9/5 WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on Lashey vs. Miz in a cage, Edge responds to Dominik turning on his dad, Clash at Castle fallout

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Full analysis and results of this week's episode of WWE Raw



Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome


-The Raw opening aired. Jimmy Smith introduced the show as the camera panned the crowd.

-Edge made his ring entrance. They aired a replay of Dominik Mysterio turning on both his dad Rey and Edge at the Clash two nights before. Corey Graves said no one saw it coming. Edge talked about how he used to hang with Dominik in catering when he was kid. He talked about how close he has been for years to his family, including staying at their house when he’s in San Diego. “I know he raised you better than that,” he said. He said he and his dad can hash it out however they want, but he isn’t looking at him like the kid he watched grow up, but rather he’s treating him like a WWE Superstar. “A man’s game pays a man’s price,” he said, staring intensely into the camera. He called him to the ring and said they’re not going to talk, he’s going to beat his ass. “Get down here right now!” he said. Mysterio’s music played and out walked Rey, his hand on his heart. Graves said he can only imagine what’s going through his mind.

Rey begged Edge not to do anything because “he’s still my son.” Edge told Rey he loves his son, but he’s old enough to drink, to drive, and to wrestle, so he’d old enough to face the consequences of his actions. “So get out here right now!” Edge yelled. Rhea Ripley’s music played and she walked out. She laughed and told Edge he needed to calm down. She said he got what was coming to him. She told Edge he thought he could just replace Dominik like he didn’t even matter. She said Rey thought he could protect his baby boy, but he’s not his baby boy anymore. She said she saw the potential in him and she made him into a man. Out came Dominik dressed in a black button up shirt and black dress pants and black shoes with his hair slicked back.

Rey told Dominik to snap out of it make things right with Edge. Ripley asked when Rey will get it through his “thick skull” that Dominik isn’t listening to him anymore. She told Edge he’s past his time because he can’t stop his judgment day. Rey walked up to Dominik in the aisle and pleaded with him not to do this. Dom wouldn’t even look his dad in the eyes. Some fans chanted, “Eddie’s son! Eddie’s son!” Rey hung his head and left. Ripley smiled at Edge with her hand on Dom’s shoulder. As they headed to the ring, Finn Balor and Damian Priest attacked Edge from behind. Edge held his own against them at first, but then Dominik clipped Edge’s leg from behind. Rey marched back out and told Dominik to get out of his way. Dominik didn’t move. He blocked Rey. Ripley then attacked Rey and tossed him into the ringside steps. Graves called it despicable. Saxton said it’s surreal and unfathomable. Priest gave Edge a South of Heaven. Next, Priest held Edge down with his leg in a chair as Balor leaped off with a flying knee. Edge cried out in pain as he clutched his knee. Smith called it sickening.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good follow-up to the angle. I think Dominik is going to be better at being a heel than most seem to think at this point. Everyone played their role well here.) [c]

-They aired freeze-frame clips of big moments at Clash at the Castle.

-They went to the announcers at ringside. Smith said Edge has been taken to “a local medical facility.”

-A clip aired from earlier of Sarah Schreiber approaching Miz and Tommaso Ciampa in a parking ramp. She asked about Dexter Lumis appearing to be in the back seat as he drove away last week. Miz said he drove home and relaxed, “and anything else I don’t want to talk about.” As she tried to ask a follow-up, Ciampa said all journalists like her are just trying to stir up drama. Miz asked if she ever considered asking how he’s doing. She did. He said it’s none of her business, and he’s going to win the U.S. Title tonight. Miz was distracted by the fact that a car was tipped upside down and smoking.

-The announcers hyped the cage match for the U.S. Title later.

(1) THE NEW DAY (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston) vs. THE ALPHA ACADEMY (Chad Gable & Otis) vs. LOS LOTHARIOS (Humberto & Angel) vs. THE STREET PROFITS (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)

As the New Day came out, Graves was upset that they weren’t talking about the car tipped over and everything Miz was going through. They cut to a break at 2:00. [c]

More action followed by a split-screen break at 9:00 after Otis landed a top rope splash for a near fall on Ford. [c/ss]

Back from the break, Gable had Ford in an anklelock. Braun Strowman’s music then played. “Oh my God!” said Graves. Braun marched out. They cut to crowd reaction close-ups. Braun confronted Gable, the lone person left in the ring. Graves asked, “What in the hell is going on?” Braun clothesline Gable. He KO’d a charging Angel and chokeslammed a leaping Humberto. He checked Otis off the ring apron.

