AUGUST 29, 2022
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, & Byron Saxton
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
-The show opened with a shot of the crowd. A.J. Styles made his entrance to a huge ovation. Dolph Ziggler was out next as Styles’ partner.
-A recap was shown of the Edge-Damian Priest match from last week’s Raw.
-The Judgment Day’s music hit and Finn Balor, Damian Priest, and Rhea Ripley appeared in that order on the stage. Saxton called the Judgement Day an “eerie sight”.
Styles sent Priest out to the floor with a clothesline. Styles then leaped onto Balor and Priest with a flying forearm on the outside which sent Priest into the announce desk. [c]
Back from the break, Balor cut off two attempted comebacks by Ziggler. Balor mocked Styles by attempting a Styles Clash on Ziggler, however, Ziggler reversed it into a Fameouser. Styles and Priest were tagged in. Styles stopped himself from crashing into Balor’s back (I assume not to legitimately hurt him?) and Priest nailed him with a punch and tried a chokeslam, but Styles reversed it into a roll up for a near fall. While the referee was tied up tending to Styles, Ziggler had Priest rolled up, so there was no count. Balor ran in and got superkicked by Ziggler, but Priest used the distraction to chokeslam Ziggler for the win.
WINNERS: Balor & Priest in 8:00.
-The Judgment Day walked up the stage to exit. However, a Mercedes Benz S.U.V. appeared on the big screen pulling into up to the arena. Edge got out of the vehicle and walked towards the arena. Balor, Priest, & Ripley stopped and went back into the ring. Priest was yelling that he had something to say to Edge. Graves said the Judgment Day were standing their ground as the crowd chanted, “We want Edge”. [c]
-Balor, Priest, & Ripley circled the ring angrily. Ripley challenged Edge to come to the ring a smash what’s left of his manhood. Balor then said he’s tired of these so called legends like Edge and Rey Mysterio. Balor complained about Edge and Mysterio’s doucmentaries and demanded to have a documentary of his own. Priest agreed with Balor and said he had Edge beat last week. Balor continued saying that tonight he won’t have his friends, family, or “the one person who wears the pants in (his) home” Beth Phoenix to save him. Priest told Edge to come out to meet his judgment day.
Edge entered to a thunderous ovation. Edge said Priest, Balor, and Ripley made some good points as well as some ridiculous ones. Edge continued saying that he didn’t come back to steal anybody’s glory because he’s already had it. Edge said he and Beth both wear the pants in their family because it’s 2022 and she’s a badass. Edge quipped that Priest was a caveman and will be single for the rest of his life. Edge said if Ripley keeps talking she will find out why Beth is the Glamazon. Edge said he didn’t come alone and Priest and Balor were attacked from behind by Rey and Dominik Mysterio armed with kendo sticks. The Mysterios and Edge fought off Priest and Balor. Suddenly, left in the ring were only Dominik and Ripley. Dominik clutched his kendo stick as he and Ripley circled each other. Ripley appeared to talk Dominik down as he was hesitant to strike her with the kendo stick. Ripley took the kendo stick away, but Rey and Edge ran in to stop her from using it. Priest and Balor grabbed Ripley and exited through the crowd.
(Doucette’s Analysis: I thought Judgment Day looked their strongest here since the group’s incarnation. I feel like since getting Ripley back they all look more confident and comfortable. It was nice to see that Edge and Rey didn’t stand there and let Dominik get beat down by Ripley. I like that Ripley is shown to have some sort of psychological hold on Dominik. This creates an interesting dynamic.)
-Still shots were shown of Dexter Lumis abducting The Miz last week. Miz and Ciampa were shown entering the arena earlier in the day as they were stopped for an interview by Kevin Patrick. Patrick asked for insight on what happened when he was abducted. Miz refused to talk about it as Lumis is not even a WWE superstar. Patrick mentioned that Lumis was arrested in NXT and asked Miz again to give details on what happened Miz maintained that he did not want to elaborate and walked away with Ciampa.
-Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss, and Asuka were shown walking together through the backstage area on their way to the ring. [c]
-Smith hyped the finals of the tag team title tournament.
-Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah were backstage and cut a promo saying that they will be the new tag team champions.
