12/20 NXT REPORT: Hazelwood’s live report on Perez’s first night as NXT Champion, loaded card including The New Day title defense, Stark vs. Lyons, Hayes vs. Axiom, more


Full WWE NXT 6/13 match card


DECEMBER 20, 2022

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Backstage Correspondent(s): McKenzie Mitchell

Tonight after the show, join the PWT Talks NXT self-proclaimed “gang of idiots” (including me) to break down the show with calls and emails.

•CALL: (515) 605-9345

•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: pwtorchnxt@gmail.com

(Well, as I’m sure you’re aware of by now, Mandy Rose was released last Wednesday morning. I’ll let y’all debate the merits of her release, but as far as the show, I think there are two big questions. First, is Rose just going to be erased from NXT history? She was a big part of the past 14 months to the point that they were hyping the length of her title reign, and it’s going to be hard to tell Roxanne Perez’s story without Rose. Second, what does this mean for Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne? They may head to Raw or Smackdown as a team, stay in NXT as a team, or be given a different leader – Zoey Stark, maybe? – for wherever they land. I would be surprised to see Toxic Attraction – do they keep the name? – win the titles tonight, but maybe they make the change to try and place the focus on them rather than on the absence of Rose.)


-The show began with a recap of Perez being put over by Bron Breakker and then attacked by Rose, invoking her championship match and dethroning the 400-plus day reign of Rose. Again, this was taped, so maybe it was already in production, but also again, it’d be really hard to tell Perez’s story without featuring Rose. They showed a crying Booker T giving her a standing ovation at the end of the video.

-Vic Joseph welcomed viewers as Carmelo Hayes’ music hit for the opening match against Axiom, which, oof, this is going to be fun to watch and hell to type. Hayes wore the long tights he wore at Deadl1ne. Axiom entered next in the black, blue, and gold fit I think he also wore at the PLE.

(1) CARMELO HAYES (w/Trick Williams) vs. AXIOM – Singles match

Referee D.A. Brewer was on the call as Hayes took control early. Joseph said Booker T has an exclusive sit-down interview with Perez. Axiom turned the tables and didn’t back down to the taunting and trash talking. Axiom came off of the ropes with an arm drag, but Hayes dodge a kick and the two squared off. Axiom hit a side headlock takedown, but Hayes went head scissors. Axiom leaped out, but Hayes held on right back into the hold. Axiom countered into a bow and arrow that Hayes rolled into a pin. Hayes picked the leg, was kicked, kipped up, leg trip, Axiom into a bridging cover for a two-count. Axiom then came off of the ropes with some kind of hammerlock takedown and into the hold. He then bridged over chancery style for a few seconds.

Hayes fought to his feet and rammed Axiom into the corner. A back elbow followed, but was then answered. Axiom hit an arm drag and one-legged dropkick for a two-count. He then squeezed on a waist lock. Hayes used the ropes to break the hold, but Axiom turned it into a beautiful Northern Lights bridge for a two-count, then right back to the waist lock. Hayes hit a back elbow, taunted, went for his springboard lariat, but was met midair with a springboard dropkick. [c]

Hayes had Axiom in an arm lock as they returned, showing on replay he hit the springboard lariat during the break. Axiom fought out and the two traded blows in the middle of the ring. Hayes slapped Axiom, so he returned the favor. A stiff forearm sent Axiom to his knees, so he slapped Hayes’ chest multiple times and hit an AMAZING dropkick to the mouf, not the mouth, of Hayes. He hit a running enziguri in the corner and a bridging fisherman’s suplex for a two-count.

Hayes hit a pump kick counter and then his tilt-a-whirl arm breaker for a two-count, but he held on right into the crossface in the middle of the ring. Axiom rolled him over for a two-count. Hayes went for the springboard, but Axiom went through the second ropes and tripped Hayes. Axiom hit a top rope crossbody for a two-count, then right into an armbar, chained into a triangle choke. Hayes went for the mask, which loosened the hold, then lifted and hit a sit-down powerbomb. Brewer didn’t count as Hayes didn’t seem to have an actual cover, so Axiom locked in the triangle. Hayes grabbed the mask and bashed Axiom’s head into the mat twice.