WINNER: No contest in 13:00.

-Strowman continued to beat up everyone at ringside. He powerbombed Dawkins through the announce desk. Bruan played to the cheering crowd. Graves said he’s even bigger and badder than before. He said he’s a damn game-changer in every sense of the word. Braun beat up security guys who ran in.

(Keller’s Analysis: The disappointing aspect is that Braun was portrayed as superior to eight wrestlers just because they happened to be tag team wrestlers. Braun’s a big name to be back in play, but that’s a sizable price to pay – treating tag team wrestlers like hapless fodder.) [c/ss]

-During the break, they showed on split-screen Braun continuing to beat up everyone.

-They showed the announcers standing over the wreckage and talking about the return of Braun.


The announcers talked about the tag team chemistry and continuity of the teams. They showed Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky watching on a monitor backstage. In the end, Doudrop climbed to the top rope, but a brawl with Aliyah and Nikki distracted her, so Rodriguez stood and slammed her off the top rope for the win. They cut to Bayley & Co. reacting.

WINNERS: Rodriguez & Aliyah in 4:00.

-Megan Morant asked Rey for his thoughts. He said he loves his son and he needs a word in private with him. He said The Judgment Day are trying to tear his life apart and separate him from his son and poison his mind. He said Edge is like family to him. He said he will never put his hands on his son, but no one deserves having their ass handed to them more than The Judgment Day. He challenged one of them to a match tonight. “They can take their pick, whoever it is,” he said.

-Freeze frames aired of various moments at Clash at the Castle. Then video aired of Sheamus receiving a standing ovation and Sheamus tearing up afterward.


-Theory walked out with his briefcase in one hand and his phone in the other. He told fans to shut their mouths. He said everyone wanted to see him fail at his cash in, but he’s still the youngest Mr. Money in the Bank in all of WWE history. He said when he gets knocked down, he gets back up, unlike the fans. He said Tyson Fury sucker-punched him but he’s still standing. He said it’s all beside the point because Reigns is still champion. He said he’s actually glad, though, because Drew McIntyre completely embarrassed himself in front of all of his friends and family and because he and Reigns still have some unfinished business. When he stumbled on his words, he blamed his jaw hurting. He yelled that he will soon end Reigns’s two year reign as champion and he will soon be the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. Kevin Owens’ music then played.

Owens walked out, mic in hand. He asked what’s wrong with his jaw, then said with delight that he forgot he knocked the hell out. “You got KO’d! See what I did there? That’s good stuff,” Owens said. “You got KO’d!” chanted the crowd. Owens joked that he found his first name again and now he can call him Austin. He said he despises arrogant and delusional people in this industry. He said he’s had many of them in WWE, and he won’t be the last one they deal with, but he is right now at the top of his list. (Was that a veiled shot at C.M. Punk, perhaps?) KO said Reigns or McIntyre would have destroyed him if he cashed in. Theory said he’s just jealous because he hasn’t won a title in years whereas he is climbing the ladder of success and becoming Mr. Money in the Bank. He said he kind of feels bad for Owens, but he said he can be first in line for a title shot against him.

Owens walked up the steps and said he was in the ring against Drew in few weeks ago and Drew couldn’t beat him. He said 18 months ago he had Reigns beaten and he should have become champion. He said if it weren’t for Jey Uso and Paul Heyman, he’d have ended his reign six months in. He said Theory wouldn’t have won MITB if he was in the match. He said he would have won and he’d be the one to end Reigns’s title reign. Theory said he’s the hand-picked future of the business whereas KO is working to stay relevant. KO said, “I’ll give you that, I do everything I can to stay relevant. That’s why I’m so good, that’s why I’m Kevin Owens, that’s why I got where I am today.” He said Theory was the hand-picked future of WWE, but not anymore.

KO called a ref to the ring and said enough talking, let’s fight. Theory was up for it. The bell rang.