-Bliss, Asuka, then Belair made their entrances to the stage as the commentators hyped a six-woman tag match for Clash at the Castle.
Bliss, Asuka, and Belair dominated the match. Asuka got the win for her team with an Asuka Lock on Mo.
WINNERS: Bliss, Asuka, & Belair in 3:00.
-Belair grabbed a mic and said that Iyo Sky, Dakota Kai, and Bayley can act like they run things but last month they didn’t even go there. Belair said she has been holding down the women’s division and Kai, Sky, and Bayley are going down. Bliss said things will get twisted this Saturday and Asuka spoke quickly in Japanese. Asuka asked if they were ready for the three of them. Belair said at Clash of the Castle, they are taking control.
(Doucette’s Analysis: This was a good, short win to show Belair, Asuka, and Bliss as a cohesive team. The promo was weak, but I liked the match booking.)
-Backstage, Miz and Ciampa were approached by Adam Pearce. Ciampa tried to stop Pearce from talking about his experience with Lumis. Pearce offered to help Miz find counseling services or any resources that he needed. Miz reiterated that he didn’t want to talk about it. Pearce said that Lumis was released from police custody, as Miz didn’t want to talk. Miz was annoyed that Lumis was released, but still didn’t want to talk. Miz complained about being put in a match with Bobby Lashley later in the night, but insisted he needed to prepare for it. Miz and Ciampa sent Pearce away.
(Doucette’s Analysis: I still don’t like this abduction storyline too much. It’s a very sensitive topic and it’s being played for laughs. As I said last week, Miz is not THAT unlikeable to want to see this done to him and Lumis’ character is not defined enough to give it a pass.)
-Kurt Angle was introduced to the crowd as they chanted, “You suck”. Angle was wearing his “Team Angle” tracksuit. Angle said it was great to be back in his hometown. Angle began to hype Clash at the Castle, but was interrupted by Alpha Academy’s music. [c]
Gable called Angle a hometown hero and his personal hero. Gable highlighted that Angle won an olympic gold medal. Angle made sure to include that he won it with a broken freakin’ neck. Gable and Otis chuckled. Gable said he was going to continue the search for the newest member of Alpha Academy, but there’s no talent in Pittsburgh. The crowd booed and Gable told them to shoosh. Gable said there’s an Olympic gold medalist in the ring, not to mention Angle. Gable said Angle could join Alpha Academy for one night only. Otis gave Angle an Alpha Academy jacket. Angle said he will pass and threw the jacket on the ground. Gable couldn’t believe that Angle turned them down. Angle said its true, it’s damn true. Gable cut him off with a shoosh. Angle and Gable had a shooshing back and forth. Gable told Otis to shown Angle what happens when you turn down an offer from the Academy.
The Street Profits ran down to back up Angle in black and gold jerseys. Montez Ford said that if you mess with Kurt that must mean you want to get hurt. Ford said Alpha Academy is at the right place at the wrong time. Ford said the Street Profits are up and they want the smoke. Gable accepted the challenge under one condition, that Angle joins Alpha Academy if they win. Gable said Angle will have to do whatever he says as he coaches him to the next level. Ford asked if Angle would be in their corner rocking the red, white, and blue. Angle said it’s true, it’s damn true. [c]
-The commentators announced that Edge and Rey Mysterio vs. Finn Balor and Damian Priest was official for Clash at the Castle.
(3) THE STREET PROFITS (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) (w/Kurt Angle) vs. ALPHA ACADEMY (Chad Gable & Otis)
Gable took Ford down with a belly to belly suplex off the top rope. [c]
Back from commercial, Dawkins was in the ring with Gable. Dawkins hit a corkscrew suplex for a near fall. Gable locked Ford in an ankle lock, but Ford escaped. Ford then put Gable in an ankle lock of his own. Ford then used a grapevine, but Otis splashed Ford and broke it up. Otis taunted Angle, but Dawkins hit him with a tackle sending him flying over the announce desk. Ford rolled up Gable for a two count. Dawkins tackled Gable launching him into a back suplex by Ford. Ford then hit Gable with a Frog Splash for the win.
WINNERS: Street Profits in 18:00.
