6/26 AEW FORBIDDEN DOOR PPV RESULTS: Keller’s detailed report on Moxley vs. Tanahashi, White vs. Cole vs. Hangman vs. Okada, Rosa vs. Storm, Ospreay vs. Cassidy

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Forbidden Door PPV buyrate is in


JUNE 26, 2022

Forbidden Door Commentators: Excalibur, Kevin Kelly, Taz

English Ring Announcers: Justin Roberts


-They showed the exterior of the arena to set the scene as Excalibur introduced the show and touted the 16,529 filing in. The announcers, including Kevin Kelly and Taz, hyped the line-up.


Matchsall went for a 450 splash late, but Yoshi-Hashi moved. Goto hot-tagged in and eventually pinned Solo after a double-team move.

WINNERS: Goto & Yoshi-Hashi in 9:00

-A video package aired on the four-way for the IWGP Title.


Lots of big power moves in this one. Kelly said Comoroto might in the G1 next year at the rate he’s going and he plugged the G1 Climax tournament. Archer eventually landed the Blackout for the three count.

WINNER: Archer in 6:00.

-Alex Marvez interviewed Clark Connors about replacing Tomohiro Iishi in the All-Atlantic Title four-way match. He gave an earnest, but standard “local indy main event guy” promo. He said he’ll show everyone what it means when he says “Let’s get wild!”

-A video package aired on the IWGP U.S. Championship match.


Late in the match, Kanemaru sprayed whiskey in the face of Lee leading to a near fall. Taz said that happened to him once and it really stung. Excalibur joked that he’s still sorry about doing that. Strickland did a leaping stomp on Desperado as he hung off the ring apron at ringside, which popped the crowd. Lee then landed his Big Bang Catastrophe on Kanemaru for the win.

WINNERS: Strickland & Lee in 12:00.

-After the match, Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs started trash-talking Lee and Strickland from a luxury suite. They said if Strickland and Lee call themselves Kobe and Shaq, then they’re Jordan and Pippen.


Caster rapped on his way to the ring, including boasting about injuring opponents, the dojo wrestlers washing Katsuyori Shibata’s balls, and the Ass Boys. Kevin Kelly said he thought they weren’t supposed to say that anymore. Excalibur said it depends on context, apparently. Austin and Colten said they were in Green Bay, Wisc. Bowens corrected them and did his schtick. Danhausen appeared on the big screen and introduced a new Ass Boys theme song. Colten and Austin were so upset, they ran to the back to find him and never returned to the match. Billy and Caster won anyway when Billy hit the Fameasser on DKC and then Caster hit the Mic Drop on Coughlin for the pin.

WINNERS: Caster & the Gunns in 5:00.

-A video package aired on the Jon Moxley vs. Tanahashi main event.

-The announcers ran down the PPV line-up.

(NOTE: Our online Twitter poll indicates about 70 percent of those who typically buy AEW PPVs are buying Forbidden Door, which would put the total buys around 106,000 out of the usual typical 150,000. There’s a likelihood those ordering the event are more likely to be on Twitter voting in a wrestling poll, and PWTorch Twitter followers are perhaps more likely than the average AEW PPV buyer to be interested in Forbidden Door, so the number seems more likely above the actual number will turn out.)



Excalibur hyped Blood & Guts on Wednesday on Dynamite. Taz, a more excitedly than you’d expect, declared Sammy Guevara, “a sex god.” The highlight of the early minutes was Suzuki and Kingston engaging in a chopfest. Suzuki eventually scored a two count on Kingston. Everyone ended up paired off with submission holds mid-ring about five minutes in. Guevara landed a top rope shooting star press onto Umino. Yuta then landed on Guevara, then held up Guevara for a dive by Kingston through the ropes. Suzuki teased a dive through the ropes, then stopped in his tracks and smiled. Later, Guevara hit a GTS on Yuta on the floor as Jericho landed a Lionsault on Umino and got a near fall. Guevara hit Umino with a shot to the back with a bat. Umino avoided a Judas Effect and then landed a DDT and a brainbuster for a dramatic near fall. Suzuki, meanwhile, punished Kingston at ringside. Umino applied a Boston Crab mid-ring next. Suzuki snarled at ringside. Guevara superkicked Umino twice to break the hold. Suzuki then gave Kingston a Gotch-style piledriver. Guevara and Suzuki double-teamed Umino as the ref yelled at them pointlessly. Jericho recovered and caught Umino with a Judas Effect for the win.

