JULY 5, 2022
NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Backstage Correspondent(s): McKenzie Mitchell
Tonight after the show, join the PWT Talks NXT self-proclaimed “gang of idiots” (including me) to break down the show with calls and emails.
•CALL: (515) 605-9345
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: pwtorchnxt@gmail.com
-The show began with a hype video of different NXT wrestlers talking up matches at a pool party somewhere. Brooks Jensen daydreamed about Ariana Grace and Sloane Jacobs. Sanga had a big announcement: CANNONBALL! He landed right on Duke Hudson. Jensen and Josh Briggs were on grill duty. The whole thing was…something.
-Vic Joseph said it’s a summer tradition as sweet as apple pie. Roxanne Perez made her entrance first, then Cora Jade. Toxic Attraction made their entrance after, including Women’s Champion Mandy Rose, who was not scheduled for a match on this PLE-lite.
(1) TOXIC ATTRACTION (c) (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne w/Mandy Rose) vs. ROXANNE PEREZ & CORA JADE – Women’s Tag Team Championship match
Joseph said the challengers were the summer’s “feel-good story,” and Wade Barrett disagreed (I agree with Barrett). Jayne and Jade began the match in a collar-and-elbow tie up where they traded taking each other to the mat while maintaining the hold. Jayne forced Jade into the ropes, but was rolled up for a two-count. Jayne went for her leaping neckbreaker, but Jade caught her and shoved her away. Jade went for her lifting knee against the ropes, but Jayne caught that. Jade was able to take control and land another two-count, but Dolin tagged in and took control until Jade was able to tag in Perez. Jade made a tag, but Jayne distracted the ref. As the ref put admonished Jade, Dolin rammed Perez into Jayne’s knee and they took control. [c]
Dolin was in control as they returned, taking it to a dazed-looking Perez. Perez fought back with a slap, but Dolin hit a headbutt and whipped Perez into a neutral corner. Perez evaded and hit a stacked rollup for a two-count, but Dolin floored her with a lariat. She hit a series of the short, quick kicks to the face as Rose taunted Perez from outside; the ref yelled to Rose, “Don’t touch her!” Dolin covered for a two-count, then rammed Perez into their corner and tagged in Jayne.
Jayne hit a chop and locked in a sub in the middle of the ring. Perez flipped and kicked out, but both women hit simultaneous forearms then pump kicks (Jayne may have landed funny on her right leg). The other two tagged in as Jade came in hot to a lukewarm crowd response. Jade hit the rising knee in the corner for a two-count as Jayne finally hit her feet in the corner. Dolin hit a counter ripcord forearm and tagged in Jayne. Jade evaded Jayne and struck Dolin, then a snap mare for a two-count to Jayne (has anyone every legitimately tried to end a match with a snap mare?). Perez tagged in and they hit a missile dropkick-legsweep combo for a two-count. Jade tagged in and hit a big kick. Rose pulled the ref out as she went for the pin, then kicked out Rose. Jade reversed a pin and the ref ran in for a two-count.
Perez tagged in, but she bumped too early on Jayne’s neckbreaker. Dolin tagged in and hit a running power STO for a two-count as Jade broke up the count. Jayne deposited Jade outside, but Jade was late on spearing herself and Jayne outside in what ended up being a sloppy spot. Perez then hit Dolin with Pop Rocks for the victory in what turned out to feel like a rushed and lackluster finish.
WINNER: Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade at 10:30 (Pop Rocks) to become the NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion
-They showed Bron Breakker walking in the parking lot earlier as someone asked about his shoulder (doesn’t he know the parking lot is so damn dangerous?!). They they hyped his NXT Men’s Championship match with Cameron Grimes as Joseph and Barrett stood ringside, transitioning to Tony D’Angelo and The Family. He said he had to make a tough decision last week as he spoke to Legado del Fantasma without Santos Escobar. He said showed Escobar is in the hospital as he took care of him for laughing at “Tony D.” D’Angelo said the only person putting in work is Elektra Lopez, “18 percent increase at the docks.” Lopez said to check on Escobar.
-Wes Lee made his entrance. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: This seemed like the obvious outcome once the match was announced, and now the story should be on building toward Perez and Rose since Perez still has that shot from winning the Breakout Tournament. The question is will Perez still be Tag Team Champion with the potential to become double champion, or do they lose the championship before then? The match had a few, but significant, clunky moments, and even Pop Rocks still looks like Perez takes more of the bump than her opponent.)
