the card and he welcomes them to come out. Chris Jericho’s “Judas” played and Jericho walked out. Starks shook his head. Jericho said he knows Starks is trying to goad him into a rematch. He said he knows Starks’s win over him is a career highlight for him. He said he can beat him anytime, anyplace, anywhere. He said it’ll never happen “because you are not at my level.” He wished him well with his open challenge and said he hopes it goes well for him.

“Pretty” Peter Avalon walked out. Jericho gave him a Judas Effect with his spiked jacket. Avalon went down and Jericho marched to the ring. He told Starks if he wants Jericho so bad, he can’t have Revolution with him. He said maybe he should accept that open contract offer and embarrass him. Starks said he should sign it, but he should get the job done by himself without his cohorts helping. Jericho asked Starks if he thinks he can’t beat him one-on-one. Starks said he believes Jericho can beat him. Jericho took the contract. Fans chanted, “Sign it!” Jericho said he is right. He said he can beat him one-on-one because “I am the great Chris Jericho.” He said he’ll even add an addendum that the J.A.S. won’t get involved, “except I don’t have a pen.” Starks said, “Damn!” Then he pulled out a pen. Jericho eyed him and snatched the pen from him and signed it. Jericho’s voice got sinister and he said he should be careful what he wishes for because nobody outsmarts him. Starks smiled as Jericho left the ring.

(Keller’s Analysis: Fun segment to set up the match at the PPV. Starks came across well here and Jericho was a good heel foil for him.)

-A vignette aired with wrestlers in the battle royal talking in soundbites about the tag team battle royal. [c]

(2) THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens w/Billy Gunn) vs. LEE MORIARTY & BIG BILL (w/Stokely Hathaway)

Caster rapped on his way to the ring as Moriarty sat mid-ring and plugged his ears. He said something about Hathaway always touching his penis and Big Bill’s girlfriend telling him he’s S-A-W-F-T. Billy Gunn and Bowens scissored each other when they entered the ring. The bell rang 40 minutes into the hour. They cut to an early split-screen break. [c/ss]

Colten & Austin Gunn came out to watch. Bowens played to the crowd and scissored with Billy. Big Bill recovered enough to nail Bowens and cut off his offense. Schiavone said, “I have often said there is a time to scissor and a time to not.” Colten and Austin attacked their dad, Billy, at ringside. Bowens shoved Big Bill into the ringpost. Moriarty meanwhile took over against Caster in the ring and scored a two count. Bowens countered with a backslide for a one count. He hit The Arrival, then tagged in Caster. Caster landed his top rope flying elbowdrop for the three count. Bowens, Caster, and Billy Gunn scissored afterward in celebration.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed in 7:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: The match was fine. It’s never a good look when babyfaces posturing to the crowd or being sidetracked leads to the heels taking over offense.)

-Schiavone stood on the stage and introduced Christian Cage. As Christian walked out, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry charged at him with a spear. Taz said, “Talk about redemption, talk about revenge.” Perry symbolically kicked dirt on Christian and walked off the stage. Then he returned seconds later with two chairs. He put Christian on a chair face down and stomped on him and then wound up to bash him with the other chair. Excalibur asked if Perry could do it after he looked up to Christian as a mentor for so long. Christian recovered and low-blowed Perry, then bashed him with the chair. Christian rammed Perry’s head into the chair several times. When Christian lifted Perry’s head by his hair, Perry was bleeding from the forehead. Two referees came out to order Christian to return to the back.

(Keller’s Analysis: Solid basic pro wrestling angle here.)

-A video aired on the Wardlow-Samoa Joe feud. It included Wardlow’s sit-down promo last week with Jim Ross and then Samoa Joe saying he “scalped him” to send him a message that he isn’t a man to be messed with. He said at Revolution, he will show Wardlow that his biggest mistake ever was stepping into the ring with him.

