Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone
-The Dynamite opening aired without any images of C.M. Punk, Kenny Omega, or The Young Bucks. Last week’s opening featured Omega and the Bucks near the beginning, Malakai Black in the middle, Adam Cole posing between the Young Bucks and Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish in the middle, and C.M. Punk near the end. MJF was added.
-Excalibur introduced the show as the camera panned the cheering fans. He said All Out ended with “an absolutely shocking conclusion.” They showed MJF’s return. Taz and Tony Schiavone were with him. Jim Ross was not.
-They went to a pre-recorded statement by Tony Khan. Fans booed him as soon as he showed up on screen. He said after All Out he was forced to vacate the AEW World Title as well as the AEW World Trios Championship. He said new Trios Champions will be crowned tonight in a match between Death Triangle vs. Best Friends & Orange Cassidy. He said an AEW World Title Tournament would take place. Hangman Page vs. Bryan Danielson tonight with the winner facing Chris Jericho next week, Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin on Friday with the winner facing Jon Moxley next week in Albany, and the finals headlining AEW Dynamite Grand Slam on Sept. 21. He touted each of the competitors’ title histories in AEW. He promised that tonight will be a great show and AEW will be at its best the next few weeks. He threw back to the announcers.
(Keller’s Analysis: That’s how you handle a situation as complicated and serious as what went down on Sunday night, especially with possible legalities in play along with personal disappointment and anger in many places. That’s ripping off the Band-aid and letting everyone know that you’re moving on. I didn’t think Tony would choose sides publicly based on the totality of what went down between Punk and “the EVPs,” and I’m not sure he’s not nearly equally mad at all parties who have been stripped of their titles at this point. Hangman Page came out of it unscathed, it appears. I think it’s going to bother Tony that fans booed him, too.)
-Excalibur said they are making history and smiled. They didn’t discuss any aspect of why Punk and the Bucks & Omega were stripped of their titles.
-MJF made his ring entrance. He came out wearing a Buffalo Bills jersey. Fans cheered him. They showed a fan sign saying “Save Us, MJF!” He said, “Buffalo, New York, the devil is back.” He asked who is excited to see him. He said he loves Buffalo. He said “the greatest quarterback of all time, Josh Allen, is from Buffalo.” He said the last time they saw him, he might have said some offensive stuff, but he thinks they can all agree he didn’t mean it and he was just kidding. “I love AEW, guys,” he said. “I’ll never leave this place.” He started an “AEW” chant. Taz said he loves it. MJF said he didn’t mean it when he called them all stupid marks. He said without them, there is no MJF. He asked for a round of applause. He said he has to address the big fat smelly elephant in the room. He pointed at someone and said he didn’t mean them. He then said she is gorgeous and they’ll meet up after the show.
He said the title has been vacated. He told fans not to boo. He said there will be a tournament of champions. He said he knows one guy who deserves that championship. “I’m all about working smart, not hard,” he said. He explained he has a chip that guarantees him a title shot any time he wants. He said Tony Khan is also paying a load of freakin’ money. They started chanting him name. He told them to be quiet because he has so much allotted time. “Shut up, please, jeez,” he said. He said they might think they’re in dark times, but they’re not. He said they need leadership. “I can’t think of one person more trustworthy,” he said. He told a story about a wise Jewish man whose name started with an M. He said when his people needed help, he split the sea wide open and walked them to the promised land. He said he’s not telling them he’s Moses. He said that’s ridiculous “because I’m better than Moses.” He said he’s going to win the World Title “because I’m better you…” He paused. Fans finished, “And you know it!”
Jon Moxley’s music played. They showed him backstage heading toward a corner entrance to the arena bowl. Mox entered the ring and stared down MJF. “You are absolutely full of crap,” he said. Fans booed. MJF said, “So let me get this straight, Jonathan. You think I’m not being sincere here in Buffalo, New York in front of all these grotesque poor lard asses who have quite possibly the worst football team in the history of the United States of America.” He took off the Bills jersey and wiped his ass with it and then said, “Josh Allen sucks!” He told Mox that he might be a little woozy because he went to sleep on Sunday. He said maybe it’s true he doesn’t care about AEW or the people and he looks at the World Title as nothing more than a bargaining chip that he can use in the War of 2024 and maybe he can take it to “a real wrestling company with real fans and real wrestlers like my friend and hero, ‘American Roller Coaster’ Cody Rhodes.” They booed him. He told them to keep their mouths shut when he’s holding a mic. “Maybe, just maybe, I;ll get to work for a real boss, the only Khan in professional wrestling that’s worth a damn, jolly ol. St. Nick.” He quoted “my personal hero The Game,” saying that’s what best for business. Mox slapped the mic out his hand.