-They returned with a Pretty Deadly vignette as Kit Wilson and Elton Prince put over each other’s looks. They said the fashion forward movement comes from Essex, not Paris, and said Essex is a metropolis, “You wouldn’t get caught dead drinking beer.” Prince used it to shift to the “swamp rats” Briggs and Jensen and mocked their Southernness.
-Trick Williams made his entrance in a white boxing robe with black accents and boxing gloves around his neck; the back of his robe and his tights said “The Greatest.”
(2) WES LEE vs. TRICK WILLIAMS (w/Carmelo Hayes) – Singles match
Carmelo Hayes was squirting water into Williams’ mouth like he was a second in boxing, giving me a nice chuckle. Williams powered Lee down, then mocked him and shoved him into the corner. Williams went for a biel and Lee almost landed on his feet, but over-rotated. He then took Williams down, who retreated to the corner. Both men then went for different types of whirling kicks, but Lee hit a rana and a leaping kick to send Williams into the corner. Hayes brought over some water, but gave Williams the stuff in the other bottle. Lee went for a kick, but Williams countered into a pump handle slam for a two-count.
The person on the mute button is being more heavy-handed today after last week’s little debacle. Williams wrenched on Lee in what amounted to a standing crossface. Lee grabbed the thumb to break the grip and fight out, then hit some strikes. Lee hit a rolling capoeira kick to send Williams outside. Willams hid behind a post and sprayed his hands with something; Joseph said it was rubbing alcohol after he threw it to them. Williams then rubbed his hands all in Lee’s face. He hit a big cyclone kick after for the victory as Joseph complained about the smell.
WINNER: Trick Williams at 3:47 (cyclone kick)
-They showed Tiffany Stratton in the back as she was getting her makeup and hair touched up. She asked for powder. Wendy Choo approached and threw powder in her face. Choo then sipped her drink and they seemed to have began their match during a split-screen which isn’t shown on the online USA player. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: That’s an angle that only works, really, for the viewers at home as it’s difficult for the live crowd to discern what Williams did to Lee. It’s clear this isn’t the end of this feud, and I still think it ends with Hayes vs. Lee for the North American Championship.)
(3) TIFFANY STRATTON vs. WENDY CHOO – Singles grudge match
They returned with the match already in progress, so time of the match will be televised. Stratton took Choo’s hand and slammed it into the post. She then hit an arm wringer, driving Choo into the mat. She focused on the left hand, sliding it across the top rope. Dueling chants rang out even though one is a heel; then again, the babyface has been acting like a heel. Stratton landed some chops, but Choo hit one of her own with her injured hand. Stratton came back with a running double stomp for a two-count, then worked the left hand again. She tore off a fake nail and tossed it aside. The temerity!
Choo fought back with strikes, then an overhead suplex throw. She stomped on both of Stratton’s hands, who screamed out about her nails. Choo hit her cartwheel forearm in the corner, then a second rope Naptime splash to a standing Stratton. Stratton then caught a running Choo with a pop-up powerbomb stacked pin for a close two-count. Stratton then lifted Choo, but Choo fought out. Stratton kicked her away and went for a powerbomb, but Choo countered with a rana. She then hit a full nelson slam for a two-count, but Choo immediately locked in a rear naked choke with one leg hooked. Stratton freed Choo’s leg, then tore at the left hand to counter, but Choo turned it into a brainbuster for a two-count. Choo went for a German, but Stratton landed on her feet and then stomped Choo’s left hand. She shotgunned Choo into the corner and then hit her rope-assisted twisting splash for the victory.
WINNER: Tiffany Stratton at 5:07 televised online through the USA player (rope-assisted twisting splash)
-They shifted to McKenzie Mitchell in the back with Perez and Jade. Jade said she finally did it after trying for so long to become a champion, and she got to do it with her best friend. Perez said everything’s happening so fast and it’s surreal. They’re really hamming up the best friend part. They said it felt good to end Toxic Attraction’s reign. Perez then said she wants to end their reign once and for all and said she’s facing Rose next week as she cashes in her opportunity.
-They showed Breakker warming up in the locker room as Grimes approached asking about the shoulder and that he’s going to do whatever it takes to become champion. Breakker said he wouldn’t have it any other way.