WINNERS: Jericho & Guevara & Suzuki in 19:00. (***)

(Keller’s Analysis: That was a solid opener with a dose of athleticism and distinct personalities.)

-A video package aired, narrated by Kevin Kelly, on the three-way tag team match for the ROH and IWGP titles.

(2) FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. UNITED EMPIRE (Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan) vs. RAPONGI VICE (Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) – ROH Tag Team Titles and IWGP Tag Team Titles on the line

Kelly noted that Bobby Cruz was doing the ring announcing. Caprice Coleman joined the announcers on commentary. Dax and Beretta battled first. Cobb tagged himself in by slapping Beretta’s back. Rocky blind-tagged himself in by slapping Cobb’s back. Dax took control and tagged in Cash, but then tagged right back in to land a running elbow drop. Dax sold an injury to his shoulder or pec area and rolled to ringside. The doctor checked on him after tagging Cash back in. The doctor helped Dax to the back as fans looked on with concern. Kelly said Cash got taken to the back instead of Dax, but then corrected himself seconds later.

Beretta and Romero scored a near fall on Khan a few minutes later as Cash watched from the ring apron. Cash then tagged in and went after Khan and Cobb, but was soon overwhelmed. Dax made his heroic return to the match with his shoulder and arm wrapped and he rallied against his opponents. They did a corner tower spot out of the corner on Cobb and then Cash landed a top rope frog splash and scored a near fall. Romero and Cash landed a spike piledriver on Khan. Taz said he broke his neck on that move, thus cringes whenever he sees it. Beretta and Romero landed Storm Zero on Cobb, with Cash breaking up the cover. A loud “AEW!” chant broke out. FTR hit the Big Rig on Romero a minute later for the win. Kelly said this was the first FTR tag team title match he’s ever called. (By mixing up Dax and Cash, does that mean it’s also the first one he’s ever seen?)

WINNERS: FTR in 16:00 to retain the ROH Tag Team Titles and capture the IWGP Tag Team Titles. (***)

-Schiavone interviewed Jay White and Juice Robinson backstage.

(3) MIRO vs. PAC vs. CLARK CONNORS vs. MALAKAI BLACK – Four-way for the new All-Atlantic Title

Several minutes in, Miro and Black argued over who got to beat up Pac. Pac recovered during this time and made a comeback. He also backdropped a charging Connors over the top rope to the floor. Pac landed a shotgun dropkick on Miro, then played to the hard cam. All four fought with rapid-fire hard-hitting moves. Black caught Miro with a boot to the face, but scored just a one count. Black leaned a table against the ringside barricade and then threw Miro toward it. Miro blocked it and threw Black toward it. Black blocked it and threw Black into the ringside steps. Pac dove at Miro, but Miro caught him. Pac slipped free and then shoved Miro into the ringpost. Connors then got the pop of the match when he came out of nowhere to spear Miro through the table.

Back in the ring, Black and Connors battled. He snap powerslammed Black, and the crowd was popping for him. Black entered, but Connors speared him and then scored a near fall on Pac after a uranage. That was a nice teaser sequence for an underdog victory. Fans chanted, “Let’s Go Clark!” Pac kicked a charging Connors to finally slow him. He climbed to the top rope quickly, but Black knocked him off balance. Connors got up and they set up a tower spot. Miro slammed all three to the mat. He then waited for Pac to stand and delivered the Machka Kick. He yelled “Game Over!” He stomped Pac and applied his finisher mid-ring. Pac crawled toward the bottom rope, so Miro released the hold and dragged him back to center-ring. Black sprayed black mist in the face of Miro, then put Connors in a cross armbreaker. Pac landed a 450 on Black, then applied the Brutalizer on Connors for the quick tapout win.

WINNER: Pac in 15:00 to become the first All-Atlantic Champion. (***1/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: Another in an early stretch solid of three-star or better matches. Very good matches, but largely non-stop spotfests designed to pop the crowd. Giving Pac the belt is fine, but this isn’t the ideal way to feature Miro upon his return as he just feels like another in a long endless line of talented upper-mid-card acts in AEW, and after time away, his return could have led to him being effectively portrayed as a level higher than that. Even worse, Pac’s reign begins with a win over an unknown wrestler who didn’t belong in a match of this caliber based on his name-recognition and qualifications storyline-wise, even though he performed really well here.)

