9/30 AEW RAMPAGE TV REPORT: Rush vs. John Silver, The Acclaimed tag title defense, more


Full AEW Rampage results and analysis


SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

Announcers: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

– The opening of Rampage aired, and JR welcomed us to the show. Ross was joined by Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

(1) THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) vs. PRIVATE PARTY (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. THE BUTCHER & THE BLADE – AEW World Tag Team Championship

Bowens and Kassidy kicked things off as the crowd chanted for the champs. Matt Hardy was shown watching the match backstage. Kassidy went for several pin attempts early on, and Bowens countered into a few attempts of his own. Bowens missed a side kick as Kassidy ducked in time. Kassidy shook Bowens’s hand, then went in for a right hand that missed.

Caster tagged in and went at it with Kassidy. Caster hit a dropkick then celebrated with a scissoring with Billy Gunn. Bowens and Caster double teamed Kassidy with a neckbreaker/backstabber combo. Quen ran in but The Acclaimed double teamed him as well to the delight of the crowd. Butcher and Blade attacked The Acclaimed, then forced Kassidy to tag in Blade. Blade picked up Kassidy who fought off Blade. Butcher and Blade took Private Party out of the ring as Bowens attacked from behind. Butcher and Blade quickly got the upper hand on Bowens. [c]

Blade had Bowens in a headlock as Bowens fought back to his feet. Blade cut him off with a powerslam for a two count. Butcher tagged in and hit a leg drop on Bowens as Blade held him up. Matt Hardy was shown again backstage. Blade tagged back in as Bowens tried making a comeback. Bowens hit a thrust kick as the crowd cheered him on to make the tag. Butcher cut off Caster from making the tag, then attacked Bowens inside the ring. Quen flew off the top rope to take down Butcher and Blade.

Private Party double teamed Blade, then hit Butcher on the apron. Kassidy came off the top and hit a senton on Blade as Quen held him steady. Caster threw Quen to the outside, but was caught with a clothesline by Butcher. Blade and Butcher worked over Caster for a two count as Bowens broke things up. The match fell apart from here as Kassidy flew onto Butcher and Blade on the outside. Caster followed and came off the top next.

Blade was thrown into the ring in time for The Acclaimed to hit their finish for the win.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed in 10:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Solid 3-way tag title match to kick off the show. The outcome was not a surprise but it was a good way to showcase the new champs against two veteran AEW teams.)

– Lexy Nair was backstage with The Firm. She asked The Gunns about FTR who they proceeded to make fun of for holding so many titles that mean nothing in their mind. They also referenced FTR’s number one-contendership they never seem to cash in.

– Lexy Nair was backstage with Jade Cargill who was ticked off about the lack of competition. Vickie Guerrero and Nylas Rose appeared with Marina Shafir. Rose challenged Cargill who accepted, but when she was ready to do so.

(2) LEE MORIARTY (w/W. Morrisey & Stokely Hathaway) vs. FUEGO DEL SOL 

Moriarty went for an early pin attempt, then knocked del Sol to the ropes. Moriarty was caught with a thrust kick to the stomach, but landed a dropkick in return. Moriarty took del Sol over with a back suplex, then played to the crowd. He followed up with a front face slam, then locked in an arm submission for the quick tap out.

WINNER: Lee Moriarty in 2:00

– After the match, W. Morrisey choke slammed del Sol.

(Moynahan’s Take: Quick showcase match for Moriarty, who I personally want to see more of especially now that he’s featured in The Firm faction.)

– Lexi Nair was with Adam Page, 10, and Evil Uno. Page talked about his upcoming title match against Jon Moxley. Andrade appeared and tried once again to solicit 10 to join his group. He offered a 1-1 match on next week’s Rampage with him and said if he won, he could take 10’s mask. 10 agreed and said that if he won, Andrade would leave AEW for good. Stokely and Ethan Page appeared and talked about how Andrade needed to be more aware of Matt Hardy tampering with Private Party’s contract.

(3) JAMIE HAYTER (w/Dr. Britt Baker & Rebel) vs. WILLOW NIGHTINGALE 

Nightingale immediately attacked Hayter right from the bell. the two traded waist locks, with Hayter getting the upper hand. Nightingale knocked Hayter to the mat, then hit a senton and a cross body for a two count. Hayter nailed Nightingale with a high boot to the face, then retreated to the corner. Hayter hit running knees to the face of Nightingale as the crowd chanted for Hayter. [c]

Hayter hit a back elbow, then hit Nightingale with a backbreaker. Nightingale regrouped and nailed Hayter with a pounce that drove her to the outside. Nightingale threw Hayter back into the ring and paused just long enough for Hayter to regroup and attack Nightingale as she re-entered the ring. Nightingale fought back and hit a Death Valley Driver for a close two count. Nightingale climbed to the top but Baker yanked her foot, which allowed Hayter to hit a German suplex and short-arm clothesline for the win.