-Apollo Crews made his way to the ring. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: For what was shown of the match, it worked a psychologically well-told story about Stratton working the left and eventually using that to lead to her finishing sequence. I just don’t know if Choo can go any higher than she’s already been saddled with this character. Stratton clearly keeps improving and would be a prime candidate to hold a TBS Championship-like title in NXT should yet another title be created. She’ll be Women’s Champion by next year’s Bash. Also, a rather tepid announcement for Perez’s title shot, and it only gives a week of build without an actual show to help build it because of tonight’s card.)
-Apollo Crews made his entrance as they returned to an OK crowd reaction that seemed better once he raised his fist.
Crews said he wanted to share something real quick. He said for the last year he would get home and asked his kids what they thought. He said they said that wasn’t him and stopped watching altogether. However, he said since returning to NXT, his kids watch him every week. He said when he gets home and sees their faces and their excitement, it brings nothing but excitement to him and that they reignited his spark. He mentioned his two kids and said he loves them. He shifted, saying he’s been back a month and Xyon Quinn is right about one thing and that is NXT is different. Crews said what would happen if he stepped in the ring with D’Angelo or Nathan Frazer or Hayes or Grayson Waller. He said he knows he would make magic in the ring with Grimes and that Breakker- he was interrupted by Giovanni Vinci’s music!
Vinci stood at the entrance as his music played. He had a mic and said he noticed Crews left him off of the list. He said he doesn’t blame Crews since when he envisions what would happen between them, it doesn’t go well for Crews. He said he’ll outperform Crews, and in style. Crews said stop talking and get in this ring, “and we’ll go stride-for-stride right now.” Vinci said Crews has all of the people fooled, but not him. He’s dressed for a night out, not a night with all of the people. He said next week, Crews will find out just who the best athlete in NXT really is, and Crews will lose to Giovanni Vince, but it’ll give Crews seven days to come up with an excuse to tell his children.
-They cut to Mitchell in the back with Ivy Nile. Nile glared at Mitchell when she asked about imploding, and said they have healthy egos, but it’s Diamond Mine forever. She went over and broke up an argument between Tatum Paxley and Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. Nile admonished Paxley and said tomorrow, 8:00 am in the dojo.
-Waller was in the locker room and told Hayes his mom loved the shirt, and Hayes’ autograph sold for 28 cents. He said he one thing left to steal. Hayes then said they used to be boys, but now that’s out the window because when you play Melo, you play yourself. He said Waller is common, but he is special because that’s all it is and that’s all it’s gonna be. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: Aside from the Waller and Hayes, the two other promo segments there were a bit rough. While Crews and Vinci were just more uninteresting in their speaking, we know that their match next week, if given time, will be a fantastic match. Nile’s acting is still tough to watch, but I like that they’re still working that story between Paxley and Diamond Mine – if Diamond Mine exists after tonight.)
-They returned with another J.D. McDonagh vignette doing yoga and then driving a classic car. He was then being carried across a beach? They showed some footage from NXT UK as he narrated his intentions and that he’ll arrive next week.
-They showed Breakker in the back getting his shoulder looked at. He refused tape and walked away.
-Waller made his entrance first for the second of four title matches, three of the four happening in the second hour, presumably all three matches of the second hour and overrun. Hayes had a special entrance with Williams introducing him from the elevated concourse as some dramatic orchestral music played. Hayes had the Dream Team 1992 Team USA Basketball gear.
(4) CARMELO HAYES (c) (w/Trick Williams) vs. GRAYSON WALLER – North American Championship match
They both caught each other’s kicks, then traded quick leverage pins before punching each other simultaneously. Hayes then took control with a big lariat. Waller went for his rolling Stunner after retreating outside, but Hayes shoved him off. Waller taunted Hayes, then landed a discus forearm. Waller then went to the second rope, but took too long as Hayes leaped up and hit and enziguri, then another as he sat Waller in the ropes, then his Fade Away leaping leg drop to a draping Waller for a two-count. Waller was able to take control after he lifted Hayes to his shoulders in a seated position and then popped him up to slam him. Hayes retreated outside, but Waller ran and slit out to land a thunderous lariat to the chest. [c]
Waller had Hayes locked up in a sub when they returned. Both men are ostensibly heels, but Hayes just exudes cool and more easily draws the support of the crowd; the same applied here as Waller worked him. He taunted Hayes, who mushed him back, but got caught in a triangle attempt. He went back to Waller’s shoulders, but then escaped and hit his spinning crossface slam for a two-count, then immediately shifted to the sub. He rolled back to prevent Waller from hitting the ropes, but Waller leveraged back for a two-count and then cinched in the triangle. Hayes leveraged into a pin, but Waller kicked out and hit a furious leg lariat.