Mox said this isn’t the time or place and he’s in no mood, so he needs to leave the ring right now or he would make him leave. Fans chanted, “Moxley! Moxley!” MJF took off his shirt, but he couldn’t get the sleeve off his hand at first. He then bailed out and left his shirt and scarf behind. Mox said his theme music sucks.
Mox addressed the fans. He said he is pissed off and embarrassed about a great many things, most of all that he doesn’t have the AEW Title. He said the belt is made of leather and metal, and they can buy one themselves, so the actual belt doesn’t matter. He said what it represents matters. He said it represents passion for this sport and this business and the guys and girls in the back and the fans watching at home. He said the letters in AEW represent the vision they had when they started this years ago “when we wanted to show the world just what wrestling could be.” He said it’s taking the dark and ugly side of this business and letting it die with another generation. He said the world championship represents the freedom to be as great as you are willing to dare to be. He said it means being better than the day before, even if no one notices but him. He said it represents slaying demons and it represents everything he loves about this business. “This is great,” Schiavone said. Fans chanted, “Moxley!” He said on Sunday, he lost. He said he got pinned, and that was on him. He said he missed the game-winning shot.
He said he was supposed to be on vacation “until, like, two days ago.” He said this is another chance to take another shot with the game on the line. He said he’s pushing a hell of a rock up another hill. He talked up everyone in the tournament, saying they are better wrestlers and more naturally athletic than him. He said winners always want the ball when the game is the line. He said he wants the ball. “So hell yeah, I’m going to take the shot.” Taz said he has goosebumps. Mox said this isn’t just the fourth quarter winning time, this is time to be a legend. He dropped the mic.
(Keller’s Analysis: Amazing stuff from Moxley, and exactly, precisely, emphatically the speech that AEW needed at this moment in history. He should get a standing ovation backstage from that, and I bet he does. MJF was tremendous, and it’s kinda crazy the fans were willing to buy into his ploy like that, but he also does represent something they like, an unapologetic, brash, young, hungry, norm-breaking wrestling character. Those draw money and sell tickets in this business, and MJF models himself after some of the best. I have a hard time believing he didn’t sign a contract extension quite a while back at this point. The number of storylines we haven’t gotten to see play out as planned and scheduled in AEW for so many reasons – a pandemic, injuries, paternity leave, treatment, politics – is insane. But we’ll never get to see how Punk-MJF would have played out. I doubt we see Punk in a wrestling ring again, either.)
(1) DEATH TRIANGLE (Pac & Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. ORANGE CASSIDY & BEST FRIENDS (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) – AEW World Trios Titles
Excalibur said Alex Reynolds suffered an injury and therefore Dark Order couldn’t compete in this match tonight. Schiavone said they had a great tournament. Death Triangle made their entrance first. The bell rang 23 minutes into the show. Death Triangle were going to charge at Cassidy and the Best Friends, but they backdropped them to the floor, then Penta and Fenix launched Cassidy onto them at ringside. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
All six brawled into the crowd during the break. Back from the break, they were back in the ring battling. Pac and Trent battled for a while. Trent tagged in Cassidy. Pac stomped away at him in the corner. Danhaussen jumped onto the ring apron. Alex yanked him down. Danhaussen cursed him. Alex slo-mo punched him in the jaw. Danhaussen’s eyes bulged and he gave Alex a low-blow. Pac showed up and yelled at Danhaussen. When Danhaussen was going to curse him, Pac kicked him the head. Cassidy dove through the ropes at Pac and then gave him a tornado DDT mid-ring for a near fall at 8:00. A graphic hyped Tony Nese vs. Wardlow later, plus Stokely Hathaway will speak, Chris Jericho will speak, Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia, Toni Storm vs. Penelope Ford, and Hangman Page vs. Bryan Danielson in the AEW Title Tournament match.
Penta took control against Chuck in the ring. Excalibur said he was just given a note from Tony Khan that Dynamite in two weeks will featured a rematch between Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee and The Acclaimed. He said it was one of the biggest matches on All Out. Trent and Chuck rallied, then hugged. Excalibur said, “You’ve got to give the people what they want!” Fenix then came back against Trent with a cutter. Chaos broke out with others including Cassidy slamming Pac on his head on a German suplex. Pac and Penta superkicked Trent into a Code Red by Fenix for a near fall. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Cassidy hit Penta with an Orange Punch as he was battling Trent. Trent dropped down into a crunch for a near fall. The crowd popped. Death Triangle hit a triple Canadian Destroyer. “Holy shit!” chanted some fans. Fenix landed a running tornado dive onto Trent and Cassidy at ringside. When they stood, Penta landed a running flip dive. Pac then hit Chuck with his Black Arrow for the win. Death Triangle celebrated their win together with the belts.
