4/25 WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on return of Becky Lynch, Belair vs. Deville, Randy Orton Appreciation Night

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Full analysis and results of this week's episode of WWE Raw


APRIL 25. 2022

Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves


-Jimmy Smith introduced the show as emanating from the University of Tennessee. They showed a wide shot of the crowd. They showed the ring surrounded by the Raw roster, Seth Rollins at ringside in a desk chair with his feet kicked up, and Riddle standing mid-ring. Byron Saxton talked about Orton’s years of service to the industry.

(Keller’s Analysis: When you think of the heinous acts Orton has conducted, this is rather ludicrous in any other situation. It’s one thing to move on from Orton’s past and imply he’s changed so he’s okay to cheer now, but to pay tribute to his past overtly feels rather crass within this narrative structure, as opposed to a Hall of Fame setting that is separate from this world.)

Riddle threw to a video package on Orton’s history in WWE which included his first TV match, his time in Legacy and Evolution, images of his dad and grandfather, becoming the youngest World Title holder, establishing the Legend Keller gimmick, the rise of the RKO as an iconic finisher, and finally the RK-Bro era. More highlights aired with Orton saying RK-Bro has reinvigorated his love for pro wrestling and the fans see that.

Back live, five minutes into the show now, fans were chanting “Randy! Randy!” Riddle said it’s time to stand and clap for his best friend, Orton. Graves said Orton hasn’t just been part of WWE for 20 years, but he has been an integral part of the company that whole time. Graves said Orton has had “14 trips to the top of the mountain” and he looks like he has 14 more in him. Riddle was all smiles as Orton soaked up cheers and chants.

Orton said he was born in Knoxville, Tenn. He said it’s pretty cool they’re there tonight. He said he hopes fans aren’t getting sick of him because he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He said the 20 years flew by in a flash. He said he’s had a lot of badass matches with top level wrestlers such as John Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Mick Foley. He stopped to emphasize what Foley meant to his career. He threw in Ric Flair’s name, too. He said what’s different these days is that he’s having more fun now than at any time in his career. He asked Riddle for a hug. Riddle hugged him. Fans chanted “R-K-Bro!” He said they’ve had their ups and downs and twists and turns. “But you have always come right back and supported me, and if it wasn’t for y’all, there’d be no Legend Killer, Apex Predator, or Viper, so I love each and every one of you as well.”

Riddle said he had a surprise for him. He said this man said he was a mentor to him. He said he’s a second generation Superstar and looks up to him as a locker room leader. Riddle then introduced Cody Rhodes. Rhodes made his full ring entrance, walking through the pyro and fog and wearing a suit. Orton smiled as he watched Cody make his way to the ring. (Fans were mostly standing, but not clapping or cheering as he came out.) Cody entered the ring and hugged Orton. Seth interrupted and said, “Awwwww, isn’t this cute.”

Seth, wearing a Celtics-green suit, told Orton not to trust Cody. He said he’ll try to steal his spot. Seth told Cody, “Not everything is about you.” He said it’s about Orton. Cody applauded. Riddle cheered. Seth said his career is “20 years in the past.” He said his best years are behind him. He said he’s not the present or the future of WWE. “And neither are you!” he said, pointing at Cody. He said the next generation of WWE Superstars won’t be inspired by a Nightmare or a Viper, but rather a Revolutionary and Visionary like him. Ezekiel interrupted.

Ezekiel said as a newer Superstar, this seemed like a great time to say congratulations and to introduce himself. He introduced himself to Orton as Elias’s younger brother. Kevin Owens walked out and called Ezekiel a liar. He said he talks and sounds like Elias “because that’s Elias!” He asked Orton if he’s going to let him lie to him like that on a night like this. He said he’s going to figure out how he passed the lie detector test last week. The Usos music then interrupted.

Jimmy said it’s been 20 years that the Viper has been doing his thing. Jey said they were 15 years old watching him. Jimmy asked Jey what his favorite Orton moment is. The Usos entered the ring. Tensions grew. Jey said their favorite Orton moment is beating them to unify the tag team titles at Backlash next month. Boos rang out.

