JULY 27, 2022
Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Taz, and Excalibur
Rush attacked Jon Moxley before the match started, and promptly threw Moxley into the barricade and then into the ring where he stomped and chopped Moxley. Rush then took a bite of Moxley’s forehead which left Moxley’s head bleeding, at least a few moments later. Rush then worked Moxley on the outside once more and rubbed Moxley’s blood on his chest. Rush threw Moxley into the ring and then posed for the crowd. Moxley then dived out onto Rush and began to work Rush over on the outside the same way he had been.
Moxley went in to beat the count and then went back to the outside and slammed Rush on the stairs. Back in the ring, both men traded chop sin the middle of the ring. Rush got the advantage as Moxley’s head was on the bottom rope. Rush then stepped in his head and then choked Moxley with the camera cord at ringside as the commercial break started. [c]
Moxley hit a superplex as full screen action returned, they then traded forearms and chops. Rush hit a German, but Moxley powered back and hit a King Kong Lariat to get the brief advantage. Rush then Irish Whipped and hit a Snap German Suplex to get a two count on Moxley. Rush locked in a cross face hold, Moxley powered out and Moxley hit stomps on the face of Rush.
Moxley stood up his opponent and Rush tackled Moxley into the ropes and hit a Belly-to-Belly on Moxley into the turnbuckle. Both men were then on the top and middle rope, Moxley bit the head of Rush and then went for a move off the top. Andrade pushed Moxley off the rope and then The Lucha Bros. came out and made the save.
In the chaos Moxley hit a near fall. Rush then hit a straight jacket suplex and got a two count of his own. Rush went to deliver the Bulls Horns, but Moxley dodged and then locked in a choke. Rush then hit a head butt to get out. Moxley hit Death Rider for a near fall and then locked the Bulldog Submission, Rush tapped out.
WINNER: Jon Moxley
(Sage’s Analysis: A really solid, hard hitting match. One that Rush is best at, If I am Tony Khan I would do this match now before the Rush excitement wears off.)
-Chris Jericho and the JAS walked out. Jericho congratulated Moxley, but he said that his group is on a role and went over all ten JAS members in action tonight. Anna Jay introduced herself as a JAS member. Jericho recapped the pain he went through last week in his victory against Eddie Kingston. Jericho then said he was gonna beat Moxley, he demanded his rematch for the AEW championship in two weeks at Quake on the Lake. Moxley got on the mic, and said he hated the sports entertainment they were doing and Jericho in general. Moxley said that he was the two time champion, he said that Jericho is the GOAT in his own way. But, the stuff he is doing now is embarrassing. He said if he wants to fight Moxley, then leave it all at home and don’t have the JAS there. He wants the Lionheart Chris Jericho to fight for the title.
-The announce team, declared that there would be trio team titles and the first winner would be crowned at All Out.
-Dante Martin had a promo against Sammy Guevara.
Ricky Starks had a movie trailer like entrance video before his normal entrance. Danhausen did the Starks pose and then tried to curse, but Starks pump kicked him and did a taunt of his own. Danhausen then dodged and hit a Northern Lights Suplex, Ricky hit a drop kick and then ran the ropes and speared Danhausen for the pinfall.
WINNER: Ricky Starks
-Starks said that he had more in the tank and demanded a new challenger. Hook answered the call and walked out.
Hook dodged a punch and then hit a series of strikes and then a suplex on Starks. Ricky hit a right straight and then a slam and then a hip toss, but Hook landed on his feet. Starks then hit a spear and then tried his finisher. Hook countered and then applied RedRum and tapped out Starks. [c]
(Sage’s Analysis: A fun segment with double matches, this gives Hook something to do that isn’t super important and allows Ricky to move up the card. Good Stuff overall.)
-Tony Schiavone was with Ricky Starks, he asked him why he asked for a second match. Starks said he made the most of teh FTW title, he made leather into gold. He said that he busted his ass and deserves to talk for more than 40 seconds. He said he is tired of waiting his turn, his time is now. He said that Hobbs and him, then suddenly Hobbs attacked Starks and then hit a body slam and looked over a downed Starks.
-The Acclaimed had a message for The Gunn Club. Max Caster said they would have a music video to see what kind of match they would be having.
Sammy Guevara took Dante Martin tot the mat, then hit a drop kick after whipping Martin off of the ropes. Dante then followed that up with a rebound dropkick of his own. Sammy threw Dante to the outside, they switched spots and then showed off their athleticism. Sammy walked off with Tay, but Dante followed and pushed Sammy off teh stage. Dante then dove out onto Sammy as the break started. [c]
Sammy and Dante battled back-and-forth as the show returned. Dante got a near fall and then tried for a springboard move, Sammy joined him and Dante sold a leg injury. Dante then got numerous near falls. Tay Conti then distracted Dante. Both did springboard moves, ending with Sammy hitting his cutter and then a GTH for the pinfall.
WINNER: Sammy Guevara
(Sage’s Analysis: A nice win for Sammy as he comes back to singles action.)
-Sammy attacked Dante after, Skye Blue entered to help. Anna Jay ran in and her and Conti beat up Skye. Eddie, Ortiz and Ruby Ean in for the save.
-Daniel Garcia was backstage, he asked where Danielson has been. He said he has been getting better every week. [c]
-Jay Lethal & Company called out the Best Friends. The Best friends walked up and challenged the group to a fight at Rampage.