WINNERS: Death Triangle in 14:00.
-Schiavone interviewed Dark Order’s John Silver, Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, and Preston Vance. As Silver about to talk about coming up short on Sunday and not being able to compete tonight, in walked Jose the Assistant. He told Vance that for some reason, Andrade wants him to work for him and he presented him with a contract. Evil Uno said Dark Order is not for sale. Silver shoved him. In walked Andrade and Rush. Andrade said he wants to talk to Vance. Silver said the only thing he’ll be speaking to is his fists. Andrade tossed Vance his cruches and walked away. Silver asked Vance what that’s all about. [c]
-A clip aired of the four-way match for the AEW Women’s Title at All Out with a plug for the replay. The clip showed Baker yanking the ref out of the ring when Jayme Hayter had Hikaru Shida covered.
-They showed a clip from backstage of Jamie Hayter telling Britt Baker not to talk to her, and Baker saying she was sorry.
(2) TONI STORM vs. PENELOPE FORD (w/Kip Sabian)
Sabian came out wearing a box over his head. Is AEW ever going to explain that to their audience? Ford applied a side headlock early. Storm checked her hard to the mat. Ford fired back with punches, but Storm checked her to the mat two more times followed by a dropkick. When Ford bailed out to the floor, Storm dropkicked her from inside the ring. Ford sent Storm face-first into the steps. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
Back from the break, Storm made a comeback. She landed a hip attack in the corner followed by a jumping DDT for the win. Excalibur thought it was a different sequence with Ford trying to give Storm a Northern Lights suplex. The landing was soft and it was a poor finishing move. Taz tried to cover a bit for it.
WINNER: Storm in 6:00.
-A promo aired with Angelo Parker talking to Matt Menard about how Hook beat him. A clip aired of Action Bronson telling them to stay away from Hook. He said Hook is crazy “and you don’t know about me.” Matt said at Arthur Ashe Stadium, he and Dawkins are coming for them. Taz said that tag match will be huge.
-As The Acclaimed walked out with Billy Gunn, Max Caster was about to rap. Swerve Strickland’s music interrupted Max’s highly anticipated rap. He swaggered out with a mic in hand. He insincerely apologized for interrupting and asked the fans if they really want to hear some more corny rap jokes from The Acclaimed. “Yes! Yes!” chanted the crowd. Strickland said he had a joke for everyone. “Asshole! Asshole!” chanted the crowd. His joke? “The Acclaimed as AEW Tag Champions. Ha ha ha ha ha.” Fans booed. Billy Gunn interrupted. He said this ain’t his house no more. He said this is Daddy Ass’s house. Fans cheered. Anthony Bowens said because of them, in two weeks it’ll be a rematch. “Your uncrowned champs are taking home the gold because everyone loves the Acclaimed.” He scissored Billy Gunn.
(Keller’s Analysis: Not sure Max and Bowens got the pop they did in Chicago, but the fans were solidly on their side. A lot of people will be bummed that Caster didn’t rap, but expectations were so high and for legal reasons he really couldn’t say anything that was even suggestively inflammatory even if it was just suggestive of the controversy. This was a good out. Also a good call to apparently turn Swerve & Lee heel after All Out. I hope it’s not a contextual heel turn, because Swerve is a better heel. He’s aloof by nature, even if he is cool. The Acclaimed are just fun.) [c]
-Schiavone interviewed Chris Jericho along with Anna Jay, Sammy Guevara, and Tay. Sammy and Tay were chomping on their gum. He said he found the Fountain of Youth on Sunday. “I’m drinking it in, man!” he said. “That’s why I was able to beat Bryan Danielson on Sunday at his own game.” He said he’s now the best wrestler and best sports entertainer ever. He said he’ll beat Danielson again next week at Dynamite and go on to Grand Slam to become champion for the eighth time. (So he’s predicting Danielson wins tonight, huh? Or did he just give away the finish.) He said AEW is his company and his f’n locker room and no one is taking that from him ever. He touted Sammy’s match against Darby Allin this Friday. Sammy said, “Your little turtle of an ass is getting beaten.” Jericho declared they hate turtles. He addressed Danny Garcia and said they’d leave him alone as promised tonight when he beats Wheeler Yuta without them. Sammy talked about sexy they are.