Hayes grabbed the left arm, taunted a bit, then hit a few kicks to the face Shayna Baszler style. Axiom caught one and then slapped the hell out of Hayes’ chest. He grabbed a hand and then both men were on the top rope holding each other’s hands in a test of strength, but Axiom hit a rana that sent the crowd into a frenzy. As the ref’s back was turned, Williams slammed Axiom into the mat. Hayes hit a big lungblower, then Nothing but Net.

WINNER: Carmelo Hayes at 12:38 (Nothing but Net)

-Axiom hit an Orihara moonsault to Williams after the match as Hayes was stunned.

-McKenzie Mitchell was in the back with Grayson Waller, who requested the time. He said he can’t believe Perez is new champ, but she’s inspiring. He said he wants his title match tonight since Perez called her shot. Mitchell said Breakker isn’t here, but on a media tour promoting Vengeance Day. Waller said Breakker isn’t going to be champion by then, but the challenge is out. He called out Breakker with “bitch.”

-Joseph hyped Zoey Stark vs. Nikkita Lyons, next. [c]

(Hazelwood: A fantastic opener. Axiom continues to impress not just with fantastic moves, but making sure those fantastic moves have impact. Hayes just seems to be treading water in NXT. He’s become bigger than the brand, really, and should be on Monday or Friday nights. Still, I’m not going to complain about being able to watch more Hayes matches on NXT.)

-They returned with Tony D’Angelo and Stacks in the back as D’Angelo got off the phone saying he has a North American Championship match next week. He told Stacks to go tell Dijak to stay out of their business. Stacks wasn’t happy, but then Waller appeared. He asked about Breakker, but they hadn’t seen him.

-Lyons attacked Stark during her entrance.

(2) ZOEY STARK vs. NIKKITA LYONS – Singles match

Lyons went right after Stark, who barley had taken off her entrance jacket. Lyons rammed her into a corner with some bad shoulder thrusts, then whipped her across. She hit a flying forearm. In another corner, she wailed away until Stark exited, then rammed Lyons into the post. Stark told some fans they suck, then rammed Lyons into the apron before rolling her into the ring. She choked Lyons on the second rope, then gave her a thunderous slap on the chest. Lyons responded, but Stark hit a big chop, then a snapmare into a rear chin lock.

Lyons had the crowd’s backing as they clapped for her. She rose to her feet, but was brought back down by Stark. Stark then slammed Lyons into the mat. She yelled that Lyons is nothing, but was tripped by Lyons, who hit a few clotheslines and her bad German (she doesn’t pop the hips, relying on upper body strength instead of using strength from her base). She hit a few kicks for a two-count. Stark dodged a corner splash and hit a loud (thigh slap) side kick to the head. Stark hit a dropkick thereafter and a weak cyclone kick to the back of a prone Lyons.

Stark climbed went for a springboard, but Lyons dodged and hit a huge right into a Samoan drop for a two-count. Lyons went for a Michinoku driver maybe, but Stark slipped out. Lyons hit a superkick. She sent Stark into the corner, Stark leaped out, they traded O’Conner roll pins until Stark hit and grabbed the ropes to win.

WINNER: Zoey Stark at 5:21 (O’Conner roll and grabbing the ropes)

-Mitchell was in the back with Cora Jade, who looked upset. Mitchell summarized what happened last week, making her more angry. Jade said, “You know, I was there.” Jade said it was supposed to be her moment and she knows a lot of people say they deserve things, but she was interrupted by a screaming Wendy Choo, who attacked her.

-Toxic Attraction (sans Rose) made their entrance for the triple threat NXT Tag Team Championship match. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: As far as Lyons matches are concerned, there have been far worse. She just needs to have more faith in her offense because it still looks, in a negative connotation, unbelievable. Stark was a good opponent to have to help mask things, but even she had that bad cyclone kick spot where she obviously let up at the end either because she didn’t want to land a serious blow or wasn’t sure of her accuracy; either way, it wasn’t good. Stark winning with the ropes also is a bit downgrading as she has more than enough legitimacy to beat Lyons straght up, but they want to keep protecting Lyons.)

