ALL ELITE WRESTLING DYNAMITE PREVIEW 3/23: Sting, Darby, and the Hardys vs. Butcher & Blade and Private Party in Tornado Tag, MJF Speaks, Jericho & Garcia vs. Silver & Reynolds, Danielson & Moxley vs. Blondes


AEW Dynamite analysis


MARCH 23, 2022
AIRS ON TBS NETWORK, 8:00 p.m. EST, 7:00 p.m. CST

AEW Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

Match Results and Key Segments from Last Week

  • Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O’Reilly defeated AEW Tag Team Champions Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) and AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page.
  • Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley (w/William Regal) defeated Wheeler Yuta and Chuck Taylor.
  • The Jericho Appreciation Society made their commencement address.
  • Scorpio Sky defeated Wardlow due to outside interference from MJF to retain the TNT Championship.
  • The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) defeated Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen).
  • Thunder Rosa defeated Dr. Britt Baker to win the AEW Women’s Championship.


AEW remains in the lone star state tonight and arrives at the HEB Center in Cedar Park, TX., which is located near Austin. The building opened in 2009 as the Cedar Park Center and held Dynamite in February of 2020, right before the COVID-19 pandemic started, as well as the 2021 edition of Fyter Fest.

AEW has advertised four matches, a talking segment, and a return:

Tornado Match: Sting, Darby Allin, and the Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) vs. Private Party and Butcher & Blade

This past Friday on Rampage, Darby Allin (w/Sting) defeated the Butcher via count out. After the match, Private Party and the Blade attacked Sting and Darby until the Hardy Boyz made the save. As Private Party, Butcher & Blade, and Andrade “El Idolo” were leaving, Matt challenged Private Party and Butcher & Blade to a Tornado Tag match for Dynamite.

Last week after the Hardy Boyz defeated Private Party, Andrade and Butcher & Blade came out immediately followed by Sting & Darby to even up the odds. This has been an ongoing thing between all parties since Matt was voted out of the AHFO on the night his brother Jeff debuted on AEW.

Frank’s Analysis: The problem here is we just saw a six-man tornado tag at Revolution, ironically involving most of the parties here. I suppose the audience won’t care if the match is good, but I guess I’m old school in that I like my gimmick matches a little more spread out. Anyway, I’m sure it will be a lot of fun. Besides, this as a straight-up eight-man tag may be otherwise boring.

MJF Speaks

MJF will speak tonight after costing Wardlow the TNT Championship last week in his match against Scorpio Sky. He shoved him into the ring post to ultimately cost him the match and hit him with the Dynamite Diamond Ring after nearly getting a powerbomb. MJF had help from Austin Vanderford (of Dan Lambert’s America’s Top Team) and Shawn Spears.

After long being “under contract” to MJF betrayed him at Revolution when he gave CM Punk the Dynamite Diamon Ring to use to hit MJF in their Dog Collar match. Wardlow won the Face of the Revolution ladder match that night to earn a TNT Championship match.

You have to love MJF’s tweet. If you know, you know!

Frank’s Analysis: You never know how these talking segments are going to turn out. I’m more curious where they are going with MJF and Wardlow. Are they building to a match at Double or Nothing, which is two months away? It took a while to get to a CM Punk vs. MJF match, so they can do it, but is that worth building over two months? I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Wardlow finally turned, but something is off. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’ll give it time.

CM Punk Returns

Speaking of CM Punk, AEW announced that he will return for the first time since defeating MJF in a Dog Collar Match at Revolution:

Punk has indicated before and after Revolution his intentions to pursue the AEW Championship. We’ll see if that journey begins tonight.

Frank’s Analysis: Do they line up Punk as the next challenger to “Hangman” Adam Page? It’s possible, and if face vs. face doesn’t bother you (it doesn’t bother me), then it works. We’ll see. I don’t want to speculate too much. It’s interesting that they’ve advertised MJF speaking and CM Punk returning. The feud has to be over between them, doesn’t it?

Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia vs. John Silver and Alex Reynolds

AEW is going all in on Chris Jericho proclaiming he is a “sports entertainer” last week:

He said as such during the Jericho Appreciation Society commencement address last week, where he said AEW have a roster full of “pro wrestlers,” who never become legendary or a millionaire. Daniel Garcia, standing alongside Jericho, declared himself a sports entertainer as well. Tonight, they pair up for the first time to take on John Silver and Alex Reynolds of the Dark Order.

Jake Hager and 2point0 (“Dandy Magic” Matt Menard and “Cool Hand Ang” Angelo Parker, the former Matt Lee and Jeff Parker) are the other members of the group. Hager had long been a member of the now-disbanded Inner Circle. 2point0 and Garcia were feuding with Eddie Kingston and Inner Circle, mostly Santana & Ortiz and had issues with Jericho. Silver and Reynolds sure had some confidence on Twitter:

Frank’s Analysis: I get why people like the “heat” Jericho is getting for calling himself a sports entertainer, and I see why people think this could work. For me, AEW can’t help themselves but call attention to WWE. Let’s not BS each other, that’s what they’re doing here. Why can’t we just tell simple stories that make sense, put wrestlers on a journey to an ultimate payoff without calling attention to the other company?

Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley vs. Varsity Blondes (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr.)

The newly formed team of Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley will have another outing tonight as they take on the Varsity Blondes. AEW announced as such on Twitter:

The Blondes will be accompanied by Julia Hart, who was misted by Malakai Black, which led to a feud with him and eventually his House of Black partner Brody King. Black and King defeated the Blondes on the January 19 edition of Dynamite.

After Danielson & Moxley defeated Wheeler Yuta & Chuck Taylor last week, Yuta was slapped by William Regal and got right back in his face to the delight of Regal. Garrison sure had something to say on Twitter. Pillman has a picture of he and fellow Cincinnati native Moxley pinned to the top of his Twitter:

Frank’s Analysis: There’s not much to expect other than a straight-forward win for Danielson & Moxley. I’m curious if Regal tries to recruit one of the Blondes. I don’t have a lot of hope for both guys but being affiliated with Danielson & Moxley could possibly elevate one of them.

“Legit” Leyla Hirsch vs. Red Velvet; Kris Statlander Banned from Ringside

Red Velvet defeated Leyla Hirsch this past Friday on Rampage. She had a little help with Kris Statlander coming to ringside and stopping Hirsch from hitting Velvet with a wrench. Velvet won the match after hitting a corkscrew kick.

Hirsch recently betrayed Statlander, which led to a match at Revolution won by Hirsch. She defeated Velvet back on the January 26 (Beach Break) edition of Dynamite.

Frank’s Analysis: I was surprised to see Velvet win on Friday. I had an idea that they might be building up Hirsch to be a challenger to Thunder Rosa, but that may be further down the line. It’s not a big deal.

Follow Frank on Twitter @FrankPeteani. Thank you for reading!


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