(3) WARDLOW vs. TONY NESE (w/”Smart” Mark Sterling) – TNT Title match
They showed Wardlow walking backstage up the steps and to the entrance stage. Then he came out to his pyro. Nese flexed his bicep in Wardlow’s face and touched Wardlow’s pecs. Wardlow headbutted him and clotheslined him as Taz said Nese was suggesting Wardlow needs to “tighten his pecs up.” Wardlow dropped his straps and powerbombed Nese three times before standing on is chest and getting a three count. He then flexed like Road Warrior Hawk used to. After the bell, he yanked Sterling into the ring and was going to give him a powerbomb when Josh Woods yanked him out of the ring to safety.
WINNER: Wardlow in 2:00.
-Wardlow yelled afterward that he’s heard a lot on the Internet that Wardlow’s lost it and the momentum is gone. “Well, let me tell you something,” he said. “Wardlow is the TNT Champion and it’s time for me to remind everybody in that locker room, everybody in this business, and all of my fans that have stuck by me since day one that this Wardlow’s World!” He threw the mic down.
(Keller’s Analysis: I don’t like bringing “Internet comments” into pro wrestling promos, because why would someone of Wardlow’s stature pay a second of attention to what anyone on Twitter says, plus he’s the TNT Champion, so in the AEW universe, he’s on a roll and on top of AEW. His delivery was emphatic in a way that suggests he’s worked up right now, but the yelling will get old fast if he sticks with that.)
-A video package aired on Darby facing Guevara on Friday. Darby said he’ll come to the ring without Sting and he challenged Guevara to do the same.
(4) BRYAN DANIELSON vs. “HANGMAN” ADAM PAGE – AEW World Hvt. Title Tournament match
(Keller’s Analysis: I’d like to have heard from Hangman and Danielson with brief promos before this high-stakes match.)
William Regal joined in on commentary. He said to Tony he’d like to pick up his pedals and rub them all over him. He said he’s an eccentric individual so he can say such things. The bell rang seven minutes into the second hour. (It’s got to be a win that there have been no noticeable “C.M. Punk” chants so far. Regal said Hangman is one of the few wrestlers in AEW he doesn’t know a lot about. They built slowly and methodically. After some chop exchanges at 3:00, Bryan took control and landed Yes Kicks in the corner. Hangman knocked Bryan off the top rope with a running forearm. Hangman sling-shot himself toward Bryan, but Bryan moved and then shoved Hangman into the ringpost. [c]
Back from the break, Danielson was in control. Hangman came back with Death Valley Driver for a near fall at 10:00. They showed Jericho standing by a monitor watching the match sideways. (Nobody believes that’s how anyone would settle in to watch a long match. It looks so contrived.) Hangman landed a top rope overhead slam for a near fall. Schiavone wondered how Danielson kicked out after that. He set up a Buckshot Lariat next, but Danielson rolled to the floor. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
Back from the break, they crawled toward each other and then stood and exchanged more chops. After a Hangman sitout powerbomb for a two count, fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Hangman landed on his feet on a top rope back suplex attempt. He hit Danielson with a spinning lariat for a near fall. Danielson rolled Hangman over into a LeBell Lock. Hangman escaped and catapulted Danielson, but he pulled himself back over the top rope and went for a cross armbreaker. He grabbed Hangman’s nose to obstruct his breathing. Hangman slipped free and drove his knees into Danielson. Both were slow to get up.
Hangman landed a Dead Eye for a near fall that popped the crowd. Hangman climbed to the top rope, but didn’t rush, and then went for a moonsault, but Danielson moved. Danielson then landed his Psycho Knee. Hangman rolled to the floor. Danielson dove through the ropes, but Hangman blocked him and caught him and shoved him into the ring apron. He followed with a moonsualt press off the top rope to ringside. Hangman went for a Buckshot seconds later, but Danielson ducked and then rolled up Hangman for the win. They cut to Jericho watching on a monitor backstage. Danielson eyed the AEW World Title belt at ringside afterward.
WINNER: Danielson in 23:00 to advance to face Jericho next week (just as Jericho, ahem, “predicted” earlier.)
(Keller’s Analysis: Really good match.)
