10/28 AEW RAMPAGE TV REPORT: Jon Moxley vs. Matt Menard, Wardlow vs. Taven, more


Full AEW Rampage results and analysis


OCTOBER 28, 2022

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho, and Jim Ross

Ring Announcer: Dasha Gonzalez

– The opening of Rampage aired, and JR welcomed us to the show. Ross was joined by Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

(1) JON MOXLEY vs. MATT MENARD (w/ Angelo Parker) – World Title Eliminator Match

Parker hung out on the ropes as the bell rang. Moxley backed him off as Menard grabbed Moxley’s wrist/ The two fought to the outside as Moxley threw Menard to the rail then hit him with a series of rights. Moxley dug his fingers deep into Menard’s back. The two made their way back inside the ring.

Menard took the upper hand and threw Moxley hard into the corner, then kept on the offense. Moxley tripped Menard down but Menard kicked him to the outside where Parker took out Moxley from behind. Menard threw Moxley into the post as Parker looked on. [c]

Moxley had the upper hand as he nailed Menard with a series of right hands in the corner. Parker again distracted Moxley, which allowed Menard to knock Moxley down and lock in a Boston Crab. Moxley hit a cutter to even the odds. Moxley hit Menard with a huge lariat, then perched him on the top rope. Moxley went for a superplex and hit it, then covered for two. Moxley synched in an ankle lock, which Menard kicked his way out of.

Menard went for a sunset flip and Moxley reversed out of it and hit a running knee. Moxley went for stomps to the face but paused to take out Parker. Menard threw Moxley shoulder-first into the post but Moxley kicked out of a pin attempt. Menard again went for the cover but Moxley kicked out. Menard then went for the series of stomps to Moxley’s face, but Moxley transitioned it into a submission for the win.

WINNER: Jon Moxley in 8:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Good opener with Moxley as the feature. I understand this was a Eliminator match for a World title shot, but I’m still confused why Menard would randomly receive even that. During the match, Excalibur announced that Mike Tyson would join them next week in Atlantic City.)

– After the match, Stokely Hathaway came out with Lee Moriarty, and challenged Moxley on next week’s Dynamite to face Moriarty. They then showed a video of Moriarty, who talked about the meaning of Tiger Style. Moxley took the mic and said BCC actually liked Moriarty but he made the biggest mistake of his short career, then accepted his challenge.

– Excalibur announced the Full Gear Eliminator tournament, where the winner will receive a title shot at Winter is Coming. Daunte Martin was announced as the first participant. [c]

– Jade Cargill was working out backstage as she spoke to Nyla Rose for stealing her TBS title. She said she’d show everyone why she is “that bitch.”


Serpentico right after Lee, who quickly picked him up and hit a sit-down powerbomb for the win.

WINNER: Keith Lee in under 0:30

(Moynahan’s Take: Talk about a complete squash.)

– Tony Schiavone entered the ring to speak with Lee. Schiavone mentioned Lee and Swerve’s Tag Team Title rematch opportunity against The Acclaimed, just as The Acclaimed’s music hit. Bowens and Caster entered without a rap for the night. They said they have a problem that Lee must have the answer to. They said Billy Gunn is missing and they noticed Swerve is nowhere to be found, and asked where Gunn was. Schiavone said there was a family emergency and Gunn had to leave early. Swerve showed up on the big screen in a dark room with Gunn tied to a chair.

Swerve blamed Gunn for his tag title loss, and said the next time Swerve in Our Glory faced The Acclaimed, Gunn wouldn’t be there. Swerve then pulled out a pair of pliers and seemed to have clipped Gunn’s hands as the video cut out. Lee looked shocked inside the ring as The Acclaimed ran to the back.

(Moynahan’s Take: This was awful and not something I have any interest in.)

– JAS was shown backstage from this past Dynamite. They were upset at the BCC after the outcomes on Dynamite. Jericho mentioned his open ROH title challenge as Tay Melo called out Madison Rayne.