-Tony Schiavone joined in on commentary. He said he was massaging J.R.’s leg but thought he should come out there. Taz said that was more information than he needed. (I can’t wait for the commentary table to expand to 12 people by the end of the night.)


Takagi came out first. Then Darby, but Sting didn’t appear. Then the Bucks and Fantasmo came out. The lights went dark. They showed the cat walk and what might have been Stiing up there. Then the actual Sting leaped off the entrance tunnel onto the Bucks, Fantasmo, and Hikuleo. Fans chanted “Holy shit!” Schiavone said, “That’s how a superstar makes his entrance!” The Bucks had an extra vigor to their energy early, with both doing more playing to the crowd and the camera than usual. The Bucks and Fantasmo triple-dropkicked Darby as he hung upside down in the corner.

Sting tagged in and hit rapid-fire strikes on all three opponents. The Bucks eventually stereo superkicked the Bucks, but Sting brushed it off and popped the crowd. Then he clotheslined both Bucks, who flip bumped for him. Sting then fell to the mat. Excalibur said Sting could deflect the impact for a moment, but then it sunk in. Darby went for a Coffin Drop on Matt, but Matt lifted his knees. Nick then landed a 450 splash. Matt landed a splash. Fantasmo then landed his top rope splash. Shingo broke up the cover on Darby. The Bucks dove through the ropes on Darby and Sting. Fantasmo flip dove onto the crowd. When Sting teased a dive to the floor, the Bucks and Fantasma entered the ring and superkicked him to the mat. The Bucks then went for the BTE Trigger, but Sting ducked. Sting stood and gave them a double Scorpion Death Drop. Sting grabbed Fantasma by his nipples and then kicked him in the nuts. “This is so much fun!” exclaimed Schiavone. Darby landed a Coffin Drop on Hikuleo at ringside).

Shingo went to work on Fantasmo in the ring leading to a near fall. Sting kneeled in his corner, catching his breath. Shingo then landed Last of the Dragon on Fantasmo for the win.

WINNERS: Shingo & Sting & Darby in 13:00. (***)

(Keller’s Analysis: Another enjoyable avalanche of highspots and action that the crowd ate up. The finish was a tad bit anticlimactic after all the previous sequences.)

-They announced AEW’s return or Arthur Ashe Stadium on Wednesday, Sept. 21, titled “Dynamite Grand Slam” and “Rampage Grand Slam.”

-Schiavone attempted to interview Umino backstage. Chris Jericho, Matt Mendard, and Angelo Parker approached him and said they respected his performance. Jericho then threw a fireball in his face.

(5) THUNDER ROSA vs. TONI STORM – AEW Women’s Title match

After some back and forth action early, and dueling chants from the crowd, Storm took sustained control after a German suplex on the ring apron. Storm landed a hard-hitting hip attack back in the ring. Rosa made a comeback with an inverted piledriver for a two count. She landed her Thunder Driver finisher next for another near fall. Storm set up her Storm Zero, but her shoulder gave out. Rosa then hit the Final Reckoning for the win. Taz said Storm had nothing to be ashamed of.

WINNER: Rosa in 11:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Title. (**1/2)

(Keller’s Analysis: Solid basic match.)

-A video package aired on Will Ospreay, the theme being he rose after Kenny Omega left NJPW for AEW.

-Jim Ross made his journey to the announce desk to his Oklahoma theme. He said they’ve been doing a great job so far.

(6) WILL OSPREAY (w/Aussie Open) vs. ORANGE CASSIDY – IWGP U.S. Title match

Cassidy began the match with his hands in his pockets. Cassidy used a body-wrap head scissors for the first big pop of the match. Ospreay bailed out to ringside. Ospreay returned to the ring and dropped Cassidy over the top rope and then kicked him to the mat. Aussie Open at ringside helped propel Ospreay into Cassidy at ringside. Ospreay did some sit-ups to show off how in control he was at 5:00. He smiled and then delivered a spinning leaping backbreaker for a one count. Ross said Ospreay hasn’t peaked yet, but added Cassidy hasn’t either. (Cassidy is 38 years old.)