WINNER: Jamie Hayter in 8:30

(Moynahan’s Take: A very enjoyable match that was hindered by a commercial break. The crowd was big into Hayter but Nightingale deserves credit for getting over in this one.)

– A video feature aired showing Wardlow and Samoa Joe, dubbed WarJoe.

– Ryan Nemeth was inside the ring and ran down Philadelphia, including Rocky and Ben Franklin. Hook’s music blared, and he made his way to the ring. Hook immediately attacked Nemeth and beat the crap out of him, then locked in RedRum. Ariya Davair and Sonny Kiss appeared with a gift for Hook.

– A video feature aired on Swerve Strickland. Tony Schiavone narrated the video and questioned whether Swerve will appear on next week’s Dynamite. [c]

– A feature aired of Jon Moxley and Adam Page’s upcoming world title match on Dynamite in a few weeks.

– Mark Henry was backstage with John Silver and Rush. Henry asked Silver how he felt about Andrade and Rush trying to poach 10. Silver and Alex Reynolds said the Dark Order was a real family and Silver would beat Rush tonight. Rush said there was too much talk, and that he was here to fight. Henry agreed and announced that it was “time for the main event.”

– A new match was announced for Dynamite, which will include Toni Storm, Athena, and Willow Nightingale vs. Jamie Hayter, Serena Deeb, and Penelope Ford. Next week’s live Rampage will officially include the 10 vs. Andrade Mask vs. AEW Career match. In addition, Excalibur announced that during next week’s live Battle of the Belts IV, PAC would defend the All-Atlantic Title against Trent. Trent then spoke about PAC’s attack on Orange Cassidy.

(4) RUSH vs. JOHN SILVER (w/Alex Reynolds)

Silver hit a back elbow that drove Rush to the outside. Silver made it look like he would follow but ended up mocking Rush by striking his pose in the center of the ring. Rush quickly stepped back into the ring and nailed Silver with a big right hand. Rush chopped Silver in the corner, then whipped him into the opposite corner. Rush hit a dropkick to the back as Silver slowly rolled to the apron.

Rush and Silver fought on the outside, and Rush threw Silver into the barrier. Silver tried fighting back but Rush cut him off. Silver was thrown back inside the ring as Rush took his time. Rush hit a quick elbow strike on Silver then faked a running dropkick but stopped and kicked Silver across the face. [c]

Silver and Rush traded splashes in the corner. Silver hit two German suplexes and started to fire up with the backing of the crowd. Silver caught Rush in mid air and hit a sit down powerbomb. Silver tried for a suplex but Rush blocked it. Silver laid in a few kicks instead but Rush slapped, then kicked Silver, before going for a fisherman’s suplex for two. Rush and Silver traded chops until Rush hit a blow that rocked Silver to the mat.

Silver fired back with his combo attack which ended in a brainbuster for two. Jose the Assistant got on the apron, but Reynolds pulled him down. Andrade distracted Silver which allowed Rush to attack from behind. Rush hit the running dropkick in the corner and covered for the win.

WINNER: Rush in 12:30

– After the match, Andrade and his team attacked Silver and Reynolds. Evil Uno and 10 ran down to even things up. 10 went right after Andrade as Butcher and Blade ran down to assist Andrade’s team. Adam Page’s music hit as he ran down. Page and Rush faced off then battled back and forth. Rush quickly left the ring before seeing Page go for the Buckshot Lariat. Page ended up hitting it on Jose.

– Excalibur announced that Page and Rush was just booked for this week’s Dynamite.

(Moynahan’s Take: Solid main event, with Rush really looking strong here. At times I was curious if he was being a bit too stiff on Silver, but I chalk that up to both playing their parts well. The post-match melee was a nice touch, with a last-second match announced for this week’s Dynamite. That Tony Khan sure is a quick booker, eh?) 

FINAL THOUGHTS: I was there live in the building for this week’s Dynamite, but was unable to stay for Rampage, so this was all new to me. While it was a good show to watch at home, I’m not second guessing my decision to leave early as nothing really convinced me to stay there late on a weeknight. I can say first-hand the crowd in Philly did seem louder in person than how they appeared on TV; I imagine that is the norm with many crowds on TV vs. live in the arena. Again, a solid show overall but if you end up missing this one, you’re not missing too much. Go out of your way to watch the main event and show-closing scene.

CATCH-UP: 9/23 AEW RAMPAGE TV REPORT: Hobbs vs. Starks, Battle Royale for Golden Ticket, Sting & Darby vs. House of Black, Hook & Action Bronson vs. Menard & Parker


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