DECEMBER 9, 2022
Announcers: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho
Ring announcer: Dasha Gonzalez
– The opening of Rampage aired, and JR welcomed us to the show. Ross was joined by Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.
Moxley and Takeshita were already in the ring as the show kicked off. The two locked up in the corner as the commentary team hyped up tomorrow’s ROH Final Battle PPV. Both men traded holds on the mat as Moxley went for a few pin attempts early on. Moxley laid in a stiff chest chop, and Takeshita returned the favor. They battled back and forth with elbow shots to the face. Takeshita took Moxley down with a leg lariat. Both men ended in a stalemate to the delight of the crowd.
Moxley stuck out his hand but slapped Takeshita across the face. Takeshita slapped him right back and Moxley drove Takeshita into the corner and nailed him with elbow strikes, then more chest chops. The two once again traded elbow strikes until Takeshita hit Moxley with a hurricanrana. Takeshita followed up by flying over the top rope and down onto Moxley on the outside. Don Callis was shown in the crowd looking on. The commentators were wondering if he was there to scout Moxley or Takeshita. [c]
Moxley was bleeding from his forehead. He planted Takeshita with a piledriver and covered him for two. They showed where Moxley was cut open during the commercial break; from a boot to the face by Takeshita. Takeshita leveled Moxley with a huge clothesline. Takeshita lunged again and hit Moxley with another clothesline. The two fought to the apron where Takeshita hit a DDT. Takeshita hit another DDT inside the ring and got a close two count. Takeshita went for a Blue Thunder Bomb but Moxley countered and tried to lock in a submission. Takeshita escaped and the two battled back and forth once again until Moxley hit his own clothesline.
Moxley went for Paradigm Shift but Takeshita countered into a back slide, then hit Moxley with a knee to the face, then a brainbuster for a very close two count. Takeshita tried for a superplex off the top but Moxley pushed him off. Takeshita evaded another Paradigm Shift until Moxley locked in a sleeper. Takeshita once again got out of it and hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for yet another close count. Takeshita hit a German suplex for two as Moxley continued to bleed significantly.
Takeshita came off the top but was caught with knees to the stomach. Moxley hit the hammer and anvil elbow strikes as the crowd counted along. Moxley hit Death Rider but Takeshita kicked out at one. The crowd, and Moxley, were shocked. Moxley hit a jumping knee, but Takeshita kicked out of yet another pin. Moxley tried to lock in an arm lock but Takeshita rolled out of it. Takeshita hit Moxley with his own kicks to the face. Moxley fired back then locked in a bulldog choke. Takeshita tried his best to work his way out of it as the crowd cheered him on. Takeshita finally faded and the match was called.
WINNER: Jon Moxley in 14:30
– After the match, Hangman Page’s music hit as he made his way to the ring. Page said Doc Sampson still hasn’t cleared him to wrestle, then he immediately attacked Moxley. The two battled around ringside as the other members of BCC came down to help break things up. Page was thrown into the steel ring post as Doc Sampson tried to help him up.
(Moynahan’s Take: Phenomenal match. One of the best Rampage matches there’s ever been, and certainly the best in a long while. A nice post-match melee to continue the hot Hangman/Mox feud.)
– Another video for Powerhouse Hobbs aired. [c]
– A Hook video quickly aired, then Stokely Hathaway gave a quick promo backstage about Hook.
(2) HIKARU SHIDA vs. THE BUNNY (w/Penelope Ford) – Regina di Wave Championship & a Shot at AEW Women’s Championship
Both women traded shots early on until Shida took the advantage after a sliding elbow strike, then a scoop slam. Shida jumped off the middle rope but missed and looked to jam her knee. Bunny hit a back elbow, then used the ropes to her advantage as she choked out Shida. [c]
Shida hit an elbow strike but Bunny fired back with a thrust kick. Clips were shown from during the break, which showed both Bunny and Shida were going back and forth the entire time. Shida went for a cover but Penelope Ford threw a kendo stick into the ring to stop the action. Aubrey took the stick away and Bunny went to kick Shida but hit Ford instead. Shida took Bunny out with a meteora, then hit a Michinoku Driver for a close two count. Shida nailed Bunny, then covered for the win.
WINNER: Hikaru Shida in 7:00
– After the match, Jaime Hayter came out to the ramp for a staredown with Shida.
(Moynahan’s Take: A fine match, at least what wasn’t cut out by the long commercial break.)
– A hype video was shown for the ROH Women’s Championship match at tomorrow’s Final Battle PPV.