The bell rang, and Theory dropped to the floor. KO leaped to ringside and clotheslined him. KO chopped him in the chest. KO landed a cannonball in the corner. Theory dropped to the floor. KO landed a frog splash off the ring apron. They cut to a split-screen break at 1:00. [c/ss]

Theory took over during the break. KO made a comeback and tossed Theory around ringside. They cut to another split-screen break. [c/ss]

After the break, they replayed a top rope senton by KO. When he went for a Stunner, Theory blocked it. Then he lifted KO off the top rope and delivered a spinning powerbomb for a near fall. A graphic hyped Damage Ctrl (Bayley & Co.) would be out later. Theory set up his A-Town finisher, but KO escaped and superkicked him. He followed with a Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt. Theory slipped free and then threw KO shoulder-first into the ringpost. Theory rammed KO into the ringside steps back and head first. Theory set up a superplex back in the ring. KO resisted and punched Theory to the mat. KO then set up another top rope move, but Theory met him up there. KO suplexed him to the mat, though, and then played to the crowd. He delivered a Pop-Up Powerbomb and a Stunner for the win.

WINNER: Owens in 16:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Really good match. This rejuvenation of KO’s push is very welcome. He’s being featured how he ought to be featured, with a lot of mic work and a chance to show off in a length match in the ring that tells a good story. The clean win here is smart because Theory can later claim he was affected by Tyson Fury’s punch as an excuse, but it feels in the mean time like a meaningful endorsement of KO as a rising legit threat to Reigns.)

-Backstage, Ciampa gave Miz a pep talk. Schreiber approached Miz and startled him. Ciampa talked up Miz. Miz said he’s overcome persecution his whole career. He said he will stand over Lashley’s limp body later and walk out as the U.S. Champion. [c]

-A lengthy video recap aired of Clash at the Castle including the finish of the Reigns-McIntyre match.

-They showed Bayley & Co. backstage. [c]

-Smith talked about Kansas City sports as they showed postcard shots of the sports venues and pro teams. Then they cut to ringside where Kansas City Chiefs players were applauding in the front row.

-They aired a video on medal of honor recipient Patrick Payne. The cut to a cheering crowd.

-Damage Ctrl walked out. Bayley called the crowd idiots. They bragged about their win at Clash at the Castle and said they will end the reign of Rodriguez & Aliyah soon. Bianca Belair came out and told Bayley she might have her minions, but she has her title belt. “Unless it’s one-on-one and unless you got this [belt], you’re in control of nothing.” Bayley stepped up and walked around Belair until she was surrounded. Sky and Kai then joined Bayley in leaving the ring.

Bayley, at ringside, said she already beat her and she has nothing else to prove. She said she’s still the same old Bianca Belair trying to play Ms. Perfect all the time. She said her ego can’t handle that one loss, so now she’s going to challenge her to try to make it seem like a fluke. Bayley said it’s not all about her because they have bigger and better things to worry about. She said “her girls” are going to win the tag belts next week. “But don’t worry, because if and when I want that title, I’m going to get it one way or another,” she said as she pushed Kai and Sky in front of her.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was Bayley’s best mic work since returning. Belair was really good here, too, especially with her facial expressions and body language. I like the idea that Bayley doensn’t want to get a title shot yet so she can gloat about her win over Belair first.) [c]

-More Clash highlights aired.

-Schreiber asked Johnny Gargano about Theory telling him he’s swimming with sharks now. Gargano said he’s done well swimming with sharks his entire career. He said he accomplished a lot in NXT but he has more to accomplish now at Raw. He said he’s excited to remind Theory and everyone what he’s capable of. Theory walked in and said since he returned, all he’s been doing is talking. Gargano said he was about to announce that next week, he’s going to wrestle on Raw and return to in-ring action for the first time in nine months. Gargano told Theory doesn’t look good and should be more careful. He walked away. Theory made faces at him.

-The announcers hyped the Miz-Lashley main event.

(4) REY MYSTERIO vs. DAMIAN PRIEST (w/Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio)

Rey Mysterio made his ring entrance. Damian Priest made his entrance, revealing he is his opponent in Rey’s open challenge. Priest got the better of Rey most of the opening few minutes. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]

Rey made a comeback with a springboard moonsault for a two count. He turned and looked at his son at ringside with frustration and anger. Saxton said he appeared to be looking for a sign of remorse or that he still cared. Priest threw Rey head-first into the top turnbuckle. Priest eventually ducked a Rey 619 and then landed a spinning wheel kick. When Rey went for another 619 a minute later, Dominik broke it up by standing on the ring apron. Fans booed. Rey fended off Balor and then turned to notice Ripley entering the ring. Priest then surprised Rey with a clothesline. Priest followed up with South of Heaven for the three count.