Adam Pearce walked out and said before they tarnish this ceremony, they will all be in the biggest match he could make on Raw. He said in commemoration of Orton’s 20th anniversary, he would book Seth, Owens, and the Usos against Cody, Ezekiel, and RK-Bro. The eight wrestlers argued. Owens punched Ezekiel. Orton gave him an RKO. The heels backed off as Orton’s music played.

-They cut to Glen Jacobs chatting with Bianca Belair backstage.

(Keller’s Analysis: I hope Jacobs is explaining his moronic political views to Belair and she’s just smiling and humoring him.) [c]

(1) BIANCA BELAIR vs. SONYA DEVILLE – Raw Title match

As Belair made her ring entrance, they aired a clip of the contract signing. Then formal ring introductions took place. Graves complained that Sonya has to deal with Belair’s hometown crowd. Belair applied a headlock at the start, then shoulder checked Sonya. Sonya bailed out to ringside and yanked Belair to the floor. Belair reverse-threw Sonya into the announce desk. The ref counted her out. Fans weren’t sure how to react. Sonya interrupted Mike Rome declaring Belair the winner. Sonya said there was water spilled at ringside, so they’re restarting the match with no countout rules. Graves complained to Saxton about spilling his water.

Belair went after Sonya at ringside. Sonya drove Belair back-first into the ring apron to take control. Belair yanked Sonya over the ringside barricade into the time-keeper’s area. Sonya surprised Belair with a jab with a chair. The ref DQ’d her. She interrupted Rome again and said Belair cheated first by using her hair, calling it a foreign object, so she just evened the playing field. She said the match will restart as a no DQ, no countout match. Saxton complained about the goalposts being moved. Graves called it a brilliant strategy. Sonya called Zelina and Carmella to ringside. They cut to a break at 3:00. [c]

Back from the break, Carmella was in the ring beating on Belair. When Belair took over against Sonya, Zelina ran in and helped Sonya take over. Sonya DDT’d Belair on a chair for a near fall. When Sonya wedged a chair in the corner, Belair reversed her into it. She fended off Carmella and then finished Sonya with a K.O.D.

WINNER: Belair in 9:00 to retain the Raw Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: I suppose Sonya changing the rules as she went was the logical way this match would play out, but it felt like a letdown to make the match so gimmicky and treat Sonya as a joke of a challenger. So now what?)

-They cut backstage to Edge and Damian Priest hanging out backstage. [c]

-They replayed the finish of the Belair-Sonya match.

-Backstage, Zelina and Carmella were arguing. Sonya said they let her down, so they don’t get a title opportunity. As Zelina complained, Deville slapped her. Sonya then blocked Carmella slapping her. Sonya reminded her that she’s still her boss. Sonya then slapped Carmella and she fell backwards.

-A clip aired of A.J. Styles last Monday accepting Edge’s challenge, but then encountering flickering blue lights followed by Edge and Priest attacking him.

-They went to Edge sitting in a throne and Priest standing next to him. Edge said they kick people down as they try to climb the mountain they sit atop. He took some digs at the Tennessee Volunteers and the current mayor of Knox County. He mocked fans who are asking him with a Southern accent why he’s wearing suits and using big words now. He said they’re better than their favorites. He asked where Styles was this week. He said he’ll likely use the jury duty excuse, but he’s probably at home nursing his injured shoulder. He said he doesn’t think Styles can hit his Phenomenal Forearm with one arm. He said he should just stay at home and hug his kids tight with his one good arm. Then Priest said Finn Balor’s judgment day has arrived. He then laughed like a cartoon villain. Edge joined in.

-Veer Mahaan made his ring entrance, where he’d dutifully stand patiently in the ring like an absolutely crazed madman while the commercials and video packages aired for five minutes. [c]


Veer went on the attack right away and finished him with his Cervical Clutch finisher.

WINNER: Veer in under 1:00.

-Veer whipped Smothers into the ringpost afterward, then applied the Cervical Clutch again. Then he slammed him on the announce desk. He stood over him on the announce desk and applied the Cervical Clutch again. Smith said it’ll take more than two referees to stop him. Veer just let go and they backstage at that moment.