(3) TAY MELO (w/Sammy Guevara) vs. MADISON RAYNE  

Melo and Rayne traded early pin attempts, then worked the mat until the two faced off in the middle of the ring. Melo slapped Rayne across the face but was taken to the mat, then hit with a dropkick by Rayne. Melo missed a charge into the corner as Rayne went to the top. Melo caught Rayne on the top rope and hit a backbreaker across the top rope. [c]

Melo had Rayne in a front face lock but Rayne turned it into a DDT. Both women took time to get to their feet as Rayne took Melo back down with a neckbreaker. Rayne covered for a one count. Rayne was caught with a boot to the face as Melo perched herself on the top rope. Rayne drove Melo off the top with a driving cutter. Rayne covered but Melo kicked out at two. Melo countered a move by Rayne, then went for a piledriver. Rayne rolled through into a sliding lariat. Rayne was pushed into the corner by Melo who nailed her with a few stiff shots. Melo hit the pump kick, then hit Tay-KO for the win.

WINNER: Tay Melo in 9:30

(Moynahan’s Take: This one didn’t get a ton of crowd reaction, and was hurt by a long commercial break, but ended up turning into something fairly solid.)

– Ethan Page was interviewed backstage about The Firm’s beatdown on MJF. Page said MJF decided to change things and do things “the right way.” He said MJF didn’t become number one contender on his own; The Firm helped him get there. Page announced himself in the World Title Eliminator Tournament and said he’d win and go onto Winter is Coming. [c]

– Mark Henry was backstage with participants from tonight’s main event. Taven said tonight he would become the Taven Network TV (TNT) champion. Wardlow said even though Taven is new in AEW, he knows Taven is aware of what he does, and that’s was powerbombing people over and over. Wardlow said he would add some extra powerbombs tonight. Henry announced that it was “time for the main event.”

– The announce team ran down matches for this week’s Dynamite. A new match included Jade Cargill vs. Marina Shafir for the TBS Championship. Excalibur also announced the All Atlantic Dream Match for next week’s Rampage where the champion can defend against anyone.

(4) WARDLOW vs. MATT TAVEN (w/The Kingdom) – AEW TNT Championship

Taven slapped Wardlow across the chest to no effect. Taven used his speed early and hit a dropkick on Wardlow. Taven played to the crowd and Wardlow came from behind and nailed him with a headbutt. Wardlow threw Taven across the ring and then hit shoulder blocks on him in the corner. Wardlow threw Taven over the top rope.

Wardlow went to the outside to continue his onslaught on Taven. He rammed Taven against the post but was attacked by Mike Bennett from behind. Maria Kanellis-Bennett stepped in front of Mike Bennett as Taven flew over the top to take out Wardlow. Taven threw Wardlow back inside the ring, then came off the top with a frog splash across Wardlow’s knee. [c]

Taven still had the upper hand as he hit a running knee and covered for two. Taven went to the top but Wardlow moved as Taven jumped down. Wardlow threw Taven but couldn’t initially follow up. Wardlow nailed Taven the second time, then hit him with an over-the-head suplex. Wardlow followed up with a spinebuster. Wardlow attempted a powerbomb but Maria distracted from the apron. Wardlow was still able to hit a powerbomb as the crowd rose to their feet. Wardlow called for another as the fans cheered on. Wardlow hit another as Mike Bennett got the apron but backed away. Wardlow hit two more, then covered for the win.

WINNER: Wardlow in 9:00

– Mike Bennett attacked Wardlow from behind as Samoa Joe’s music hit. Joe took out The Kingdom until Powerhouse Hobbs’s music hit. He came down to the ring until the entire Embassy attacked Joe and Wardlow from behind. Hobbs joined in as Joe and Wardlow were completely taken out.

(Moynahan’s Take: Another long commercial break right smack dab in the middle of the main event – awesome. That aside, a fine main event and a good debut showing for Taven. The post-match was fine, but is yet another beatdown to end an AEW show.) 

FINAL THOUGHTS: I’ll always remain a fan of live Rampage episodes, and this one was no different. That said, there are still a lot of things to be desired with this weekly show. While it’s an easy watch, it often feels like the same show each week. If you have the time, go out of your way to watch the opener and main event. Other than that, you won’t miss much.

CATCH-UP: 10/21 AEW RAMPAGE TV REPORT: The Acclaimed vs. Varsity Athletes, Hook in action, more


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