NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
-Jon Moxley’s music hit to start the broadcast, he walked to the ring. Moxley said that he grew up 90 miles from Indy, he talked about the Salvation Army gym he worked. He said death, taxes and Jon Moxley are the three constants in life. He said no one could out work or out bleed him, he said he is still top of the food chain and that he owns the AEW ring. He said that there is no man within 100 miles that will look him in the eyes and tell him different.
Hangman Adam Page’s music hit and he walked to the ring. The two went nose-to nose, Moxley asked if he was sure, because of what happened last time. Hangman punched Moxley as he was about to speak again and the two brawled at ringside and up the ramp and on the stage area.
Bryan Danielson and Dax Harwood locked up and then traded holds, both stood and Danielson tried some kicks. They were blocked by Dax and then Harwood ran the ropes and tried some submission moves of his own. Danielson hit an up kick, Dax stomped the head of Bryan, who then retreated to the apron and walked back into he ring. From here Danielson hit chops and kicks in the corner. Dax hit a cross body off the middle rope in the corner to counter. Dax went to the outside, Danielson dived over the top and Dax rolled into the crowd. [c]
Danielson’s chest was a 7/10 (if Jericho’s last week was a 10/10) in visible damage. Still, Danielson was able to get a cover for a two count. Both men were slow to get up at that point, Danielson was up first and hit kicks. Dax hit a German then a slingshot Liger Bomb and locked in a Sharp Shooter.
Danielson was on his shoulder, and was able to break the hold with the bottom rope. The two then rolled and traded multiple pinning attempts. Danielson locked in a Labelle Lock for the submission win.
WINNER: Bryan Danielson
(Sage’s Analysis: A good physical match, I think both guys are so similar that they need 20-25 minutes to make a match like this truly special. Still, if the main event is not for you, this was I would assume.)
-Ricky Starks was backstage and said he would be joining the confusing Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royal next week, to get a second title shot besides the one he already has I guess. [c]
-Moxley and Hangman were still brawling backstage in the loading dock area.
-Members of the BCC and JAS were at a sound studio in Nashville. This was used as a vehicle to sell Claudio and Jericho’s match at ROH Final Battle. It also set up Wheeler Yuta and Daniel Garcia for the Pure Title at the same show.
Samoa Joe pummeled AR Fox with punches into a corner, then tossed Fox to the center of the ring. Joe hit a head strike and then tried for a lariat. Fox dodged and sent Joe to the outside, Fox did a dive and Joe moved. Fox rolled through and hit Joe, sending him back into he ring. Joe hit a senton to regain control as the commercial break started. [c]
When full screen returned, Joe was in control and got a two count on Fox. AR hit a DDT off the middle rope and then a series of head kicks on Joe, who was in a kneeling position. Fox then hit a 450 splash for a near fall on Joe Fox went for a second big move off the top, but Joe stood and walked away. Joe then hit an elbow and a Muscle Buster for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Samoa Joe
(Sage’s Analysis: I liked that this was a real match that showed off Joe’s move set as well as didn’t totally burry AR Fox.)
-Joe said that he was the king of TV, Wardlow appeared on screen and he said that he was coming for Joe. The crowd cheered for Wardlow as Joe looked around scared.
-A video showing the journey of Powerhouse Hobbs was shown. Here Hobbs talked about how that all made he tougher and that he would be taking what belongs to him.
-A video recap of Hook countering and tapping out Lee Moriarty was shown and explained. [c]
-William Regal was walking to the ring as the show returned. Regal was booed as he grabbed a mic, with a belt under a tarp. Regal introduced MJF, to mostly cheers of the live crowd. MJF and Regal embraced as he entered the ring. MJF said that the crowd wasn’t bright, he said to keep their hillbilly mouths shut. The crowd booed and asked MJF to please be quiet.
MJF then said that Regal sent him an email after the firm attacked him. The email was that Regal thought MJF was weak, but he could be the greatest villain of all time. He said that he needed to grab the brass ring not the diamond one to get the AEW title. MJF said he and Regal met several times after that, and he convinced him to use the brass knuckles at Full Gear. Regal wanted Moxley to always remember when he was outsmarted.
MJF moved on to the firm, he said that he kind of respects them as a group. He said that he would have done the same thing if he was in their position. He said that he didn’t want to exert effort like the poor’s in the crowd. He then said that when he became AEW champion he wanted to make it better, and the current title belt needs an upgrade. He said the design makes him think of all the men that carried it before him and that they are not on his level.
He said that the old version of the title is garbage like the fans. MJF then reveled the exact same ring, but it had a Burberry pattern. MJF called it the triple B (Big Burberry Belt). He said that is now the best belt in pro wrestling, no one is word champion but him. He called out Eddie Kingston, Ricky Starks and Bryan Danielson by name. He focused on Danielson most and said that he couldn’t wrestle out of a paper bag. MJF then tried to get a reaction as the crowd was dead for this part of the promo. MJF said he would be champion until the bidding war of 2024. MJF then made mention of Nick Khan and Triple H, he said that he may just move on from wrestling all together in 2024 and he will just go to Hollywood.