Cassidy eventually put his hands in his pocket again and got inside Ospreay’s head. He threw a barrage of kicks and played to the crowd. Ospreay went for his leaping cutter, but Cassidy moved and then leaned down on Ospreay for a near fall. Cassidy countered Ospreay with a Slum Dog Millionaire followed by a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. (The crowd was into it and played along, but they weren’t buying he was actually going to win.) Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Cassidy caught Ospreay with a leaping DDT. He speared Ospreay into the ringside barricade, then flipped onto Aussie Open. He leaped off the top rope and hit a DDT for a very near fall. Ospreay went for a moonsault, but Cassidy moved twice. Ospreay then landd a standing Shooting Star Press for a near fall. Cassidy landed a string of offense, including Beach Break, for a very very near fall that the crowd popped for. Cassidy pulled off his armband and set up his Orange Punch. Ospreay stood and caught Cassidy mid-air with a cutter and then another leaping cutter for a near fall. He sat up wide-eyed after the kickout.

Ospreay charged, but Cassidy ducked. Ospreay countered a Storm Breaker for a near fall. Ospreay landed a quick lariat and then a running knee for a near fall. Fans popped for the kickout. Ospreay then hit the Storm Breaker for the win.

WINNER: Ospreay in 17:00 to retain the IWGP U.S. Title. (****)

(Keller’s Analysis: That’s why Cassidy was put in that match. He’s really, really good. He’s also a good match-up for Cassidy. The crowd played along enthusiastically for the underdog Cassidy and all his near fall. Ospreay looked great and projected a lot of personality, too.)

-Afterward, Aussie Open yanked on Cassidy’s pockets, then stomped on him. Aussie Open then lifted Cassidy, but Beretta and Romero ran out to save their fellow Chaos member. The heel trio threw Beretta and Romero out of the ring. As they went back to the attack on Cassidy, Katsuyori Shibata came out. He battled past Aussie Open and then confronted Ospreay. He took Ospreay down with a pump kick and then a running dropkick in the corner followed by a sleeper. Aussie Open yanked Ospreay out of the ring by his legs. Cassidy stood and put his sunglasses on Shibata. Excalibur chuckled, “Not in a billion years!” Cassidy’s music played as he soaked up the moment. They cut away to a plug for the next match, but then returned to the ring where Shibata and Cassidy were in the ring. Cassidy then rolled out of the ring again. Shibata followed behind.

-A video package aired on the Zack Sabre Jr.-Bryan Danielson situation, with Danielson teasing his injury replacement.


Zack came out first. When Claudio’s music played, fans cheered. When Claudio (formerly Cesaro in WWE) walked out, the crowd went bananas. That had to feel good for Claudio. Excalibur said it was 16,000 fans “losing their minds.” The announcers talked about how respected Claudio is in locker rooms everywhere. Claudio attacked Zack at the bell with a European Uppercut and landed a Neutralizer for a believable near fall just seconds in. Fans loudly chanted “Clau-di-o!” Claudio attacked Zack at ringside, including a running uppercut against the ringside barricade. Zack avoided a second charge.

Back in the ring, Claudio knocked Zack down with an uppercut. Zack rolled to the ring apron. Claudio brought back into the ring and landed a delay-drop vertical suplex for a two count. Zack again rolled to the ring apron. Zack got in some sustained offense until Claudio took over with a backbreaker. He lifted Zack onto his shoulders, but Zack raked at Claudio’s eyes and then rolled into an armbar. Claudio powered Zack up and then dropped over the top rope, but Zack pulled Claudio over, too. Claudio held on and they landed on the floor. Claudio lifted Zack and walked up the ringside steps and dumped Zack into the ring. Taz said he cannot put into words the energy that takes out of a body to accomplish..

A few minute later, Claudio did the Swing. He let go after a few revolutions and sold a sore arm. Zack upkicked Claudio, but Claudio persisted and applied a sharpshooter, but Zack immediately spun into a heel hook. Claudio twisted back into a sharpshooter. He then landed a double stomp for a two count. Zack countered Claudio a minute later and applied a sleeper. Zack wrapped his legs around Claudio’s head and leg to control him on the mat. Claudio sat up and invited Zack to roundkick his chest. Zack took him up on it. Claudio landed a lariat for a near fall. Zack leveraged Claudio’s shoulders down for a two count. Claudio came right back with a lift-and-drop uppercut, a discus lariat, and his released powerbomb finisher for the three count. Claudio didn’t want the ref to raise his right arm. The ref moved to the other side of Claudio and raised his left arm instead.