-They returned with a video from Fallon Henley’s bar where she explained to Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen that she doesn’t think they can save the bar. Jensen said they’re going to win the NXT Tag Team Championship to host viewing parties and make money. Kiana James and Gi walked in as James told her to take stock of everything. Jensen was smitten. Henley told her to get the hell out. James said “a little bird” told her of the financial woes. James said she did some digging and found out the situation: the bar owes thousands in commercial taxes. James paid off the debts and the bank put it in lien. James can then buy it outright from the bar. Henley called her a “real bitch,” James said “businesswoman.” Henley said one-on-one next week: if she wins, her parents keep the bar debt free. James asked why she would agree and Henley said they’ll sell the bar to her for pennies on the dollar. James agreed.

-Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley were already in the ring. The champion received their full entrance, but not from the crowd.

(3) KATANA CHANCE & KAYDEN CARTER (c) vs. TOXIC ATTRACTION (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne) vs. IVY NILE & TATUM PAXLEY – Triple threat NXT Tag Team Championship match

Kayden Carter and Dolin began the match. Dolin quickly tagged in Jayne and they used some double team corner work to take control of Carter for barely a two-count. Nile made a sneaky tag and then went right to Jayne, working the left into a seated armbar pin for a one-count. Nile whipped her into their corner, hit a running kick, tagged in Paxley, and hit a double team suplex. Nile assisted Paxley into a corkscrew moonsault for a two-count. Paxley tagged in Nile, but Jayne took out Nile. Carter tagged in and took out Jayne, then her and Chance took out everyone. Carter climbed to the top and Chance joined her for a double splash to the outside. [c]

Dolin had Nile in a bow and arrow sub that Nile rolled into a two-count (second time that’s happened tonight!). Dolin took out Paxley, so Nile tagged in Carter. Carter took out Dolin, then Jayne, but Paxley tagged in on Dolin only to eat a superkick. Carter hit a superkick-splash combo to Dolina and Paxley for a two-count. Paxley was able to knock off Chance, but her and Carter fought to the top rope. Paxley was on top, but Chance tagged in and hit a big rana to Paxley sitting on Chance for a two-count. Suddenly, the other five women all hit each other with kicks for a respite.

Paxley and Carter were legal, but Paxley tagged in Nile. Dolin then tagged in and a sloppy spot resulted in a pin for a two-count. Dolin then struck Nile and tagged in Jayne. They hit a kick combo and splash combo for a two-count as Carter dragged Jayne off. Jayne gave a crotch chop to Carter, then missed a corner cannonball. Paxley tagged in and hit the top rope for an assisted corkscrew splash. Dolin broke up the pin, then Jayne took out Nile with a neckbreaker. Chance made a sneaky tag, hit a codebreaker, but was then pushed off by Paxley as they went for the finisher. Nile locked in the Dragon Slayer, but Carter used the ropes to bounce off into a pin to retain.

WINNER: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter at 10:08 (submission pin counter) to RETAIN the NXT Tag Team Championship

-They showed an Oro Mensah vignette about living the nightlife. It’s been a while since we’ve seen him. He said music and wrestling have the same frenetic energy. He said he might not be here for a long time, but he’s here for a good time.

-Joseph hyped the Perez interview next. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: So that was a frenetic match for most of the televised portions. It wasn’t the cleanest of matches, but did tell the story that Booker T was putting over when the match started in that the champion always finds a way to pull one out even when, on paper, they are probably the underdog. I like the ending sequence in giving the hope spot to the team only the most ardent of fans would have chose to win the match, and it worked on the crowd, too. The only qualm I have is that I’ve seen Samoa Joe lose too many times to the same thing, but at least Nile was fighting furiously to kick out, but couldn’t because Chance pinned Nile’s shoulder to the mat with her arms.)

-They returned with a Vengeance Day promo for February 4 on peacock.

-Joseph and Booker T then hyped and shifted to Perez’s interview with her mentor, Booker T.


Booker T began by saying he felt like Morpheus in the Matrix, searching for “the one” and she’s the one. He asked her how it felt to win last week. She said it was a mix of emotions, mostly overwhelmed. She didn’t expect for it to happen, but here we are. They showed photos and videos throughout of her training with Booker T and more, even children’s photos. She went over her goals as a kid and what she’s accomplished in her nine short months in NXT. He asked why she didn’t wait until New Year’s Evil, and she said it went back to a conversation they had before her tryout: bank on yourself. She said that’s what went through her head when Rose attacked her, to bet on yourself. He congratulated her and she thanked him. She then asked, champion to former champion, for advice. He said he’s always been about two things: checks and championships. He said she’ll be nervous and have butterflies, but to make them hers every night. They showed some of his old footage. He said he and everyone at Reality of Wrestling is proud of her.