Moriarty started things off with Bloodstone. He mocked his opponents as he played to the crowd. Bloodstone kicked Moriarty into his own corner, which allowed him to tag in Morrisey. Morrisey took out Bloodstone as James flew off the top rope. Morrisey caught him with a chokeslam and covered with one foot for the win.
WINNERS: Lee Moriarty & Big Bill Morrisey in 2:00
(Moynahan’s Take: I guess his name is Big Bill now? OK.)
– FTR were interviewed backstage after last week’s Dynamite. They talked about their recent loss to The Acclaimed and the upcoming match against the Briscoes tomorrow night at Final Battle.
– Ortiz and Eddie Kingston responded to last week’s attack by the House of Black. [c]
– Mark Henry was backstage with participants from tonight’s main event. Sabian said he would love to be fighting for the title tonight but he wasn’t cleared to compete after being attacked by Dustin Rhodes on Dynamite. Danhausen appeared with Henry and tried taking his catch phrase. The two bickered until Henry announced that it was “time for the main event.”
– The card for tomorrow’s ROH Zero Hour card was shown, which included Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora, The Kingdom vs. Top Flight, Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang vs. Shinobi Shadow Squad, and Mascara Dorada vs. Jeff Cobb. Excalibur then ran down the main PPV card. One new match included Blake Christian and AR Fox vs. Dralistico and Rush.
– Shane Taylor and JD Griffey spoke about their upcoming match with Swerve in Our Glory.
– Ruby Soho vs. Tay Melo was a new match announced for this week’s Dynamite.
(4) ORANGE CASSIDY (w/Best Friends & Danhausen) vs. TRENT SEVEN (w/Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford) – All-Atlantic Championship
Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford made their way out after Cassidy’s entrance. Sabian looked toward the entrance as Trent Seven appeared and made his way out. He had a towel around his neck that included an AEW logo on it. The commentary team talked up Seven’s credentials and background as the match kicked off.
Seven stopped Cassidy from putting his hands in his pockets and made him do his own mustache twirl move. Seven nailed Cassidy with a huge chop across the chest. He went for another but Cassidy lazily brushed him off. Seven took Cassidy down and hit him with a leg drop. Cassidy rolled to the outside as Sabian strolled up to him. Best Friends backed him off as Seven came out and hit Cassidy with another chop. He missed a second and hit the post. Ford was run off by Cassidy.
Cassidy hit Seven with his deadly soft kicks until Seven nailed him with a DDT. Blade and Butcher’s music hit and Ford came back with both them and the Bunny. Best Friends, Butcher, and Blade fought on the ramp to the back. [c]
Seven hit a superplex off the top rope, and covered for a two count. Seven threw Cassidy into the corner. Cassidy tried fighting back but Seven cut him off. Seven flew through the ropes but hit Sabian instead of Cassidy. Cassidy then flew through the ropes to take out Seven. Inside the ring, Cassidy missed Orange Punch. Seven was hit with a Stundog Millionaire but couldn’t hit the follow up tornado DDT. Seven laid him out and got another close count.
Seven nailed Cassidy with a fake out punch, then a short-arm clothesline for another near fall. Cassidy tried for Beach Break but Seven rolled out of it. Cassidy hit the tornado DDT on a second attempt. Cassidy went to the top but was caught with a short punch, then a twisting piledriver. Cassidy kicked out of the follow up pin attempt. Seven picked up Cassidy but Cassidy ended up rolling him up for two. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch, then Beach Break for the win.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy in 10:30
– After the match, Sabian hit the ring and attacked Cassidy. Penelope tied up the ref in the corner as Cassidy continued to get beat down. The commentators said it was obvious that Sabian was not injured at all. Dustin Rhodes made his way out to the ring to help Cassidy and fight off Seven and Sabian.
(Moynahan’s Take: It looks like Seven is All Elite, although I’m not sure why. No offense in any way, I just don’t understand the need for yet another new hire when we can’t find Miro , for example, anywhere. Speaking of, wouldn’t it have made sense for Miro to be the one to appear as Sabian’s pick here? They do have a storyline connection after all. Oh well, the match was solid, and really picked up after the commercial break.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: The opening match alone made this Rampage a must-watch. Go out of your way to see it when you get the chance. Much of the remainder of the show was fine, and pretty much your typical Rampage episode. There was, not shockingly, a lot of promotion for tomorrow’s ROH Final Battle PPV, which admittedly got me hyped for the show. Until next week, stay safe everyone!
Miro and Sabian still have unresolved heat. So no it wouldn’t make sense for Miro to be his surprise participant.