Kelly said AEW has a grade-A stud now. Ross said the Blackpool Combat Club just got stronger, but they didn’t need it. Ross said he’s a class act and a credit to the pro wrestling busiuness, and “make no mistake, he’s a pro wrestler and not a sports entertainer.” Claudio favored his arm as he walked to the back.

WINNER: Claudio in 18:00. (***1/2)

(Keller’s Analysis: That was hard-hitting and a lot of fun. Man, the crowd might have reacted as well to Claudio in his debut match for AEW as anyone else, and that’s saying something.)


The crowd chanted “Holy shit!” Okada acknowledged the chant. White bailed out. Cole bailed out to the floor as well. That left Okada and Hangman, who shook hands and fist bumps. Okada clapped. They circled each other. Cole yanked Hangman to the floor as White attacked Okada mid-ring. White slammed Okada onto the edge of the ring apron. Hangman and Cole brawled up the ramp. White joined Cole. They delay-drop vertical suplexed him onto the ramp.

Cole and White beat up Okada in the ring, then went back after Hangman at ringside. White intervened when Okada made a comeback against Cole. Hangman entered and battled both heels. Hangman slingshot himself onto White on the floor, then leaped off the top rope with a crossbody for the first near fall of the match.

Okada kicked White over the barricade at ringside, then tossed Cole onto him. Okada hit the ringside steps to get the crowd riledup, dove onto both Cole and White, knocking them into chairs. He stood among admiring fans, who “assaulted” him with backslaps like Rudy Guilliani in a ShopRite.

They battled in the ring for several minutes with each getting in spots. Eventually everyone was down and slow to get up. White settled into a sleeper on Cole, but Cole elbowed free. White snap suplexed Cole onto the back of his head. He delivered the same to Okada and then Hangman. Yikes. They each started hitting big spots, leading to all four being down on their backs. Fans stood and cheered. All four stood at the same time 30 seconds later. They began hitting each other as fans yelled along with each blow.

Hangman climbed to the top rope and landed a moonsault onto both Cole and Okada. Goto grabbed Hangman’s legs. Hangman hit him and then kicked a charging White. he went for the Buckshot, but White ducked and then set up a Blade Runner. Hangman landed an immediate Dead Eye. He then hit the Buckshot Lariat. Excalibur annoying said, “We have a new champion” before the ref began counting. Okada broke up the cover. Fans chanted “Fight forever!”

Hangman and Okada stared at each other as Cole and White recovered at ringside. They began exchanged elbows to the head. Hangman avoided an Okada dropkick and then ducked a Rainmaker. Hangman took Okada down with a lariat and set up a Buckshot Lariat, but Cole pulled him down and rammed him into the ringpost. Cole set up a Panama Sunrise,m but Okada avoided it and landed an Air Raid Crash. Fans chanted “Okada!” as he slammed Cole and climbed to the top rope. Okada landed a top rope elbow to Cole’s chest. Okada signaled for the Rainmaker, but Cole ducked. He then superkicked Okada and Hangman. Cole tossed Okada into the ropes and Okada looked legit out on his feet. Cole made the cover and Okada kicked out. Taz said he didn’t like the look in Okada’s eyes.

Cole charged, but Okada hit a high dropkick. He stood and went for the Rainmaker. Cole countered with an enzuigiri and a kick to the face. Cole fended off a Hangman attempt at a Buckshot with what looked like a botched superkick and then charged again, but Okada hit a dropkick. Okada set up the Rainmaker again, but Cole ducked. White entered and gave Okada the Blade Runner. White then covered Cole for the three count. Cole didn’t get hit with the Rainmaker, so something went really wrong with that finishing sequence. Ross called it “a little bit anti-climactic.” He said Cole wasn’t prepared. Doctors tended to Cole afterward, who appeared to be legit injured. During replays, Excalibur noted that Cole walked out of the ring under his own power.