-Sarah Schreiber interviewed Bobby Lashley backstage. He said he knows he’s stronger than Omos, but he doesn’t trust MVP not to get involved.

-Omos made his ring entrance, accompanied by MVP.[c]

-They showed graphics of Drew McIntyre, Triple H, and John Cena paying tribute to Orton on Twitter.

-The announcers hyped the main event eight-man tag team match.

OMOS (w/MVP) vs. BOBBY LASHLEY – Arm Wrestling Challenge

MVP stood in the ring and took digs at the fans for being simpletons. He complained about Lashley and then vowed that Omos would crush him in the arm wrestling competition and rip his hand off his arm. Lashley’s ring entrance then took place.


After less than a minute of a stalemate, Lashley slammed Omos’s arm down to win. MVP distracted Lashley and then Omos attacked him. (What a shocking turn of events!) He bashed his arm with the table. MV Pstood over him and said, “And there is your All Mighty.”

-They aired clips of the double commitment ceremony last week. Saxton lamented the tragic breakdown of such a beautiful ceremony.

-R-Truth made his ring entrance wearing a referee shirt. [c]

-A clip aired from earlier in the day of R-Truth interrupting the bickering couples. He said he’s a licensed marriage therapist. He said they have 99 problems, but love ain’t one of them. They all argued again. Truth told them to zip it. He suggested a mixed tag match. He said the 24/7 Title rules are suspended for the duration of the match. He revealed a certificate showing he is a certified referee. Graves said you can get certified online in about nine minutes.


Reggie and Tozawa started. A few seconds in, Dana and Tamina tagged in. Tamina and Dana seemed to get briefly smitten with each other. A jealous Tozawa tagged in. Seconds later, Tozawa climbed to the top rope, yelled to Tamina that he loves her, and then landed a top rope senton for the win. Tozawa leaped into Tamina’s arms and kissed her.

WINNERS: Tozawa & Tamina in under 2:00.

-Tamina tossed Dana down. Truth then rolled up Dana and counted to two before Dana kicked out. Dana escaped to ringside and yelled up at Truth, “I trusted you!” Truth said it was part of marriage therapy.

-A video package aired on what happened last week with Cody, Seth, and Owens.

-Becky Lynch began her ring entrance. She looked a little like David Bowie circa 1977. Graves said she has a lot on her mind and they hope to get answers after the break. [c]

-Becky stood in the ring as boos rang out. She took off her sunglasses and looked sad. She said it’s been three years since she walked out onto Raw without her championship. She said she didn’t want to show her face on Raw because she doesn’t know who she is without that title. She said she’s grown so accustomed to looking in the mirror and seeing a champion, now she doesn’t recognize herself. She said she has hit rock bottom and that’s all she has to say. (I might recommend going to a casino.) She said that means there is nowhere else to go but up. She got a crazed tone as she said this is just the beginning of a Becky Lynch comeback. She said she’ll do a comeback better than anyone else. She said she is like an arrow that is being pulled back. She told the crowd they can be inspired by her rise when she overcomes their hometown girl Belair to become champion again, and then she’ll be the champion forever. She was then interrupted by Asuka’s music. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” shouted Graves.

Asuka made her same style ring entrance, then uttered the same guttural declarations on the mic in Japanese. “I will stop you!” she said. “Because no one is ready for Asuka!” She danced goofy and then flicked Becky’s nose. Becky took a swing at her. Asuka avoided it and went for a swinging backfist. Becky bailed out to the floor. Asuka’s music played.

(Keller’s Analysis: WWE needed something substantial to divert Becky from seemingly like the only option for her was renewing her pursuit of Belair’s Raw Title, and Asuka feels like a big enough deal given how long she’s been gone and how prominent her push has been at different times.)

-Clips aired of the Street Profits vs. RK-Bro match last week.

-Backstage, Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford were back to their usual promo style as Dawkins made that noise. They hyped the eight-man tag match.

