NOVEMBER 7, 2022
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
-The Raw opening aired. Kevin Patrick introduced the show as the camera panned the audience.
-The Usos and Solo Sikoa made their way to the ring as Patrick hyped the big tag team match on Smackdown between the Usos and New Day with the Undispute Tag Titles on the line plus the record-length title reign at stake. Corey Graves noted the Usos haven’t heard from Sami Zayn since Friday’s Smackdown. Jimmy Uso bragged that The Bloodline smashed everyone at Crown Jewel.
The New Day came out and asked everyone to congratulate the Usos for their win at Crown Jewel. Xavier Woods asked how they’re feeling. Jimmy said they’re feeling “private jet lagged, but you wouldn’t know anything about that.” Xavier then touted his frequent flier status. He and Kofi then swiveled their hips as they talked about being the record-setting tag champs. Xavier said they still hold the record, so the Usos are still chasing them. He said they built the division from the ground up and changed what tag team wrestling looked like. “You’re chasing first-generation Superstars,” he said. He said the Usos were, on the other hand, coddled and given chances based on what family members did before them, whereas they built their legacy off their own backs. Jimmy said they don’t know the pressure they’ve been under to succeed coming from the family they’ve come from.
Xavier said they “put together the most important three-man group to ever step foot in wrestling and got booed for it.” He told them not to dare talk to them about pressure. Xavier said the fans, chanting “New… Day rocks,” know that the pressure they faced turned them into diamonds. Kofi said they don’t understand what the record tag title reign means to them. “This represents a time when we were saddled with being positivity-preaching preachers. Nobody should have been able to overcome that, but we did.” (Yuck. So are they saddled with more gimmicks that aren’t authentically them now?) He went on to lament being told they suck. He said they elevated the Usos, so they won’t forfeit the record to them. He was interrupted by Matt Riddle, who scootered to the ring.
Riddle said he and Elias are forming a band. Jey told Riddle to shut up. There were some cheers. Riddle told him to calm down because he likes to sit back, relax, and hit the bong. He pointed at the bongo drums around his neck and asked Xavier and Kofi hit the bong. He invited Solo to hit his bong. Solo didn’t react at all. Riddle said he’s the strong, silent type. Riddle got Jimmy to play it, and Jimmy got into it. Riddle pulled away and said, “You know the rules – pat, pat, pass, dude.” He then turned to Jey and said Sami says he hasn’t been Uce-y lately. Riddle proposed a six-man tag match. Patrick asked, “Who saw this coming? We’ve got ourselves a match.”
(Keller’s Analysis: I thought New Day didn’t come across well here, and the crowd reaction tended to indicate the crowd wasn’t all that into them either. The chants felt like a result of almost a guilt trip not to chant for them. They seemed to be looking for sympathy for having a bad gimmick, but they’re still doing the same gimmick based on positivity, and what do fans think about them saying that was something they were “saddled with.” I also don’t like a wrestler on TV talking about being saddled with a gimmick, as it makes other aspects of the show feel inauthentic too since you’re shining a light on the practice of assigning wrestlers gimmicks and persona that don’t match who they really are. Why would you introduce that into the minds of fans watching a show, especially when Riddle is about to walk out playing up a cartoonish buffoon playing bongos? Xavier was much too self-satisfied with his line about his frequent flyer mile status, too. The positive is you can’t come away from that segment thinking both teams don’t think the stakes are high. Riddle was pretty obnoxious here, especially because they’re leaning way too hard into the bong play on words, and it’s just not that funny. Also, why did Riddle merely suggesting a six-man tag make Patrick so sure there’d be a six-man tag after the break; the Usos & Solo didn’t seem to signal agreement.) [c]
(1) THE USOS & SOLO SIKOA vs. RIDDLE & NEW DAY (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston)
The match began right after the break ended. Riddle yanked Jey over the top rope with his legs. He then went for a slingshot Floating Bro, but Solo knocked him off the ropes to the floor. They cut to a break at 3:30. [c]
A few minutes later, Solo got the hot-tag and took it to Kofi, knocking him off the ring apron onto the announce desk. He then slammed his face into the table a few times. Xavier moved in for the save, but Solo knocked him down easily. They cut to a break. [c]
Riddle hot-tagged in after the break and rallied for a while. Jey cut him off and took over. He went for a top rope move, but Riddle caught him in a triangle. Jey, though, had tagged in Jimmy who landed a top rope splash on Riddle for a near fall. Xavier broke up the cover. Xavier dragged Solo to ringside, but Solo threw him over the announce desk. Kofi dove through the ropes at Solo, but Solo knocked him out of mid-air with a forearm. Solo threw him into the ringside steps. Riddle then kicked Solo from the ring apron and landed a Floating Bro on the floor. Jimmy dove through the ropes and knocked Riddle into the announce desk. Jimmy threw Riddle back into the ring as a “This is awesome” chant rang out. Riddle surprised Jimmy with a kick and then a draping DDT. As Riddle celebrated, Solo tagged in. Riddle pounded the mat and hit the RKO on Jimmy. Solo, still the legal man, entered and spun Riddle around and gave him the Spinning Solo for the win.