-A video package aired on Christian Cage and Jungle Boy. JB said Christian has prolonged the inevitable. He said he can go get his surgery and when he returns at 100 percent, he’s going to take years off his miserable life. He told Luchasaurus that he carried his entire career on his back for three years and busted his ass week after week to make them champions. He said when people said Luchasaurus was a liability and a joke, maybe they were right. He said maybe what happened Sunday is that a giant anchor was released from around his ankles. He said sometimes you can move on from your past and other times you have to destroy it. [c]
-Stokely Hathaway stood on the ramp with Ethan Page, the Gunn Boys, Lee Moriarty, and W. Morrissey. He said everyone is wondering why he did what he did on Sunday. He said it was the greatest night of his career. He said he’s the King of Ladder matches. A producer told him to stop talking because they’re low on time. Stokely said that’s crazy and he grabbed him by his lapel. He said he should pay him the same respect he gives his own father. He then hit the guy in the chin with the mic. Colten and Austin Gunn beat him up as Ethan cheered them on. Ethan then punched him, too. The Gunns held him for Morrison to give him a big boot. The camera angle didn’t catch the impact.
-The announcers hyped Rampage: Samoa Joe will speak, Sammy vs. Darby in the tournament match, Serena Deeb vs. Madison Rayne, and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Dax Harwood for the ROH Title. A vignette aired on Claudio’s ROH Title defense against Dax. Soundbites aired with both. Then they hyped Dynamite: Danielson vs. Jericho in a tournament semi-final and Moxley vs. the winner of Darby and Sammy, and Swerve & Keith Lee vs. The Acclaimed for the tag team titles.
(5) DANIEL GARCIA vs. WHEELER YUTA – ROH Pure Title match
West Gunn rapped on the stage and introduced Garcia. Garcia slapped some hands on his way to the ring. Regal was still on commentary. Caprice Coleman joined them. No Jim Ross this week. Yuta came out second. Excalibur ran down the special rules for a Pure Title match. They showed Jerry Lynn, Matt Sydal, and B.J. Whitmer at ringside. He said they’re all former ROH Champions. He noted you get one punch before getting DQ’d. Fans chanted “Garcia!” Garcia is from the area. The bell rang 42 minutes into the hour. They showed Jericho watching backstage. They cut to a split-screen break at 2:00. [c/ss]
Excalibur noted that during the break, Yuta forced Garcia to use one of his rope breaks. Yuta kicked Garcia with the flat of his boot in a disrespectful manner. Garcia took notice, but Yuta stayed in control. Regal said he’d love to have Garcia in the BBC (Blackpool Combat Club) but they need wrestlers as good as Garcia out of the BCC to make them better too. They cut to another break at 10:00. [c/ss]
Back from the break, Garcia was making a comeback as fans chanted his name. Yuta punched Garcia. He was given a warning. Garcia went down and grabbed at his jaw. Garcia suddenly applied a Lion Tamer. Yuta countered into a crossface. Fans booed. Yuta leveraged Garcia’s shoulders down with the seat belt. Garcia came back with a Dragon Tamer (Lion Tamer). Yuta tapped. The crowd exploded with cheers.
WINNER: Garcia in 16:00 to become ROH Pure Champion.
-As confetti dropped and Garcia celebrated, Danielson walked to the ring. Coleman said he wanted to see the Code of Honor handshake. Yuta stood and shook hands. Danielson then yanked the belt away from Garcia and, after a couple seconds of tension, wrapped it around Garcia’s waist. Jericho then marched out, looking upset with that scene. Danielson offered Garcia a handshake; Garcia accepted. Jericho looked crestfallen and yelled, “What are you doing?” Danielson raised Garcia’s arms as Excalibur hyped Rampage.
(Keller’s Analysis: This was a good time to have this match. The crowd was into it because, in part, it’s Garcia hometown. It also symbolized a steadying of things with such a chaotic week. And it forwarded the storyline with Danielson and Jericho vying for Garcia’s loyalty. Garcia is really good and worthy of this TV time lately.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: A good, solid episode, and what AEW needed. There was no sense of panic or hot-shotting or overcompensating. It showed everyone that AEW has great talent depth and other storylines to latch onto even with the absence of some top acts. I’m curious if and when AEW announces suspensions or contract buyouts for those missing tonight.
I have been a CM Punk fan from the time I first saw him in MLW. That said, if his presence has caused AEW to no longer be a happy place to work, when by all accounts it has been up until now, then he needs to go. To be honest, he hasn’t meant anything to their business measured by ratings. I am not a fan of The Bucks and Omega. I honestly consider them very overrated. That said, no one can blame them for defending their home from an intruder. I expect to see them back at some point.