-Balor made his ring entrance. [c]


They cut to a break less than two minutes into the match after Priest threw Balor onto the edge of the ring apron. [c]

Balor took over after the break. Balor looked over at Edge on the stage as he climbed to the top rope. Priest recovered and gave Balor a South of Heaven sitout chokeslam for the win. Priest was greeted by a satisfied Edge on the stage.

WINNER: Balor in 7:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: So we’re supposed to feel better about Balor losing because he didn’t have the discipline to focus on the match and instead looked over at Edge who was 100 feet away from him on the stage compared to if he just fought his heart out while staying focused but lost? That match was a letdown overall.)

-Miz made his ring entrance for a Miz TV episode with Theory. [c]

-Miz TV: Miz stood mid-ring as his music faded after the break. Miz introduced Theory. Graves said Theory is a star and “perhaps the future of this place.” Graves said the selfie of Theory and Mr. McMahon is why Elon Musk bought Twitter. Miz put his arm around Theory and said, “I have to admit, it is kinda like looking in a mirror.” Miz said when he was young, he had to earn a “The with a capital T.” Theory said his name isn’t The Theory, it’s just Theory, according to Mr. McMahon. Miz said it’s been 12 years since someone brought credibility to the U.S. Title. Theory said Miz was U.S. Champ 12 years ago. Miz said, “Corrrrrr-ect!” Theory said it feels like he’s on another level being U.S. Champion. He said he grew up being inspired by Miz. He said he is making Mr. McMahon proud and will take the U.S. Title to new heights. He said he is the youngest U.S. Champion in history and will be remember as “thee United States Champion.” He said he can do this all day.

Miz offered him advice. He said when he becomes champion, everyone around him becomes jealous. He said nothing infuriates people more than when handsome young trendsetters like them succeed at every turn. He said everyone in the locker room is a parasite. He said they handed out U.S. Championships like they were coat checks at Coachella. He said no one should be allowed to just demand a title match from him; they have to earn it. They were interrupted by Mustafa Ali.


Ali marched out. Smith called it another surprise return to Raw. Saxton said they haven’t seen him in months. “Sometimes the only way to force change is to change yourself,” said Graves. Ali soaked up some cheers when the music stopped. Miz asked, “You still work here?” Theory asked, “Aren’t you the guy who took his ball and went home.” Miz said he’s Mustafa’s younger brother. Ali said that joke wasn’t funny. He said if he wants to laugh, all he has to do is watch Miz wrestle. He said he is back on Monday Night Raw and he was talking to Pearce. He said when he heard the new U.S. Champion would be in the ring he wanted to know if he was holding an open challenge. He said he hopes he’s the one to answer it. Fans began a “Yes!” chant. He challenged Theory to a match tonight. Theory said he would think about it, but then said, “No!” Ali asked Theory if he’s all biceps and no balls. He asked what he’s scared of. He said he’s running away like his name is The Miz. Theory defended Miz as a trailblazer and first ballot Hall of Famer.

Miz said Ali is using his name to get himself notoriety. He said he doesn’t have a magic wand where he can make a match. Theory said he just texted Mr. McMahon and he got him a match against Ali. Miz wasn’t happy, but wouldn’t admit it. Miz thanked Theory and said he appreciated it. Miz then told Ali when he is done with him, he will make him wish he got his walking papers. Ali slapped Miz, then left the ring. Ali’s music played. Saxton said Theory did something good with his cell phone for once. [c]

-They showed Kane chatting with Orton backstage.

-The announcers hyped the eight-man tag team main event.


Graves said he was curious what kind of ring shape Ali is in. Graves couldn’t fathom why anyone wouldn’t be jealous of Miz. They fought back and forth early. When Miz took over, Graves said it was because Miz was disrespected and he doesn’t take kindly to that. Miz controlled most of the offense and set up a figure-four. Ali countered into a roll-up for the three count. As Miz freaked out, Graves said Miz didn’t have enough time stretch his hamstring.

WINNER: Ali in 7:00.

-As Ali celebrated, Tommaso Ciampa attacked Ali on the stage.