(Doucette’s Analysis: This was a fine match and a fun stipulation for the Pittsburgh fans. Harmless fun and a nice win for the Profits.)
-Ford, Dawkins, and Angle celebrated by drinking out of red solo cups. Angle took a sip and spit out whatever was in the cup. Angle then grabbed a couple of milk jugs and the three of them toasted and drank milk.
-Smith noted that there have been precautions taken to separate Seth Rollins and Riddle due to the altercations they’ve been having. Otis was also shown stumbling away. Graves said he was going to conduct an interview with Riddle and Rollins who were on camera being mic’ed up in separate rooms.
-A few Pittsburgh Steelers players were shown in the crowd as Smith showed footage of Riddle talking on the phone in a parking lot. Rollins got out of a car and approached him. A brief scuffle ensued before some referees and officials broke it up.
-Graves started the interview and Riddle’s name was shown on a graphic to be “Matt Riddle”. Graves asked what happened earlier and Rollins and Riddle started arguing. Graves said to move on and explain where this all began. Rollins interrupted and said Riddle has been a thorn in his side since Money in the Bank. Rollins said that Riddle is mad that he is higher on the food chain. Rollins said that it is his time, not Riddle’s. Riddle said Rollins is scared that he will embarrass him like Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes did. Rollins got angry and said nobody likes Riddle and he wants to finish the job he started at Madison Square Garden. Riddle said he will be here for a long time because it’s going to take a lot more than what Rollins is doing to take him out. Rollins said he will put Riddle on the shelf next to Cody and moving onto the Undisputed title. Graves asked what we can expect from the match between them at Clash at the Castle. Rollins said he will stomp Riddle’s head into the mat and show him who the man is. Riddle said he is going to prove the only man in his marriage is Becky Lynch. Graves ended the interview saying that everyone is looking forward to their match.
-Miz and Ciampa were walking down the hall headed to the ring. Miz then stopped, stared into space, and approached a security guard and stared at him. Ciampa told him to focus and they continued walking. Miz dropped his glasses, but picked them up and they kept walking. [c]
-Smith said that after the interview ended, Riddle and Rollins were still mic’ed up and words were exchanged. The director yelled clear and Riddle asked if they were good. Rollins asked Riddle if he was still there and Riddle said he was. Rollins said Riddle wants to talk about his family so let’s talk about his family. Rollins said he doesn’t have one because his wife divorced him and took his kids and they don’t want to see his bitch ass anymore. Riddle asked him what did he say and where was he. Rollins told him to come find him. Riddle said he’s not going to beat him, he’s going to f*** him up and asked where the f*** he is. Rollins laughed as Riddle continued to threaten him. Rollins walked off as Riddle was still on camera seething and then stormed off.
(Doucette’s Analysis: This was EXPLOSIVE. Credit to these two for daring to go down that road. It’s a risk, but it was done well and adds even more realism to this feud. Also, I am so glad Riddle got his first name back.)
-Smith apologized for the language as Graves said this was beyond personal. Saxton said what Rollins and Riddle do to each other on Saturday won’t be pretty.
-Bobby Lashley made his entrance, then Miz entered flanked by Ciampa.
(4) BOBBY LASHLEY vs. THE MIZ (w/Ciampa)
Miz charged at Lashley, but Lashley shoulderblocked him down. Lashley sent Miz to ringside with a clothesline. Ciampa went to check on Miz, but surprised him and Miz almost threw a punch at him. Miz turned around into a shoulderblock by Lashley. Lashley then scared off Ciampa as well. [c]
Ciampa blocked the ring post so that Lashley couldn’t ram Miz into it. Miz distracted the referee and Ciampa attacked Lashley. Miz hit a DDT for a nearfall. Miz went for a Skull Crushing Finale, but stopped and pointed towards the fans. Lumis was shown in the crowd as Miz instructed Ciampa to go after him. Lashley put Miz in the Hurt Lock for the win.
WINNER: Lashley in 10:00.
-Miz was shown protesting to Ciampa as Lashley slapped the hands of some fans in the front row.
(Doucette’s Analysis: Kind of odd that two of the bigger babyface names in Lashley and Styles have been background players tonight.)