-Apollo Crews’ music hit. He came out in street clothes for an in-ring promo. NXT did ask who his next challenger would be, so I’m guessing we’ll see here; Dante Chen, maybe?!


I believe this is his first appearance since Deadl1ne. Crews took a mic as the crowd chanted for him. He said before he gets started, he has one thing to say and congratulated Perez on becoming new NXT Champion. He then turned to his thoughts about thinking he would leave as NXT Champion and the vision was clear: capturing the title that he came back to this building for, to this brand to win. He said it didn’t happen, but it’s OK to be knocked down a few pegs because he is not out of championship contention. He said at Breakker and Waller will duke it out at NYE and that three weeks after that, NXT is back on the road for Vengeance Day. Hayes’ music interrupted.

Hayes said for a man who talks about visions so much, how can he see the title from the back of the line? Hayes said make no mistake about it, if they’re talking about the next contender, “I am.” He said they’ve never been one-on-one, but he has no problem putting a “future Hall of Famer” on the face of a jersey in the rafters. Crews said he expected more from Hayes, but credited him for being one of one. Crews said Hayes has the cool look, the Js on, the swag, the drip, the top of the depth chart, but the one thing Hayes doesn’t have- Hayes Crews doesn’t have the NXT Championship, too. Crews mulled it over a bit, then said the one thing that Hayes doesn’t understand is that no matter how good Hayes thinks he is, there is always somebody out there better than him. Crews said he doesn’t have to stand there and tell him who he is; Crews said name the time and place and I’ll show you, “I am.” They spoke some more trash off-mic.

-The New Day was warming up in the locker room. Pretty Deadly walked in with some gifts. They said PD would be #1 contender’s if they got everything on the list. They listed off a bunch of niche WWE memorabilia, like Papa Shango’s mask. They said they couldn’t get everything, then asked if they could just do the Pledge of Allegiance. Xavier Woods said that was last week. They turned it into an inflation joke and did their Tag Team Champion hip thrust gimmick. PD lamented their situation.

-Alba Fyre was making her way from the back. Isla Dawn laughed and then blew some red powder in her face. [c]

-They returned with a video from last week of Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade, and Edris Enofe leaving and running into Ava Raine, inviting her for a night out. She asked when those three were going to try and fill the voids in their lives, that the feelings that they’re chasing are temporary. Enofe said it’s not that deep and they’re not down with that Schism bull- the other three approached and said some nonsense. They walked away.

-Joseph and Booker T discussed what happened to Fyre. They cut to her in the medical room where she said it burned. Waller walked in looking for Breakker. He upset the doc and Fyre, then left.

-Indi Hartwell was in the ring. Elektra Lopez then entered.

(4) INDI HARTWELL vs. ELEKTRA LOPEZ – Singles match

Lopez’s gear seemed improved, though it did evoke Charlotte Flair’s gear. The two just went at it, not going for tie ups or anything. Hartwell hit a hip toss for a one-count, but ate a kick and a few more to send her outside. Lopez then sent Hartwell into the post shoulder-first before rolling her back inside the ring. Lopez hit a few knees to the small of the back and a falling elbow for a two-count. She used the hair to slam Hartwell into the mat for another two-count. Lopez cinched in a rear chin lock. Lopez then hit some cross forearms to the face.

Hartwell fought to her feet and hit a schoolgirl for a one-count. Hartwell hit a combo and then some running attacks. Lopez rolled to the apron, but this allowed Hartwell to hit an uppercut and running boot for a two-count this time. They came off of the ropes and hit a double crossbody that Lopez seemed to get the better of. Lopez looked like she grabbed brass knuckles from the top turnbuckle, then turned and punched Hartwell away from the view of the ref. She hid the knucks during the pin.

WINNER: Elektra Lopez at 3:35 (brass knuckles)

-They went back to Fyre who said she was fine and to just clear her. The doc didn’t even really test her, but cleared her. [c]

-Mitchell was in the back with Lee, and he said he agreed to defend the title next week. He said he doesn’t want to be a reactionary champion, but also be a defending champion. He said he’s just going to take it one opponent at a time, and D’Angelo is first. He said Dijak is in the shadows, waiting to deliver the “hard justice” that he speaks of. Lee said his cold hard fact is that the title isn’t leaving his shoulder anytime soon.