WINNER: White in 21:00 to retain the IWGP Title. (***3/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: It was a good, but not great match up until the awkward botched finishing sequence. I assume Cole wasn’t supposed to duck the last Rainmaker. Some of those suplexes onto the back of their heads could have taken a toll, as could a number of other stiff moves. The crowd absolutely loved Okada and reacted like they were witness to something special. Cole felt like the likely one to take the fall throughout.)

(9) JON MOXLEY vs. HIROYOSHI TANAHASHI – Interim AEW World Title match

A few minutes in, Mox landed a top rope underhook suplex followed by a piledriver for a two count. Fans chanted “You f—ed up!” due to a fight in the crowd and cops dragging a fan away. After a few more minutes of methodical back-and-forth action, Mox slammed Tanahashi through a table at ringside. Tanahashi was slow to get up. The ref got to nine before Tanahashi rolled into the ring. Mox expressed disappointment. Mox applied a cross armbreaker mid-ring.

Tananashi twisted free and stomped on Mox’s face as he held his arms. Tanahashi ducked a Mox clothesline and landed a slingblade. Mox rolled to the floor. He came up bleeding from the forehead. Announcers wondered if it was the slingblade or the stomps. Tanashashi leaped off the top rope with a bodypress, although he looked unsteady up there before leaping.

Mox landed a quick Paradigm Shift for a near fall. Then he landed 12-6 elbows. Tanahashi came back with a headbutt and a knee. Mox went down hard. Tanahashi played to the crowd and got a respectful pop. He then landed a top rope crossbody followed by a top rope splash. He rolled off Mox, then back on. Mox kicked out and then applied his Bulldog Choke. Tanahashi held on, escaped, and landed a jackknife cover for a near fall.†

They exchanged slaps to the head. Mox dropped Tanahashi with a lariat. Tanahashi kicked out at one. Mox dropped a barrage of elbows and then applied a sleeper. Tanahashi faded, but then raised his arm. Fans chanted, “Go Ace!” Tanahashi stood, but Mox held on. Mox shifted into a Death Rider for the win. Ross called it one of the most epic battles for an AEW championship in company history.

WINNER: Moxley in 18:00 to become Interim AEW World Champion. (***1/2)

(Keller’s Analysis: A reasonably satisfying main event for the show.)

-Excalibur said there is a collision between Mox and C.M. Punk somewhere in the future. Mox’s face was covered in blood as he leaned in the corner with the belt as “Wild Thing” played. The announcers began hyping “Blood & Guts” on Dynamite on Wednesday night. Mox then stood and offered a fist bump to Tanahashi. Hehad some words of respect. Danny Garcia and Chris Jericho ran out and attacked Tanahashi and Moxley. Kingston ran out for the save. Wheeler Yuta, Santana, and Ortiz ran out too. Excalibur called it “a sneak preview of Blood & Guts.” Jake Hager, Matt Mendard, Angelo Parker, and Guevara joined in the fight. Claudio then ran out and beat up all the heels with a barrage of uppercuts. He gave Parker the Claudio Swing with around 20 revolutions. The Jericho crew gathered at ringside and yelled up at Claudio and Co. William Regal joined them, too.

CATCH-UP: VIDEO: Shooting the breeze w/ Zack Heydorn – Forbidden Door 2022


1 Comment on 6/26 AEW FORBIDDEN DOOR PPV RESULTS: Keller’s detailed report on Moxley vs. Tanahashi, White vs. Cole vs. Hangman vs. Okada, Rosa vs. Storm, Ospreay vs. Cassidy

  1. Hmm.. as I expected I didn’t know almost all of these guys. Some interesting stuff, mostly power rangers gymnastics to me.

    So biggest pop ever is for ANOTHER of Vince’s mid carders. Champ is one of Vince’s mid carders. Women’s match is with NXT-UK low carder… I’m seeing a pattern here, Tony promote yer own dammed people… if Vince dumped them there likely was a reason. And Run away from Sasha, you don’t need she who must be injured.

    I watch because it’s there. No Britt but I got some Jericho and Cesaro is back so o.k. I’d give the card 2.5 …. out of 10. Promote and use your own people Tony and for gawds sake FIRE whomever is doing intros and the Tony-tron… wow was that a mess. usually AEW is reasonable at the entrances.

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