WINNER: Priest in 14:00.

-Afterward, The Judgment Day stood over Rey. Ripley said there’s just one man left. He said Dominik is going to send Edge back to retirement. She said he’s challenging Edge to a one-on-one match next week. Graves said he has to put his big boy pants on given the state of mind of Edge.

(Keller’s Analysis: Dominik’s demeanor was really believable and effective here as a son who broke bad. It made sense for Rey to put up a spirited fight but ultimately lose given all the circumstances.)

-Schreiber interviewed Lashley backstage. He said Miz is going to be standing across the ring from the only man he needs to be afraid of when those cage doors close. [c]

-The announcers commented on a replay of Braun’s return. They showed Braun backstage saying “the monster of all monsters is back and nobody is safe.” He said he’d see them Friday night on Smackdown. He threw his towel and left.

-They went to the announcers to react. Graves said it doesn’t bode well for many people. Smith threw to a video package on the Riddle-Seth match. Smith said it’s far from over.

-A backstage interview aired with Schreiber talking with Riddle in the locker room after his match. Riddle said Seth stomped his head into the ground. He said he let his emotions get the best of him and Seth took full advantage of it. He said he can say for sure is that he wants another match with Seth as soon as possible.

Then they aired Schreiber telling Seth last night that Riddle wants a rematch. Seth laughed, took off his sunglasses, and said he admires his guts. He said he has moxy, but he already did what he said he was going to do. He said had over 60,000 fans singing his song and then stomped Riddle’s head into the mat twice. He said while he admired his guts and determination, a rematch is not in the cards. He said he’s moving on to bigger and better things.

-They showed a split-screen of Lashley and Miz walking backstage. [c]

-They hyped next week’s Raw featuring Gargano wrestling, Dominik vs. Edge, and Kai & Sky challenging Rodriguez & Aliyah for the tag titles.

(5) BOBBY LASHLEY vs. MIZ (w/Ciampa) – U.S. Title match

Formal ring introductions took place. Miz hit Lashley with the U.S. Title belt before the bell. Graves said, “It might be cheap, but it’s smart.” Ciampa yanked Lashley out of the cage. Miz joined him and they double-teamed Lashley at ringside. Miz rammed Lashley’s hand and arm with the top of the ringsteps as they held his arm against the ringpost. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]

The relentless beatdown continued during the break on split-screen. When they got back from the break, Miz and Ciampa threw Lashley back into the ring. Miz followed behind. The cage door closed and the ref started the match. (It’s absurd that the ref just let the match start that way, especially with a title at stake. Rewarding heels for a pre-match two-on-one attack that lasted five minutes and just going ahead with the match makes a mockery of any pretense of rules and wrestlers being rewarded for blatant cheating. Is the excuse that there are “no rules” in a cage match, even before the match begins?)

The match officially started about 44 minutes into the hour. When Miz tried to walk out the door, Lashley recovered enough to stand and stop him. Miz then climbed the cage, but Lashley yanked him down by his boot. They continued to battle back and forth into another split-screen break. [c/ss]

Miz took over during the break and applied a crossface. Miz climbed to the top of the cage. Lashley grabbed him. Ciampa climbed the outside of the cage and tried to aid Miz. It didn’t do much good. Lashley superplexed Miz out of the corner. Miz hit a Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall. When Lashley began to leave through the door, Ciampa slammed the door on his head. Miz climbed over the cage and was about to drop down when suddenly Dexter Lumis showed up, pulling himself out from under the ring on his back. The camera showed an overhead view. Miz dropped back into the ring. Dexter stood and stared down Miz. Lashley speared him for the win.

WINNER: Lashley in 14:00 to retain the U.S. Title.

-After the match, Lumis cornered Miz in the ring. As Miz tried to crawl out of the ring, Lashley closed the door from the outside. Miz tried to escape, but Dexter grabbed his trunks and pulled him down, then applied an arm triangle to put Miz to sleep. Graves yelled, “Somebody do something about this!” Dexter caressed a KO’d Miz and then stroked Miz’s forehead as the show ended.


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