ROH FINAL BATTLE 2022 INTERVIEW: Samoa Joe talks wrestling Darby Allin, more


Samoa Joe talks wrestling Darby Allin


The following is an interview transcription from PWTorch Contributor, Brian Zilem, and the ROH World Television Champion, Samoa Joe. It was conducted in the post ROH Final Battle 2022 media scrum.

Brian Zilem with PWTorch. Joe, you’re coming up at about a year with AW, and it seems like now you’re in a different level as far as, like, your wrestling, your conditioning goes. Obviously, you went a long stand without wrestling. Do you feel like it’s just been a while for you to get your feet under you again?

Joe: Absolutely. I think another thing that kind of scapes a lot of people’s attention is when I first 1st century ADW. Is gone for essentially the first three months. So we can never really get into a groove. It’s just there’s time and there’s work in cooperation with people. And just those things were happening because I was busy. But now I’ve had a good month under my belt here of a month and a half or two now at this point, where I’m kind of getting into my flow of things and getting back in there and getting into a nice rhythm and sync, which is a very hard thing to do in this industry when you’re we have a limited event schedule. So anytime I get to get in there and get a little time, it always ends up sharpening me up. So I think we’re at that point right now. 

You obviously had a fantastic match with Darby Allen this past Wednesday on Dynamite. The chemistry was just off the chain. A lot of people say Darby has a death wishes. Did you try to grant his death wish?

Joe: Absolutely. Listen, I’m not a sympathetic person. If you want to come in and you want to destroy yourself in the process of trying to destroy me, I’ll make sure you go further. That’s just the way it is, Darby. I mean, I understand tremendous athlete, incredible daredevil. He’s a guy that will put everything on the line to secure victory. But I’m going to take advantage of those situations. You act reckless, it’s going to get reckless in there. And that’s what happened. 

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