WINNERS: Usos & Solo in 21:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good action throughout following a logical formula. It’s smart to have Bloodline win whenever possible to protect their mystique. I wouldn’t say their win is any reason to expect New Day to “get their win back” on Friday, especially since Riddle took the fall.)
-Patrick touted Crown Jewel as the no. 1 international WWE premium live event and threw to a lengthy video package on the show.
-JBL made his ring entrance. [c]
-JBL stood mid-ring and called the fans “snowflakes” and “woke asses” while also talking about the Phillies losing the World Series. He then introduced Baron Corbin.
JBL joined the announcers on commentary. (Oh, goodie.) Corbin scored an early near fall after hitting Cedric with a running clothesline. JBL said Elon Musk called him and agreed to buy Twitter only if Baron Corbin agreed to stay on the platform. Graves said Patrick is considering leaving the platform altogether. JBL said, “I wish you’d leave Earth.” Cedric rallied and tackled Corbin at ringside and then knocked him back into the ring. Corbin caught him mid-air with the End of Days for the win.
WINNER: Corbin in 2:00.
-Seth Rollins was dancing backstage as Patrick hyped his U.S. Title open challenge. [c]
-The graphic hyped that Logan Paul’s “astonishing top rope jump” is WWE’s most viewed social media clip of 2022.
(Keller’s Analysis: It came at the price of making Logan seem like an undisciplined, unfocused idiot to film himself in the midst of fighting for the Universal Title. It made a social media post seem more important to him than winning the match and validated or reinforced why fans’ tendency is to boo him.)
-Seth Rollins came out to his entrance theme. He did his schtick and threw open his challenge. The Judgment Day’s music played and they walked out. Graves and Patrick speculated on who was answering the challenge, including wondering if Rhea Ripley might. Finn Balor entered the ring and said Seth cost him a title a while back, so he wants revenge. The O.C. then came out. A.J. Styles told Balor that the issue between them is far from over. Balor said the only thing standing in the ring that is “over” is The Judgment Day. He said The O.C. is old news. (He’s not necessarily wrong.) Styles said what’s wrong is that it’s been the three of them against the four members of The Judgment Day. He said they are looking for someone to take care of their Rhea problem. Ripley said that’s because nobody likes them. Styles said that person found them. Mia Yim attacked Ripley at ringside. A brawl broke out with everyone. The last two standing in the ring were Balor and Styles, who brawled. Balor ducked out quickly under the bottom rope. Karl Anderson threw Balor into the edge of the ring apron. When Dominik tried to jump Styles, Styles gave him a Styles Clash. The O.C. including Mia Yim struck a pose in the ring. Graves called her “the baddest chick on the block.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Paul Levesque continues to reintroduce one wrestler after another who wasn’t around before he took over.)