-Sol Ruca made her entrance complete with the watery full screen and everything. Joseph and Booker T put over her finisher, calling it Sol Snatcher. Fyre made her entrance, confident even after the attack from Dawn. Dawn then attacked while Fyre posed at ringside. She placed Fyre’s right hand into the steps, trapping it, then slammed the bat on the steps, crushing the hand I guess. Well, so much for Ruca and her finisher. Dawn laughing then played throughout the arena, along with the lights flashing and such.

-Chase U! They were having a holiday party, all waiting in line to give Andre Chase some presents. Thea Hail gave him a Chase U shirt. Someone gave him fruitcake and he went off, saying he’s allergic to fruit cake. He called Scott a “dumbass.” Three others left with fruit cake before they could get scolded. Duke Hudson realized it was Secret Santa. He told Alex, I think, the principal – “do you mean the dean?” – needed to see him about his scholarship. He took the gift and handed it to Chase, a plaque that said #1 Professor Andre Chase. Hudson and Hail gave him a group hug as Hudson smiled connivingly.

-Mitchell was with Henley, Briggs, and Jensen. She asked the men about their title match. Briggs said they’re ready to rock and will deal with the bar later. Jensen said this is the biggest match of their lives and that he said 2023 is going to be their year. James and Gi approached. James said this isn’t about the bar or her. She wished Jensen good luck. He was very, very smitten. Mitchell tried to ask a question, but James said, “What are you looking at, McKenzie? I do business, but I’m still a woman?” Mitchell just smiled. [c]

-They returned with a video of Drew Gulak training someone earlier in the day on side head locks and cravate holds. Hank Walker approached, calling him Mr. Gulak. Gulak told him to just call him Drew. Walker said he saw Gulak out there for his match and he knows he’s not Charlie Dempsey, and asked for advice. Gulak said he admires his zeal and eagerness, and said next he’s hosting a seminar that he wants Walker to attend to just observe, not participate. Walker was happy to accept. Gulak went right back to training.

-Briggs and Jensen, with Henley, entered. The New Day then entered. Their Tron now says “TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPS.”

(5) THE NEW DAY (c) (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. JOSH BRIGGS & BROOKS JENSEN (w/Fallon Henley) – NXT Tag Team Championship match

The challengers were booed during intros. Booker T blamed his hatred of The New Day on Big stealing his “Can you dig it” catchphrase. Kingston and Jensen began the match with Kingston just schooling the up-and-comer and angering him with a few slaps to the body and taunting dances. Jensen hit a big shoulder tackle and a chop of his own, then caught Kingston and hit a big powerslam for a no-count. Woods then tagged in quickly as Jensen egged him on.

They locked up, but Jensen had the strength advantage. Jensen caught Woods, but Woods elbowed his way out of things and hit a superkick to the gut. He flew off of the rope, slid under, then hit a discus forearm. He hit a flying forearm into their corner, then he and Kingston hit a few back-to-back. The two-person version of the Unicorn Stampede briefly followed before Woods flew in with a basement dropkick for a two-count. Briggs made a sneaky tag as Jensen was able to take out Woods. The two then hit pop-up atomic drops and then their sliding straight rights to both men. They showed James and Gi watching in the front row. [c]

Jensen was in control of Woods as they returned. Woods threw off Jensen, but couldn’t reach Kingston. He hit an enziguri to create space as Jensen did a comical job of selling. Kingston tagged in and hit them like a house of fire. Jensen dodged a strike and landed a kick, but Kingston stepped up to the top and hit a crossbody for a two-count. Kingston went for the Boom Drop and hit, then set for Trouble in Paradise. Jensen caught him instead, but Kingston flipped out and went for S.O.S. and hit for a two-count as Jensen grabbed the bottom rope.

Kingston went for another one, but Jensen countered and tagged in Briggs. He hit some bad punches to both men, then took out Woods at ringside. He caught Kingston on a tope, then drove him up and off of the ropes for a lariat, the same to Woods. He rolled Kingston back into the ring and tagged in Jensen. He tossed Kingston into an inverted atomic drop, then hit a big boot for a two-count to the shock of Briggs and Jensen. Briggs tagged in and they lifted Kingston to the top. They both climbed, but Jensen dropped to take out Woods. Kingston slipped out and hit Jensen, but Briggs kicked him and then hit a big moonsault for a two-count.