Both men retreated to corners and glared at each other, then met each other with strikes in the middle of the ring. Hayes took control and hit his springboard lariat. Waller evaded Hayes and hit a basement dropkick to the leg, then a rolling Unprettier(!) for a two-count. THAT was smooth by Waller. The crowd thought that should have been three, so Waller started to win them over. Waller evaded a tornado DDT and rolled immediately into his Stunner, but Hayes rolled outside. Waller went outside and rolled Hayes back inside, setting for his finisher. He went for it, but Williams got in his way. Suddenly, Lee jumped out from the crowd to take out Williams. Waller jumped back in only to get hit with a codebreaker. Hayes then hit his top rope scissors kick, which Joseph called Nothing but Net.
WINNER: Carmelo Hayes at 11:43 (Nothing but Net) to retain the North American Championship
-They showed a QR code and said to scan, but I didn’t so I don’t know what it’s about, but check social media.
-Mitchell was in the back with Quinn, who cut her off and said Crews’ eyes are locked on the wrong person and should be on him. Quinn said he doesn’t mean to brag, but he’s box office. He said he’s Xyon Quinn and that he’s a future multi-time champion, “I promise you,” and that the future of NXT “is Xyon Quinn.”
-They showed Nile leading the four other members in a chant. Roderick Strong didn’t bump fists and just left for their entrance. He and Kemp entered first with Kemp still looking really, really good in that Diamond Mine blue singlet. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: Easily the best match of the night thus far. There really weren’t any spots that looked clunky or mistimed, and the only one that may have been was seamlessly transitioned into Waller’s Stunner. I would hazard a guess and say Waller isn’t done with Hayes and Lee will face Williams again. We might get both next week. As always, Melo Don’t Miss.)
-They returned with Mitchell in the back with Rose and asked about the tough night and next week. Rose mocked Mitchell and called Perez and Jade “Team 2001.” She said it happened before, but Dolin and Jayne corrected themselves a few days later. She said once the high wears off, Perez will realize she made the biggest mistake of her life as Jade couldn’t beat her, either. She said Perez will join the failure club if she even makes it to the match next week.
-A Chase U vignette aired as Andre Chase discussed Independence Day. Bodhi Hey ward was falling asleep and said his roommate, Thea Hail, doesn’t sleep. Hail said they watched Money in the Bank like 50 times and they’re like brother and sister. Chad, in the back, corrected Chase that the Declaration of Independence was signed July 2 (it was), and this triggered a Chase explosion as he kicked out Chad. Hail then interrupted and said it would be sweet to go to England. Heyward said a field trip will never happen, but Chase said it’s a fantastic idea. I guess they’re going to London!
-The Creed Brothers were in the ring as they cut back to the ring.
(5) THE CREED BROTHERS (Brutus & Julius) vs. RODERICK STRONG & DAMON KEMP – Men’s Tag Team Championship match
The proverbial “Losers leave Diamond Mine” match began with Brutus and Kemp, but Strong tagged himself in and he and Brutus began with a chain of grappling, my kind of professional wrestling. Strong used his quickness to get around Brutus and lock in a side headlock, but Brutus, shoved him off and then literally stopped Strong midair as the latter went for a leaping shoulder tackle. Julius and Kemp tagged in as Julius took it to Kemp with a half butterfuly suplex. He then told Strong that “I’ve got that dog in me.” This allowed Kemp to hit a big German suplex and shove Julius into their corner.