-They showed Otis warming up backstage with Chad Gable. Patrick said Otis would face Elias next. [c]
-A commercial aired for Survivor Series focused on the War Games theme. Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs” played in the background.
-Cathy Kelley asked Seth what’s the status of his U.S. Title open challenge. Seth said things got too tense out there so he left, but he made a promise to the people, so there will still be an open challenge later. He cackle-laughed and left.
(3) OTIS (w/Chad Gable) vs. ELIAS
As Otis came out, Seth said Otis might be as wide as he is tall, but that doesn’t make it okay to mock him. He said he’s a dangerous man and a great athlete, made better by Gable’s education. Elias came out second. Elias avoided a charging Otis, who went shoulder first into the ringpost. Elias landed a leaping kneelift to Otis’s chin for a near fall. Gable distracted Elias when he climbed to the top rope, so Elias leaped at him. Otis then hit Elias from behind and landed a powerslam for the win.
WINNER: Otis in 3:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good to see Otis get a win, but whatever they hoped they might get out of Elias coming back seems to have extinguished with a loss like this without much fanfare. No Riddle in in his corner, either.)
-Byron Saxton interviewed The Judgment Day. He said The O.C. seem to have discovered a solution to the Ripley problem. Balor and Priest disagreed they solved anything. Dominik said they didn’t find someone who can take on Ripley. Ripley said she’s got this. She said bring on Mia Yim and the whole army, but she doesn’t care. She told Saxton to get out of her face. The camera followed The Judgement Day longer than usual as they walked down the hallway, which portended something else was planned. Sure enough, Bianca Belair crossed paths with them. Ripley said at her and said, “Champ.” Belair smiled and kept walking. [c]
-Belair, Asuka, and Alexa Bliss made their ring entrance to Belair’s music. Patrick commented on a clip of Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky regaining the tag titles at Crown Jewel, then Belair beating Bayley. Another clip aired from earlier in the day of the two groups of women getting off a bus and arguing. Patrick said the footage was caught by a fan. Back live in the ring, Belair said she is proud to be standing there still the Raw Women’s Champion. She said Crown Jewel didn’t go according to plan, though, and it’s far from over. She called Damage CTRL to come to the ring so they can hear what they have to say in person. Damage CTRL were apparently standing by as they walked right out to their music.
Dakota said nobody cares that Belair is the last woman standing. She said Bayley still has two real wins over her. Then she bragged about winning the tag titles twice. Asuka then ranted in an over the top way. Sky joined in. Asuka made what I believe were meant to be chicken noises. Sky countered, “Bitch.” Everyone brawled. Belair, Asuka, and Bliss cleared the ring. Belair said this is war and it’s ending at War Games. Nikki then charged into the ring and attacked Belair from behind. Graves said Kross and Damage CTRL seem to be on the same side. Bayley stood over Belair and said, “See you at War Games, Bianca.” Graves said that sounded like she was accepting the challenge. [c]
As Benjamin came out, they said the match came about because of an exchange earlier between them. Shelton offered Theory some advice, and Theory asked when the last time was he won a match. He called him Mr. Irrelevant. Shelton said he’d beat him tonight. Theory agreed to the match. Graves said Shelton likes to offer advice to younger wrestlers. He said he’s impressed by Theory and wanted to help him. Shelton applied an anklelock a couple minutes in. Then he delivered a German suplex for a two count. Theory raked Shelton’s eyes and then hit A-Town Down for the win.
WINNER: Theory in 3:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: A good way to get Theory on TV with a win. Shelton’s hope of ever getting a push sailed off a while ago, but being a bit of a gatekeeper in a role like this isn’t bad use of him now.)
-They showed Miz walking backstage. [c]
-As Miz came out, Patrick hyped WrestleMania tickets going on sale on Nov. 18. Miz said he wanted to speak honestly to everyone. He said he can confirm that Gargano’s interview last week was completely false and a “blatant smear job.” He called it doctored footage and a deep fake. He said he can’t stand that he has to defend himself against those false allegation. He said even his father believes Johnny. He said his agent’s phone won’t stop ringing, though. He said a big Hollywood producer wants to tell his story the right way, but it’ll take time because they want to create a buzz for an Oscar. He said he’s talked with his lawyers about starting a defamation suit. He was interrupted by Gargano’s music.
