This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite has wrapped. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and relive some of the madness.
-Good opening contest between Jericho Appreciation Society and Blackpool Combat Club. The teams had chemistry together and Claudio Castagnoli getting the victory was a surprise. Daniel Garcia being on Jericho’s side now is really confusing and seems more out of place than ever. It’ll be a while before Tony Khan can fix that mistake, but should when he gets the chance.
-Oh, and real quick. The spin while carrying a person on your damn shoulders? Geez, Claudio!
-Real interesting video concerning Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks. Sounds like their return is imminent. While the video was intriguing, I’d like for their return not be overly cute. Just wrestlers coming back and dominating as big stars. Can we have that simplicity? It will most effectively integrate them back into the AEW environment in the most efficient way possible.
-Soooooo, who will be Jericho’s opponent next week. Any former champion in ROH. I’ll go out on a limb and say Homicide.
-How about that tag team number one contender match? Great stuff. Tony Khan will be happy he didn’t put FTR over in the match. I thought he would — would have bet my house on it, just because that’s what we’ve seen him do in the past. FTR against The Acclaimed doesn’t make any sense at the moment. Much smarter for TK to go the other way and he did.
-Sounds like we’re officially headed for Saraya vs. Britt Baker. Should be phenomenal.
-There is your babyface MJF promo, folks. The challenge for MJF as a babyface will be for him to maintain the jerk qualities that make MJF him, but frame those in a way that works against heels. Opposite Renee Paquette this week, he walked that line and walked it well. The diamond ring note and MJF confirming he wouldn’t use it at Full Gear will be an effective way to work the match itself on PPV. They have a story to build off of already.
-Danielson vs. Sammy Guevara? Ehh. It was fine, but nothing Guevara does interests me at this point and not even Bryan Danielson could fix that.
-Jaime Hayter continues to take giants steps forward in terms of being able to realize her potential as a star of the women’s division. The match against Riho was one of the better Dynamite women’s matches in recent memory and because of Riho’s size, Hayter really looked dominant. Well done across the board.
-Eddie Kingston, you ok? The best part of Eddie Kingston promos is the facial expressions and this week, they were next level. Curious to see where this story goes with him.
-I certainly don’t want to load up Darby Allin’s plate of work, but we need more of those promo videos for him. This week, the piece was just fantastic. It did a great job of showcasing the Darby Allin character, but also his feud with Jay Lethal. The work is so different from anything else that happens on Dynamite, which makes it stand out in the best way possible.
-I’d have liked to have seen some kind of story for Penta vs. Moxley, but once the bell rang it was very good. The match will be remembered for the show closing angle where The Firm took out Moxley, MJF made the save, and The Firm took him out too. Look, I know common thought at this point is that it’s a swerve and MJF is really on the side of The Firm in all this and will cheat to win the title at Full Gear even if he said he wouldn’t. That would be a catastrophic mistake for AEW and I don’t think that is where they are going. MJF is a babyface now. Period. The angle this week was put into to place to go out of the way and make sure everyone knows that.
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