(3) SARAYA (w/Toni Storm) vs. SKYE BLUE

As Saraya and Storm walked out, they showed a split-screen clip of Ruby Soho being frustrated by them last week. Storm snap suplexed Blue at ringside a minute in as Saraya distracted the ref. Saraya then went after Blue at ringside and threw her back into the ring. As Blue rallied a minute later and made the cover, Storm distracted the referee from making the count. Blue stood and knocked Storm off the apron. Saraya then applied a submission hold for the win. Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker ran out to stop Saraya and Storm from spraying Blue with spray paint after the match. Storm and Saraya tried to run up the ramp to escape, but then Ruby Soho’s music played. Excalibur wondered which side she was loyal to. She walked out and signaled she wants a chance at Hayter’s title.

WINNER: Saraya in 4:00. [c]


-They were mid-way through the commercial break at the start of the hour which rarely happens.

-Bryan Danielson made his way to the ring to his entrance theme. He said it’s great to be back in Phoenix. He said it sounds like the fans want to see him win the AEW Title at Revolution. He said he will do everything in his power to beat MJF for the title, but first he wanted to talk about what MJF said last week. He said MJF said he hates him, so he tried to break the arm of a friend of his. He said he put a bounty on his head and tried to injure him. He said MJF hospitalized his mentor William Regal. MJF’s music played and he walked out.

MJF said he knows who Danielson really is. He said he, MJF is a guy who has been left stranded by anyone he’s opened up to and he got thrown away like trash by anyone who claimed they loved him. Fans booed. He said then he met a girl who changed his outlook. “She convinced me not everyone in this world is bad,” he said. He said he got down on one knee and told her he wanted to make a home with her and have children with her. “Do you know what she did?” he said. “She left me. She left me, Bryan.” Fans chanted, “You deserve it!” Danielson smiled.

He said she left him because he is unlovable, so all he has left is the AEW World Hvt. Championship. He said it’s all that’s stopping him from “grabbing a fist full of pills and calling it a day.” He said everyone loves Danielson. Fans cheered. He said everybody looks up to him and respects him and screams “Yes!” Of course, a “Yes!” chant broke out. He said Danielson has a family, something he’ll never have. He said Danielson has a beautiful smart wife and two children and he takes it all for granted.

He said he hates Danielson not just because the fans think they know him and like him. He said he hates him also because he’s had more concussions and head trauma than anyone in the history of pro wrestling and he’s “still in my sport.” He said every time Danielson steps into the ring, he’s saying wrestling is more important than his family. He said he’s spitting in his face every time he steps into the ring because he is taking everything he would kill for for granted.

He said Danielson is no different than his “worthless drug-addicted mentor” Regal. He said he’s worse because he’s addicted to the spotlight. He said at Revolution, he’s going to punish him for trying to take away the one thing he has in this life. He said he’ll also punish him for everything he has taken for granted. He said he’d like to speak directly to his children watching at home. Danielson interrupted and said he will kick the shit out of him if he brings his kids into it.

MJF looked at the camera and said hi to Danielson’s kids by name. He said he’s going to make dada pay for all of his selfishness and rip his arm out of its socket and make sure dada can never play with him again. He said then he’ll punch him in the head over and head and give him a present – early onset CTE. As MJF entered the ring, Danielson attacked him. Security ran out and pulled them apart. When MJF retreated to the floor, Danielson leaped onto him. Security pulled them apart again. Fans chanted “Holy shit!”

(Keller’s Analysis: Not a fan of wrestlers saying they’re considering suicide in any context. MJF almost seemed sympathetic in his sob story about being dumped by his girlfriend and abandoned by everyone he’s ever cared for. Any sympathy was wiped away when MJF brought Danielson’s concussions and kids into it, though. Danielson was fired up and the brawl was intense.)  [c]

-Back from the break, they replayed clips of the Danielson-MJF brawl from before the break.