Briggs looked perplexed. He lifted Kingston into an electric chair, but Woods pushed Jensen off and onto the announce desk. Kingston hit a poisonrana on Briggs followed by Trouble in Paradise, then a tope to Jensen. Woods tagged in before the tope and hit his big elbow drop to retain.

WINNER: The New Day at 11:09 (elbow drop) to RETAIN NXT Tag Team Championship

-After the match, The New Day gave a show of respect to the young team with a shaking of the hands and some hugs, handshakes as well for Henley. James looked on from the front row.

-Stacks was in the back and said this is how you dish out justice in his neighborhood, presumably to Dijak, but it was just the door to his locker room. He then stormed into Dijak’s locker room, saying, “I got this.”

-Waller was in the back and called out Breakker again before hitting the ring. [c]

(Hazelwood’s Take: A good, fun match. They did well in giving Briggs and Jensen some believable hope spots, and for just making them hang with The New Day. The show of respect will do a lot for them as well. I’m just looking forward to another match between The New Day and Pretty Deadly.)

-They returned with Diamond Mine walking in the parking lot. An off-camera person asked them if they’re still a team after the loss. Paxley asked him what kind of question that was, and it’s just growing pains. Indus Veer appeared and said they heard they’re cleared. Julius Creed said he’s taking on JD McDonagh next week since that’s who injured him.

-Joseph hyped next week’s matches: Lee (c) vs. D’Angelo, Choo vs. Jade, Henley vs. James in “Battle for the Bar,” six-man tag match with Schism vs. Jones, Enofe, and Blade, plus Creed vs. McDonagh and presumably The New Day vs. Pretty Deadly. Good luck next week, Kelly.


-Waller made his entrance, looking a bit upset (of his own accord, of course).


Waller called out Breakker again, asking him where he’s at and that he’s not waiting any longer. He said he wants the title right here, right now, with five minutes left in the show. He said oh, wait, Breakker’s a coward. Waller said he’s carried the brand for all of 2022, the biggest star here, and no one can touch him. He said there isn’t a man or woman on that roster (locker room) or that locker room (camera) that can stop him. He said he’s going to be the greatest NXT Champion of all time. Waller said people think Breakker likes to bark because he has that dog in him. A car horn repeatedly went off as Breakker hit the parking lot in a Dodge Challenger. Waller said he isn’t scared of no one and called out Breakker.

Breakker made his way as his music hit, storming toward the ring. Breakker dodged a lariat and hit a spear, but just laid on top of Waller. Waller came to and unzipped his jacket to reveal a kevlar vest that had a steel plate underneath, which he removed to show the dent. He grabbed a mic and laughed, then told an unconscious Breakker that he outsmarted him tonight, at Deadl1ne, and at NYE to become NXT Champion, “because that, Bron Breakker, is the Grayson Waller effect.” He held the title up to end the show.

(Hazelwood’s Take: Breakker has always been booked as a hot head who doesn’t necessarily use smarts to achieve his victories, and it came back to bite him here. Waller has always been shown to be conniving and intelligent – one generally doesn’t exist without the other – and this was a nice step in that direction. I admit, I wondered why Waller didn’t just bail, so that’s a hit of a segment, at least in the ending result. At this point, make Waller the champ since he’s MUCH more entertaining than Breakker.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a pretty packed show with two title matches and a constant teasing throughline of a potential Breakker title defense. Having him appear at the end at least gave the kayfabe appearance that he was watching the show as Waller said in his first promo, and also that he must have some kind of private jet to make it back from North Carolina that quickly. Since this was taped I think before Rose’s release, it makes sense as to why there was nothing on her release tonight or on how TA will advance without her. This Dawn-Fyre situation seems like it’s going to lead to some kind of no DQ match, or – and I hope I’m wrong – a cinematic-like match kind of like we saw with Fyre and Rose at Halloween Havoc. On a big positive, I have to give credit for NXT not phoning in these last few shows of the year as they had been prone to do some award or best-of shows, though I know the pandemic did feed that a bit. The matches for next week, at least, seem like it’ll be a good show from an in-ring standpoint.


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