-Edge and Angle were backstage in a locker room. Edge gave Angle a big cardboard picture and Angle said he wasn’t going to fall for that again. Angle looked, but the picture didn’t say anything on the back. Edge gave Angle six more pictures as Angle was fooled into thinking it was on the up-and-up. The first said “Sorry Rey and I beat you for the tag titles”. The second said, “Sorry I beat you for the U.S. title”. The third said, “Sorry I shaved your head bald”. The fourth said, “Sorry I started the you suck chants”, the fifth said “But”, and the last said “You still suck” with an arrowing pointing up. Angle hugged Edge and thanked him. Angle went over to Rey and Dominik who were in the also locker room to show them the picture. Rey and Dominik were laughing as Angle saw the message. Angle said Edge did it again.
Dominik told Rey he thought the match at Clash at the Castle would be a family thing. Rey said Edge was like family, but he needs the experience. Rey said he still wants Dominik in their corner. Dominik said he understood and they hugged.
(Doucette’s Analysis: I loved the Edge-Angle callback to their 2002 segment. This was a funny update to that and Dominik HAS to be turning at Clash right? )
-The Usos and Sami Zayn were walking down a hall towards the ring. [c]
-An advertisement for Connor’s Cure was shown.
-Sami and the Usos made their entrance as a recap of the Bloodline’s attack of Drew McIntyre on Smackdown was shown.
-The Usos hyped Reigns’ two year championship celebration set up Smackdown. Zayn interrupted and said that Reigns appointed him the honorary master of ceremonies for the celebration. Jey stared at Sami which caused Sami to hype up the Usos’ accomplishments. The Usos continued by saying Reigns will defeat McIntyre and the Bloodline runs things. Kevin Owens’ music interrupted as Owens made his way to the stage.
Owens said that the Bloodline doesn’t run anything because this is still the Kevin Owens show. Owens told Sami and the Usos to tell “their boss” Reigns that he still owes him one. Jey told Sami to get “his boy”. Owens asked if he was Sami’s boy. Sami said technically Owens is his boy, but he seemed unsure. Sami told Owens that Reigns doesn’t owe him anything. Owens told Sami that he didn’t think he could look stupider than when he grew his hair out. Owens said Sami looks stupid running around with the Bloodline letting them treat him as they do. Owens continued saying that Sami was one of the best in-ring performers of all time. Owens said Sami is their personal clown and that as his best friend and his brother he needs to reassess things.
Sami shot back saying that Owens doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Sami said they can’t get over the fact that the Bloodline likes him. Sami said Jimmy likes his and they did an elaborate handshake. Sami said he and Jey are “working on it”. Sami said Reigns likes him. Sami said it was the four of them taking out McIntyre together. Jey told Owens to walk back up the ramp before they do him like they did McIntyre. Owens said he didn’t forget that Jey and Paul Heyman stopped him from beating Reigns for the title eighteen months ago. Owens told Jey he can celebrate two years of having his head up Reigns’ ass. Sami stepped in and told Owens to stop before Jey has to kick his ass. Jey pulled Sami back and Jey stared down Owens. Owens said he thinks this is the part where they drop the microphones, get a referee, and fight. A referee ran down as Owens and Jey readied themselves for the match. [c]
(Doucette’s Analysis: Great segment. I liked that so much history was brought up that intertwined between the wrestlers. It’s nice to see that WWE doesn’t have a goldfish’s memory anymore.)
(5) JEY USO (w/Jimmy Uso & Sami Zayn) vs. KEVIN OWENS
Jey and Owens locked up in the corner, but Owens got some strikes and stomps in on Jey. Owens did the “suck it” gesture towards Sami. Owens launched Jey into the ring steps. Owens set up a powerbomb onto the apron, but Jimmy distracted him. Jey used the distraction to superkick Owens and hit a Samoan Drop on the bottom portion of the steps. [c]
Owens blocked a superkick and hit one of his own. Owens went for a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Jey leapfrogged him and hit a superkick. Jey splashed him from the top for a near fall. Jey tried another splash from the opposite corner, but Owens caught him in a cradle for a nearfall. Owens superkicked Jey and superkicked then Jimmy, who tried to interfere. Owens hit a Frog Splash for a two count. Owens went for another apron powerbomb, but Sami distracted him. Owens began to yell at Sami, but Jey dove onto Owens. Jey told Sami to grab a chair. Jey held Owens in the ropes as Sami held a chair, but Sami dropped the chair. While Jimmy yelled at Sami, Owens hit Jey with a Stunner for the win.