-Schiavone interviewed Hayter and Baker backstage. Hayter said they’re pissed that Saraya thinks she can march into AEW and destroy everything they built in AEW. She said Soho is deserving of a title match at Revolution. She offered to defend against both at once at Revolution.

(4) TAG TEAM BATTLE ROYAL – Winner Gets Spot in Revolution Tag Team Title match

Excalibur rushed through the teams in the match. It included Top Flight, Penta & Rey Fenix, Best Friends, Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal, Aussie Open, Tony Nese & Aria Daivari, Dark Order’s Alex Reynolds & John Silver, Butcher & The Blade, and Matt Menard & Angelo Parker. Mark Briscoe ran out and attacked “Smart” Mark Sterling and then Josh Woods. [c/ss]

Danhaussen ran into the ring. Menard & Parker threw him over the top rope. He cursed them from ringside. Best Friends eliminated Menard and Parker from behind. They cut to another split screen break. [c/ss]

It came down to Jarrett & Lethal and Trent Beretta. Satnum Singh at ringside helped Lethal and Jarrett remain on the ring apron as Trent tried to knock them to the floor. Jarrett gave The Stroke to Trent and tossed him over the top rope. Jarrett strutted, thinking he won. Lethal joined him. Orange Cassidy walked out and put Trent on his shoulders and walked him back into the ring. Lethal charged, but Trent backdropped him over the top rope. When Sonjay Dutt tried to interfere, Danhaussen chased him to the back. Trent threw Jarrett over the top rope, but Singh caught him and threw him back into the ring. Jarrett then hit Trent with a Stoke and eliminated him for the win.

WINNER: Jarrett & Lethal in 18:00.

-A vignette aired with Malakai Black addressing The Elite and their Trios Titles. He said it’s time to address a certain problem from the company. Buddy Murphy said they’d like to address The Elite face to face on Rampage on Friday.

-Excalibur said Tony Khan has a major update next. [c]

-Renee asked Khan what his announcement is. Khan said it’s an announcement that affects a lot of AEW wrestlers, so a wrestler should reveal it. Adam Cole walked in and TK walked away. Cole said there will be a weekly one hour TV series immediately after Dynamite called “AEW All-Access” with an unfiltered look at AEW. “Trust me when I tell you this is something you don’t want to miss.” He said he’ll get to show details of his journey. He said he has more good news. He said the night Access debuts, he’ll make his in-ring return to AEW. He said he has gone through hell for six months and he’s imagined the day he returned to the ring. He said he’s excited to show everyone he’s the best version of himself. He said he is back.

(Keller’s Analysis: Eh. Sounds like an interesting program if it’s well done, but not a format for a national cable TV show. This seems like a step toward a third hour of Dynamite.)

-Excalibur hyped Rampage: The Young Bucks vs. Aussie Open, Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti, Willow Nightengale vs. Toni Storm, and Lance Archer returns. Also, Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes will speak. He said the Casino Tag Team Battle Royal will take place next week on Dynamite.

-Jarrett, Lethal, Dutt, and Singh celebrated their win. The Gunns walked up to them and suggested they take care of each other’s business before Revolution. Lethal told Dutt it’s not such a bad idea. Excalibur said Hook will face someone of Hathaway’s choosing next week. He then hyped the Revolution line-up so far.

-Jon Moxley made his ring entrance during a split-screen break. [c/ss]


They brawled and Moxley won with a bulldog choke after blooding Uno.

WINNER: Moxley in 6:00 via stoppage.

-Mox didn’t release the hold afterward. Reynolds and Silver ran out to pry Moxley off of him. Yuta and Claudio attacked them. Hangman then ran out and attacked Mox, who was covered in Uno’s blood. He hit Moxley with a barbed wire wrapped fist as the announcers hyped their match at Revolution. Fans chanted “Cowboy Shit!” as Hangman took it to Mox. Mox rolled out of the ring when Hangman went for a Buckshot Lariat. The camera zoomed in on Moxley’s face which was covered in his own blood from a nasty forehead cut.


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