As Gargano walked out, Graves said Gargano is jealous and trying to ruin Miz. Gargano said he’s always thought Miz’s dad was a very smart man. A faint “Johnny Wrestling” chant briefly sort of started. He said because of that chant he cannot in good conscience start the match without telling the truth about something he did. He said he needs to blow the whistle on himself. He blew a whistle. He said when he did the Byron interview, he hoped the public would shame the Miz and he’d tell the truth and finally pay Dexter. He said that didn’t happen, so he realized he needed stronger evidence against The Miz. He said he needed evidence, so he did something deceitful to get it. He said that big movie producer that Miz had diner with was actually a private investigator. Miz started to look worried. Gargano said she wore a hidden camera and he has footage. He held up a remote control and pointed it at the tron.
The women told Miz he’d be a mastermind if he could produce a story as juicy as his and Dexter’s. Miz asked to speak off the record. He said anything he says at the table stays between them. Miz said everything Gargano said is true. Miz admitted he paid Dexter. Miz said he saw a chance to boost his career and his agent’s phone keeps ringing. He said he stopped paying Dexter because he’s crazy and out of control. He said police were talking about arresting Dexter. Miz said the project went under, so Dexter didn’t get paid. He said Dexter should be thanking him for the notoriety because he was doing nothing months ago. They cut to Miz in the ring, whose face was twitching. Gargano’s music then played as he walked to the ring. They cut to a break.
(Keller’s Analysis: At least they cleared up what happened for sure. It’s time to move on, though, because Gargano isn’t likable in this story.) [c]
Graves said it’s illegal to film someone without their knowledge. He said it’s unacceptable. Graves said Gargano fast-forwarded several times through the footage, so until he sees all of the footage, he won’t believe anyone knows the real truth. When Gargano kneed Miz in the crotch when Miz leaped off the ropes toward him, Graves said Gargano was trying to destroy everything about Miz including “his abundant manhood.” Gargano went for the Gargano escape, but Miz slipped free. Gargano superkicked Miz off the ring apron and then slingshot himself onto Miz at ringside. Miz dropped Gargano crotch-first over the barricade. They cut to a break. [c]
Back from the break, Gragano landed a crossbody and a sorta clothesline followed by a leaping faceplant for a near fall. Gargano slingshot speared Miz for a near fall seconds later. Miz caught Gargano with a sitting DDT for a two count. Patrick said, “What a match we’re experiencing right now!” Patrick said this is the first time these two have battled one-on-one. Miz threw It Kicks to Gargano’s chest, which Graves said must be an honor. When Miz threw a superkick that showed light, Patrick called it a superkick. Graves said it wasn’t super, but maybe above-average. They each kicked each other twice, and every kick looked like it came up short. Miz threw Gargano to the ring apron. Gargano slingshot himself into the ring, but Miz knocked him out of mid-air for a two count. Gargano countered Miz into a roll-up and then landed another superkick for a two count. Miz pulled a turnbuckle wrench out from under the ring and insisted the ref look under the ring after pretending Dexter had pulled him under the ring. The ref looked. Miz then hit Gargano with the tool. The ref popped back up and said there was no one under the ring. Miz then covered Gargano for the three count.
WINNER: Miz in 17:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: They gave them a long window to wrestle, and some stretches were good, but others highlighted that they hadn’t worked together before. The light shown on several spots was something you don’t see often between two wrestlers of their experience level.)
-After the match, Dexter hit Miz from behind with a chair in the aisle. Dexter fled as security chased after him.