Strong tagged in and went for a vertical, but Julius blocked. Strong shifted to strikes, then tagged in Kemp. Kemp hit some shoulder thrusts in the corner, then a snap mare and rear chinlock. Julius impressively lifted Kemp while Kemp maintained the hold and tagged in Brutus, gutwrenching his brother onto Kemp. Julius tagged back in and they both hit fireman’s carries to Kemp, the second into the ropes and affecting the left leg. Kemp was then hit with a backbody drop and a dropkick, sending him outside. Strong immediately threw Kemp back inside and Julius sent him back outside. Brutus tagged in and hit the Brutus Bomb from the top to the outside, but landed hard as he kind of missed Kemp and hit his tailbone on the floor. [c]
It appears the QR code from earlier was for a NXT NFT, so yeah, do with that what you wish. Kemp and Julius were in the ring, then Strong tagged in as they were in control of Julius. He hit a strong arm wringer to send Julius into the mat shoulder-first, then started working the left arm. He tagged in Kemp, who didn’t know what to do, then just hit an elbow and a rear naked choke. Kemp shoved Julius into their corner as Strong tagged back in, then took it to Julius with stiff shots and chops. Julius threw Strong into his corner, but that allowed Kemp to tag in and prevent the tag on the other side. Kemp hit a shoulder tackle to Brutus, but Julius flipped him over and tagged in his brother.
Brutus hit his double chops, then took Kemp down and hit double hammerfists. He yelled, did a backflip, and stalked Kemp on the apron, not seeing that Strong tagged in, but it didn’t matter as Brutus hit Strong. Strong got caught between the two, then slapped Julius. Brutus held his brother back, then hit two leaping knees to Brutus. Strong blamed Julius, then tagged in Kemp. Kemp used his wrestling to take Brutus down and put on yet another rear chinlock. He then lifted for a short fallaway slam, then a running shoulder tackle in the corner and a slingshot spear for a two-count.
Brutus countered a body slam with an inside cradle for two, then evaded a rushing Kemp, who hit the corner. Julius tagged in, as did Strong, and Julius took it to Strong. He hit a German that flipped Strong, then an overhead belly-to-belly. He then threw a bunch of body shots before hitting his rolling slam to Strong. Kemp tagged in, but was hit with the rolling slam and the sliding lariat. After the match, they posed in the ring, helping Kemp to his feet. Strong tepidly entered and stood there with them.
WINNER: The Creed Brothers at 12:11 (sliding lariat) to retain the Men’s Tag Team Championship
-A vignette aired about a “bright child” who was bullied, so he learned how to fight back. He said he has a gift with mathematics, and everything can be broken down to math. He used that to say he is technically gifted and it all comes down to an equation. He said, “I am Axiom.” Yeah, there’s a character named Axiom coming to NXT.
-A hype video aired on the Breakker-Grimes match, focusing on Grimes’ side and his father, punctuated by Grimes’ promo last week and the shoulder spot. The match is next. [c]
(Hazelwood’s Take: The match wasn’t as good as I thought it would be, and I think most of that has to do with Kemp’s inexperience. Not only did he revert to the rear chinlock three times, but there were visible spots where he didn’t know what to do, looking completely lost. The finish fell flat as it just kind of came out of nowhere, but they weren’t helped by the crowd that seemed to have tired itself out already. Hopefully they’re just saving their energy for the main event.)
-They returned with Mitchell in the back with Mr. Stone, Sofia Cromwell, and Von Wagner. Stone said it’s a travesty that Wagner isn’t on the Bash. Cromwell said the audacity of the fans- they were interrupted by Solo Sikoa. He berated them for complaining when he’s standing there not complaining about not being on the show. Wagner instigated a fight that was broken up before it could start by a bevy of refs and Norman Smiley! I think I saw Steve Corino as well.
-Joseph and Barrett hyped next week’s matches including Rose vs. Perez for the title and Crews vs. Vinci.
-Grimes was shown making his walk from the back, then Breakker in a stars and stripes singlet. Grimes’ music hit first, no special entrance or anything, just Grimes doing his usual entrance with far more focus and an absence of playfulness. Breakker’s sirens hit for his music as he made his entrance with a distinct absence of objects to break like a big Styrofoam X or a “brick” wall. This was the only match of the four title matches to receive formal ring introductions, though the introductions were done from the timekeeper’s area rather than inside the ring. Ref D.A. Brewer drew the assignment, and as the best ref on the show, it makes sense to have him as the title match ref.