WINNER: Owens in 11:00.
-Owens yelled out that Reigns owes him as he left the ringside area.
-Bayley, Sky, and Kai were backstage. Bayley said that Belair was holding back the women’s division. Bayley said they will bring the division back to life and everyone will be looking up to her as their role model. Kai said that they plan to take over the entire company by winning the tag team titles. Kai continued saying Rodriguez and Aliyah have beaten the best, but it will hurt much more when they send them back to Smackdown. Sky spoke in Japanese and then said they will be the new tag team champions.
-Miz was leaving the arena and getting into a vehicle. Ciampa chased after him asking if he was okay. Miz reiterated that he was fine and teased Ciampa about not having a shirt on. Patrick ran up and asked Miz what he saw during the match with Lashley. Miz started the car and Lumis could been seen in the back. Miz pulled off unaware of Lumis’ presence. [c]
-A recap was shown of Johnny Gargano’s promo last week.
-Gargano was being interviewed in an empty arena by someone off-camera. Gargano said being back in WWE is everything to him. Gargano said he hasn’t been in the ring in nine months, the longest since he was eight years old. The interviewer asked if Theory ruined it. Gargano said no and that he was happy to see him. Gargano said Theory has every genetic gift that he didn’t have. Gargano said Theory didn’t even call when his baby was born. Theory showed up and sat behind Gargano. Theory asked why he didn’t call him when he won the U.S. title or when he won Money in the Bank. Gargano said he was busy. Theory said those sound like excuses. Theory said he probably didn’t call because he was jealous and playing stay-at-home dad. Theory said he expected better from Gargano, but it’s lonely at the top. Theory welcomed him to Raw and said good luck because he’s swimming with sharks now.
(Doucette’s Analysis: This was very intriguing. Theory is so good at being a jerk. I like that the confrontation between the two was done in this format instead of a typical backstage or in-ring segment. Theory wasn’t referred to as “Austin Theory” though. I hope he gets his first name back as well.)
-The commentators ran down the Clash at the Castle card.
-A recap was shown of the tag team title tournament.
-Sky and Kai entered first accompanied by Bayley. [c]
-Rodriguez and Aliyah made their entrance together.
(6) IYO SKY & DAKOTA KAI (w/Bayley) vs. RAQUEL RODRIGUEZ & ALIYAH – Tag Team Title Tournament Final
Aliyah and Rodriguez showed some good teamwork early. However, Kai and Sky took over. Kai hit Rodriguez with a hard kick to the head and Sky hit Aliyah with a knee to the face against the ring steps. [c]
Rodriguez tried a powerbomb on Sky, but Sy reversed into a roll-up for a near fall. Sky hit Rodriguez with some strikes, but Rodriguez countered with a big clothesline. Bayley got involved and pulled Sky out of a powerbomb attempt. Sky hit a moonsault for a two count. Bayley protested to referee concerning the nearfall. Then Belair, Asuka, and Bliss came down to run off Bayley. Aliyah rolled up Kai for the surprise title win.
WINNERS: Rodriguez & Aliyah in 12:00.
(Doucette Analysis: Well this was a surprise, at least to me. I thought Sky and Kai were a lock to win. Aliyah getting the pin was appropriate I suppose because she has been shown as the weak link.)
-Belair, Asuka, and Bliss came back to celebrate with Rodriguez and Aliyah.
FINAL THOUGHTS: A decent to good show here. The Riddle-Rollins promo has to be the highlight from shock factor alone. The in-ring action was solid and there are enough little changes in presentation to keep fans engaged from week to week. I liked a lot of small things, but nothing else jumped off the page in a huge way. Clash at the Castle is shaping up to be a better than average card with a good build. I can’t wait to see the show and next week’s fallout.
I dont know if it is an angle or a mistake but I don’t think Dakota Kai was the legal person. I watched a few times and I didn’t see a tag.