MJF then called out the people that cheer for him, he said they would soon resent him. Because people are fickle, he then went through his flaws as a wrestler and called out the things that MJF has done over and over again. He said that those fans that complain will watch every week to see him lose. He said he is a special attraction and will not wrestle very often. He said that he will have a longer run as champion than anyone has ever had. MJF then thanked Regal and got the fans to cheer him. MJF then punched regal from behind with the brass knuckles. MJF then repeated the line Regal gave him 7 years ago. [c]
(Sage’s Analysis: I think the crowds tepid response to most of this was indicative of how much this didn’t work. The long and short this is the problem with leaning all in to MJF as a heel, while fans want to cheer him. Also, if your gonna do this angle I think you do it later to make it feel like a son killing a father, A reverse Hamlet of sorts. But, this was done so fast and you set up a match with Danielson when you have a match with Starks coming up already. This didn’t work for me on any level, this is the first time I have thought AEW has felt more like late stage TNA than a viable second brand.)
-The show returned with Regal getting put into an ambulance.
-Ethan Page had a promo talking about how he would beat up MJF after Starks match with him. Starks was attacked by Daivari, but Starks won in 30 seconds.
WINNER: Ricky Starks
-Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker were backstage, Baker said the Steelers beat the Colts this week. Jamie said that she wants a sit down like Saraya has on Rampage.
Willow Nightingale and Anna Jay ran the ropes and fought over wrist control, no one got it, but Willow hit a splash and covered for a two count. Anna Jay countered out of the corner and then hit a series of kicks and then a neck breaker off the middle rope. [c]
Willow fought back as the show returned, Willow and Anna fought back and fourth. Anna Jay hit a move for a near fall. Jay then tried the Queen slayer, but Willow countered and then tried for a doctor bomb. Anna kinda rolled through and got a two count. Willow hit a lariat than a doctor bomb for the win.
WINNER: Willow Nightingale
(Sage’s Analysis: Not the prettiest ending sequence, but good to see Willow get a win on TV.)
-After the match Ruby Soho’s music hit and she attacked Tay Melo, who broke her nose.
-The return of The House of Black was shown from last week.
-Tony was backstage, he was with QT Marshall and Orange Cassidy. QT asked for a title shot, Cassidy agreed to a lumberjack match on Rampage.
-Jade Cargill’s music hit and she walked to the ring to celebrate her TBS Title and undefeated record. Jade said that everyone was there to celebrate her, she said that she says who stays and who goes in the baddies. She asked why the remaining baddies were hanging out with Kiera Hogan. She told them to get in line or step off. Jade said that she is the biggest star in the entire company. That if you put her next to anyone a normal consumer would pick her. She puts asses in seats and is the real deal. Jade then called out Lil Bow Wow, who then appeared on the screen. [c]
(Sage’s Analysis: I liked everything about this, until Bow Wow showed up. I don’t understand what is happening here, Bow Wow is the most D list celebrity that I can think of and does not make Jade feel like the things she said she was in the promo.)
-The Acclaimed were backstage, they did a drill sergeant spoof to set up a match on Rampage.
-The announce team then ran down the card for Rampage, next week and Winter is Coming.
The Elite charged up the ramp and attacked Death Triangle before the match started. Matt slammed Penta, The Bucks then teamed up on Rey Fenix, Kenny finished with a rough ryder on Pac. The Bucks then held Pac as Kenny ran for a V-Trigger, but Pac hit a pump kick to counter as The Lucha Bros hit cutters into the break. [c]
The Elite were in control as full screen returned, and the match officially started with about 13 minutes remaining. Rey and Pac were power bombed on the apron, Penta took out the elite. The ref was knocked down and Penta was handed the hammer, Rey stopped Penta from using the hammer, Penta pushed Rey as Kenny hit a V-Trigger on Rey. Penta then ate a super kick and a snap dragon suplex. Kenny then hit a power bomb and another V-Trigger on Penta.
Pac broke up the pinning attempt, The Elite then continued the assault. But Pac and Rey took out The Bucks and then all three members of Death Triangle hit moonsaults. Penta hit a Fear Factor on Kenny for a near fall. Pac and Nick Jackson battled, Rey took out Nick then Matt took out Rey. Matt then hit a suplex on both Lucha Bros.
Kenny and Pac then battled, both were on the middle rope as they traded strikes. Pac hit an avalanche falcon arrow for a near fall. [c]
Kenny hit a German and then a clothesline on Pac, as the teams were actually tagging at the point. Nick Jackson an Rey Fenix were then battling, as Nick hit a super kick and a cutter for a near fall. Matt Jackson entered and tried a Meltzer Driver, Rey threw Matt into Nick. But the Jackson’s hit More Bang for your Buck, Penta broke up the cover.
Nick and Matt called for the BTE Trigger, Pac and Penta hit pump kicks. Kenny ran in and took out both Pac and Penta. The Lucha Bros hit a fear factor on Matt, then Rey took out Nick and Kenny at ringside. Pac covered for a near fall, Pac then hit a brain buster for another near fall. Pac then tried a Black Arrow, Matt got his knees up and then pinned Pac for the win.
It is now Death Triangle – 2 The Elite – 1
WINNER: The Elite
(Sage’s Analysis: A super fun match that is more fun to watch than it is to type if I am being honest. But, a great close to the show. I also like that the elite did not go down 3-0 to then win 4 in a row.)
-Kenny said there would be no sweep, as he was the cleaner. He asked for the song to be played again as the show ended.
Final Thoughts: A really up and down show, I liked the opening and closing match. But, I was not a fan of really anything in the middle of that besides the Joe match. The MJF stuff in general is a disaster for AEW in the near, intermediate and long term in my opinion. Also, Jade being in a weird feud with Bow Wow is so strange to me. Hopefully he can have someone fight for her and make someone else feel elevated or what are they doing?
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