(6) BRON BREAKKER (c) vs. CAMERON GRIMES – Men’s Championship match
The bell rung with just under six minutes until the top of the hour. Breakker quickly shoved Grimes into the corner and broke cleanly. Grimes hopped around and was able to reverse position to put Breakker in the corner. He faked a clean break, then went for an arm drag, but Breakker shoved him off, glaring at him as Grimes smiled. Breakker held onto a side headlock, but Grimes broke out targeting the right shoulder, causing Breakker to retreat and admonish Grimes for targeting the shoulder (but it’s smart strategy!). Breakker went back to the side headlock, then hit a rolling gator roll into a delayed vertical, but Grimes countered with an inside cradle, then a trip, then a grab of the right arm. Breakker countered with a corner clothesline, but Grimes just kept at the shoulder. Breakker came off of the ropes twice and hit a huge lariat. [c]
Breakker hit a delayed vertical suplex as they returned from break, then checked his shoulder. He went for his finisher, but Grimes slid out and sent a rushing Breakker outside. Grimes hit the apron and hit a PK and somersault senton.
Brewer didn’t immediately begin his count, understanding the gravity of the match. Grimes stomped away at Breakker’s shoulder, a good seven stomps, then rolled him back in at a count of seven for a two-count. Grimes held onto the right wrist of Breakker, then hit a big PK to the arm for another two-count, this time putting more pressure on the right shoulder on his pin. He then locked in a hammerlock on the left arm to a prone Breakker, then grabbed the right arm and wrenched it back, even stomping it to the mat for another two-count. Grimes then hit some Bryan Danielson chest kicks to a kneeling Breakker, which just infuriated Breakker. Breakker hit a shoulder thrust in the corner, but with his injured shoulder. He was able to recover in time to catch Grimes with a spinebuster, but both men stayed on the mat to recover.
Grimes and Breakker then traded blows from their knees, Breakker using his left and not his right. He hit a flying shoulder tackle with the left side, then another, then caught a leaping Grimes with a powerslam. He dropped the straps, but Grimes hit a quick Superman forearm, superkick, then a Collision Course for a two-count as Breakker just kicked out. On the apron, Grimes wrenched the shoulder along the rope, but Breakker then caught Grimes on the top rope. He climbed for a Frankensteiner and hit, but Grimes kicked out just before three. Breakker set in the corner for a spear, yelling for Grimes to rise, but Grimes dodged. Breakker caught himself before hitting the corner, but Grimes then locked in an octopus stretch I think. Breakker lifted Grimes to his shoulders, but Grimes slid out and then hit Cave In, but Breakker kicked out! Grimes looked shocked, then set in the corner. He climbed to the second rope and said to the moon. He leaped with a nothingberger and was speared out of the air.
WINNER: Bron Breakker at 12:30 (spear) to retain the NXT Men’s Championship
-As Breakker posed on the ramp, McDonagh ran out and attacked him. He then hit was was called Devlin’s Slide through a table setup with holiday food to end the show.
(Hazelwood’s Take: A fine match with a story that was setup last week with the shoulder spot. I don’t think anyone really thought Grimes would win after the Cave In, and then we had another sudden ending with the spear in midair. Breakker continues as the main champ of 2.0 and the undeniable face of the brand on the men’s side with Rose the face on the women’s side. It seems odd to have McDonagh go immediately after Breakker unless your plan is to have McDonagh be the one to dethrone Breakker, but I don’t think that’s the plan nor should it be, so this might be an auspicious debut for the newly reminted J.D. McDonagh.)
FINAL TAKE: For what is essentially a televised PLE, or a PLE lite, it really functioned more like a regular episode than a special one.. You had the same types of vignettes and even an in-ring promo that wasn’t advertised. The matches were, for the most part, average at best, though the second hour did have better in-ring action. However, the lack of unpredictability in the title matches tonight did take away some of the intrigue, and the crowd didn’t help tonight much, either. It just felt like a below-average episode, unfortunately. Hopefully, things pick up with next week’s episode as they build toward the PLE during SummerSlam weekend.
This show was excellent.
You decided you wouldn’t like it before it started.
This show was very, very, very far from excellent.
Spot on. Not exactly a TakeOver. Melo and Waller indeed put on the best show, very crisp and polished. I think Stratton is very good – but so is Wendy. That’s two faces beat clean by heel Tiffany.
Yeah it was excellent. I get that people automatically hate it because “Waaaaa it’s not 1.0” but this show worked on many levels.
The two recap guys are biased and lame.