(Keller’s Analysis: It’d be great to see Ali get a legitimate push, and being in the mix with Miz and getting a win – even if it was just a roll-up – is encouraging. The attack by Ciampa is intriguing and can lead to standout matches between them which could elevate both of them.) [c]

-A clip aired of Rhea Ripley giving Liv Morgan a Rip Tide last week on Raw.

-Schreiber interviewed Ripley. She asked her why she viciously attacked her former tag partner. Ripley said she has finally opened her eyes. She said she became the Raw Champion on her own when she first arrived in WWE, but since then she was tossed into the tag division, paired with a tag partner who bring her down to their level and made her weak. She said she is done associating with disappointment. Morgan attacked her. They were pulled apart.

-They went to Smith, Saxton, and Graves at ringside briefly.

-Backstage, Owens told Chad Gable he’s not going to pay him until he gets the results he wants. Seth barged in. Gable “shooosh’d” him. He said this is an “A+ and B conversation, so why don’t you see your way out.” Owens didn’t like being called a B. He told him he’s not paying him. Seth waved bye-bye. KO yelled at Seth for insulting him after he was fighting his heart out. Seth said he was wrapped up in the moment. Owens said he wants to give him a lie detector test because he’s better friends with Seth than Seth is with him. The Usos walked in and said they need to win tonight, and they need them not to lose it for them. Jimmy said they better be on the same damn page. Jey said they don’t want to get on the Tribal Chief’s bad side. Seth cackled and told KO it is their show. Owens pushed past Seth. Seth said he’d do it on his own then.

-Cody’s ring entrance took place.

-A Smackdown commercial hyped that the Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn cage match would kick off the show. [c]

-Clips aired from earlier of the Lashley-Omos arm wrestling contest and the angle afterward.

-Backstage, Kevin Patrick approached Omos and MVP and asked about the attack. MVP said, “With absolutely zero due respect,” the arm wrestling challenge wasn’t about brawn, it was about brains. He said Lashley isn’t the All Mighty without him. He said Omos has officially challenged Lashley to a match at Backlash. Omos said when he’s done with him, there won’t be much left of the All Mighty. MVP adjusted Patrick’s tie and patted his cheek.


Graves claimed he bumped into Elias at an airport on his way home from his honeymoon and he is doing well. He said he even had his guitar with him. Ring entrances took place. [c]

Back and forth action early with rapid-fire tags. Ezekiel eventually gave Seth a spinebuster for a two count. He’s even got arm tassels and pressed Seth above his head, seemingly channeling the Ultimate Warrior. Riddle tagged in. Seth gave Riddle an inverted top rope suplex. They cut to a break with both men down [c]

The heels isolated Riddle after the break. Orton got a big tag and rallied. He signaled for an RKO on Jey, but Seth jumped him from behind. Cody then hit a Disaster Kick. Everyone took turns hitting big moves in rapid-fire sequence. Riddle and Orton gave Jimmy an assisted RKO. Jey leaped off the top rope at Orton, but Orton turned it into an RKO for the win.

WINNERS: Orton & Riddle & Cody & Ezekiel in 15:00.


4 Comments on 4/25 WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on return of Becky Lynch, Belair vs. Deville, Randy Orton Appreciation Night

  1. What about Kane’s views are moronic? Please go on record in a public record on a website that fewer and fewer people are hitting because of….wait for it….your moronic views. I bet you’re mad about Twitter too. Stereotype hahaha. Sorry dude. It was cute for a while but that whole movement is over.

  2. “I hope Jacobs is explaining his moronic political views to Belair and she’s just smiling and humoring him” – THANK YOU for this!
    Meanwhile, it seems to me that we are moving towards a….well what do you call it? Two married couples that um…commingle? That really would be a lot for the PG-13 crowd! I also agree that Sonya is being defined way down as a competitor by having to pull all that dumb stuff. I guess Ciampa will be a heel?

  3. Don’t think you should be talking about Kane’s “moronic political views” if you don’t want to open the door to readers commenting on your own. You don’t seem to be to crazy about that; maybe you should leave Glen Jacobs’ political views off-topic, unless you want to open that Pandora’s box.

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