-Damage CTRL told Nikki backstage they’re so happy she’s on their side. Dakota said they want her on their team at Survivor Series. Nikki paced and back and forth and seemed tightly wound. Bayley told Nikki to let loose tonight against Dana Brooke. Nikki laughed uproariously and said, “Time to play.” Sky seemed a little disconcerted by Nikki’s demeanor. [c]
(6) DANA BROOKE vs. NIKKI CROSS – 24/7 Title match
Bayley joined in on commentary. Nikki dominated and won in a short match.
WINNER: Nikki in 2:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: There’s no reason for the 24/7 Title to be brought back, perhaps especially if it’s fought under normal match rules. [c]
-Freezeframes aired of Crown Jewel.
-Backstage, Damage CTRL followed Nikki backstage as Nikki stared off into space. She threw the 24/7 Title toward a trash can, but missed.
-Byron said it appears The O.C. has finally solved their Ripley problem. Styles said it feels good. Anderson said they needed the toughest woman in the building. Yim said that was just a sample of what she can do. Luke Gallows said they’d celebrate later. Mia said it’s all on her. Styles warned her they have a high tolerance.
-Seth made his ring entrance again. He said he made a promise to the fans and he intends to keep it. He said this month marks ten years of Seth Rollins in WWE. A few fans sang Seth’s song and chanted “Thank you, Seth.” (This crowd feels like they’re mourning the Phillies losing.) He said before he beat Bobby Lashley a few weeks back, it had been far too long since he held gold in WWE. He said in a few short weeks, he has made the U.S. Title thee title to have on Raw. Scattered cheers. He warned whoever answered his challenge to be ready for a fight. Mustafa Ali appeared on the big screen. The crowd somehow suddenly seemed more deflated. Someone yanked Ali out of camera range and beat him down. Lashley entered the picture and said he made Brock Lesnar pay by whipping his ass all over the ring at Crown Jewel and he’ll go to the ring and take back his title next. Ali attacked Lashley, but Lashley easily threw him aside, over some rolling crates. Seth got fired up as they cut to a break. [c]
-Lashley beat up Seth before the bell and threw him around ringside. He rammed him ribs-first into the ringpost. Patrick asked what has gotten into him. Lashley threw the lid off the announce desk as four referees and two officials implored him to stop. Lashley slammed Seth through the announce desk. Adam Pearce and other suits showed up. They ordered Lashley to walk away and then cut to a break. [c]
-Back from the break, a medic was still checking on Seth. Theory showed up at ringside and cashed in his briefcase. He threw Seth into the ring.
(7) SETH ROLLINS vs. AUSTIN THEORY – U.S. Title match
Seth barely stood and the ref called for the bell. Theory charged at Seth with a forearm and scored a believable near fall. Fans cheered. Theory then delivered a cradle backbreaker over his knee for another two count. Next, he went for A-Town, but Seth slipped out. Theory countered a Seth attempt at a Pedigree and then landed one himself. Seth kicked out. Graves said that should have ended it. Seth backdropped a charging Theory over the top rope to ringside. Seth caught Theory mid-air and powerbombed him. Then he landed a superkick and a hard forearm to the back of Theory’s neck. Theory caught a charging Seth with a sudden A-Town Down. Lashley yanked the ref out of the ring by his leg after two counts. Theory yelled at Lashley that he ruined it and he’s an idiot. Lashley yanked Theory to the floor and pummeled him. Lashley rammed Theory ribs-first into the ringpost twice. Lashley slammed Theory onto the announce desk and left. The ref began counting him out. Theory beat the ten count, barely. Seth landed his Stomp immediately and got a three count. The otherwise largely listless fans cheered Seth’s win.
WINNER: Rollins in 5:00 to retain the U.S. Title.
Asuka repeatedly calling Iyo ‘Baka Baka Baka’ are not chicken noises. It’s Japanese for ‘idiot’ or ‘stupid’.
So now were cashing in the MITB on secondary titles?? Major screw up by HHH and the first one I can really put my finger on. Hes done a good job so far since Vince left. Having a cash in for a secondary title shot just lowers the mystique and the value of the MITB briefcase signficantly.