-Jungle Boy came out and walked to the ring, he was joined by black masked Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy was asked for his response to Christian Cage. He yelled that Cage was the biggest pussy he has met in his entire life. He said that Cage is the most relevant he has ever been, he said das soon as he returned Cage went running. Jungle Boy said that he didn’t really get why he was upset with Jungle Boy, he said that he gets why Cage needed that bonus, because his wife had just divorced him. He said that Cage’s monster (Luchasaurus) is his best friend and that is more powerful. Jungle Boy said that he can take verbal and physical pain from Cage.
He said that three years ago he was at his father’s funeral. Christian Cage then appeared backstage, he said that Luchasaurus made a big mistake. He could have been rich, now he is just a lapdog. He said he wasn’t scared when he ran last week. He was scared of what he would do to him. He said that he knows all of Jungle Boy’s secretes and threatened to kill Jungle Boy.
-The Young Bucks were backstage, Cutler asked about the trio’s titles and asked to be there third. They then walked up on Adam Page. They wished him happy birthday, Matt then seemed like he was gonna apologize to Page. Dark Order then ran up and ruined the moment.
Tony Nese got a quick advantage on Swerve Strickland, But Swerve took care and walked out to confront Mark Sterling. Nese came and saved the day, in the ring Swerve did an arm breaker on the top rope. Sterling then pulled the hair of Swerve and Nese took advantage as the break started. [c]
Swerve was in control against Nese and took him out and look like he wanted Sterling. Nese and Strickland then did an awesome stomp move on the outside. Sterling was now legal and Swerve hit his stomp and pinned Mark Sterling.
WINNER: Swerve Strickland
(Sage’s Analysis: This feud is so strange, this is a f level first feud for a new tag champion team.)
-Keith Lee was shown taken out by Josh Woods, Swerve saw and then was taken out by Nese.
-Malakai Black had a video that said God and the Devil are the same these days. He said men like them are needed to balance things out. He said that he will make him a king. Brody King then challenged Darby to a coffin match.
-A recap of Pac defending the All Atlantic title was shown. [c]
A collar and elbow tie-up started that match, with Yamashita getting wrist control, Thunder Rosa rolled through to try and release the hold, eventually she did. Rosa did a crucifix roll and then it was countered by Yamashita. The two then stared each other down in the middle of the ring. Rosa was on the apron as Miyu tried to tackle her off, Rosa moved and Rosa tried to take to her opponent. Miyu jumped off the apron, then Rosa hit a drop kick. From here Rosa hit hard chops on Miyu, but Yamashita jumped off the apron and hit a leg kick to the head of Rosa as the break started. [c]
Thunder Rosa was in control as the show returned, she hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Thunder went to the top rope, but Yamashita kicked her off. The two women then traded forearms and strikes in the middle of the ring. Yamashita made an awkward counter and turn that into a German Suplex. Yamashita hit a kick off the middle rope than a skull kick for a near fall.
Rosa then ate two more head kicks, Thunder then stood up and caught a kick and hit a Thunder Driver, for the pinfall win. [c]
WINNER: Thunder Rosa
(Sage’s Analysis: Much like the Moxley/Rush match. Solid physicality, but kind of a down the middle match. The two did not have great chemistry and Rosa got in little offense like Moxley did, but won in the end.)
Danielson ran and drop kicked Garcia and then laid in kicks and the running head kick in the corner. Danielson then did a dive out onto Garcia as the crowd chanted welcome back. Garcia was put back in the ring, in the ropes Garcia laid in elbow strikes. Danielson fought out and let Garcia stand up, here Garcia hit elbows and upper cuts on Danielson. Garcia then threw Danielson outside the ring and slammed him into the barrier.
Garcia removed the pad and reveled the concrete below. Danielson then hit kicks on the outside and then a dropkick. Garcia was back in the ring and Danielson hit a drop kick off the top rope, he then sold that he hit his head on the way down. Garcia took advantage and punched Danielson and then hit chops in the corner. Danielson fought back and then fell to the mat and held his head once more. Garcia then slammed Danielson into the stairs and then hit a DDT on the exposed concrete. [c]
Danielson was bleeding when full screen returned. Danielson was fighting back, but Garcia did not let up, the two were on the top rope. Danielson escaped and attacked the back of a seated Garcia on the top rope. Danielson then hit a back suplex off the top rope. Both men were slow to get to their feet and then they traded chops and other strikes.
Danielson hit kicks and got Garcia to his knees, and kicked him in the head. Danielson then grabbed the wrists of Garcia to stomp him, but Garcia tried a submission counter. Danielson tried to counter with Cattle Mutilation, then Garcia countered into a BCC hammer anvil strikes. Danielson countered and did the same, and hit a suplex for a near fall. Garcia countered the running knee and hit a suplex for a near fall. Danielson got a near fall of his own.
Both men were standing and trading strikes. Danielson hit the running knee, he then tried to lock in a submission. Garcia rolled out of the ring and Danielson hit a running knee off the apron. When Danielson entered the ring, a hand below the ring grabbed him and Garcia locked in a sharp shooter. Danielson passed out and Garcia won via ref stoppage.
WINNER: Daniel Garcia
(Sage’s Analysis: A hell of a match, and even with a heel win a crazy huge win for Garcia. It also makes since as BCC and JAS are now in a feud that you would think will end in some way at All Out.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall I thought this was another strong show of Dynamite. Both title matches felt similar in structure, but both matches and the main event were hard hitting technical matches with good stories. It really is such a huge difference from the AEW style when the company first started.
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